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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 40 - 20 May 1789

[Wednesday] 20 May 1 [pm] Modt. & Rainy Wr. which distresses us exceedly. 4 [pm] Deluge of Rain 6 [pm] DoWr. We now dread the Night being so cold & wet. Served Bread 9 [pm] Frequent Squalls of heavy Rain. — 5 [am] DoWr. Cold & Wet served a teaspoonfull of Rum 8 [am] Bread & Water for Break. Boobies, Man of War Birds & Kind of Gulls. 12 [noon] Fair Wr. Empld. drying our wet Cloaths. Served Bread & water for Dinner Lat obsd. 14°··49′ S
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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