This page is based on the file at the Internet Archive site at, which was scanned from a 1905 edition of Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchase His Pilgrimes, Volume II, pp. 232-284. The text seen here comprises the segment of the voyage from Hoorn, Netherlands to just beyond Tierra del Fuego only (June 14, 1615-February 28, 1616). There are several places within this segment where the Hakluyt edition omits one or more paragraphs found in the 1619 English edition. These missing sections have been inserted in the text below. Spelling and punctuation inconsistencies follow the 1619 edition.
Words (in parentheses) are part of the 1619 text. Words [in brackets] are current editorial insertions, usually to provide the modern name for a location.
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The generall States of the united Netherland Provinces, having granted their Letters Pattens to the East India Company resident in the sayd Provinces, to trafficke into the Indies, and none others but they onely, with a stricke prohibition unto all other Marchants, and Inhabitants of the sayd Countries, not to sayle or trafficke Eastward beyond the Cape de bona esperance, nor through the Straights of Magelan Westward, either into India, or any other unknowne or not discovered countries. Isaack le Maire a rich Marchant of Amsterdam, dwelling in Egmont, having a great desire to trafficke into strange and farre Countries, and William Cornelison Schouten of Horne (a man well experienced in Seafaring, who before that had sayled thrice into most parts of the East Indies, for Maister, Pilot, and Marchant) and yet verie desirous to sayle into and to discover new and unknowne Countries, oftentimes speaking and conferring together, reasoned among themselves, whether they might not enter into the great south Sea, by another way, (then through the same wayes which in the East Indian Companies Letters Pattents are formerly forbidden & prohibited.) There to discover great and rich Countries, where they might lade their ships with rich wares and marchandises, whereof the sayd le Maire, affirmed he had some knowledge, and that if it did not fal out as they desired, yet that they might passe through the aforesaid great South seas, into the East Indies, and there trafficke freely with great profite: upon which conference at the last they agreed together, to make a discovery through the South undiscovered and unknowne part of the World, Southward from the Straights of Magelan, to seeke out a passage into the sayd South Sea, which they thought very likely to be performed: for divers circumstances and reasons to them knowne and by others at sundry times found about the sayd Straights of Magelan.
And to that end agreed, betweene them to enterprise such a Voyage, taking order that Isaac le Maire should provide the one halfe of the money, and William Cornelison Schouten the other halfe to furnish the said Voyage, by the helpe and furtherance of their friends, the care whereof, and to make provision for the said voyage being referred to William Cornelison Schouten, who to effect the same, procured Peter John Ianson Molenwerf one of the Schepen, Iohn Clementson Keis Senatour of the sayd Towne, and Cornelius Segetson a Marchante of Horne, to contribute in the same with them, and they together with the aforesayd William Schouten, Isaac le Maire and Iacob le Maire his Sonne, in short time prepared so much money, as they thought convenient and sufficient for the sayd voyage, not once making knowne to the owners of the ships, what their pretence was touching the sayd voyage, but kept that secret to themseleves that disbursed the money for the same.
And to finish the sayd Voyage, the Marchants aforesayd prepared and rigged a great and a small Ship of Horne, the great Ship called the Unitie, of 360. tuns, whereof William Cornelison Schouten was Maister and cheife Pilot, and Iacob le Maire Marchant and principal Factor, in it having 65. men, and 19. great Pieces, and 12. Slings, with Muskets and other munition for warre proportionably, with a Pinnace to sayle, another to row, a boat, and a Scute, anckors, cabells, ropes, sayles, and all other necessaries belonging thereunto. The lesser shipp called the Horne, of 110 tuns, whereof John Cornelison Schouten was Maister, and Aris Clawson Marchant, in it 22. men, 8. great Peices, 4. Slings, and other furniture as neede required, and was necessary for such a voyage. And for that they would not make knowne to any man, as I sayd before whether they meant to goe, they hyred all their men, both common Saylers and Officers, to sayle unto every place whether the Maisters and the Marchants would go, which made the common Saylers and people to speake and gesse of that voyage diversly, and at the last gave them the name of the gold finders, but the Marchants named them the South Company. The Ships being readie, upon the 16 of May 1615. the men were mustred by the Scout and Schepen of Horne, and the 25. of the same moneth the Unitie set sayle, and arrived at the Tessell upon the 27.
The 3. of June the lesser departed from Horne , and the next day came to the Tessell: What further happened and fell out unto them during the sayd voyage, is in this Booke at large set downe, and declared from the reportes and writings of those that saw and tryed the same, and which in the same voyage were the cheife and principall persons.
Shewing how South from the Straights of
Magelan, in Terra Delfuogo: he found and discovered
a new passage through the great
South Sea, and that way sayled
round about the world.
Describing what Islands, Countries, People, and strange
Adventures he found in his saide Voiage.
