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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 52
Peter Heywood to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 52. Mr. P. Heywood to Mrs. Heywood


Hector – 9th. Aug't. – 1792

My dearest Mother.

I have just received yours of the 31st. & Yesterday the Parcel for the Contents of which accept my best Thanks. — I hear the Fleet is now on its Passage from Torbay so that the Time appointed for the Trial will not I hope be much longer protracted. — I have by Mrs. Bertie's Direction ordered a Suit of Uniform for that Occasion which I shall wear with a Crape round my Arm as a respect due to the Memory of the best of Fathers whose Death I have lamented with the most poignant Grief & whose Loss I shall ever remember with the truest Sentiments of Duty and filial Affection. — Oh! my dear Mother what Pleasure did I Yesterday enjoy from the Perusal of those beautiful Pieces of Poetry written by my dear Nessy, & dictated by a Heart whose human Generosity certainly cannot have its Equal! —

I have little more to add but to beg you will endeavour to console yourself as much as you can & maintain a serenity of Mind by the Assurance that I am as easy as can be expected

& ever my dearest Mother's

  most dutiful and

    obedient son

      Peter Heywood

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