![]() 1. The Stephen Reynolds Portrait by John Mix Stanley was painted when Stephen was sixty-seven years old. |
Journal of Stephen Reynolds
Volume I: 1823-1829 Edited by Pauline N. King KU PAA INCORPORATED Honolulu, Hawaii and THE PEABODY MUSEUM OF SALEM Salem, Massachusetts FIRST EDITION 1989 |
FIRST EDITION JOURNALS OF STEPHEN REYNOLDS, VOLUME ONE edited by Pauline King Copyright © 1989 by Ku Pa'a Incorporated (formerly Topgallant Publishing Co., Ltd.) and the Peabody Museum at Salem All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording Or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission from the publishers. Library of Congress Catalogue Number applied for. Typeset by Lines of Type, Ltd. ISBN 0-914916-80-7 |
Ku Pa'a, Incorporated, of Honolulu, Hawaii, and The Peabody Museum of Salem, Massachusetts, have undertaken to publish the journals of Stephen Reynolds. The project is part of the objective of the two organizations to make available to the public documents in Hawaiian history. In this category the Reynolds journals represent one of the most comprehensive records, 1823 through 1855, of a resident of Hawaii. In preparing this edition, the editor has received help from many persons. Most important has been the assistance of Donald Angus. He has provided photographic copies of items in his own collection. He has also made available the extensive research materials he has gathered from repositories in many places in the world for his own library. Because of his generosity, I have been able to include illustrative material that presents a new look at the port of Honolulu and its environs. Where he has not owned an item specifically, he has given me information that has led me to its discovery. There have been previous efforts to work on the journals. Donald Angus was instrumental in securing the assistance of Alan S. Davis to collect a grant fund to have the journals rendered into typescript. The late Ernest $. Dodge, director of Peabody Museum, and the late David A. Ward, professor of journalism at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, worked on the editing of the document. Ward gathered a wealth of material identifying persons, places and events in the work. He donated his extensive notes to the Hawaiian Historical Society where they are available for reference at the society’s library in Honolulu. John Dominis Holt has worked extensively on the preparation of the manuscript, Cy Timberlake of the Bishop Museum Library has been very helpful with the illustrations, and Gerald Ida has prepared the material for the index. Barbara Dunn of the Hawaiian Historical Society Library, Mary Jane Knight of the Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society Library, Susan Shaner of the Archives of Hawaii, and Peter Fetchko, director, and his staff at The Peabody Museum of Salem have all been of assistance. David Forbes has also given information from his knowledge of the journals and the history of the times. Pauline N. King
The importance of the journals of Stephen Reynolds cannot be overestimated. They are the primary source of our information of the merchant point of view of the period 1823 to 1855. Taken together with other merchant journals, with missionary accounts, with visiting naval officers and observers and with whatever Hawaiian sources are available, they give us a comprehensive picture of Honolulu from 1823 through the 1840s. The journals continue until 1855. But Reynolds was experiencing periodic bouts of illness and business reversals and his journals from that period become more interesting for their revelation of the trials of the individual than for general news. Reynolds wrote about business dealings in sandalwood and whaling, the trips of transpacific and inter-island ships and the men and women involved in trade in Hawai'i and the Pacific. He also recorded social and political occurrences with short, penetrating comments. The immediacy of his daily jottings is particularly powerful when he notes an event one day and retracts it two or three days later. We know, then, not only what happened but what some persons in the community believed happened on occasion. His personal sufferings also became a part of the history of the time as he is part of that history. The period of his writing is also of special importance. It is a time of dramatic change in Honolulu with a colorful cast of characters acting in exaggerated contrast. Chiefs, merchants and missionaries operate according to their own predilections, creating the tension which gives substance to action. And Reynolds was either a participant or an observer. Note the early entry when he writes on page two, “great stir among the chiefs about the king going to England." And his attendance at church meetings twice or three times of a Sunday. Without these journals, we would have to rely more heavily on the works of the missionaries as the primary source of information of the period which is without official records (these begin in the 1840s). While missionary sources are important, any emphasis on one view alone gives a biased point to any question. For example, the school examinations of the people after instruction by the American Protestant missionaries were lauded in missionary accounts. It is Reynolds who points out that the 'students,’ the people, had to travel great distances for several days to attend at the examination places. The exercise could be seen as more arduous on the people than it was worth. As proof, Reynolds claimed that Hawaiians complained to him about the situation. It is his ability to recognize Hawaiian attitudes and customs that adds another value to his journals. Where others write of chiefs and the people, Reynolds usually gives a name to the chief and an identity to the people. For example, he notes the deaths of the chiefs Keeaumoku and Kaumuali'i. Then he describes their funerals and the behavior of their Hawaiian dependents. He describes a great community fishing expedition and a hula contest between two women. He tells too, the curious story of the rumor that the bodies of King Kamehameha II and Queen Kamamalu and the Chief Kahalai'a were to be taken from their graves at night and transported to the island of Hawai'i for burial there. Reynolds was particularly close to the Caucasian-Hawaiian community. His wife was a member and he was especially fond of the Caucasian-Hawaiian students who attended the Oahu Charity School. His record offsets the critical, even slanderous, accounts of their lives given by missionaries. |
Heretofore, the journals have been available only to those scholars who have been able to read the material at The Peabody Museum of Salem or on microfilm at the library of the Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society. This exclusiveness has prevented many students of Hawaiian history and culture from utilizing the text which might significantly alter their own work. The present publication begins to rectify this situation. Acquisition The journals were acquired by the Peabody Museum of Salem from the heirs of Reynolds just before a fire destroyed the home where they had been stored. The circumstances have been determined by records and verbal communications and are as follows: some of the Reynolds collection of journals, paintings and artifacts were placed on loan at Peabody in the summer of 1917 by Arthur Wilmarth. He was a grandson of Reynolds, being the son of Matilda Euela Reynolds Wilmarth. Matilda had died in the summer of 1916 in West Boxford and her home there was sold. | Part of the collection remained in the old Reynolds home in West Boxford, the same home to which Reynolds returned in 1856. His niece Matilda Lund lived in the home. On July 3, 1926, Stephen W. Phillips and Ernest S$. Dodge visited Matilda and persuaded her to give up the rest of the collection, including a feather cape. Reluctantly, she parted with the objects; the next day the Reynolds home was destroyed by fire. By 1932 the collection had been sold to Phillips by the Wilmarths and he donated it to Peabody Museum. Two volumes, for the years 1826 through 1829 and 1838 through 1842, were not included in the original loan and gift. They were, however, donated to Peabody in 1964 by William P. Alexander, DeWitt Alexander and Mrs. Gordon Smith. The Reynolds Collection, then, includes nine journal books, a portrait of Stephen by John Mix Stanley and a collection of artifacts he took back to Massachusetts with him in 1856. Style The style adopted for the editing of the journals has been one which follows as closely as possible the original script. Spelling is kept as is except where the script is not clear, then the correct form is used. His style is kept with the frequent use of dashes and dots, casual sentence structure and lack of capitals and other punctuation. The entries are, after all, daily jottings from the mind of an active participant in the life of Honolulu. What punctuation there is, including exclamation points, italics and capitals, is kept as found. Some few changes have been adopted. All letters above the line have been dropped to the line. This has been done without an apostrophe unless clarity demands punctuation. Thus Capt becomes Capt but Co# becomes Co’a. Marginalia have been placed in brackets within the paragraph with the words “In margin’ preceding. Blank spaces are indicated by a long line in the text. An illegible word is indicated by brackets around the word “illegible." Names are kept as found even when Reynolds spells a name several different ways. This is especially true of Hawaiian names. Reynolds spells these pho- |
netically and sometimes with many variations and nicknames. Thus, Kuakini is John Adams; Kalanimoku is Krymoku, Billy Pitt, William Pitt; Ka'ahumanu is Kahumanah, Kahoomanoo; Ke'eaumoku is Governor Cox; Kaikio'ewa is Kaikiave and Kakeiaua; Kekuanao'a is Tuanoa; and the like. Reynolds wrote at a time when the Hawaiian alphabet was being formed and a standard orthography in the process of being established. Thus the way in which Reynolds spelt names and Hawaiian words is also part of the historical record. At the first reference to a Hawaiian name, the modern form is is placed in brackets. The index identifies the various spellings. Biography Stephen Reynolds was born in Andover, Massachusetts, November 18, 1782, the eldest of twelve children of Enos and Sara Runnels. Soon after that date, Enos moved to West Boxford where he rebuilt his father’s home and where direct descendants lived until it burned down in 1926. Enos changed the spelling of the family name to “Reynolds." Stephen appears in the records in 1810 when he shipped as an able-bodied seaman on the brig New Hazard on a three-year trading trip to the Pacific northwest, the Hawaiian Islands and Canton, China. By 1817 he was on board the ship Ida, probably as an officer on a trip to the Pacific northwest and the western coast of the Americas. In 1823, he came to Honolulu to reside. Perhaps his one-month visit on the New Hazard had helped attract him to the Islands. No doubt the breaking of the Rapu system by Kamehameha II in 1819 helped influence his decision. For after 1819, foreign residents in the kingdom were not obligated to live under the Hawaiian kapu system. Records place his arrival in May and his occupation as a clerk for the Honolulu merchant William French. By 1829, he was prepared to open his own business as a dealer in sandalwood and as a general merchandise merchant in the Pacific trade, dealing in clothing, foodstuffs, wine and liquor, lumber, furs, horses and hides. As he settled on land, Reynolds set up domestic arrangements with Winshipa Harbottle, a Caucasian-Hawaiian. He had two children by her, ason, William Pitt Reynolds, born February 13, 1827, and a daughter, Maria Harriet, born August 19, 1828. Maria died in November and Winshipa followed in May. In August Reynolds married Susan Jackson, the Hawatian-Caucasian daughter of Sally and Edward Jackson, in a ceremony performed by the Reverend Hiram Bingham. By Susan he had five children: Matilda Euela, born October 8, 1830; Evaline, born December 25, 1831; John Rice, born November 21, 1833; Harriette, born August 27, 1835; and Edward Jackson, born August 28, 1838. Reynolds sent all of his children back to West Boxford to his sisters for their education. His objective seems to have been to give them the best opportunity he could afford. When he sent William Pitt off at the age of three, he wrote in his journal:
As each child reached the age of three, Reynolds sent him or her to Massachusetts. The separations were wrenching ones for Susan. She was able to delay the separation from the youngest, Edward Jackson, for six years. Yet then Reynolds sent the boy off, apparently against the wishes of his mother and by subterfuge. Stephen also felt their loss, for his journal entries record his feelings when he received news or miniature portraits of them. Perhaps his later involvement in the lives of the students of the Oahu Charity School fulfilled his parental longings. Whatever the attitude of the parents, the separation effectively detached their children from their birthplace. William Pitt apparently died before his father. Evaline died in West Boxford February 19, 1856. Matilda Euela married Henry Dane Wilmarth of Taunton and Boston and died in West Boxford in 1916. Harriet married Roger Sherman Littlefield of Randolph, Massachusetts, and died there in 1861. John Rice died in San Francisco, California, in April of 1855 and Edward Jackson died in Honolulu in 1868. However far away the two young men were from Massachusetts, their identification remained with that part of the world. For their names appear with their father’s on his granite headstone in the West Boxford cemetery. Reynolds returned to West Boxford in the spring of 1856, after he had been in poor health for several years. By 1851 he was writing of his symptoms and his entries recorded many occasions when he felt very ill. In 1854 he went to California for some months for his health. He had become so erratic, however, in his behavior, that one of his creditors brought him to court and on August 15, 1855, he was found by a jury of twleve of the most important businessmen in Honolulu to be “a lunatic and of unsound mind with occasional lucid intervals, that he was incapable of the government of himself or the management of his lands, tenements, goods and chattels. . "’ His affairs, all property real and personal, were placed in the hands of a committee of two businessmen, Asher B. Bates and Benjamin Pittman, who were also old friends of Reynolds. At this time, his sister Rebecca traveled to Honolulu, took her brother and what was left of his possessions back to the family home where he died July 17, 1857, to buried in the West Boxford cemetery. Recently, David Ward speculated that Reynolds was suffering from lead poisoning which was being transmitted through the water he was drinking. His symptoms of weariness, listlessness, swollen face and the like seemed to indicate that this may have been the cause of his illness. Reynolds was one of Honolulu’s most prominent businessmen. He prospered in his activities, improving his store from a grass edifice to a structure two stories high of coral on the mauka or upland side of Merchant Street near Nu'uanu Street. He bought the sugar plantation of Hali'imaile on Maui and property in Honolulu and Hilo. He had a branch store in Kahului, Maui. He was a self-taught medic and lawyer, at times the harbor master and pilot for Honolulu harbor, the consul for Bremen and vice consul for Hamburg. He was one of the first members of the first Masonic Lodge in Hawaii, Le Progres de l’Oceanie. He was one of the early organizers of the Oahu Charity School established for the education of the children of foreign residents, especially the Hawaiian-Caucasian population. He remained on the board of trustees of the |