Upon the 14. of June 1615. wee sayled out of the Tessell, and the 16. of the same month, being in the sight of Dunkerke, past betweene Dover and Callis: the 17. ankoring in the Downs, William Cornelison Schouten went on shoare at Dover, to get men to bring us Fresh-water, and the same day set sayle from thence, about evening by the Shingles
meeting with a great fleete of Holland ships laden with salt. The 21. and 22., having a great storme wee put into the Isle of of {sic] Wight
, where our Maister would gladly have hyred a carpenter but could not.
The 25. we set sayle from Wight, and upon the 27. entered at Plimmouth , where the Maister hyred a carpenter of Maydenblicke. The 28. we leaft Plimmouth and sayled with a north east wind and faire whether, and the 29. the Maister and Marchant of the Horne came abord the Unitie to agree together about order to be taken upon the 4. of July, for sharing of our victuales, according to the manner and custome used in shippen that fayle long voyages, where they deliver the faylers their meate and drinke by waight, and measure, to every man alike and according to his qualitie.
The 4. of July, according to the aforesaid resolution, it was ordered that every man should have a Can of Beere a day, 4 pound of Bisket, and halfe a pound of Butter (besides sweet suet) a weeke, and five Cheeses for the whole Voiage.
The 8. being under 39 degrees and 25 minutes right against the Bassels, § our carpenters Mate dyed.
§ Presumably, a location on the west coast of Portugal.
The 9. and 10. with a north and northeast winde and a stife gale, the 11. we had a sight of Porto Santo and Madera, and held our course east.
The 12. in the morning we saw the Salvages, which we leaft on backe-bord about 2. leagues from us.
The 13. in the morning wee saw the Islands of Tenerifa, and great Canaena [sic, Canaria], and the same day about noone we sayled betweene them both, with a stiffe north northeast wind, and a swift streame.
Betweene the 14. and the 15. with the same wind and streame we passed Tropicus Cancri [Tropic of Cancer].
The 16. in the morning, with a Northeast wind, we found very hollow water, at which time the boate that was drawne at the Unities stearne was full of water, and therewith the rope brake, and the boate sunke and was lost, which till that time we had drawne after the ship without any danger: about noone the same day we were under 20 degrees and 30 minutes.
The 17. and 18. with faire weather and an indifferent wind north and northwest, we sailed west and by south, and on the 19. in the morning were under 14 degrees and 45 minutes.
The 20. on the morning, we fell on the North side of Cape Verde, and had eight fathome deepe when we first saw the Land, sayling along by the Coast, and at Sunne-rising the Cape lay West and by South from us, so that with a North North-east wind wee could not get beyond it, and were forced to Ankor at 32. fathome deepe: that night it blew hard, with a great storme of raine and thunder.
The 21. in the morning the wind south southeast, and after sun-rising variable, we set saile with our course to to [sic] seaward, first west and by north, then northwest, and that whole day failed not above 6. leagues.
The 22. we lay driving all day long with a calme, and no failes up: then Cape Verde lay east from us: about evening we saw a ship southward, that held her course northwest.
The 23. in the morning having a south wind, wee could not reach above the cape, but were forced to ankor, by reason of the streame, about noone wee set saile, with a west wind, and got beyond the cape, and that evening ankored within the second island, [Praia?] in the ordinary roade, at 10. fathome deepe.
The 24. it rained sore, and we made ready to fetch fresh water from the land.
The 25. the Alkaire [Alcalde], or governour came aboord our ship, with whom wee agreed for eight States of Iron; that we should peaceably fetch Fresh-water from the shoare.
The 26. it rained, and the weather very darke: the same day we saw a ship that sailed towards us, and ankored two leagues from us, under the land being a ship of Rotterdam, that came thither to trafficke along the coast.
The 28. and 29. we fetcht water, meane time the Horne hoysed faile, and went to the place where the ship of Rotterdam lay, in a Bay called Refresco, to see if wee could there find any Limonds, but came againe in the evening, and could get none.
The 31. there came a French ship and anchored by us. The same day we had stayed a Negro ship, who at night showed us a fit place to fish in, and our men carrying their nets on the firme land, tooke as many fishes of divers sorts, as both our ships could eate in two dayes.
The first of August in the morning we set saile from Cape Verde, with the Rottermamer, who at noone time left us and set his course for the Salt Islands: all that time we had faire weather, and a fine gale of wind out of the north, our course southwest.
The 2. we had faire weather, with a fine gale of wind, at which time we killed a little calfe, and a goate that we gotte at Cape Verde, which served all our men in both ships, for a whole days meate.
The 3. we had but small wind, and that night faire weather, but when day appeared, it was thicke and cloudie, with thunder, raine, and lightning.
The 4. about noone, we were under 12 degrees and 12 minutes, with very faire weather and a good swift gale, as also the 5. day.
The 7. 8. and 9. it rained fast, but yet with an indifferent gale.
The 10. it rained, with a small winde that night: we saw a Spanish Barke under faile.
The 15. we had a reasonable fresh winde, and good weather, and made indifferent good way: then we saw great store of birds called Rabos forcados, and tooke a Dorado.
The 16. about noone we were under 7 degrees and 40 minutes, with faire weather and a good winde, as afore.
