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Revised May 17 2021

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, Gravesend, Oct 20, 1787

Bounty Gravesend Oct. 20th. 87.
under Sail.       


I am happy to tell you I am now embark'd for Portsmouth. I took leave of Lord Howe on Friday morning and begg'd of His Lordship to send me off without delay. Mr. Stephens gave me hopes that in a Week my orders would be sent to me. As I am to touch at Tenariffe I shall be glad to know if I shall take in a Cask of Wine for you from that place, for I think it will be very fine by the time I arrive in England, which I fully intend to do, in July 1789. It would give me much pleasure to have shown you the Ship as I flatter myself she is the completest that has sailed on any expedition, however I hope to have that happyness on my return & to acquaint you that I have left in the West Indies at least five hundred flourishing Plants. I am with the utmost respect, Sir your most obliged and

Affectionate Hmble servant Wm Bligh