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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer Document Written at Sourabaya, Sep 16-18, 1789

Sept 16, 1789

About one oclock Lieut Bligh came onboard in the Commandant's Boat accompany'd by the Commandant and another Officer—soon after coming on board Lieut Bligh — missing a bottle he said the first thing was to be done was to find that Bottle. [A] search was made and it was found in his Cabin where his Clark [clerk] had put it—he then ordered me to weigh Anchor which I Immedeatly gave orders for so doing—and call'd Mr Elphinstone Master's Mate—who was below in the teer to come up. I call'd him several times — he said he was unwell — Lieut Bligh came in a great Passion and ask the reason why Mr Elphnstone was not on Deck. I told he was below in the teer & said he was not well — he ask what was the matter with him. I told him I did not know whether he was sick or drunk, he said you don't know whether he is sick or drunk [?] Sir. I said no Sir. he said God damn you Sir why don't you know. I told him the Doctor was the person who should know best, whether he was sick or not, he made use of several t[h]reatening words. I then told him he used me very ill — not me only but Every Body — he then said Sir go down below this instant which I immedially obey'd his order and went below. When he call'd me all the Ill names he could think of and got a Bayonet & swore if I offer'd to look up that [he] would run me through. The Commandants Boat having put off he call'd to them to come back. They not understanding what he said — he sent the boat to them with Mr Hayward to ask the Commandant to come back, which he accordingly comply'd with Lieut Bligh's request.

When the Commandant came onboard he charged me with Mutiny and beg'd the Commandant would take me onshore a prisoner. he then told his Clark [clerk] to write down what Mr Fryer had said and that the Gentlemen was to sign it and those that refused to sign it was to go into the Boat and go on shore. after getting into the Boat before we put off — he said Gentlemen you will sign to what Mr Samual write and I hope you will behave like men of Honor [-] in going on shore he call'd me all the rascals he could think of & if I spoke that he would run me through — I then told him he was to use his pleasure in doing what he thought proper. he said he would use his pleasure — and he would break every bone in my skin.

After getting onshore I was put in charge of a Sarjeant & conducted to his Apartment in the Barrack — where I was confin'd all night and most part of next Day. when the Commandant came to me & told me, that it would be much better for me — & Lieut Bligh — to make it up and be friends. I told him that I would do every thing that was in my power to make friends with Lieut Bligh. he said that he would speak to him and have Matters settled if possible. he said if matters cld be made up — that I should be treat'd like a Gentleman if not I must be treated like a prisoner but that he would do everything to serve me — he then Introduce[d] me to the officer of the Guard — & told him I was to live with him and everything that I wanted he was to send for, to his house—

Sept 18, 1789

The next morning the Commandant came to me and said that Captn Bligh would not make matters up but had requested of the Governour to send me to Sammara in a prow. I then beg'd of the Commandant to tell Lieut Bligh that I wished to speak with him before he left the place — Lieut Bligh wrote me — sayin[g] that he had so much to do that he could not possibly grant my request — I then wrote him — beg[g]ing that he would take me with him if he Confined me in Irons — in Consequence of my Letter he came to me with the Commandant & told me, that the Governour had seal'd up his papers and that they could not be open untill they came to Sammara—when he would settle matters & be friends if possible. I was then told I was to go in a prow to Sammara & was conducted on board by a Sarjeant.

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