school and was one of its most generous supporters. He was also a unique character in dress and habits. He wore distinctive clothing described as Byronesque with a broad-brimmed Panama hat, full-collared white cotton shirt, nankeen trousers and a light box coat, white stockings and pumps, looking, it was said, “altogether quite outre."’ He had built a spacious coral stone house for himself with a large room which he dedicated to dancing classes which he held weekly for the students from the school. He played the violin during these sessions and also taught the different dance steps. This interest occupied his time increasingly in the 1840s and after. It was during this time that the painter of American Indians, John Mix Stanley, arrived in Honolulu. Reynolds befriended him and commissioned his own portrait and that of several of his favorite pupils. Some of the paintings adorned the walls of the ballroom in his home. Through his influence, Stanley received many commissions for portraits, including that of Kamehameha III and Queen Kalama. Wealthy, prominent, popular, Reynolds had reached a distinguished place in Honolulu society by the 1840s. Besides friends in the business community, he at first was on reasonably good terms with the American Protestant Missionaries. He attended meeting on Sunday, often at both the Hawaiian and English services. He spent evening socials with them. But soon the differences of opinion on social, political and economic issues divided him from the American missionary set. Upon the arrival of Catholic missionaries, he and others encouraged their settlement and he began to attend their services. He was well acquainted with the Hawaiian chiefs, friendly with the Hawaiian people and closely associated with the Caucasian-Hawaiian group. By 1851, he was beginning to complain of illness and had “found cook had drawn water with a white lead keg; water tasted it very strongly. . . "’ With his increasing problems of health, he was unable to care for his business affairs adequately. In 1854 his Kahului store burned to the ground with a $7,000 loss and he was unable to recoup from that disaster. By the time the committee of trustees took on the responsibilities of guiding his business in 1855, he was in considerable debt. Thus we find Bates and Pittman gradually liquidating his assets; the property in Hilo, including a lease on a wharf lot, the sugar plantation at Hali'imaile, the Honolulu lots. Susan was given an interest in the White Swan Hotel in lieu of a dower share in his estate. There appears to have been some stress now in the family. Reynolds’sister Rebecca had come out to Honolulu to be with him in his illness. In January of 1856 Susan applied to the court to be named guardian for her four living children. The next month Rebecca countered with a petition for her guardianship. The court awarded Rebecca the position in regard to the two minor children, Harriette and Edward Jackson. Rebecca and Stephen left Honolulu in May with all his possessions which remained portable. After his death, his will was probated in Honolulu. Susan had married again to a man named Kahananui. She soon complained that she had been duped in her share of the estate and her settlement of her dower right. Perhaps she was right; the White Swan Hotel may have been the only solid asset of a lifetime of entrepreneurship. |
Honolulu in the 1820s By the time Reynolds settled in Honolulu in 1823, it had become an urban cosmopolitan center for the Hawaiian Kingdom. By then it was the commercial hub for the ships in the transpacific trade, the political meeting place for the chiefs and chiefesses, and the central location from which religious and educational innovations emanated. The town was small, extending barely four blocks in from the waterfront and about four blocks paralleling it. Structures were primarily of thatch with wood and stone only gradually being adopted as these exotic materials became available. Facilities were primitive, streets dusty or muddy as the weather determined. The population numbered about 3,000 to 4,000 native Hawaiians with more than one hundred foreign residents. If the town was modest in size and primitive in construction and material appointments, the interplay of human relations was not. Hawaiian chiefs and chiefesses, merchants and traders, missionaries; all looked at issues and events from their own perspective. While sometimes a consensus developed, more often each group followed its own self interest which only partly coincided with that of another. Thus the community was often the scene of conflict or confrontation of one group or another, with the great chiefs and chiefesses siding with one or the other or splitting their adherence between the two opposing groups. On each issue, at each event, the reaction in the town reflected ardently held opinions. Among the groups who reacted most frequently in opposition to each other were the merchants and the missionaries. The enclave of resident traders had been established in Honolulu since the time of Kamehameha I. After 1819 and the breaking of the kapu system, the resident foreign community grew. Pursuing business, they desired to have a minimum of interference from the government of the chiefs and the least restriction on their personal behavior. Americans were prominent among the merchants but there was also a considerable number of Englishmen as well as a number of Europeans. Reynolds, of course, belonged to the American group as did William French, for whom he worked. John Coffin Jones, Jr., was a prominent member of the American group. Agent of the Boston house of Marshall and Wildes, he was also agent for commerce and seamen of the United States. Besides the resident merchants, there was a constant arrival and departure of sea captains and their crews. Some of these men set up semi-permanent headquarters in Honolulu. Obviously their connections and interests coincided most often with the resident merchants. By 1823, the American Protestant missionaries were firmly established in the islands. The Honolulu station was led by the powerful Reverend Hiram Bingham. Gradually their influence over the chiefs and chiefesses grew stronger. Late in 1825, many of the most important Hawaiian leaders became members of the Church. From then on, more and more suggestions of the missionaries were adopted by the chiefs and chiefesses and it was apparent that their influence was great. Between the two groups, the Hawaiian chiefs and chiefesses reacted on the occasion. An extraordinary class of persons, they were all of high rank, held positions of responsibility, were large landowners, and were closely related to each other. They were in fact all of the great Pi'ilani genealogy of Maui. The chiefs Kalanimoku, Boki, Hoapili, Ke'eaumoku, and Kuakini held office as pre- |
mier and governors. The chiefesses Ka'ahumanu, Pi'ia or Namahana, Kaheiheimalie and Kekauluohi were kuhina nui and regent, wives of great chiefs, large landowners and commanders of large numbers of dependents. These chiefs and chiefesses were, then, in control of the available labor force. In the 1820s there appeared to be a disagreement among this group in regard to their attitude toward the merchants and missionaries. A group around Boki, governor of O'ahu, generally sided with the merchants and wished that foreigners would solve their problems among themselves. A group around Kalanimoku and Ka'ahumanu began to be more receptive to missionary influence and to be willing to establish general rules and laws to which all people in Hawaii were to adhere. At this time the monarch was less important because Kamehameha II had gone to England and died, his brother and heir Kauikeaouli was very young and the chiefs and chiefesses were the dominant politicians. Diplomats also added to the complexity of Honolulu’s interest groups. John Coffin Jones was not a diplomat but often took on the role of one and iterpreted United States policy in regard to Hawaii as he saw it. In 1825, Richard Charlton arrived as Britain’s consul general. Of a choleric temperament, he usually expressed his ideas in aggressive language, sometimes in violent action. He was a bitter opponent of the American missionaries. Arriving periodically were the warships of Pacific powers. The commanding naval officer played an important role in mediating the problems of the nationals of his country. He usually also advised the chiefs and chiefesses on the conduct of government and society in “civilized countries.’ In the 1820s, the visits of Lord Byron in HMS Blonde, of Lieutenant John Percival in the USS Dolphin and Captain Thomas ap Catesby Jones in the USS Peacock were important events in the history of the town. Finally in the 1820s, the arrival of a second mission, the French Catholics, created another source of agreement and opposition in the community. Many merchants befriended the Catholics, notably John Coffin Jones and Stephen Reynolds. They were accused of doing so because of their antagonism to the American Protestant Mission. They may well have based their support on religious belief. What were some of the most important of the issues and events of the 1820s? One which provoked the most intense feelings was that of the personal behavior of individuals. Keeping of the Sabbath, betting in any form, prostitution, seemingly vulgar acts; all ruffled the quiet of the community. The missionaries had influenced pious Hawaiians to keep the Sabbath strictly. Some missionaries and Hawaiians interpreted this to mean that activities should be restricted beginning as early as Saturday afternoon in preparation for Sunday. Thus, an incident occurred during Lord Byron's visit. He came to return the remains of Kamehameha II and Queen Kamamalu and the party of Hawaiians who accompanied the king to England. On a Saturday night he planned an exhibition of phantasmagoria and his evening’s entertainment conflicted with the Reverend Hiram Bingham’s plan for the celebration of the Sabbath. Bingham influenced many of the great chiefs with their people to avoid the theatrical performance and to attend prayer meeting instead. As object lesson at Sunday service, the preacher took the sermon from “God is angry with the wicked every day,’ and related the damnation |
of all. Commented Reynolds, “Natives say they do not want to be told so, if it be so.’ Journal, May 29, 1825) Gambling was indulged in by Hawaiians and resident foreigners, usually for a modest sum. Billiards and ninepins, horse and boat races, card games; all gave the opportunity for a bet. To the missionaries gambling was a scandal to religion and they likened the practice to thievery. Both Hawaiians and resident foreigners found this label offensive. As ameasure to stop prostitution, the Hawaiian government promulgated an edict which prevented women from going out to ships in the ports of the islands. Hoapili, the governor of Maui, enforced the law strictly at Lahaina. Ka'ahumanu as regent and kuhina nui was very supportive of the new law. Boki as governor of O'ahu was more amenable in regard to the port of Honolulu. The issue became a reality when ships arrived in the islands and found the formerly free ports closed to them as regards the company of women. Many of the sea Captains reacted violently. Two notorious incidents concerned Lieutenant John Percival who came in January of 1826 and Captain John Buckle of the Daniel, who was in Lahaina in October of 1825. Lt. Percival objected strenuously at Honolulu to the imposition against women on board ships. In making his arguments to Ka'ahumanu, he blamed the American missionaries for the new rules. As a result, the seamen from his ship, with his knowledge, went ashore to attack Hawaiian chiefs and the Reverend Bingham. A riot ensued in which property was destroyed and casualties resulted. Governor Boki allowed women to go aboard the Dolphin. In missionary accounts, Percival is a villain painted only in black. To Reynolds, Percival was not an admirable man nor the reputation of the United States Navy advanced by the conduct of the men of the Dolpin. He depicted Percival as violently assaulting individuals, speaking in harsh and crude language, discussing sexual behavior in gross terms, overcharging sea captains for presumed services, and creating an atmosphere of tension and potential violence. Noted Reynolds, “terrible times.’ (Journal, February 20, 1826) Captain John Buckle, an Englishman in the whaleship Daniel, was also violently opposed to the interdiction on women when he sailed into Lahaina in 1825. He allowed his crew to threaten the life of the American missionary, the Reverend William Richards. Subsequently, there appeared in the New York Observer an article Richards wrote about the Lahaina incident and a statement by Richards that previously Buckle had brought a Hawaiian girl from a chiefess and had taken her on board his ship. When Buckle heard of the article he went to the British consul, Charlton, to sue Richards for libel. The basis for the claim of Charlton and Buckle was that English law stated that any English subject who transported slaves on the high seas was deemed a pirate. Thus, Richards and missionaries had charged Buckle with a serious crime equivalent to piracy. The chiefs became involved when Charlton appealed to Boki. According to Samuel Kamakau, the chiefs split in their support of Richards, Boki and his supporters being willing to imprison Richards in the Fort while Ka'ahumanu and the other chiefs defended Richards. After a council of chiefs had met, Ka'ahumanu announced that Richards was not guilty of the charge. Reynolds indicates that he did not believe the charge against Buckle of buying a girl. (Jjournal, August 4, 1827) Another important issue which agitated the community was the subject |