The 17. at noone we were under 7 degrees 12 minutes, with faire weather, and an indifferent coole gale southward: that day we tooke many Bovetes and Corretters.
The 18. and 19. we lay by the wind, resolving to hold our course for Sierra Leone, there to refresh our selves, because many of our men had a great scouring, all that day we had a stiffe contrart wind, and were forced to lie by the weather, it being then tool late to go speedily under the Line: and at the Cape we got but little refreshing, at that time about noone we were under 7 degrees and 55 minutes.
The 20. in the morning we were under 7 degrees 45 minutes, with faire weather, and a good gale of winde out of the South, wee helde our course East, and East by North; at which time we saw great store of land fowels, and change of water: about evening we cast out the lead, and found 30. fathoms sandie ground, and had land almost 40 leagues nearer than we guessed it to be, the same night we anchored at 16. fathome, and were upon the west end of the Baixos, or shallows of S. Anna Island.
The 21. in the morning, by Sunne rising we set sayle, and saw the high Land of Sierra Liona, about 6. Leagues from us Northeast and by North: wee likewise saw the Islands of Madrabomba, which lye on the South Point, or corner of the high land of Sierra Liona, North from the Baixos, or shallows of S. Annas Island. Sierra Liona is a very high land, there is no land so high as it, betweene Capo VerdeI, and the coast of Guinea, whereby the point is most easie to be knowne: that day we laboured as wee could to get to land, for the most part having stormie weather, running to the point, and over the Baixos, or shallowes of S. Anna, at 10. 9. 8. 7. and 5. fathome water, and as wee sayled Northward, the water waxed deeper, but Eastward shallower, so that about evening wee anchored with a high water, at foure fathome and a halfe soft ground, and in the night time wee had but three fathome and a halfe, but it was fine cleare weather.
The 22. in the morning at Sun-rising, William Cornelison Schouten went aboord the Horne, and sayled in it before us, the great ship following, holding our course North Northeast, with a Northwest wind, and an ebbe under the bough, and so got off from the Baixos, to 18. fathome water, and from thence to the Islands of Mabrabomba, which are very high, and lye all three on a row, Southwest and Northeast, halfe a league from Sierra Liona to seaward, there wee had shallow water, at five and foure fathome, soft muddie ground, we anchored about a league from the land, and going on shoare found no man dwelling therein, but perceived the footsteps of many great beasts, but all the land lay wast like a wildernesse, with low marshes or bogges, and high hils.
The 23. in the morning, Iacob le Maire went aboord the Horne, and from it with both the boates on shoare, where hee found a River, at the mouth thereof having many Cliffes, Sands, & Rockes, whereby no Shippe could goe into it, but within it was very deepe and broad enough for ships to turne and wind, there they could perceive no people to dwell, but saw three wild Oxen, and a great many Monkeis, and some birds that barked like dogs. They rowed at least three leagues up into it with the floud and there found a wilde Palme tree, but in the evening came aboord again, and heard of no people, neither found any fruit that might serve their turn to eate.
The 24. both our Scouts were on shore againe to seeke for men or some refreshing, each of them in a severall River, at leat 5. leagues into it: Aris Clawson the Marchant of the Horne, with one of the Assistants into the one, and Claus, Iohnson, Bar, with our masters mate in the other, and the 25. in the morning came on boord againe: The Marchant of the Horne had been in a salt river, and brought with him 5. or 6. wilde Palmites, Claus, Iohnson, and Ban, had beene in a fresh river, and there saw a place wherein there grew 8. or 9. Limond trees, which they shook, and got about 750. Limonds, most ripe, ready to drie. There also they saw great store of Tortoyses and some Crocodiles, but no people. We determined to trie if we could get into the fresh River with both our ships, therein to make provision of fresh water and Limonds, and to that end set sayle, but found the water so shallow, that we were forced to anchor at 6. fathome. The Horne anchored before the River, on the lower land, but there found shallow water, by meanes of the point of the Baixos, or shallows of S. Anna Island. Iacob le Maire and Aris Clawson, the marchants of the Horne and Unitie, went with the boat up into the river.
The 26. we had a stiffe gale of winde south southwest, so that wee could not saile, yet the Horne beate on the south point of the bay, which is about five leagues broad from the north to the south side.
The 27. in the morning we hoyst anchor to sayle to the Horne, and about noone time the Horne boate came with Jacob La Maire on boord againe, bringing with him about 1400. Limonds which they had found in divers places here and there in the river. In the evening we got to the Horne, and there anchored at three fathome and a halfe, soft ground.
The 28. our master went up the river, before the which we lay with both the boates, and about evening came againe, and found no good land to goe upon, nor any signes of men, but onely a Bull with a Calfe, all the ground being marshie and full of trees that stood in the salt water.
The 29. perceiving that we were not in the river of Sierra Liona, wee determined early in the morning to set sayle, and to goe Northward of the high land, and about noone wee got above the Islands of Mabrabomba, Westward, along towards the North part of the high land, till wee had 12. and 15. fathome water, and in the evening got about the point, where we anchored at 15. fathome deepe.
