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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 19 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 75 - 2 Jun 1789

Rems Tuesdy. June 2d. 1789 1 [pm] Strong Gales & Squally some slight Showers. — 3 [pm] Boat floated but too Windy to proceed I therefore determined to stay untill Morning & give the People rest by a good fire on shore. — Boiled some clams for to morrow dinner & by issuing a little wine I have saved & bread Mr. Nelson got restored & also the Carpenter who suffered great agony as several have done by the a a severe Tenesmuss. — 1 [am] A Party went to look for Turtle & another to catch Birds of the latter only 12 were caught. Noddies & are innumerable 5 [am] Sick People better got in the Boat & Sailed – 7 [am] Much Sea as an opening in ye- Reef. — soon after came upon Extensive reef pass'd a sandy Spot Ild An Isld N½E 3 leags. Two anothers Westly 4 Miles & northt. land insight NWbN 6 leags. – Clear water in shore, [?] the other water. a Sandy [?] East 3 ms. and is abt. 4 leags. W 5 from ye- Main At Noon an Isld. NE 2 ms. a sandy spit E 3 miles an Isld. over it EbN½N 6 miles Cape York WbS 3 leags So.most Land S½E Northt. Land NW½N 6 leags. & a sandy Isld. West 4 Miles — Main Sandy Hills. —
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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