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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 9 - 3-4 May 1789

Sunday cntd. and after supplication from People at 8 at Night bore away for Timor after prayers, agreeing to live on a Gill of Water & morsel of Bread our stock of Provisions about 150 lbs Bread 28 galls. water 20 lbs Pork 3 Bottles of Wine & 5 Quts Rum The difference from our st quantity being owing to loss — a few Coconutts & some Breadfruit were in the Boat but the latter useless. — at day light divided into 2 watches & set a reefed Lug foresail – at 8 AM it blew a severe storm & were in very eminent danger – always bailing & in a horrible situation served a teaspoonful of Rum to each Person for we were very wet & Cold. At Noon latd. 19°·27′ S 183·52 E Monday 4 May DoWr. & distresses great & in the greatest danger of foundering served a teaspoon full of Rum
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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