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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 27 2021

Bounty Logbook Dec 3-6, 1787


Week DaysMo DayWindsRems at Spithead Wind bound
Dec. 1787
The Weather continued the same for most part of this day, but turned more Moderate towards the latter part. At 2 P.M. came to Anchor and Moored in 5 fms. the Kicker NNW½N and South Sea Castle EBS. I waited on Rear Admiral Sir Francis Samuel Drake and presented to him a Journal of my proceedings, and from thence took the Time Keeper to Mr. Bayley's at the Observatory to get its rate more Accurately determined. In the Morning I gave the Necessary Orders to complete up our Victualling and to be ready for the first favorable Wind.
Tuesday4WBSModerate Weather our principal employment to day was Cleaning and drying Ship, getting on board some Water and a Spare Topsail Yard having carried away One in going out.
The first and latter parts of these 24 Hours was Variable Winds and Moderate Weather, but all Night it blew very hard in Squalls with Rain which obliged us to Strike Yards & Top Gallt Masts. The Morning allowed us to complete up our provisions.
Variable Weather and Winds with Calms which ended with the Wind from the Northward I therefore Ordered the Yards & Top Gallt Masts to be got up and Unmoored Ship by Noon, Having taken leave of the Admiral & got the Time Keeper on board.
The Time Keeper was found on the 3d at Noon to be 1′43″.2 too fast for Mean Time at Greenwich, and on the 6th at Noon 1′44″.7 too fast whence its Rate was determined to 0".5 gaing pr. 24 Hours.