The 30. in the morning, wee hoysed Anchor, and drave with the streame, and a South wind before the village, in the right roade of Sierra Liona, where we anchored at 8. fethome, sandy ground, about a musket shot from the land, there wee saw 8. or 9, houses covered with straw.
The Moores called unto us in their language, to fetch them aboord our ship, and because they had no Canoes wee sent our boat on land, which presently came backe againe with 5. Moores in it, whereof one was their Interpreter: but before they came, they desired that we would leave some of our men, to stay with them as pledges, for that not long before there had beene a French ship there, which had taken and carryed away 2. of their Moores. Aris Clawson the Marchant, that went a shoare with the boat, staied there with them, and having certaine beades, he there bartered them for 700 Limonds, most ripe, and two bunches of Bananas almost ripe also. The Interpreter spake all kind of languages, one with another. In the meane time, our men having faire weather, laded fresh water, which is there easie to bee had, by reason it falles downe out of the hill into the roade, so that wee held the Barrels under the shoare, or fall of the water, and filling them, put them straight into the Scute, the water was very good.
The 31. when we had fild our vessels full of watger, and that morning Iacob le Maire, Aris Clawson, Claus Iohnson, Ban, and all the assistants went on land, and bartered for about 25000. Limonds, for a few Beades, and some slight Norremburgh Knives, wee might have had an hundred thousand Limonds there at the least, if we would, for there they grew by whole woods full: the same night we bartered with the Negroes for a shoale of Fish.
The first of September we hoysed Anchor, and drave before the streame, and that Evening anchored at the mouth of the Sea, before a Small River.
The 2. we set the Horne upon the Strand to make her cleane, having a good place to doe it, for there the water fals 7. foote up and downe: in the evening our men came on boord againe, and brought a little beast named an Antelop, which they found in a Wood, in a net or snare set there by the Negroes, and some Limonds, and after that the Boat went out to fish, and got a great number, and some Palmitas which they had not cut downe in the wood.
The 3. in the afternoone, the Horne being made cleane was lancht into the water againe, and our Master went out to fish, in the evening bringing a great shole of fish with him in fashion like to a Shoomakers cutting knife, and every man 150 Limonds for his part.
The 4. early in the morning we hoysed anchor, and set sayle out of Sierra Liona, with an indifferent winde, but in the evening having contrary winde, anchored againe at 14 fadom, good anchor ground.
The 5. In the first quarter we hoyst anchor againe, and sayled with a calme, but in the third quarter anchored againe, at 14 fadome, sandie ground.
The 6. In the first quarter, we set sayle againe, but the winde contrary, were forced to anchor at 12. fadome, sandy ground, there we could still see the land of Sierra Liona, in that place there went a strong streame.
The 9. wee set sayle, but the wind contrary, we anchored in the evening, at 32 fadom sandy ground.
The 10. in the first quarter, having a southwest wind, we set sayle, but the weather being calme, we let anchor fall, with our sayles still up, and not long after, the wind beginning to rise we hoyst anchor, but in the third quarter in a calme, anchored againe, at 29. fathom: the last quarter the wind beginning to blow, we set sayle, but doe what we might we could not goe forward.
The 11. we set sayle, but anchored againe in the second quarter, by reason of the calme, there the streame went northward. Not long after we hoysed sayle againe, with some small wind, but it calmed again, and the weather waxed very thicke.
The 12. Wee were under 9 degrees and 20 minutes at evening we anchored at 17. fathom.
The 15. We set sayle with a west northwest wind, all that quarter it rained, In the meantime, the Horne, in a thicke mist sayled out of our sight, and we shot two peeces, an houre between each shot, to call her, and about 10. of the clocke she came againe.
The 16. and 17. the wind was variable, we anchored at 15. fathome, with rainie weather, yet the wind blew hard.
The 18. about noone we set sayle, the Horne lost an Anchor and Cable in the winding, the wind blew hard, and the water went somewhat hollow.
The 19. Having contrary winde, and we being very weary, by reason the weather was rainy and stormie, we determined to goe back again to Sierra Liona, to refresh ourselves, and take in fresh water, but after noone having a good northwest wind we chaned our course southward againe, and went forward.
The 20. with a good winde we sayled southward, and were under 8 degrees 30 minutes.
The 21. and all that month out, we had variable winds, with calmes, and every day great store of raine, and upon the 30. day we were under 5 degrees.
In the beginning of October, we had variable windes, and some calmes, with great store of raine, night and day.
