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Fateful Voyage

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Revised 2010-03-13

Bligh Notebook
P. 73 - 1 Jun 1789 Remarks 2

of what we have had for I could not pre- vent them. for my own part I am thank God very well & much recruited in strength. — ✓ no sign of any Quadruped ✓ Picked up a full grown cocoanutt ✓ shell & saw part of a wigwam–and two ✓ Backs of Turtle. — ✓ Picked up 3 Birds Eggs 2 were had young ones & other good. — All the Rocks are a light kind of stone & in some places very sharp & bad walk- ing on them. ✓ Dined on ½ our days allowance of Bread oysters & Clams we brought from the other Sunday Isld. & thickened with the Dollacus. — Some would not eat the Pease, but others & myself did. I think they are good – Some dryed ones were found & eat by those who were Ill, they were hard & flinty.— ✓ Mr. Nelson found a burning in his Bowels, loss of sight & great drought but no feaver, Incapacity to walk. — Party got only a few Clams at East Key Birds innumerable of the Niddy Kind —
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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