of law. The necessity for the promulgation of general laws for the community arose directly from the contact among foreign residents, transient visitors and Hawaiians. Often the issue in question related only to foreigners. Boki was amenable to settlement of foreign contests by foreigners. There had been notices published relating to the behavior of seamen on shore and the regulation of the port of Honolulu. But by 1825 the chiefs began to consider a more comprehensive set of laws. The intention had been discussed with Lord Byron in a council meeting with him. From then on the subject continued to confront the chiefs. What laws should be promulgated? After the religious conversion of many of the chiefs, a suggestion surfaced that the Ten Commandments be made the basis for law in Hawai'i. They were translated into Hawaiian, printed and circulated. Who initiated the move is in dispute, resident foreigners accusing the missionaries and missionaries protesting that they followed the request of the chiefs. By the end of 1827, the first code of laws — three, against murder, theft and adultery — was promulgated, less than the missionaries hoped for, more than the merchants wanted. In October of 1826 Captain Thomas ap Catesby Jones arrived in the USS Peacock. He played an important role in settling the sandalwood debts owed to Americans by the chiefs. While he was in Honolulu, the chiefs agreed to settle the claims of Americans. In order to liquidate the debts, they imposed taxes on the people to be paid in goods, money or sandalwood. The problem was not easily solved and the debts continued to plague the relationships between the chiefs and the merchants for many years. Many lesser issues agitated the small community of Honolulu. One concerned a potential direct confrontation between merchant and missionary. Betwen October and December of 1826, the missionaries decided to deny that they advised the chiefs about government and commerce and they published a circular on the subject. In it residents and shipmasters were challenged to prove otherwise. A council was to be convened to hear witnesses on the subject. Such a meeting was held in December when testimony was to be given. But the missionaries would not take verbal complaints and the merchants and others were not willing to give written depositions. The meeting was dissolved without any complaints recorded. (Journal, October 27, November 1, December 8, 1826) The arrival of the French Catholic missionaries of the Society of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary caused mutual recriminations to surface. It was said that foreign residents who befriended the Catholics were to be harrassed by the government. The merchants had invited them in, it was said, and hotly denied. Protestant and Catholic partisans remained at odds thoughout the century. But for the merchant, and thus for Reynolds, the one reality was trade, the arrival and departure of ships, the condition of the port of Honolulu and the environment most conducive to a commercial enterprise. |
Angus, Donald, personal communication. Baker, Ray Jerome, Honolulu in 1853, Honolulu, 1950. Bennet, C.C., Honolulu Directory. .. Honolulu, 1869 Bradley, Harold, The American Frontier in Hawaii... ????? Palo Alto, California, 1942. Dodge, Ernest S., personal communication. Forbes, David, personal communication. Holt, John Dominis, personal communication Howay, Frederick W., 'Introduction,’ in Stephen Reynolds, Voyage of the New Hazard. .., Salem, Mass., 1938. Kamakau, Samuel, Ruling chiefs of Hawaii, Honolulu, 1961. Kingdom of Hawaii, First Circuit Court, Equity No, 325; Probate No. 2422. Kingdom of Hawaii, Land Commission, Foreign Testimony, 1846, Vol. I. Kuykendall, Ralph S., The Hawatian Kingdom, 1778-1854, Honolulu, 1968. Parkhurst, Winifred C. and Perley, Barbara C., Updated Dwellings of Boxford, Boxford, Mass., 1977 Peabody Museum, Accession Books; Correspondence Files. Perley, Sidney, The Dwellings of Boxford, Essex County, Massachusetts, Salem, Mass., 1893. Pipes, Nellie B., 'John Mix Stanley, Indian Painter,’ Oregon Historical Society Quarterly, 1932. Portraits of Shipmasters and Merchants. .., Salem, Mass., 1939. Runnels, Rev. M. T., A Genealogy of Runnels and Reynolds Families in. America. .., Boston, 1873. Smith, Gordon, personal communication. Talbot, Theodore, The Journals of, Portland, Ore., 1931. Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts. . ., Topsfield, Mass., 1912. Vital Records of Boxford, Massachusetts. . ., Topsfield, Mass., 1905. Ward, David A., "The Old Complaint of Stephen Reynolds,’ The Hawatian Journal of History, 1973. West Boxford Cemetery, headstones. |
Journal of Stephen Reynolds
Volume I: 1823-1829 Edited by Pauline N. King |
Saturday November 1st Pleasant morning. Several persons grappling after the person lost last evening but could not find. At 10 A.M. a notification was put "requesting all masters of vessels and residents to meet at Mr. Navarros at 3. pm. on business of importance." They met at time & place — adjourned to Mr Crockers, who left his house to the company — went to the billiard-room. at the meeting it was voted to send for Mr Jones — wait on Boki inform him of the transaction of the meeting. After the Meeting a vendue of various articles at Navarro’s. Sailed ship Panther, Bowman for Canton. Merchants in Honolulu were often making requests and demands of the great Chief Boki, governor of O'ahu. Sunday 2nd Lively trades. Attended meeting three times. Dined on board or taking Mr King ashore in evening till 8. Showery in evening. Maro-Mary- sailed Kanakas during night attempted to steal Cap. Kelly’s Oil — were detected. Monday 3rd Showery and strong gusts of wind. . .quiet, appears about the village Tuesday 4th Brisk Trade. Dined on board Pocahontas — spent evening with Mr. Goodrich. I saw a very superb chrystalized stone from Connecticut Wednesday 5th Calm — Took a walk before breakfast — regulating Cap Bunkers chronometer by artificial horizon. Ships Tarquin & paragon — Bunkers sailed Paragon. Cole arrived fr. Wairua [Waialua]. Messrs Jones Babcock & Sturgis — Caps Starbuck arrived by land. Tameroinere sailed Thursday 6th Fresh Trades — carried Starbucks Chronometer on board his ship. Dined on board the Russell. Ship. Alexander Gardner arrived. Paragon anchored. Preble sailed in the Water-Witch — Barge & Waverly sail'd Friday 7th Fine morning. people, very much troubled with bad colds — particularly Natives arrived ships Lyra, Joy, Globe Worth. Wind southerly for want of a pilot Maria could not get in. Dined on board Enterprise, supd at Blanchards Saturday 8th Went off and wound Capt. Starbucks Chronometer, Breakfasted on board Alexander. Very fresh Trades — great stir among the chiefs about the king going to England — Kamehameha II wished to go to England to confirm the protectorate status of his kingdom with the British government. Such an arrangement had been made in 1794 by his father Kamehameha I with Captain George Vancouver of the Royal Navy. |
Sunday 9th Very strong Trades — which prevented several ships getting out of harbor — and going to Sea — went to Meeting at % past 11 — no minister — very dirty — left the church after waiting for sometime and no minister coming to preach — Capt. Babcock observed the 9th November had been very strong gales of wind for three years in succession — Evening Sally Magee, Hannah & Susan spent evening with me & Mr Temple. . 1823 Monday 10 Cloudy and moderate — Ship L'Aigle got outside, or rather Bro’t up No wind — —no ships sailed — Bustle, Bustle, Bustle. Starbuck waiting for wind — Naihe Tutui [Naihe Kukui], alias Cap. Jack — Taranowak, the Weigher — getting there things off — taking leave of Friends — everyone running for their pay of them &c — NB. I believe the King has no real intention of leaving here. Tuesday 11th Got up early — rainy; at sunrise started for Wytetee [Waikiki] with Hannah Hooper Susan Jackson and two or three others — spent a very agreeable time — returned by 7 in evening — LAigle saild for Mauii [Maui] in expectation of taking the King to England — but Kahumanah [Ka'ahumanu] said he was not going — Sailed Ships Paragon. Cole for Atoui [Kaua'i]; Ganges Coffin for Americas... Ka'ahumanu, great chiefess and a widow of Kamehameha I, was the kuhina nui or co-ruler with Kamehameha II. Wednesd. 12 & Thursday13 At 2 p.m. Mr Allen came and told me he was going to Mowea & Owyhee [Hawai'i]. Started immediately in the Schooner Terrible — arrived next day at 1. p.m. Dined — Slept & on board Brig Arab. Friday 14 Went ashore — saw King Tamamarro & Pitt [Kalanimoku]. Who told me as soon as the King went to England — Pitt would pay me all off — afternoon Started for Owyhee — being calm & light airs got but small distance at 10 evening — Met the Barge on board which was John Adams so we put back again. Pitt or Kalanimoku was prime minister of the kingdom and a great chief. The journal ts filled with the problems of the debts incurred by the chiefs with the resident merchants. Usually the debts were secured by future cuttings of sandalwood on the estates of the great chiefs and chiefesses or ali'i. Saturday 15 Went to see Adams who told me it would be no use to go to Owyhee unless he was there — after dinner Mr. Allen started for Woahoo [O'ahu] — I remained at Mowee to see how things went with the Royal Family as to debts. John Adams was the name that the great Chief Kuakini used. He was governor of Hawai'i island. |
Sunday 16 Slept on board Brig Owyhee — got dinner — Supper &c — went ashore saw the King Queen &c — got promise of Money!! Monday 17 Slept and breakfasted on board Owyhee — went ashore — Dined at Butlers — got another promise of Money from their Majesties — Slept at Reeves’. Tuesday 18 Slept at Reeves’ Breakfasted — Dined at Butlers — after dinner King and all the Chiefs went on board the LAigle-Barge-waverly Schooner &c for Woahoo — I took passage in the Water-witch with Mr. Hammatt. Started at sunset arrived at 5 am. Kakei aua [Kaikioewa] & wife were passengers with us — also Mr. Ellis. Wednesday 19 Arrived at 5 from Mowee [Maui] went on board Octavia to get a nap & breakfast no Nap but breakfast — came ashore and got a Nap. Dined with Mr. Dana after Slept. supped on board Octavia — went to see Hannah & Susan — Thursday 20 Got up early — found my boots were gone — and that 5 or 6 dollars in money — also could not find my small account of things sold. afternoon found it among papers belonging to Navarro. All bustle about the King — everyone getting his accounts in. Went to live with Mr. Dana — Sent a hog — got from Tuanoo [Kekuanao'i] Friday 21st 1823 Pleasant — fresh Trades — Ship Eagle Kelly went out — at Dinner went on board Octavia. Mr. King told me it was Capt. Blanchard’s orders were, that I should take the Chronometer out of the Ship!! . . . signifying he did not want me on board his ship. complied with his orders!! Went to see the King who wanted me to take Wood instead of money for payment of a cash account of 332 dollars. Evening at S. Magee’s. Saturday 22nd Went to see the King! said must take wood for the cash account — Went of board LAigle with Cap Starbuck. got altitudes for Chronometer found she gained at the rate of 16 seconds per day. Kanaka gave me some potatoes. afternoon went to see the King who told me, I must wait till he returned from England, then he would pay the money!!! Evening. Mr. Temple & self masked, walked abroad, amused some started others — went to his house, staid awhile — then to mine & he staid till Eleven — at 5 Brig Owyhee arrived from Mowee — Sunday 23 Attended meeting three times — Owyhee came in, in afternoon believe nothing special today. Evening Mr. King wanted to go to Pearl River Monday 24 Rose early walked to the Missionary house — joined Mr. Goodrich and walked near to Allens — got back to breakfast — after went to see King and get money Said, as usual, would pay wood — and not Money. afternoon King & tribe Went up to Mr. Dana’s and tarried till near night. Bot some trifling cabinet ware. Evening Brothers Goodrish, Kinny, Gardner & Joy met at the house. Mr. Elwell |