The 5. we were under 4 degrees, 27 minutes, the same day about noone, there was such a noyse in the Bough of our Shippe, that the Maister being behind in the Gallerie, thought that one of the men had fallen out of the Fore-ship, or from the Boesprit into the Sea, but as hee looked out over the side of the Ship, hee saw the Sea all red, as if great store of bloud had beene powred into it, whereat hee wondred, knowing not what it meant, but afterward hee found, that a great Fish, or a Sea monster having a home, had therewith stricken against the Ship, with most great strength. For when wee were in Porto Desire, where we set the Ship on the Strand to make it cleane, about seven foot under water before in the Ship, wee found a horne sticking in the ship, much like for thicknesse and fashion to a common Elephants tooth, not hollow, but full, very strong hard Bone, which had entred into three plankes of the ship, that is two thicke plankes of greene, and one of Oken wood, and so into a rib, where it turned upward, to our great good fortune, for if it had entred betweene the ribes into the Ship, it would happely have made a greater hole, and have brought both ship and men in danger to be lost, it stucke at least halfe a foote deepe into the ship, and about halfe a foote without, where with great force it was broken off, by reason whereof the great monster bled so much.
The 6. 7. 8. variable windes and some raine, the 10. we tooke great store of fish, and were under three degrees 30. minites, with South and variable windes for certain dayes.
The 15 we were under 2 degrees 35 minutes that day we tooke 40 Bovets [bonitas].
The 16. we were under one degree 45 minutes, that day wee tooke great store of fish, and saw many whales.
The 19. and 20. about noone we past the equinoctial line, and then an east southeast winde and helf our course south. The water being so hollow, that our blind saile was stricken in peeces with the sae, that day at noone we were under 3 degreess 43 minutes
southward of the line.
The 25. the winde continuing, we held on the same course, untill that time we had sailed, and no man in our ship, (unless it were the master, William Cornelison Schouten, and Iacob le Maire our Marchant) knew whether wee should go, and then they told us what voyage they intended, which was, to seeke by an other way then the straights of Magelan, to enter into the south sea, there to discover new countries in the South parts, where they thought to finde great riches, and that if it fell not as they desired and pretended, then that they would saile along through the great south Sea, southward to the east Indies. This being knowne, our men were very glad and reioyced, hoping every man for his part, to benefit by that vioage, to their advancement.
The 26. we were under 6 degrees, 25 minutes with faire weather, and a good gale, and all the rest of that moneth for the most part sayling Southward, with an east, and a northeast wind, we were under 10 degrees and 30 minutes.
The first, of November we past the sunne, whereby at noone time, it was North from us.
The third we were under 19 degrees 20 minutes, then we saw some blacke birds, and two or three fowles called sea mewes, and after noone, wee had a sight of Martin vads [sic, Martim Vaz] Islands called Ascension, §
which lay southeast and by east from us, under 20 degrees, there wee found our Compasse to varie Northeastward 12 degrees: The wind being North northeast, as the day before, and held our course South: That day our men had double allowance of wine, because we had past the dangerous Sands, called Abrothos [sic, Abrolhos].
The day ensewing to the 10. wee held our course for the most part, south and Southwest and were under 25 degrees 33 minutes.
§ Actuslly, the Martim Vaz Islands are some 1,200+ miles southwest of Ascension.
The 11, we found our compasse to varie 17, degrees northeastward, and with a south wind, held our course KWest and west and by south.
The 12 with a southeast, and by east, and an east winde we fayled south southwest and southwest, and were under 26 degrees 45 minutes.
The 13, 14, and 15, wee sailed south, and southwest, with an east winde.
The 16, 17, and 18, the winde South, we hald for the most part west southwest, and were under 34, degrees 15 minutes and saw much Walschoti> drive.
The 19. with a north and northeast wind, wee fayled south southwest, and perceived that the streame drave us much to the south.
the 20. we were under 36 degrees 57 minutes there we saw many Quallen drive, and a great number of sea lice, which are a kind of lice for greatnesse like to small flies.
The 21. wee were under 38 degrees, 25 minutes, and had alteration of water, there wee cast our Lead, but found no ground, the Compasse then varied seventeene degrees North-East-ward, that morning wee saw the new Moone, being one and twentie howers old.
The 22 it was ordered by our master and his counsell, that one man should have a cup of sacke every day, and a measure of oyle weekely, our french wine and butter being all spent.
The 23. we saw many Whales, and white water, and were under 40 degrees 56 minutes.
The 24. we saw many more great fishes, and much Odenkwos drive, the water very hollow out of the west and saw many birds.
The 30. we had white water, as if we had bin hard by the land, and were under 46 degrees 15 minutes, and saw many birds.
The 2. of December being under 47 degrees 45 minutes we saw much Steencrosse drive.
The 4. we still saw Steencrosse white water, and many birds and were under 47 degrees 25 minutes, and 16, degrees northeastward variation of the compasse, then wee cast out our lead and found 75 fathom sandy ground.
The 5. wee cast our our lead and had 65. fathom saw many birds and Steencrosse then we were under 46, degrees 25 minutes, and had 54. fathom, that night wee saw many Whales.
The 6. in the morning wee had 46 fathom water and with a northwest winde fayled west fouthwest, and at noone were under 40 degrees 37 minutes and had 42 tadome water, about 3 in the after noone we saw Land not very high, but white and somewhat flat, we fell (according to our desire) on the North side of Porto Desire, and at night anchored at tenne fathom deepe, about a league and a halfe from the shoare, with an ebbe that ran Southward, as strongly as the Sea runnes betweene Flushing heads.
