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1. Portraits
2. Journey to Tahitie
3. Tahitie
4. Mutiny to Timor
5. Pitcairn Island
6. Pandora & misc.
7. Portsmouth & trial

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"Behind the Wave"

The ghost of the Bounty lurks behind every wave. Here in the peak of a wave off the Amazon delta if we look hard enough we can just make her out. "So it was with Christian's fate for within nine years of the discovery of Pitcairn, three different stories were recorded relating to his death; (1) he had become insane and jumped into the sea, (2) he had been murdered by the native men, and (3) he had died a natural death. There were also three accounts of his being seen elsewhere, (1) in the English Lake District, (2) in Plymouth, and (3) in South America..."

23" x 15"