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Fateful Voyage

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Revised 2010-03-13

Bligh Notebook
P. 72 - 1 Jun 1789 Remarks 1

Rems. ✓ High water 3h¼ flows 5 feet–Flood from the southd. as near as I could observe it. — At 1 I went to the Top of the Isld. saw two ✓ Keys in the NWbN but no continent farther than I saw before. — ✓ At 2 Dined sumptuously & at 3 I sailed for the Keys in the NWbN expecting to get some Turtle.— We are all recruited by our shellfish dinners. – Found a kind of Pea that grows on the ground on vines species of the Dollacus. — These oysters grow on the Rocks & are blackish & resemble the Mangrove Oyster. They are very difficult to open or get off the Rocks reason could get no more This Isld. is mostly surrounded by Rocks. In ✓ some places Sandy Bay - Fish in the Lagoon– The one we are on is the westn. Key of three that form the Lagoon. – a nother Rocky Key lies to the SW & a small Sandy one near it – Toa Tree the leaf of wch. is like a Fir is here & many other Tropical Bushes The Fine oysters we met with at last Isld are none here. — People who are sick attribute their illness to eating of the Dollacus, but I believe it is owing to their Berries & to voraciously
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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