The 7. in the morning wee hoysed Anchor, and sayled South untill noone,then wee were before the Haven of Porto Desire, lying under seven and fortie degrees, Port Desire. fortie minutes, and made towards the entrie thereof, where we had very high water, so that the Cliffes (whereof Oliver van Noort writeth, which sailing into that Haven niust be left North-ward from us) were cleane under water, but on the South point there lay certaine Cliffes open, which we tooke to be those, and therefore went Southward on, but sayled South-ward of the right channell into a crooked Bay, and there at high water anchored at foure fathom and a halfe, and when the water was low, we had but foureteene foot-water, whereby the Unitie lay with her Sterne fast on ground, it being full of Cliffes, the wind was West from the Land, and smooth water to our great fortune, for if we had had an East wind, with any gale, for certaine, we had lost our Ship: upon the Cliffes we found many Egges, and tooke great Muscles and other Fish, and among the rest. Smelts of sixteene inches long, and for that cause we called that place the Smelt Bay. Our Shallop went to the Pinguÿns Island,
lying east southeast two leagues § from Porto Desire, and came aboord againe late in the evening, bringing 2 sea Lyons, and 150 Pinguÿns, which we eate the next day.
§ Actually, about 4 leagues [ie, 12 miles].
The 8. in the morning, with the Land-wind we sayled out of the Smelt Bay, and anchored right before the Haven of Porto Desire, and sent our Shallop out to sound the depth of the channell, and found twelve and thirteene fathom, entering in after noone, with a high water, and a North-East wind, we set sayle, the Horne first, and so entred into the Haven. When wee had sayled about a league and a halfe into the river, the wind ttirned, and we anchored at twentie fathoms: there the ground was slippery stones, for about halfe an houre after, the winde blowing hard North- West, both our Ships lying with two Anchors a Peece out: presently drave upon the South shoare, for there five and twentie anchors could not have holden them, so that wee verily thought both our Ships would there bee cast away. The great Ship sate with her side upon the Cliffes, and shoke with the falling water somewhat lower, and still kept stanch, but the Horne fell upon the Cliffes, so that the water went cleane from it, whereby at a low water a man might have gone dry foote under the Keele, right against the maine Mast: the Keele was above a fathome out of water, fearefiill to behold, but as the winde blewe hard Northwest it kept it from falling over, which appeared to be so, for that when the winde ceased, it fell from the land against the winde upon the side, at least three foote lower then the Keele, whereat we were all abasht, thinking we had surely lost her, but when the Flood came with still weather, it rose up againe, whereat we all rejoyced. In the morning with calme weather we wound off from the wall, and the same night the Horne came to us.
The 9. in the morning, we set sayle againe, and went further into the River, and came to the Kings Island, so called by Oliver van Noort, the Horne went behind it, and there anchored, but we could not get in with the Unitie, because the wind was contrary. Our men went on shore into the Island, which was almost covered over with egges; for a man standing still on his feete, with his hands might reach to 54. neasts, each having 3 or 4 egges a piece, much like (but somewhat greater) then Sea-Mues egges, the birds were blackish Sea-Mues, we carried thousands of them aboord, and eate them.
The 10. our boate went on the north side of the river, to seeke for fresh water, but found none, for digging holes of 14 foote deepe, they found brackish water, both on the high hilles and in the valleys, and returning on boord againe, brought great store of birds and egges with them.
The 11. the boat went lower into the River on the South side, to seeke for men and water, and found Estriges. nothing but brackish water: there they saw some Estriges, and beasts like Harts, with very long neckes, which were afraid of us. Upon the highest part of the hilles wee found some burying places, which were heapes of stones, and we not knowing what that meant, pulled the stones off from one of them, and under them found mens bones of tenne and eleven foot long: they buried the dead upon the top of the hils, flat on the ground, and cover them also with stones, which keepes them from beeing devoured by beasts or birds.
The 12. 13. 14. 15. and 16. our men went continually on land to seeke for water, but found none, every day bringing good store of birds and fishes on boord.
The 17. we laid our shippe within Kings Island on the wall, with an high water, to make it cleane, where it was drie, that we might goe round about it drie foot.
The 18. the Horne was also laid on shore about two Musket shot from our Shippe to make it cleane.
The 19. as we were busie about both the ships to make them cleane, and burnt reeds under the Horne, the flame of the fire sodainly got into the Ship, and presently tooke such hold thereof, that in the twinckling of an eye it was so great, that we could by no meanes quench it, by reason it lay fiftie foote drie from the water side, and by that meanes wee were constrained to stand still, and see it burne before our eyes, not able to doe any thing to save it.
The 20. at a high water we lancht the Unitie into the water againe, and went to the Horne & quencht the fire, but the ship was burnt cleane downe to the water. The next day when we had cast the water out of that part of it that was left, we saved aU the wood, Iron-worke, Anchors, Ordnance, and what else that was to be gotten, and put it into our shippe.