adjourned to the billiards room!!! Mr. Allen at Pearl river. Kamehameha II was referring to sandalwood which was a favorite means of the Hawaiian ali% for paying their debts. The journal ts filled with the problem of sandalwood debts and their collection. Tuesday 25 Went as usual in the morning to see King — who gave no encouragement as to pay — feeling angry, took a walk to Wytetei — returned at dusk. Temple and I played gammon [backgammon] — till 9 — LAigle got under weigh, stood off & on. Wednesday 26 Early I rose and discovered that the Bale of Gurrahs[?] had been robbed of a number of pieces were gone. at 10 — Eleven people came to trade — bot only a few yards & stole 44%. In evening found I had lost a Case of wine which I had filled for Mr. Goodrich — which Poalinui told me the Kanakas took it out while Mr. Temple & I were playing Backgammon — which I think very doubtful. Evening, Mr. Allen — Capt. Gardner — Joy and Mr. Goodrich passed together. . .at 8 — was informed Mr. Hammatt’s house was broken open — but presume were surprised too soon to effect their design by the people going into the house to sleep. As Auai (or Owi) told Mr. Navarro the Chiefs were going to windward, the Kanakas were determined to steal from every house they could get into!! 1823 Thursday November 27 Early in morning saw Cap Preble who informed Brig Lascar Harris from N.W.C. was in offing — had fired in night. Went to see the King who paid me for a pair of thick Boots — said would not pay any money for goods — Would pay it to Cap Rutter when he (King) arrived in America!!! — after breakfast went to see King found him determined to pay no cash Said after he returned would pay me!! Brig Arab arrived from Mowee. At 11 King, Bohas and the Retinue who attended him took their departure under a discharge of Cannon from the Forty Vessels in harbor. Brigs Arab & Lascar; and crying & sobbing of the people Found but few of the Residents had fared much better than I. Mr. Reeves took his departure with the King. Cap Preble observed fourteen hundred dollars of their property was gone. John Reeves or Rives, a Frenchman, went with the king as secretary and interpreter. Friday 28 Showery — went on board Octavia to get clean clothes — ships Independence — Planket arrived, Ship Mentor, Bremen, from Coquimbo — forty days passage — bound to Canton. Paragon arrived from Atooi with 800 piculs, nearly, some speculation among the people as to the Mentor her colors being new here. Sandalwood was measured in piculs which was equal to over one hundred and thirtythree pounds. |
Saturday 29 Mr. Navarro killed a bullock. In evening Ship Arab Williams arrived from Coast of peru. Learned Alexander Adams was made piolot instead of Beckly. Evening went to see Hannah, Susan returned by 8. Mr. King called in after and slept till after 9. Sunday 30 Instead of Ship Arab, it proved to be Gen. Hamilton of Providence from Lima — bound to Canton. Thomas Pearce Master gave information the ship Arab Williams had been taken by the Royalists. attended meeting all day. Mr. Jones gave Cap. pearce & the Bremen Supercargo invitation to dine. Mr. King took Tea with us at Dana’s. Decr Monday 1st Went to see Pitt who told me he would give me wood in two months!! Brig Arab going to Mowee again after wood. Chiefs all going to windward — the Natives and small chiefs go in gangs from house to house under pretence of buying goods — but the main object is to Steal. I have missed seventeen yds common and 7 of wide calico Tuesday 2nd Early in morning Mr. Goodrich came up to see if I could get the waterwitch to go to ahedoo [Hilo] — but I could not. Pitt — Naihe and others Went to windward — Brig Arab Meek. Pitt put a Taboo on the natives not to drink any rum — or to quarrel with the white people. Cap. Preble gave a dinner on board Champion. Wednesday 3rd Showery in the morning, went on board Octavia to get clothes was told Mr. King had gone to Pearl river in Long boat after sandalwood afternoon went on board Paragon to see Friend Bowman took Tea — [In margin: Ships Mentor & Gen Hamilton Sailed.] “Mr. Bowman told me had been informed by Cap Babcock that Cap Rutter had at the commencement of his coming here said much, very much against me — that he Babcock concluded it was true, as he believed incapable of injuring any one unjustly — till he found to the contrary and from his own observation that he saw no reason to think it true’’ went to Billiard room in evening. Mr. Kelly called at house in evening!!! Thursday 4 Spent forenoon in writing a vocabulary of words — Henow [Hinau] went to the billiard room and forbade there being any more games played — said he should stop trading at all the Houses in the place. Mr. Temple went to Henow and got leave to open Billiard room, if would not drink Rum!! [In margin: Maria Independe sailed] Friday 5th First thing in morning heard Mr. Crocker had received orders from Henow not to sell anything to any Native!! called at Crockers. went into the store — among the company was Cap Grymes, Who asked me what discount I would take, on the Waverly concern!!!! after breakfast went on board Octavia. Saw the wood which had been got at Pearl River by Mr. Dana — it was very small. Evening Mr. MacNeil was in the house till 8, after which we went to Billiard Room till 9. |
Saturday 6 Fine morning wind from sd — at 10 an auction was held at Mr Jones afternoon counted six hundred dollars into a bag and carried it to Mr. Dana’s to put in his Iron chest. a funeral of the cook of Cap Joy, who was drowned, as supposed, by attempting to swim ashore — Sunday 7 Mr. Dana had a party to dine at Wytetee. Dined with Mr. Hammat afternoon Slept in house. Evening took Tea on board Paragon — also Mr Temple and self staid till 8 — Monday 8 A sail off diamond hill at sunrise — fired a gun — proved to be Arab from Mowee — wind light came inside — got no wood — at Mowee — save 12 piculs[?] he bot. Evening went to see Susan Jackson whom I had given mercurial Ointment to kill itch — found it doing well. Mr Crocker and Mr Hammatt were at Billiard room till 4 in morning. Croc lost twenty six dollars — Tuesday 9 Great complaint about wine at Billiard room — that it made them sick. Ships Lyra & Globe sailed. Evening Mr Allen & self went to Mr. Goodrich — Mr. Allen said he expected to remain and close their concern. I advis’d him otherwise. Wednesday 10 Pleasant morning. Cap grimes had a sailmaker came to repair sails — a man from Lascar. a person not to be trusted with Rum & employed myself in taking altitudes & looking at Mr Dominis’sextant, evening Mr. Bowman came ashore, went up to Dana’s staid till 9 — went to billiard room till 10. Some left billiard room to go to Blanchards to drink Wine Thursday 11 Very plt — a little after sunrise all were running. some one they said was fighting soon heard Hannah, a N W Indian, was one and a white man the other. Girl scrape!! Friday 12 All preparing for Launch of Crockers Schooner — at 12 had lunching but no launching — Mr Dana — Jones and others went to Pearl River endeavoring to caculate elements of the Eclipse for January 30th, 1824 Saturday 13 Rainy — Ship Octavia got ready to go to Owyhee with a house frame for Governor Adams. no wind remained. Brig Owyhe arrived from Mowee got no wood — Waverly arrived — both Brigs came inside at 10:30. Mr Crockers Schooner was launched very handsomely. employed myself in making calculations for the Eclipse in Jan Cap Preble and some others went in boat to Pearl River. Sunday 14 Fine breese. Octavia sailed. the pleasure party from Pearl river returned — attended meeting. Evening Mr. Allen and self walk to Mr Goodrich’s. Moon uncommonly bright. In evening a trick similar to the one of the Song, when the Mistress put Betty the wench into her bed. |
Monday 15 The circumstance above alluded to of "Betty"’ as the jest & sport of the day. Calculating for the eclipse in June next. afternoon went to the wash place with Allen & Temple — the sailmaker who was repairing sails got to sleep locked him in. most beautiful evng. | Tuesday 16 Good plt weather. Mr Hammatt, Preble &c went to Pearl river in Water-Witch after Wood for cloth sold Kiakiava [Kakioewa?] a chief — yesterday while I was at dinner Mr Allen came up to Mr. Dana’s, said sailmaker was asleep, the door & window open — when I got to the house found it as he, Allen, had stated. evening remarkably fine walked as far as Sally Magee’s, where I found Mr Temple, after playing a game at Loo with the girls — at % past 9 — they accompanied us to Mr Temple's to get a hair comb they beat him out of. we came near having them for the night — for they staid till past twelve!! Mr Navarro had a loo party. Wednesday 17 Early in morning showery. continued showery during day walked to the Missionaries to see the printing office — found them preparing the Hymns for the press. . .misty — showery day. evening plt. Pitt arrived fr Mowee. The American missionaries were sent by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) and arrived in 1820. Thursday 18 Went in morning to see Pitt who had just gone to Wytetee to see Kahoomanoo. Brig Inore on windward. At 10 attended an auction at Mr Hammats. sold thirteen papers Vermilion at 95/100 per paper. sailmaker at work on Grymes’sails. Friday 19 In night at half past 12 heard a noise like people breaking into house Started up — found they were trying the front door. on arriving at the door they found they were discovered & ran away — found the door unfastened but by reason of its opening hard — they were not able to effect their aim at 4 past 3 turned in. at 4 — Mr Navarro & Mr Allen came. when we went to see the hole — found it filled up — as soon as I could see, turned out went out to look at the hole — found a number of natives conversing of the breach, & things taken. at 10 was selling a handkerchief — found nine of one kind, 5 of another, 3 ps yd wide calico, of 5 — 2% & 3% yds — two ps. of muslinet 4% & 2% yds — other things not known — in box where the ________ and calico were, were also 1 ps Blue cloth, 3 yds Red cloth a number of ps Hdrs. umbrella, six ps Nankeen and many other things which were left!!! Strange!! In evening heard a kanaka Stowed himself away, early in evening. Waited till I got to sleep. It was his intention to take my Trunk thinking to get money. in feeling around for the Trunk I woke — spoke and they relinquished the object — they intended to dig a hole large enough to get it — Saturday 20 Mr Allen called as soon as he was up — Gibbs slept in house — Rainy day. Sail |
maker finished Grimes’sails. Pitt came into the house to see me also Cox [Ke'eaumoku] with their gangs. . .a Taboo put on today to prevent getting drunk — having a fire on Sunday, to have a strong guard in Fort and a good watch — penalty see below. The great Chief Ke'eaumoku (Cox) and Kalanimoku (Pitt) were attempting to see that the Sabbath was preserved. Sunday 21 Fine day — attended meeting all day — several Americans at morning service three or four at English — afternoon — Mr Jones, Dana, Green, Temple & self Capt Sturgis, Grymes & Clark were at meeting — Barge came. Monday 22 Cool day. walked to Allen’s with Mr Allen — to see Octavia’s Steward let Mr Dana have a barrel of Pork. afternoon writing for Navarro — making out his accounts with Mr Jones — Green & Preble. Mr. Dana vexed with Temple, & Tibber on account of inattention to their business. Tibber left to go with George Tameorei [Kaumuali'i]!! Allen playing checkers with me. Beat me Tuesday 23 Misty weather — writing for Mr Navarro in forenoon — dull as to business — Pitt sailed for Mowee in New York. Cap. Babcock told me they had given orders for me to have wood collected immediately Sturgis in the House in evening — till eleven taking remarks fr journal. Waterwitch sailed yesterday for Mowee. Preble — Wednesday 24 Great report among the Kanakas — that at the Eclipse of the moon on 15th January next Gov. Cox would Die! Bot a box soap of Jones Weight twenty four pounds — 35/100 pr lb. afternoon projecting on the Eclipse for June — Evening a boy came to the house, said his mistress wanted to see me to get some medicine for Hannah was sick. being short distance went to see her — found she had taken a sudden & violent cold, highly threatened with a fever returned got some peppermint and gave her for a sweat — at Sunset lightened round the horizon — at 11 Thundered lightened & rained very hard — and continued most of night Mr Elwell called in evening and gave me an invitation to dine with Mr Jones on the following (Christmas) day — Thursday 25 Christmas. Rainy — great rain last night. Early in morning went to see my patient found she had sweatt well the latter part of night was much better — tho complaints not removed — gave a Dose of Epsom salts — fearing to give calomel, owing to the damp state of weather. Fine weather after dinner, the Residents dined at Mr Jones’. Mates and others, who did not go to Mr Jones — were on board Champion — went to see my patient in evening — found Doct. Blatchly had been called in Heard that during the thunder last night — it struck the flag staff on punch bowl hill — broke it in pieces — caught a house on fire — and burnt part of it. there were two men sleeping in it who were burnt some — powder was also in it, but it did not burn — very singular! Got no Christmas dinner — took Tea at Cap. Meeks. |
Punchbowl! hill, or Puowaina, behind Honolulu harbor was manned with cannon and soldiers kept watch there. Friday 26th Fine morning. Sally Magee sent after my clothes to wash — a bottle of Lamp oil &c Mr Jones & Cap Babcock — sending their goods stores &c on board Paragon. Dined with Capt Meek. got altitudes for Chronometer, but were not good. took Tea on board Paragon. Sturgis copying journal till 8 — after went to billiard room — till past 9 — Saturday 27 Cloudy looking like rain. Nothing particular this day — evening Sturgis taking extracts from my journal — till 8 — after went to billiard room till 9 — Washington Crockers schooner arrived fr Wairua [Waialua], having lost a man off coco head on their passage round — Sunday 28 Cloudy — wititing in forenoon. Dined on board paragon — afternoon Mr. Bowman came ashore went to meeting — Mr Neil in house till 8 — Temple till 11 after which I turned — forgot the Chronometer. Mr Hammatt wound it. — Monday 29 Cloudy. Writing letters to send by paragon — after Dining at Mr Hammatts went to carry some Hdfs to be hemmed — heard a gun soon heard the cry of sail O — which proved to be Octavia from Owyhee. dark & cloudy — Evening Thomas Meek came into house — said Octavia would lie here till next season — Dark night Company at Mr Temples, at his house — from whence to mine till past 11 — Tuesday 30 At daylight was awakened by some knocking at door — got up — found it was one of the Company who was in the house last evening to see if they left a handkerchief — being answered in affirmative, told me I might turn in again — after breakfast went on board Brig Arab and got a number of articles of trade of Mr Brackett — sold one piece of crape. Mr Dana gave a dinner to Mr Jones as he was about to leave the Sandwich Islands — at which Mssrs Goodrich, Ely, & Ruggles were present, among the guests were most of the residents and masters of vessels — I was rather an intruder, or put myself in — Dark cloudy weather, with showers — Mr Sturgis proposed addressing Mr Jones — firing five guns from the different ships John Coffin Jones, Jr, was the Honolulu agent of Marshall and Wildes, a Boston firm, and in 1820 had also been appointed agent for the United States for Commerce and Seamen by the Department of State. Wednesday 31st Cloudy and Calm — at 7 light airs from Sd — Octavia came in broke her anchor, particulars not known. Charles Stevens in going off in Pilots (Adams) whale boat got into surf, which stove his boat. he and kanakas saved by swimming — put letters on board paragon for America, considerable stir among the residents in writing and putting letters on board Paragon pretty well ascertained |
