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Revised 2010-05-05

Bounty Logbook Feb 20, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour. Friday 20th. February 1789

Open Cloudy Wr. with moderate Breezes and some Calms. Wind ENE and WSW. Thermr. 80° and 83°.

Employed Caulking, repairing Casks and about the Rigging. Two Hands sawing Plank. Armourer at the Forge. Supplies as usual. Venereal List six men. One with a Cold.

This day nothing new has happened. My time has been taken up in making some Lunar Observations and Surveying the Harbour.

The principal People have taken notice of our beginning to fit out, and it seems to have affected them like a set of affectionate and sincere Friends, and they have hitherto fully deserved that Epithet from us.