The 25. our men found certaine holes full of fresh water, which was white and very thicke, from whence some of them daily fetch water in little rondlets on their shoulders: some went armed with Muskets to defend them, others fetcht birds, & egges, and young sea Lyons Scales which we eate, and are of a reasonable good tast. The sea Lyons are a kind of fish, as big as a little horse, with heads like Lyons, and long rough haire about their neckes, but the she Lyons are without haire, and not halfe so great as the hee, we could not kill them but with musket shot either in the brest or the paunch, for though we gave them 100. blowes with staves and other things, and made the bloud run out of their mouthes and noses, yet they would run away: while we lay there in the river, we had great windes and some times much raine, and stormes.
The 9. of Ianuarie, 1616 we left fetching water into the ship, and the 10. wee set sayle, to goe on our voiage, but the wind comming out of the sea, we were forced to anchor againe by the Lyon Island, and that day got great store of fish and birdes.
The 12. our Pinnace rowed to the Pinguÿns Island, to fetch Pinguÿns, but the weather was so foule, that they could not get a boord againe that day, but lay all night in the Smelt bay and the next morning came to us laden with Pinguÿns, but by reason of the great number of them, they were spoyled, and we cast them over boord.
The 13. about noone, we sailed out of Porto Desire, but the sea beeing calme, wee anchored before the haven, and when the winde began to rise, hoysed § anchor and put to Sea.
§ An early variant of “hoisted.”
The 18. we saw Sebaldes Islands [now, Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas] South-east about three leagues, they lie, as Sebald Dewert writes, distant from the Strait, East Northeast, and West Southwest, about 50 leagues, then we were under 51 degrees.
The 20. we saw Steencrosse drive, and perceived that we had a great streame that went Southwest, then we were under fiftie three degrees, and ghest that we were about twentie leagues Southward from the Straits of Magelan. The eleventh we were under 53 degrees.
The 23 in the morning, we had a South winde, and about noone it waxt calme, then the wind blew West, and we had ground at fiftie fathome blacke sandy, with small stones, after that the winde turned North, with smooth water and faire weather. The water shewed as white, as if we had beene within the land, we held our course South and by West, about three of the clocke afternoone we saw land West, and West Southwest from us, and not long after that we saw it also in the South, then having a North winde, we went East South- east, to get above the land, it blew so hard in the hollow water, that we were forced to take in our Top sayles.
The 24 in the morning, wee sawe land on starre-boord, not above a great league distant from us, there wee had ground at 40. fathome, and a West winde, the land strecht East and South, with very high hills, that were all covered over with ice. We sayled along by that land, and about noone past it, and saw other land East from it, which also was very high and ragged. These lands as wee gest lay about eight leagues one from the other, § and seemed as if there were a good passage betweene them, which we were the better perswaded unto, for that there ran a hard streame Southward betweene both those lands.
§ Actually, about 17 miles apart.
Then about noone we were under 54 degrees and 46 minutes, and after noone wee had a North wind, and made towards this opening, but about evening it calmed, and that night wee drave forwards with a hard streame, and little wind. There we saw an innumerable number of Pinguÿns, and thousands of Whales, so that we were forced to looke well about us, and to winde and turne to shunne the Whales, least we should sayle upon them.
The 25. in the morning, we were close by the East land, which was very high and craggie, which on the North side reacheth East South-east, as farre as we could see, that land we called Statesland, but the land that lay West from us, we named Mauriceland. We perceived that on both sides thereof, there were good roades, and sandy Bayes, for on either side it had sandy strands, and very faire sandie ground. There are great store of fish, Pinguÿns and Porposses, as also birdes and water enough, but we could see no Trees: we had a North-wind in the entrie, and went South South-west, with a stiffe course, at noone we were under 55 degrees, 36 minutes, and then held our course south west, with a good sharpe wind and raine, and a stiffe gale: we saw the land on the South side of the passage upon the west ende of Maurice van Nassawes land, reach West south west and south west, as farre as we could see it, all very high and craggie-land. In the evening the wind was South west, and that night wee went south with great waves or billowes out of the South-west, and very blew water, whereby we judged and held for certaine that we had great deepe water to loefward from us, nothing doubting but that it was the great South sea, whereat we were exceeding glad, to thinke that we had discovered a way, which untill that time was unknowne to men, as afterward we found it to be true.
There we saw extreame great Sea-mewes, bigger of body then Swannes, their wings beeing spread abroad, each of them above a fathome long. These birds being unaccustomed to see men, came to our ship, and sat very tame, thereon, and let our men take and kill them.
The 26. we were under 57 degrees, with a flying storme out of the West and Southwest, the whole quarter, with very high and blew water, we held our course Southward, and in the North-west saw very high land, in the night we turned northwestward.
The 27. we were under 56 degrees 51 minutes, the weather very cold, with haile, and raine, the wind West and West and by South, and we went Southward, and then crost Northward with our maine Sailes.
The 28. we hoysed our top-sayles, then we had great billowes out of the West, with a West wind and then a North-east, and therewith held our course South, and then West and West and by South, and were under fiftie six degrees and fortie eight minutes.