Octavia remains till next season Evening Temple & I went to see the girls at S. Magee’s — and gave them an invitation to come and wish us a Happy New Year Mr Jones at Mr Temples with Hannah giving her Wai-Wai. January 1st, 1824 Thursday Cloudy day: breese from NEd. being New Year — clean’d my house & spread mats over the floor — several persons in the house in forenoon. Schooner prince Regent came in from Mowee — bro’t news. Water-Witch, had lost her Bowsprit & foremast, laying at anchor, the weather side of Island, pitch & heaving, afternoon Mr Jones and Mr Crocker called at the house & took a glass of wine — Sally Jackson & children came to see me, gave the Jackson child three dollars as a New Year’s present — and wishing me a Happy new year. Spent evening with them & Mr Temple playing whist till late. . . Friday 2 Cloudy with fresh breeses — Arrived Schooner Water-Witch, Capt. Preble by which the particulars of his foremast being carried away. Were that it had been called — a sudden squall struck her — carried away a lanyard of the rigging — aheavy swell immediately rose, which put the vessel in great danger by being set on the shore, but by great exertions she was got into a place of Anchorage. She was loaded with about forty hogs — forty goats — numbers of Ducks &c Messrs Jones — Dana — Grymes — went to Wytetee on horseback: understood by a kanaka that the celebrated Miss Hooper was to be the wife of the noted Chief Henow — to be his companion in the course of a month — he has now 3, or 4 wives. what the missionaries will say we must wait to know. Miss Hooper formerly lived with Mr. Chamberlain — has had much pains taken by the mission to educate her, — evening went up to Billiard room with Mr Neil & Dominis Cloudy & rainy — Saturday 3 Fresh trades, cloudy & Showery — very heavy showers & fresh breeses this day: conversation of the day — Miss Hooper to be married tomorrow to Henow — I believe all Fudge — Evening went up to Biliard room to see the Raffle of two Watches one of which was up at twelve chances at 3 dollars — the other at 1.50 — Mr Dana & Mr Hammatt won the first jointly — Cap Grymes the second — at 9 came to the house & turned in Sunday 4 During night very heavy rain — Morning clearing away. Paragon fired at sunrise, and loosed topsail. Fresh trades — morning all were going to see the wedding — went to Native service. after, went on board Paragon & Dined up to Mr Hammatt, to wind Chronometer — afternnon light wind and misty Paragon could, or tho’t, could not get out. Evening Henow & Miss Hooper were up to Mr Dana’s after at the fort — Monday 5 Beautiful morning — at 12 Paragon started for Canton via Atooi Five guns were fired from the different ships in honor of Mr Jones after the Paragon got out, fired five guns. When she filled Fort fired five guns. Mr Jones much affected — at leaving the place after getting outside Cap Babcock apparently more so than any one. Found by observation Cap Preble’s Chronometer had lost 21% seconds instead of 17 as formerly. . . Evening Sturgis at house — Mr Temple |
— Black Jo's the Kanaka Supercargo selling the cargo of the Waverly at cost or less, Bread 5 1/2 per cut, molasses 37 1/2 cts per gallon, Beef — 12 Pork 14. Vinegar 30 cts per gallon Flour 10 dollar per bbl. Tuesday 6 Got up early went down to assist the missionaries haul up the bottom of the Ruby, for want of good hold for the Anchor, & good fall, did nothing Met the man who slept in Mr Hammatts house, who showed me a hole where the Kanakas dug during night and took out four pieces of Blankets of 20 each — searched the house near the water, belonging to Gov. Cox — found, under a heap of Tarro, two pieces, one of the men who slept in house, pointed out one of the Kanakas who came to fill the hole up. Kanakas say it is the same who stole before out of that house and from me. the Kanakas were carried before Cox who would do nothing with them some of the kanakas in village said they were the men, that they had fifteen dollars for going in. Mr Crocker put a quantity rigging in house some bread. Copper — Last evening Mr Dana & Mr Hammatt were riding past the Meeting house. Mrs. Loomis was just coming out from lecture accidentally Mr Dana’s horse trod on Mrs Loomis knees. Mrs Loomis had fell, in trying to avoid the horse. This evening Mr King — Hartshorn & Allen were at the house till after 9. Wednesday 7 Early in morning went to assist in hauling up the Ruby — succeeded in getting her nearly half her length — stranded the fall — and quit — very unwell — came nigh fainting — after finishing at the hulk — took calomel which gave me relief — calculated, and projected, the Elements of the Eclipse of which will happen the evening of the 15th between 9 and 10. o'clock — Evening while setting and musing alone — Miss Hooper — Miss Jackson Mother &c came in — and we spent a very agreeable evening. They said they had sent me a pig on New Year’s day which I paid the kanaka for, giving one dollar twenty five cents — Thursday 8 Fine weather. No news to day. Sturgis completed his Extracts from my book, in the evening: Whilst writing, Sally Jackson and all the family came into the house stopt a few minutes and went away returned again, said Mr Elwell had been there after no good that he came up with them — &. Had a singing boy with them — Friday 9 Very fine morning. Mr Green determined to remain at Sandh Islands. Champion bending sails. Evening. Mr. Temple and I playing checkers. “Sturgis came in. said a ship from Boston, the Cap — Brewster, was ashore.’ — said guns were heard off Diamond hill — hoaxing — hoaxing. Leahi or Diamond Hill (Head) was manned by soldiers and had cannon placed there as part of the defense of Honolulu harbor. Saturday 10 Cloudy. Mr Navarro preparing to kill a bullock — difficult to get assistance. Mr King came with part of his crew and killed it. Unwell owing, I believe to eat |
ing too much dinner — Mr Green in house in evening — heard a head man of Pitt went to M Elwell to turn him out of Capt Babcock’s house Sunday 11 Thick and drizzly — Guns were heard in offing. A Brig was at Anchor — which proved to be the Russian Brig Brutus from Monterey: gave intelligence that the Mentor, Newell had sold part of her cargo to the Russian Frigate at Bodega — sailed on the 4th Decr — for St Barbara to sell the Schooner Ann — Cooper was taking in a cargo of skins to carry to Canton for the Spaniards who bo’t the Rover, will be here very soon at 9 wind being to Eastward, the Pilot bro’t Brig inside. Ship Sachem Gusclar sailed in November, Silk goods china ware Nankeens, rum & Molases are good articles on California. Unwell did not attend meeting, Mr King, Mr Hunt, Piggins Mr Johnson (the passenger in Brutus,) Brackett & supped at Dana’s Monday 12 Cloudy a light breese. Cap Preble gave a dinner on board Champion Dined with the company — immediately after dinner Ship got under Weigh while heaving the stern fast parted and she swung near round got fast to the Russian Brig hove astern, weighed and stood out — got nearly on the middle ground — calm & light baffling airs from Sd got boats ahead pulled her round got in near Lascar — Anchor’d Company came ashore — Report in circulation the Russians were buying Brig Arab and cargo — from Capt Meek — Everyone says, “What a voyage the Waverly might made to have gone to California." Tuesday 13 Lively Trades — Cloudy — at 7 Champion fired a gun for her passengers to repair on board. Sturgis, Shaw — put off — others on bd at 8 she weigh’ & stood out. Mr Allen slept on board. Mr Hammatt Jr. Slept in house with me. Company late at the biliard Room. King & Temple up till % past 5 AM. after walking abroad heard among the news of the morning, it was difficult to determine who was farthest gone last evening by pledgeing to Bacchus. “He that is without sin — cast the first stone"’ Mr Dana gave a dinner, at which were most of the Residents — also the commander of the Russian Brig. Mr. Bingham came accidentally in with his child. Staid till after the cloth was removed. Wednesday 14 Cloudy. at 1 A.M. Messrs Hammatt, Dana, Green & Capt. Harris came to the house. tryed to get in. dog made so much noise — went up to Navarro’s — then to Crockers — after returned. I tied the dog and opened the door — drank some Ratifia — took Mr Dana’s watch — wine glass &c when they went away. Mr Dana buying a number of goods of Mr Gowen belonging to pedlar. a fine day. Missionaries charter’d Water-Witch to go to Ahedoo’s. Delightful evening. Thursday 15 Pleasant morning. lively trades. Mr Goodrich, Mr Ruggles, Mr Ely & Doctor putting their goods on board. I assisted Mr Dana in arranging and assorting a lot of buttons. afternoon opened and examined our bread — evening went with Mr King to Mr Goodrich’s — after 8 went to Bd room till 9 — after viewing the Eclipse, which was nearly covered. Miss Hooper slept with Henow!! Friday 16 Fine morning. Missionaries getting things on board Water-Witch at three "The |
Mission-Family" embarked for Owyhee. Mr Hunnewell having charge of vessel &c. Very plt. evening. Saturday 17 Beautiful morning — light airs. Nothing of moment this day. Sunday 18 Clear agreeable Trades — attended meeting morning — Noon. Mr Hammatt and Green dined with mr Dana. afternoon Mr. Dana — Cap Harris & I went to Wytetee in Whale boat walked up to his house; after, to the village. Mr King and a party were at Wytetee in the Eclipse, whale Boat beat her in coming up — Waverly sailed for Mowee for Mr Dana. Monday 19 Serene morning. a sail was seen to leeward beating up. In evening Mr Edward Jackson came ashore. said it was the English Whale ship Zephyr Cap. Brinn — fr New Zealand, where he (Jackson) had been cast away in Cossack. Cap Dix — who had gone to England in a Whale ship — the Cap — being dead. January 20 Pleasant morning. light breeses fr Nd. at breakfast found the ship was not an English ship, as represented, but the Gen. Gates, Riggs that the deception had been made in consequence of an order to the Consul to take her if she came within his reach — that she was last from Phennings Islands — where she had left men to break up an old wreck. Cap Riggs appeared to be willing to give up the vessel if the men could be taken care of, or bro’t away. He seemed inclined to go himself and get them and give up the ship afterwards. In evening Mr Dana, Cap Riggs and I were walking to the Mission house — when we saw the flash, and heard the report of a gun — at % past 8 Cap. Newell of Mentor came ashore — 17 days from California — did not succeed in selling Schooner Ann — Mr Conant also came ashore with him Wednesday 21 Calm morning. Mentor came into outer harbor. Gen. Gates anchored — landed horses from Mentor. Evening Mr Minsie of Ann came ashore with Mr Reackett. Thursday 22 Good weather. . .went on board G. Gates with Cap Riggs, Navarro & Elwell Saw Cotting. Hammatt who told me the Mentor was going to Canton in five days — took Cap Riggs Chronometer to ascertain her Rate — Gowen came fr Waini [Waianae] Friday 23 Calm. Got sun by an artifical Horizon. Gen. Gates landing firewood. went on board. Brig Arab, ships Octavia & Mentor. afternoon many people in house — Evening Cap Riggs in house till 10 — Saturday 24 Up early to receive some baggage of Cap Riggs — viz chest & trunks &c Jackson put some cask fish &c in house. Russians hoisted their colors on Brig Arab, being their Sunday. Mr Hammatt gave a dinner to the Masters of Vessels and residents at which most partook Evening stopt at Billiard Room till 8. Eos arrived from Atooi. George Tamuere, Kahoomanoo, Pitt & others Started yesterday for Mowee & Owyhee — |
Sunday 25 Fine morning — attended morning & afternoon service, being very late when English service commenced did not go. Messrs Hammatt & Green Dined with Dana. Mr Cotting, clerk of Mentor, Mr Hammatt of Lascar, Hartshorn of Sultan in house in afternoon & evening — got supper at Dana’s. Cotton told me 14 days after leaving here for the coast of California — Cap Newell took from him a Case of rum, telling him he would not allow him to have any stores on board the ship with many other observations which, if true, do not mark the gentleman Monday 26 Delightful morning. Understood Mentor was going to Canton for a cargo to go to California. afternoon several Long-Boat-loads of wood were sold by Auction — belonging to Gen. Gates. Tuesday 27 Moderate — Employed in assisting Mr. Temple make out his ac/v sales. Mr Hammatt unwilling to take seal skins for less than two and half per cent for freight. conceded for two. writing letters in evening to go to Mr Bowman & Mr Allen. Nothing special save an auction of wood Wednesday 28 Calm. An auction of two Anchors, some copper bolts, spikes & nails taken by Cap Riggs from the wreck of ship Lyon at Phennings Island afternoon assisting Temple. Thursday 29 Wind southerly and light. assisting Temple — Cap Grimes gave a dinner at which the Masters & residents Dined — also the girls had a party by themselves. staid and took coffee — Evening went to billiard room, no one there. . . Friday 30 Calm. Ship Mentor got out with a light air off the land at 8. 10 wind SW. RusSians taking cargo on board from Meek. at sunset a sail seen off. . . Jackson gave me papers to settle with Mr Green — Mr Crocker quite unwell. Saturday 31 Pleasant. Sail proved to be the Waverly — three or four small schooners Nothing of moment occuring in village to day Hammatt Jr. staid all night February Sunday 1st Fine weather, attended meeting twice. Native meeting very full — afternoon Mr Temple, Mr Hammatt &c took a walk up the valley, evening several in the hosue till 10 — Monday 2 Good weather. at 4 A.M. got up to look at, or after, a Comet. without success adjusting Mr Green’s and Mr Jackson’s accounts, not with much success. . . In evening had much cause of suspicion of attempt to break into the house. Sat up till past 3 in morning. Tuesday 3 Good weather. at 2 A.M. heard the voices of several persons. on going out found |
