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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 8 - 2-3 May 1789

Saturday 2 May 1789 Stormy Wr. Wind ESE – Natives came about us endeavored to Cocoa Nuts & Plantains — Could get no water but 5 pints first with 3 gallons afterwards – Natives became hostile — at Noon served a Cocoa Nut & Bread pint to each Person for dinner which we eat under great apprehension of the Natives – Copied in my Jourl. Monday 3 May Harsh gales ESE to NE The Natives in great numbers prepared to attack us– I ordered all the People & what we had into the Boat– When in, I followed & The Natives began their attack killed poor Norton – followed us in Cannoes – Maimed us Very much — rowed out to Sea–
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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