The 29. we had a Northeast wind, and held our course South-west, and saw two Islands before us, lying West Southwest from us: about noone we got to them, but could not saile above them, so that we held our course North: about them they had drie gray cliffes, and some low cliffes about them, they lay under 57 degrees, Southward of the Equinoctiall line, we named them Barnevells Islands, from them we sayled West Northwest: about evening we saw land againe, lying North West and North North-west from us, which was the land that lay South from the Straights of Magelan which reacheth South-ward, all high hilly land, covered over with snow, ending with a sharpe point, which we called Cape Horne,
it lieth under 57 degrees and 48 minutes. §
§ Caep Hoorn in original. The latitude given by the author is about 125 miles south of Cape Horn's actual coordinates of 55° 59' 00" South, 67° 16' 00" West. Also note that although some “authorities” state the cape was named after Hoorn in the Netherlands, and others state it was named after the ship destroyed by fire at Puerto Deseado, the author makes neither claim. Presumably, the cape was named in honor of one or the other, or possibly both, but there is no solid evidence to support any claim.
Then wee had faire weather, and a North wind, with great Billowes out of the West, we held on course West, and found a strong streame that ranne West-ward.
The 30. we still had great Billowes out of the West, with hollow water and a strong streame that went west-ward, which assured us that we had an open way into the South sea, then we were under 57 degrees, 34 minutes.
The 31. wee had a north wind, and sayled West, and were under 58 degrees: then the wind turning West, and West South-west, somewhat variable, wee passed by Cape Van Horne, and could see no more land, and had great billowes out of the West, and verie blew water, which then fiilly assured us that we had the broad South sea before us, and no land: the wind was very variable, with great store of haile and raine, which forced us oftentimes to winde to and fro.
The first of February, we had cold weather, with a storme out of the South-west, and sayled with our maine sayles, lying North-west, and West North-west.
The 2. the wind West, we sayled South-ward, and were under 57 degrees 58 minutes, and found 12 degrees North-ward variation of the Compasse. That day we saw many great Sea-mewes and other Birds.
The 3. we were under 59 degrees 25 minutes, with indifferent weather, and a hard West wind, and guessed that wee were that day under 59 degrees and a halfe, but saw no land, nor any signe thereof in the South.
The 4. we were under 56 degrees 43 minutes, with variable windes, most Southwest, and wound to and fro as the wind blew, with 11 degrees Northeastward variation of Compasse.
The 5. wee had a strong streame out of the West, with hollow water, whereby we could beare no sayle, but were forced to drive with the winde.
The 8. the winde was south, and wee held west, and the winde blowing northwest, we turned southward, being under 59 degrees, little lesse: the wind being stiffe northwest and north northwest, with mist, colde, , yayle, and snow, wee had our maine sayles out, and held our course west.
The next day, it was very cold, raw, moist and mistie weather.
The 12. our men had each of them three cups of wine in signe of joy for our good hap, for then the Straights of Magelan lay East from us: the same day by advice of all our Counsell, at the request of our chiefe Marchant, the new passage (by us discovered betweene Mauritius land, and the States land,) was named the Straights of le Maire, although by good right it should rather have beene called William Cornelison Schoutens Straight, after our Maisters Name, by whose wise conduction and skill in sayling, the same was found.
During the time that we passed through that New Strait, and sayling Southward about that New found land, till we got to the West side of the Straights of Magelan, for the most part we had a very strong streame,. hollow water, continuall raine, mists, moist and thicke weather, with much haile and snow: whereby wee endured much trouble, miserie and disease. But in regard that we had so luckily discovered that Passage, and hoping that the places which we were yet to discover, would likewise fall out well, we were encouraged; and not once thinking upon our former hard passage, with assured mindes determined to goe forward on our voyage.
The 13. we still had much raine and misty darke weather, and saw many birds and Porpesses.
The 14. We were under 51 degrees 50 minutes, with misty darke and moist weather, as also the 15. but slight water, being under 51 degrees 12 minutes, the winde West, holding our course north, and found that the streame there, ran north.
The next, the wind still held northwest, north northwest, and west, to the 23. day, then we had the generall South winde, and good weather, with hollow billowes out of the southwest and were under 46 degrees and 30 minutes.
The 24. we hoysed our upper Ordnance out of the hold, and placed it above upon our Decke.
The 25. of January, we hoysed all our sayles, because we entered into a peaceable Sea, and had past all stormes and hard weather.
The 27. we hoysed up our second tyre of Ordnance, and placed it in our second Orlope, for in Porto Desire we had laid it downe in the hold, and all things that might hinder the wind, and then were under fortie degrees with faire weather, a South, and South Southeast wind, and a good gale, as the day before, and held our course Northward.
The 28. our Counsell, and the foure Masters determined to sayle to the Isles of John Fernando, there to refresh us, because some of our men by meanes of the great paines and labour taken by them were extreame weary, and some had the fluxe: that day we were under 35 degrees, 53 minutes. In the evening we bare but small sayle, fearing to fall upon the land by night, and because we would not passe beyond it in the night, wee sayled Northeast.