Mr Hammatt — Green, Dana & Gowen — went up to Mr Navarro’s with a pair of Ducks — which they, apparently a little corned, had taken from Mr Crockers, cut their heads off at Navarro’s, had them picked in morning sent them to Dana’s to be cooked. Eat well at dinner Brigs Arab & Brutus sailed for Sitka. . . Afternoon rode Mr Dana's horse to see them slide down hill &c. Evening up at Billiard room till 8. Wednesday 4 very pleasant morning. an Auction of 383 gals rum; @75/100. 400-y. nankeen @81 cts 490 — 1.00 18 pr cotton & 7 pr Hds for = 104.53. 5 pr Hdf — @4.50 — 22-50 — sold by direction of Capt Riggs. afternoon making out bills Evening went to Billiard room till 8. turned in Mr Navarro put Trunks in my house. Thursday 5 Very fine morning, after breakfast went with Mr Temple to assist in making his account of sales. at 4 pm called off by Mr Dana to go & weigh a cask Rice — Capt. Riggs appointed to the command of Gen. Gates by Mr Crocker, to go to New Zealand, report says for 400 dollars, & 5 per cent!! evening stopt till 9 at Billiard room — Friday 6 pleasant. employed with Mr. Temple, afternoon a horse-race between Mr Elwell & Mr Dana. Ellwell beat by far; evening Mr. Hammatt Jr with me, very beautiful evening. . .Mr Hunnewell arrived in water-witch fr Owyhee Saturday 7 Gentle Trades. Schooner Eos preparing for Atooi. Mr Gowen going after wood Mr Crocker and Mr Elwell went to Tameree — told him if he paid Gowen wood he (Crocker) would make him (Tameoree) suffer. I think Mr Elwell had as much to say, as Crocker; but Crockers shoulders bear it!! Mum!!! Mr Elwell told me last evening, he was sorry he could not ask me to see him and to eat & drink with him!!! He hoped after the Porthian arrived it would be different!!! bo't Vermilion of Mr Gowen for $1. per cady — 37 papers of it. Mr Gowen & self dined on board Sultan — Charles Stevens appointed to be chief officer of Gen Gates with his consent. Sunday 8 Calm morning. took breakfast at Mr Crockers, after went on board Sultan — being calm could not get out. Went to meeting, English, at 2 Sultan made sail — got to the Narrows — calm, light baffling winds. she drifted on the middle ground. boats went off as soon as it was discovered. Cap Bland, ordered his Long-boat to follow, boats coming up took him in tow — she struck many times very hard: after carrying out three several anchors she was hove off, after having laid about five hours — she made very little water, — Mr Piggins, late chief officer took his things out of the ship very early in morning. he went on board to assist. — in evening Cap Briggs had conversation with him to go with him in Gates’. Mr Temple & I went on the common to see the sport. about 9 in evening — saw many we knew natives & others Monday 9 Light breeze from Eastward. Sultan came in. A native dove to see if could find any damage — found part of false Keel off — no copper off — Assisting Mr |
Temple in assorting and adjusting his accounts. Evening Capt Briggs overhauling a lot of clothes to sell at Auction. Mr Hartshorn in the house took two pieces Hdfs to carry on the coast. Capt Blanchard raised his house on the point — which he sold to Kuhoomano — February 10 Fine weather. Employed with Mr Temple for Mr Dana. Brig Inore, with Pitt, arrived from Mowee. several Kanakas after me in course of the day. evening up at Billiard room till 8 — Wednesday 11 Moderate. Auction at Navarro’s of Nankeen jackets, trousers, shirts, India chintz & Red Dungaree Trunkets &c afternoon assisting Mr Temple — also Tibbers assisting for him Thursday 12 Wind southerly — hot sun. Assisting Temple. Mr. Dana agreed with Pitt for Inore to go to Island of Guadeloupe with sealing party Evening went to see Hannah Hooper, who was sick after; went to Billiards — about 9 a boy was discovered digging into Mr Dana’s store, soon enough to prevent him from getting in Thunder, lightning & rain in the evening — Heard Mrs Bingham was dld. of a fine son — Friday 13 Beautiful morning — Waverly towed out to go to Atooi for Grub — assisting Temple — paid Cap Riggs five hundred dollars on accout of Auction sales. Lent Mr Dana one hundred dollars — evening went to see Hannah Hooper found her better — getting well fast Beautiful evening. Saturday 14 Moderate morning. 10 Plt Trades — at 12 Sultan went lay off and on — Capt Clark waiting to see if he could get an officer — his 2nd having left two or three days since, abruptly. Mr Crocker gave a dinner at which were Pitt, Kahumana, Tomeoree, Nummahana [Namahana] — Mr Ellis, Mr Richards, Loomis Chamberlain, and residents and Masters generally. Evening, very fine — Mr Hammatt Jr. spent evening ashore & turned in with me — for the night — Shoes in great demand — none in market. Sunday 15 Pleasant, and very warm sun, at 8 Mr Hartshorn, chief officer of Sultan came ashore in hopes of getting a man for 2nd officer. after asking all the people tho't to fit for it without success; went off at 12. ship filled away at 1 — attended meeting at English service, and afternoon Native, or evening as it was quite dark before we got home. Monday 16 Very plt. morning. Assisting Temple, with his ac/s. Schooner Deliverance came from Owyhee. Mr King Master. Cap Smith passenger Wm Beals very sick. Doc. Law said could not live — Tuesday 17 Calm. 10 fine trades. Wm Beals died last night assisting Tem’e. Deliverance King sailed for Owyhee. General invitation given to attend the funeral of Wm Beals |
tomorrow at 3 p.m. by Mr Bingham Doct Law opened him, found his insides black, supposed an inflammation and mortification to have caused his death. Feb. 18th Pleasant — called up very early by Chs Stevens, Messrs Piggins & Brown to get some Rum, as they were going over to Kolau [Ko'olau]. Sail ho! Sail ho! An English ship. Whale ship Mary. Cap Reed of London, ten months 900 barrels last from Marquesas. Assisting Temple — Afternoon the Funeral of William Beals. a prayer in English, a sermon in Native a vast concourse of natives. Sold two cask bread to Capt. Riggs wt 5.3.9 at 8$ per cwt. Bo’t with Navarro 150 gallons Rum for 1$ per gallon evening Mr Hammatt & Brock spent part of evening. Thursday 19 Strong Trades. went with Cap Riggs & Navarro on board the Mary. — The Captain was acting as Steward to serve wine to Pitt & Henow with their Satellites. “Said he tho’t about cleaning himself to go ashore in the course of the day.’ His dress a white flannel shirt. a pair Duck trousers very dirty. Cap Riggs took his things out of the house — after we returned. afternoon rode to Waititii [Waikiki] with Jr Hammatt — evening went down to Jacksons with him. Hammatt slept with me all night — Friday 20 Fine breeze. Hammatt went early on board. at 11, went on Board the Brig Lascar, took dinner. afternoon Hammatt and I came ashore — In evening the Doctor of the Mary went to see Hannah Hooper in order to prevent Henow from giving Medicines; he, the Doctor tho’t her periods had not been regular, and probably been strained!!! Saturday 21 Hazy morning. Cap. Blanchard got 118 piculs very superior wood out of Barge in part pay for Schooner N. York. Sold 2 Casks Bread to Gen Gates — 5. 3.9 — 8$ pr cwt Evening went to Billiard-room till % past 9. Sunday 22 Lively trades. went to English service meeting — intended to have gone to native afternoon — but slept too late. Evening Mr Jackson at the house. Monday 23 Gentle trades. at 11 went to Mr Dana’s to make punch for the guests invited to dine. — Had a fine dinner — a fine time. Evening went to Billiard room, where hot punch was prepared by Mr Dana for those who chose to call — as it had been a jovial day, so it was a jovial meeting in evening Tuesday 24 Calm — wind from Sd at 1 Cap. Reed came ashore and invited the people to go off and get dinner. several went — Mr Hammatt & I went to Waititii — evening the company came early from the Mary — bro't a fiddler with them. late in evening most of them were somewhat mellow — Wednesday 25 Calm — 10. Wind from southward, at 12 commenced raining & gave us a plentiful shower — by 2 the holes were all full, and water running in various directions after 2. oclock — a plt. afternoon. at Sunset a report of a sail off Dia- |
mond Hill. Thursday 26 Beautiful morning. No Sail in sight at sunrise. Got thirteen picul wood from Dana. Copying Mr Crockers letter from the Winships for Capt Riggs. at 2 two sail one SW, which proved to be the Barge from Atooi with a house frame for Pitt, bo’t of Crocker, the South apparently a whale ship. Wind SW. and light she could not get up. Evening went down to Jacksons to write a letter, for him, to Oliver — Kanakas said some had been stealing from Gowen. Friday 27 Calm morning. ship in offing. 10 Southerly wind. 11 went with Mr Brock and Mr Hammatt outside in the Eclipse — found her to be the Japan, Hussey Nan't. having a fine breeze came directly into the harbor — In our sail in Eclipse we saw Mowee & Owyhee. — Owyhee appeared elevated above the water so as to be seen 15 or 2 miles farther — Schooner Deliverance came from Owyhee. a Sail was said to be seen far in offing at sunset. Saturday 28 Light breeze off the land. Waverly came from Atooi. Mr Gowen came in her Mr Dana took his rigging out the house. afternoon Temple & I went to washpl — wind southward. Waverly bro’t wood from Atooi — for Gowen. Goats &c for Navarro engaged with Mr Hammatt to live with him after Dana went away — much small wood has been bro't in lately by the natives, who say it is for me. Sunday 29 Rainy in the morning — wind southerly — my wash woman did not give me any clothes — so I could not go to meeting — wind strong from sd dark dirty weather went on board Lascar to dine — while at dinner — a sail came in sight, which proved to be the Rover. Cooper 21 days from California — four horses, six heifers. the weather looking bad caused the Mary Capy Reed to go to sea. at 8 a heavy squall wind & rain — started one or two vessels. Mr Hammatt slept with me. March 1st At 2. A.M. asudden squall wind & rain from westward. no damage to vessels. Cloudy thick weather from sd. — Schooner Eos arrived from Atooi. Cooper landed his animals. Rode a white mare bro’t for Navarro Taa mo tu-ari, ari [Ka’amokua'ali'i] — taken ill last evening, Died this morning — Tuesday 2 Cloudy, wind sd. at 10 cleared up. afternoon squally: in morning Tameroe came to buy cloth — did not like my price — went to Mr Hammatt — gave a picul per yd and twenty dollars apiece for calico. Wednesday 3 Calm & clear. 10 Southerly wind. Inore. Sumner, attempted to tow out. Henow took a number squashes & cabbages from Mr. Dana — but said he should have them again when he went to sea. Evening up at the Billiard room till 9. Mr Temple in house till 11. Thursday 4 Very pleasant. light breese off land. Brigs Haheo; Tamerolani. went out to go |
to windward. Inore to go sealing. making out my account of sales. afternoon rode down to Allens. Friday 5 Delightful morning. Rode, before Sunrise, to Allens. Mr Green gave a dinner at which Masters & Residents were invited save myself — Mr Kelly, Hall, Hammatt & I rode to Waititii. Evening Mr Conant with Jackson in house till 9. Saturday 6 Calm & Clear. afternoon most of Residents rode to Allens to take punch and melons on invitation of Mr Dana. Mr Navarro went in hand cart and Mr Conant walked. Riders went as far as Waititii — Sunday 7 Rainy morning. Wind Southward. forenoon heavy showers. Ship Mary, Reed, returned; afternoon pleasant. light wind from NE Cap. Read and Doctor Taylor came on shore I did not attend meeting — Monday 8 Cloudy & wind Sd — 10 — Fine weather. Mr Dana, Capt Riggs, Cap Smith went out on board the Mary with Cap Reed — afternoon a light trade — at 5 a Ship and Brig Tamourilani came down — also in evening a small schooner a Gov. Adams of Owyhee. Tuesday 9 Fine morning. The ship, the Lydia Cap. Jos’ Allen towed in. Arrived ship Parthian, Wilds 144 days, went off with Elwell at 9 — also Cap. Blanchard & Cap. Harris & Mr Hammatt went in whale Boat — Wind Southward — she came in. [in margin: Gen Gates sails] No letters — Got a file papers. Heard ship Volunteer was to sail in three days after Parthian. Tartar in a short time with stores for Govermt to Chili and Peru. Wilds said no vessel was coming — letters &c, &c. Wednesday 10 Fine weather. a Sail in sight — Foster, Chace. Employed in reading news papers. Mr Elwell gave me a letter for Capt Rutter. dated Fed 2nd, 1823 relating to his law business at home. understood Parthian had a billiard table, and a carriage — Thursday 11 Cloudy morning and rainy. Recd a letter from Mr Elwell, directed to his care for Cap Rutter, in which was one for Rutter and one for Gibbs. Mr Temple got his letters by way of Missionaries. Ship Russel, Colman, ship Favorite, Ford an English ship 20 months, 300 bbls! Brig Rebecca Thomson from Spanish coast of peru, put 15 yds cloth into Mr Dana’s hands to sell in his cruise. in forenoon Got two letters from mr Crocker for Cap Rutter — one from Capt. Rogers from Mr Price for myself. Friday 12 Morning pleasant. at 2 past ten an auction of goods such as sugar. Molases & one thousand seal skins, which sold for 71 cts to Capt. Wilds. The carriage was hauled about by the natives. Brig Rebecca was seen in offing standing to Westward, attend with wind and rain. wind strong for a short-time. Settled with Mr Dana for board for 4$ per week, and went to Mr Hammatts to board. |
