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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Feb 21, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour. Saturday 21st. February 1789

Fair Wr. with some Showers Moderate Breezes and Calms. Wind WSW, Et and ENE. Thermr. 80¾° and 83¾°.

Employed Caulking, Sawing Plank, Making Hay, at the Forge and about the Rigging. In the morning cleaned ship, washed all parts with boiling Water and Smoaked with Tobacco to Kill Vermin. Cooper repairing Casks.

This morning Tynah and Iddeeah returned. I found they had been to visit their different Cheifs on business of political nature.

We have supplies as much as we are in need of, and might have considerably more if we stood in want of it, but as I can get any thing I want in the course of an hour, it is with little trouble we get what is necessary.