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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Mar 22, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Sunday 22nd March 1789

Light Winds and cloudy Wr. with some bright intervals in the morning and clear in the Night. Much Sea in Matavai and Swell upon these Reefs. Thermr. 80° and 83° and Wind NWly and ENE.

Cleaned ship and sent Liberty Men on Shore. This is the last day of the sun and moon being in distance and altho I attended closely, I could make no other observations but for the Rate of my Time Keeper. I am induced to particularize this, because it is realy incredible that in a Tropical Climate for five months, I should not have been able to make above 50 different sets of Lunar Observations, but such has been the weather, that it is an absolute fact.

Tynah brought me to day a patient for the Surgeon & requested his assistance. The disease was no other than a pain at the pit of the Stomach, but it is remarkable that numerous people with the same complaint have come to me for the Surgeons assistance during these last three months. It is therefore perhaps common at this time of the year.

Sufficient supplies and Natives about us as usual. Sick List one man with a Sore Arm.