Saturday 15 Wind Sd with during night. Heavy showers thro’ the day. Barge arrived from windward. Ships Rose, Arthur, & Swift ______-s Nantucket arrived. Waverly & Becket waitg for wind to go to Sea. Spent day in reading newspapers. Eening cloudy, no rain. Sunday 14 Cloudy, attended meeting in morning. at 11 a smart shower prevented going to English service. afternoon went to native service with Doctor Lambert, of English ship Favorite, Very plt evening, fine moon Monday 15 Fine morning. Employed in examining & assorting Mr Navarro’s a/c of sales — Schooner Rover Cooper went out & afternoon sailed for Canton Took tea at Mr Ellis’ with Docr. Lambert & Mr Hammatt. Tuesday 16 Light breeze off the land. Brig Becket went out — afternoon rode to Allen’s with Mr Green. Evening Sam. Gibbs was with me in the house Wednesday 17 Waverly went out. Mr Green & I took breakfast on board Rose, Cottle Mr Dana getting things and people off. When they fired the gun on board Waverly in morning — Kotchkoff swam off, got into a boat jumped on board, & went outside!! at one a sail came down Connecticut John Bunker. at 3 went off with Mr Dana being the only one who went with him — at 5 1/2 left with the pilot when he fired 5 guns. — we cheered them! & he filled away for Mowee, wind Sd. Thursday 18 Pleasant. Fine trades. Nothing Stirring during day; for a few minutes in evening went to Billiard room with Cap Rogers, at house, H. Hooper in Friday 19 Trades. fresh & strong. cool. Ship Thomas, Coffin, from Karakakoa [Kealakekua], where he left ships Maria Gardner Nkt. & Countess-of-Morley Best — London. The latter has been to Marquesas. had three men killed by the natives. Saturday 20 Calm. Thomas towed in. afternoon rode to Allens. Cap. Rogers put a young horse into the Missionaries Cart; the horse went to Allens & back; blundered fell, died instantly — Sunday 21 Wind Sd. Fine morning. attended meeting. afternoon, rode to Wytetee with Temple evening called at Crockers, at 8 1/2 turned in. Monday 22 Pleasant, fine morning, southerly winds, — learned there had been a severe blow at Tiarua [Kailua] (Owyhee) which blew down many houses March 12th — at four in afternoon Taamotu (Cox) died a great way among the people. He was son to one of the former Kings of Owyhee and Brother to Kahoomanu, one of Tamaahmaah’s Queens. — Put Mr Gowens horse into the waggon and went to Allens & returned |
Tuesday 23 At sunrise Guns were fired from the Fort, & shipping, colors half mast Guns were fired during the day from the small vessels of the natives and Parthian!! Waverly passed to the Westward. Wednesday 24 Fine morning. at 10 a procession was formed of the relatives and others of Cox, and moved to the point, where the coffin was put into a boat & carried along side the pilot Boat Astor, when the corpse was deposited she towed out, & went to Owyhee, where it is to be buried. Guns were fired from the Fort, and several of the American vessels. Afternoon, rode to Wytetee with Wm Hammatt, who took Hannah Hooper on before him and I Susan Jackson before me, & bro’t them up. Capt. Grimes gave Kelly command of Owyhee — Wind Sd. Thursday 25 Calm. 9 wind southward. a sail from windward coming down — the volunteer, Barker 148 days from Boston — No News — No letters. evening went to Mr Hunnewells to see Capt. Barker, & inquire after Pigs Friday 26 Light breeze off the land. 10 Southerly. Evening Gibbs, Jackson & Temple in house. Got no news — Saturday 27 Brig Owyhee went outside. Schooner Ann Bates, late Hersey, arrived from California, Deliverance from Owyhee, with the Carpenters who had been building house for Adams — whale ships Washington, Swain; Ocean, Gerald, — Maria, Gardner. at Sunset Owyhee Anchored. Very fresh trades. Sunday 28 Fresh trades. Capt. Kelly came in, said he wanted to “try the rate of his Chronometer!" attended meeting. Schooner Ann beat in. Capt Bates, & Spanish Gent. Dined & took Tea at Hammatts Monday 29 Calm. looking like rain. 9 Trades. Auction at Navarro’s of goods belonging to J. Meek, afternoon went on board Octavia — got supper Tuesday 30 Plt morning — engaged in trying to sell goods to Mr Danforth — afternoon went on board, Swift, Capt. Arthur, who when I left his ship sent for Mr Crocker & Navarro to go and take tea — they went — Cap Bates buying goods of Cap. Wilds. Wednesday 31 Fresh trades early in morning. Went on board Volunteer, Ann & Lascar afternoon on board Octavia & Ann. Ship Aurora Coffin arrived from Nant. 8 months out. 100 bls. oil. April 1st — Thursday Fresh trades — went on board Ship Octavia to Breakfast with Cap Bates & the Spaniard. after breakfast, traded for several small articles for Bates. Sold all the penknives for 31 1/4 cents — afternoon went on board Volunteer & got a piece |
of shirting. evening at Jacksons. Friday 2 Calm. Ships Aurora & Fawn towed in. Got breakfast on board Connecticut. — Went on board Volunteer — bo’t two pieces of cotton; 1 bl rum An Auction of Beef at Mr Hammatts — No. 3. Sold from 3.25. d 4. Dollars Collected many articles for Ann — for Cap Bates — evening went to see Jack Saturday 3rd Very warm sun. Moderate trades; Elwell & Grimes riding in Coach — Ships Countess-of-Morley & Fortune came down to anchor in evening — Sunday 4th Clear hot sun — splendid trades. Attended Meeting all day — cook of Volunteer was drowned, by going in to swim. Hammatt slept with me Monday 5 Fine morning. Hammatt started early — People pumping water by 4 and at 9 Pitt sent for me to get ready to go to Pearl River in prince Regt. She did not get ready. Bo’t 3 bbls Rum of Cap Barker a 1.50-per gal Sold the Spaniard 3 Bolts cloth 63 yds — 5-; 47 Jacknives — 31 1/4 cts. Tuesday 6 Squally trades. Unpleasant weather expected to go to Pearl River after Sandal Wood — weather was unfavorable — Much ado about nothing or Best and his ships company. Officers were sent for but nothing done, or devised. Wednesday 7 As soon as breakfast went to Pearl River after Sandal wood. Mr Wm Hammatt went with me to assist — arrived at Pearl River at 1 — overhauled a lot of wood ready for weighing. — found but few houses, but little to eat — nothing to be bo't. Thursday 8 Began weighing wood by sunrise — at 11 had 116 on board Robinson Crusoe Stood to another part of the River — overhauled a lot wood — as it was not all in could not weigh. Friday 9 commenced weighing early — got thro by 10. Got under weigh arrived at Hanarooro [Honolulu] — where I found three new Whale ships — John Palmer Clark, Hesper Chase; John Adams Joy, Butler from Mowee — & — Some ships had sailed — Saturday 10 Good weather. after breakfast getting wood ashore. Cap Hersey & Mr Hammatt Jr assisting, had 156 piculs — expecting to go for a second load in evening but defer’d till tomorrow. Sunday 11 Calm, looking likely for Southerly wind — which we had. Expected Cap Bates’ ashore; but was disappointed. did not attend meeting Southerly wind prevented Schooner from going to Pearl River Afternoon heavy clouds & rain from Sd. |
Monday Apr. 12th Early in morning Settled with Capt. Bates. Calm — at 12 Schooner sailed for Pearl River, after dinner Mr Hammatt & I walked there. Wind strong. Schooner could not beat over bar. we arrived at 5 PM. Tuesday 13 Schooner arrived at 12 weighed 42 piculs and went to another place. Wednesday 14 Overhauled 70 or 80 piculs and got 12. afterwards as much to get 22 making 34. after breakfast (9. o'clock) went to a third place; no wood during afternoon wood arrived. — A very heavy blow at Hanaruru — Thursday 15 Early commenced weighing — got forty draughts before breakfast — say 9 A.M. Got under weigh arrived at Hanaruru at 1.30, after beating in with almost a gale of wind. took dinner at Navarro’s — after dinner got a shave clean Shirt &c — wrote my journal from monday — Evening at home — Friday 16 Morning light breeze Schooner Ann sailed — for California. Russell ona cruise. Asked Cap Rogers for a Long Boat to discharge wood, said could not tell Capt. Wilds was not up! after breakfast she was used to take wood from Washington, to go on board Parthian Went to see Pitt who said he had got no canoes or boats — so I could not get my wood ashore — Mr. Hammatt assisting me to make out my account of sales — Ship Enterprise Ebbetts, arrived 129 days from N York — Evening Blanch’d, had a party on board his ship — to play loo. Saturday 17 The Enterprise towed in — tryed to get a boat to discharge sandle wood natives asked half a dollar a boat load — finding could not discharge & assisted Temple in settling Mr Gowen’s Pedlar ac/cs. at 5, Capt. Ebbets bro’t his coach ashore & put it up in Navarro’s yard — which drew many Kanakas, who expressed many different opinions about it — and about white men, whom they styled, very knowing & Very Proud — Sunday 18 Cloudy looking like rain. after 9 more clear. instead of going to meeting was engaged in training horses to go in Carriages — afternoon put them in, went below mission house, & returned. When the people came from afternoon (Native) service Capt. Best’s mate and boat’s crew followed him to Navarro’s tO'ahuse him they were told to go away — went to water’s side — then mate stript to fight Cap Best — he was told Best would not come out of house the crew said they would have him, or pull the house down the Carpenter ran up to Navarro’s after Best — some of the officers of the ships, told him to go out — upon which he struck some of them — upon which he was put into the house for safe keeping. The crew came into the yard with the addition of many more who joined them, pulling sticks out of fence as they came in & saying they would have the Carpenter, or have the house down a general attack took place — they retreated out of the yard — a line of defense seemed to be formed at the gate way — on both sides — the inside returned to the house again. the Sailors came up again — but soon retreated, being assaulted by the dogs which |
were set on them. at the gate way they made their stand Mr Crocker attempted to disperse them, but they grew more insolent — one or two of the Enterprise's crew in particular — Mr Crocker & Capt. Rogers went to Pitt to have every white man taken up & confined, as soon as he was gone the sailors fild away, about 9. the man belonging to Enterprise who had said so much, was bro't on shore to answer to his fault — on denying he was the person — Mr Halsey struck him several times; he said at length, he was the person, he was aboard in irons Peace being now, in a manner restored, people retired to their abodes, & I to mine, with Mr Hammatt. We slept quiet — Monday 19 Every thing has the appearance of quiet this morning — borrowed Cap. Ebbetts Long-boats to get Sandle wood ashore from the Schooner. Mr Hammatt assisted me — got thro’ by 3 pm. — Evening supper on board Washington, with Cap Hersey. Hammatt & Cap Wilds went up to Mowee in Washington, Pitt in N York — King in Deliverance. Butler passenger. Tuesday 20 Fine morning. A Ship coming down. A dinner given by Capt Blanchard at the new House of Kahoomanu — all the resid’ts presen & Masters of vessels. The dinner was good. after the cloth was removed, a number of Songs were sung, toasts drank &c in evening a pistol accidentally went off, belonging to a mate of a Whale ship — Kahumanu sent two men to know the cause Wednesday 21st Calm — some of the ships wanting to go to sea. Ocean got out nothing in village to day Thursday 22 Fine morning. Took breakfast on board ship Connecticut Cap Bunker Had considerable company Residents & natives — afternoon many went to Allen’s to roll Nine pines. Evening turned in early. Friday 23 Moderate land breeze, afternoon Southerly wind — many went to Allens to roll nine pins. Cap Best presented me with a fine inverting Telescope Saturday 24 Pleasant morning — wind southd, afternoon rode to Allen’s to roll nine pins. lost 50 cents. Nothing Material passing in village Sunday 25 Lively trades. Clear hot sun. Attended morning meeting Schooner Washington arrived from Mowee. Mr Stewart and family came from thence. Natives put a story in circulation that the Mission houses were burnt at Mowee — the Mission sent off — Pitt gone to Owyhee to send them from that Island — because the Mission gave the young prince & princess shit, to eat — it appears they were at the Mission house and were offered some bread & butter — the natives who were standing about the Prince not being acquainted with butter raised the report as above. |
The Rev. Charles S. Stewart was the American Protestant missionary stationed at Lahaina on Maui. HisNew York, 1828, is a valuable source for the period. Monday 26 Trades fresh Ship Mercury Austin from Owyhee — after breakfast weighed thirty eight piculs wood. Dined on board Ship Francis, Whippy, which took most of afternoon being a large party. Tuesday 27 Calm morning. Fresh Trades. Ships Atlantic, Russel, Dauphin, Swain & Reaper arrived. Capts. Austin & Russel, said a strange vessel had arrived at Ahedoes, that was commanded by the former mate that he had killed the former Capt. & Supercargo, — had come to the Islands to get men to proceed pirating — we hope to get more information in a day or two — Capt. Best went on board the Countess of Morley at 10 AM. Called his crew aft, when they settled all difficulty — got under weigh. Best sent Slops ashore to settle for his bills — by Adams, the pilot, — Mr C. H. Hammatt and Mr Elwell’s horses ran for a bet of fifty dollars — the former won. got two piculs of sandal wood. Ship Reaper fr Owyhee Wednesday 28 Lively trades. took breakfast on board connecticut. Schooner Deliverance arrived from Owyhee with Sandle wood. Schooner New York coming in early in morning got aground — injured her some some news of the Hermaphrodite Brig at Owyhee — she has no cargo — nor provisions. six men besides Capt. — two guns — say she was owned by the Patriots, who owed them money and they took the vessel for pay — They say the Royalists had taken Lima again — &c &c. A Race was run between two Kanakas from near Allens to the cocoanut trees by the village. Great bets were made among the people. Pitt took the property to prevent the race — but not in season. Missionaries had influenced the ali'i to try to prevent gambling by their people. Thursday 29 April Moderate trades. Very hot sun. Capt Blanchard weighed 148 piculs wood from Deliverance, of Superior quality Schooner Washington went to Atooi. Mr Elwell went in her so that we see a man may be in to day & out tomorrow. Friday 30 Early in morning went to see a lot of wood at young Tamaah. from that to Henow’s & then to others till I had seen six parcels before I saw any that I tho’t worth overhauling — then out of fifty to an hundred piculs I selected a few piculs to be weighd tomorrow. Very hot sun — many of the residents preparing to go to Wairua; some for wood — some to buy hogs, some for pleasure — All the Kanakas of Wairua belonging to Cox who lately died, came up to day — bringing cows, Pigs, Dogs, Fowls & other things, produce of the Country to give to Krymakoo [Kalaimoku], Kahumana, & other principal chiefs — accor’d to custom of the country. The number differed by different American masters of Vessels — some counting nine hundred to a thousand, others six; |
