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Revised 2010-03-14

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
St. Georges East, Oct 9, 1787

No. 4 Broad Street St. Geoges East
Oct'r. 9th. 1787   


Oct 7, 1787

I have received your very kind letter of the 7th and return my most greatful thanks. I am happy to inform you I sent the Ship down the River yesterday and was with Mr. Stephens at breakfast to request of him that my orders might be given to me without delay. He has been very friendly to me & promises to send me off without delay. I have received and thank you Sir for the present of my Sextant and it seems to be a masterpiece of Workmanship, for Ramsden has taken particular pains about it. I shall do myself the pleasure to write to you immediately on the receipt of my orders.

I am Sir with very great respect your most obliged and affectionite Hmble Servant

Wm Bligh