PITCAIRN'S ISLAND.The Boston Recorder
The number of inhabitants now amounts to about 60. Adams and 5 Tihitian women are all that remain of the Bounty.* They dwell in a village, situated on a gentle declivity, on the north side of the island. Probably there is no community in the world where more real happiness is enjoyed. They are strictly religious, – have prayers three times in a day, and it is said care little for any but religious books. Almost all the knowledge they possess seems to have been gathered from the Bible. One of them said to an American Captain, "I suppose there are plenty of Jews in America." On being told there were some, he said, "if they had not been so naughty they would not be dispersed so over the world." We have seen it stated that a young man, a native of Nantucket, being asked by one of those young men to give an account of his religious experience, and having nothing to say, was so struck with the circumstance of being questioned by one whom he considered a heathen, and with the conviction of being more of a heathen himself, that he was led to a serious consideration of religious truth, and in consequence became a pious and good man. Two other instances have recently occurred in which officers of vessels becoming hopefully pious, attributed it to what they witnessed at Pitcairn's Island, that they were induced to examine the subject of religion. Only one of the little colony has as yet left the island. A wretch of the name of Bligh, commanding a vessel from Valparaiso, touched at Pitcairn's Island about the beginning of 1827, and brought away a female. He stopped at the island of Tahiti, where one of the editors of this paper, saw and conversed with the woman. She appeared to be about 23 years of age, and spoke the English language fluently. She was large and robust, and her features resembled those of the Welsh people. When asked respecting her leaving the island, she said she was going to England. The captain who was an Englishman, had doubtless promised to take her to that country, but it is needless to add, he had no such intention. It is not known whether he brought her away with her consent or not, but in either case, his conduct. merits the severest reprobation. Previous to this, it is believed there had been no act of unchastity among any of the colony. We have heard many anecdotes of the inhabitants of this island, from Captains of vessels who have touched there. They are represented as being remarkably athletic. Nothing has occurred to disturb their peace, and the utmost order is observed all being governed by Adams, who is looked up to as a kind of patriarch, and to whose word they pay the utmost deference. It is possible they may, after his death, have dissentions among them, though it is believed their differences of opinion will not be productive of any serious evil. The seeds of republicanism are already visible among them, as the following anecdote related to us by a gentleman of veracity, who spent several days at the Island, will show. Adams told the young people that as he was old and must soon go the way of all the earth, it was desirable that some one should he fixed upon as a leader, when he was gone, and he had accordingly selected his only son George, for this office. This was not at all relished by the young people. They replied, "No, father; we will obey you as long as you live, but when you are dead we are all alike. George is no greater than the rest of us." * Two foreigners have lately joined the colony with the intention of spending their lives there. One of them whose name is Bassett appears to be usefully employed as a teacher. Adams is very desirous that some clergyman might visit him for the purpose of baptizing the young people; and in 1825 sent a pressing letter to the Rev. Mr. Bingham, of the Sandwich Island Mission, urging in the most importunate language, that he or some of his associates would make them a visit: a request with which it was impossible to comply, they being separated 3000 miles, and the opportunities for passing from one to the other, occurring but seldom. |
Notes:This sources for this article appear to be the combined accounts of two members of the Sandwich Islands missionary extablishment who returned to the United States in early 1827 on different vessels. Dr. Abraham Blatchley, who had been the resident doctor for the mission, left Oahu on the whaleship Connecticut, Captain Chester. The Connecticut visited Pitcairn's Island in February 1827. Blatchley was the source for information about the situation on the island.Elisha Loomis, who had been the mission's printer was the source for the account of meeting Jane Quintal in Tahiti. Loomis, who at the time of the article, was the editor of – the Rochester Observer. Loomis and his family sailed from Oahu on January 6, 1827 on the brig Convoy, Captain Grimes . The Convoy was bound for Valparaiso by way of Tahiti. The Loomis family then made their way to Baltimore on another vessel.Loomis apprently penned the article which was carried in many newspapers of the day. The Tahitian woman who had left Pitcairn's Island was Jane Quintal. She departed on the ship Lovely Ann, Captain Blythe (not Bligh!), of London. She eventually settled on the island of Rurutu as the wife of a chief. |
Source:This transcription is made from the following newspaper: "Pitcairn's Island",
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Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, December 29, 2024.