others four hundred. — Each bearing the same articles walking together — making a long procession — consisting of men women & children Saturday May 1st In morning got Six piculs wood — afternoon got eighty Making eighty six piculs. Mr Green & Hammatt Jr went to Wairua by Land. Pitt carrying lumber to build his house — from Wilds’ yard — Mr Crocker moved his rig-g out of my house. Po’ had a fit in morning — went to Wytetee — but came back to supper. Mr Bingham went to Atooi As the head of the Honolulu station and by force of his personality, the Rev. Hiram Bingham was able to become the most influential of the American missionaries until his departure in 1840. Sunday 2 Gentle Trades. Being unwell did not attend meeting. Mr. Stuart gave a discourse Monday 3 Moderate. Very unwell in night — some better in morning, unable to weigh Sandal wood. Chief’s overhauling Teamotu’s (Cox) property. Mr Hammatt saw, or tho’t so, some of the Blankets, stolen from his house — report says, among the Kanakas, that they had got thirty two thousand dollars in cash. Tuesday 4 Early in morning overhauled a lot of wood — weighed, during day, one hundred piculs — also two piculs on account of W G Dana many gone to Wytetee to roll nine pins — showed Anni-anni [Keaniani] his ac/s he said he never had the cloth or panteloons — should not pay anything — (equal to eighteen piculs) fine encouragement Evening played cards with Blanchard & Harris & Hammatt May 5 Cloudy morning — rain at daylight. A Brig from Shitka with Cap. Meek, Officers, Crew & Seal skins — arrived — thirty five days also arrived Ship Equator Barney ona Whaling Voyage. in Mowee. Natives came to have me overhaul wood. went to a house of very small wood — objected — looked in to a house of fair wood — they told me if I would take the small I should have the large, & not otherwise — quit. afternoon found they had thrown wood out, began to weigh — after weighing thirty five drafts piculs a draft in dispute put an end to weighing for the day Evening playing cards at Mr. Hammatts — with Blanchards — Thursday 6 Began early in morning to overhaul wood — Mr Jackson took the mats down in the house — Cap Hersey assisted to keep account — weighed 140 piculs — being all that was decent — yet what I have taken, it is said, will not fetch 4$ piculs in Canton — It is most mortifying to have to do so much to get a little, and then be ridiculed by all who look at you or are in any way interested in wood at this place Cap Blanchard gave a dinner to Cap Meek — Cap of Reunion Brig & Mr Hammatt!!! Evening playing with Hammatt against Blanchard & Harris. Bracket slept in house Friday 7 Russian Brig came inside — Schooner Deliverance from Wairua. at 10 Mr Green |
& Mr Hammett arrived fr. Wainai Evening, playing at Hammatt’s Kept Mr Bracket waiting for me to turn in Saturday 8 Warm morning. Brig Lascar bending sails & getting ready to go to Owyhee — at 11 missed a small Bag containing between thirty & forty dollars — I suspected girls who had been in house — just after 12 they all came in again one — I fastened the door & kept them till dark, hoping thereby to get my money again — but it proved ineffectual — all the village went to Allen’s to roll ninepins — Sunday 9th Brisk trades — Lascar went out at 8. for Owyhee — staid at home all day. Monday 10 Lively breeses at 10 a Brig was seen coming down & anchord which proved to be the Patriot. Columbians Brig Dowley, late John, Tom Chase, Baltimore, from St Blas — 20 days — left Clark in Sultan & Brig Frederic, Water-witch went to Wainai. Tuesday 11 Cloudy — King came in, in Deliverance. The Dowley is bound to Calcutta — Strong Trades. afternoon walked to Allen’s with King to roll Ninepins. Waterwitch in sight Deliverance got about one hundred piculs, only, and that not of the best. Wednesday 12 Strong trades. Waterwitch in — got no wood, nor saw any. Washington arrived from Tauwaii, Bro’t News of the Barge being lost on the weather side of the Island. Brig Dowley got under weigh. cable parted & lost his Anchor. came in, bo’'t one of Dixey Wildes — then proceeded for Calcutta. — Mr Brackett bro’'t his Trunks to the house Evening at Jackson’s. Dixey Wildes was a partner of the Boston firm Marshall and Wildes which usually operated in Honolulu through agents. Thursday 13 Morning moderate. at 10 Schooner Robinson Crusoe arrived from Mowee, & bro't me four Goats & two fowls & one pig — which they bo’t for one piece Dungaree & two Hdfs. Employed in footing Ac/t of Sales, on ac/t of Waverly. Friday 14 Pleasant morning. Nothing special going on — Cap. Blanchard got an hundred piculs wood from Mowee by sch. R. Crusoe — afternoon went up to swim. Saturday 15 At daylight the Natives began bringing a lot of most miserable wood. which no doubt had been culled & rejected many times before Many opinions — some said I ought to take it, some to reject it — took none. Sch. Washington Rogers sailed for Atooai — Afternoon Natives told me that Pitt had ordered the different Lands to get each a certain number of piculs wood for me; which, if true, will be several months in operation |
Sunday 16 Fine day, attended meeting first & middle parts — afternoon at home. Evening at Jacksons a few minutes. Monday 17 Laid in bed very late. spent day in reading Enfields Philosophy. A fresh trade, uncommon surf on middle ground — Tuesday 18 Cloudy morning — at 11 clear. assisted Mr Green in weighing 160 piculs wood of a good fair sample for size & shape — strength fair — Ship Enterprise sailed for Owyhee. at 3 PM. Mr & Mrs Loomis & Mrs Ellis passengers. had a draft of wood given to me & Mr Green, Mr Green gave me five dollars for my part. something of a days work. Evening was sent to, to go & see Hannah Hooper who was quite unwell. Surf very high. Wednesday 19 Showery. 9 clear. at 1, Schrs. Waterwitch, Hunnewell, & Deliverance King Sailed for Waiarua, after wood to pay for the house. Old Woman would give none else than poor wood at that place afternoon went to Allens, rolled with Crocker & Green Lost 75¢. Evening Luilea came to see me & staid all night. May 20 Thursday Cloudy morning — 9 fine weather — nothing going forward, of any moment to day — spent part of my time in looking at the children jump the rope — a great diversion — among them, at this season of the year — Friday 21 Beautiful morning. Brig Lascar returned from Owyhee & Mowee towed in — say that Monday & Tuesday were remarkable for the great Surf at Karakakua & Mauii. NB. It was also very high here: it broke across the mouth of the harbor, on the middle ground. Trying to project the Eclipse for 26th June, found it would not be seen at this place. Cap. Hersey & Mr Hammatt Jr called to see me. Saturday 22 Pleasant. Moderate trades. Afternoon a party went to Allens to roll Nothing going forward to day. Sunday 23 Cloudy morning. & warm. Waterwitch came from Wainai — a Whale ship came down just as she got off the Harbor, wind came from Sd. and she ran in. Wm. & Eliza. Sprague from N Bedfd. 16 months 900 bbls. Evening went to see Jackson made a short stay — turned in early. Monday 24 Good morning light baffg winds in forenoon — afternoon trades King Taumurii very sick — several rolling & some riding in troop. Although King Kaumuali'i of Kaua'i had pledged his loyalty and his island to Kamehameha I in 1821, the King spirited Kaumuali'i to Honolulu to keep him in check. |
Tuesday 25 Very clear & calm. wind from Sd.: Schooner Deliverance got outside to go to Owyhee for wood, one or two Native Schooners came from Mauii, bringing news Kaukauri was sick. TAUMURU was tho't to be dying in evening — Dined on board Wm. & Eliza. — very warm day Wednesday 26 Calm. Schooner Prince Regent towed out. Capt Meek going to Owyhee in her after wood. At about the hour 9 departed this life TAUMURII King of Tauaii: Guns were fired at the fort and shipping Colors hoisted half mast — except the Russian man-of-War Brig who neither fired a gun or hoisted colors — There was great weing crying among the natives. Being Election day — got Capt Wildes carriage and went with a large party to Allens to roll ninepins. at 4 a light land breese Russian Brig Ruvick went out — Deliverance sailed for Owyhee King Hawaiians mourned their dead by chanting in a manner to simulate crying. The sounds during a funeral, then, were loud and mournful. Thursday 27 Clear, calm & warm. Light trades — Preparations making to carry Taumurii to Mauii — at sunset Schooner was seen off Barber’s point — supposed fr Tauaii. King Kaumuali'i desired to be buried in a cemetery in Lahaina near Keopuolanti, the mother of Kamehameha II. Friday 28 At sunrise it was found the chiefs from Tauaii had arrived: the whole village were in motion, running to the point to see them & have a cry. at 10 went to hear prayers & an exhortation by Mr Ellis, after which they put the corse on board the New York and sailed for Mauii — in afternoon Astor, Tamauriolani, & Superb followed — rode to Wytetee with Temple. Stopt & rolled with Pitt, Halsey, Grymes, Wilds & Hammatt — had fair luck Saturday 29th Cloudy morn. Mr Navarro sent his boat on board Wm.-&-Eliza to paint afternoon — all hands at Allens rolling — cost me 75 cents. Mr Elwell & I rode on horses & took a rope over the horn of the saddle to draw the coach by. Sunday 30 Trades from Eastward. No person to preach in Native tongue — of Mission. the Natives took it upon themselves, and those who heard them said they did very well Pualinui said, Robert, a young Kanaka just arrived in a Whale ship was the best speaker she had ever heard, he spoke so plain; — that others Mr Ellis & Mr Bingham spoke so that she could not understand more than half they said. — After supper went to see Mr Jackson — had just got into the house when it was found the Meeting house was on fire Mr Jackson & I ran, got the boys to ringing the Bell — got the large window, doors, seats, window frames, the pulpit in part when we were assisted by Mr Hunnewell, the Mission family, Kanakas & all the white people running — but could not get them in season, |
as the flames spread very fast — the roof fell i, in less than fifteen minutes Many reports among the Natives — some saying it was set on fire by the Kanakas, some, that it caught by leaving tapa on fire after meeting A piece of kapa or tapa, the bark cloth of the Hawaiians, was twisted, dipped into a stone lamp filled with candlenut oil and lit for illumination. Monday 31st Got up early — carried some medicine to Mr Jackson’s girl who was very sick — they told me Tana set fire to the meeting house — many stories about it — some say Pitt was knowing & accessory!! — some that it was a kanaka, who was drunk. — some say it was because the Missionaries had prayed Tamurii to death, & were now praying Pitt to death — Schooner Washington Rogers from Tauai arrived — said ship Gen Gates Riggs was there from Fannings Islands — bound to this place. Tuesday 1st June Moderate morning — thro’ the day fresh trades, & hot sun. showers of dust. . . redding the parsons fireside. In evening, being a moon. Many people at play about the house. Wednesday 2 Ship Gen. Gates Riggs arrived eight days from Tauaii — & 34 from Fannings I'd Wood, old wreck, & Bitch L. Mar — At 8 — Messers Hammatt, Green, Bracket, self, Capts Harris & Hersey — went up to the lime trees. Mr Hunnewell joind us there. also the Ladies of Mr Hammatt & Green with their attendants accompanied us: after taking dinner, returned at half past four. two of the vessels which went to carry Taumurii to Mauii returned. Eos sailed. George Taumurii came up in the Gen Gates & went to Mauii in Eos. Many Natives gone to get Materials to build a new Meeting house. George Kaumuali'i, sometimes called George Humehume, was a son of the Kaua'i king. He had traveled to the United States and had returned in 1820 on the same ship with the American Protestant missionaries. June Friday 4 Very fresh trades all night & this morning. Last eveg I had a present made me, of a Stone axe, such as the Natives formerly used. Very fresh trades all day. Gen. Gates sailed for Batavia Riggs left four barrels & one half barrel of old copper with me to ship to Canton — to Pitman & French — went with Rogers to swim. Saturday 5 Lively trades. Last evening all the Heads of Village were up at Grymes eating Loo.au. where they had a Real High. afternoon went to roll. evening playing Loo at Mr Hammatts. |
At Lahaina on June 5th, Ka'ahumanu had proclaimed five laws to be in effect. They were against murder, theft and boxing or fighting; to regard the Sabbath as a sacred day; and to enjoin the people to learn to read and write. Sunday 6 Showery till noon — Native meeting up by waterside — did not get breakfast soon enough to go — English service at Mission house attended — also afternoon Native meeting. Monday 7 Calm. At 8 Hersey, Brackett, Hammatt Jr & self with the girls went up Wytetee Valley to spend the day & get apples. Capt. Harris stopt to assist in getting off fifty piculs sandal wood for Hammatt. He joined us at 1 PM. after resting a short time we started & went to Allens & rolled — The Valley where we were is rich — well watered; thinly inhabited poorly cultivated. found plenty of apples, but they were not ripe The land division or ahupua'a called Waikiki included Manoa Valley. Tuesday 8 Calm morning. 9 Gentle trades — afternoon went to wash — Capt Sprague gave me a small box of raisins that were very good — at 12 Mr Myles & Mr Crocker called me up — to take some rum off — Manaohia & another came in & stole my black Hdf. Wednesday 9 Calm. Ship Parthian hauled in, to wait for the breese — to start for Mauii. Pitt and gang passengers — attempted to go up the large valley but rain compelled me to abandon and return. Wind light — prevented Ship from getting out till 2 P.M. — Ship Wm. & Eliza could not get out, wind was so light. very bright moon. Thursday 10 Calm, light trades. afternoon Mr Elwell put Mr Hunnewell’s horse and his into the Coach & carried a load to roll ninepins & returned early Mr Temple moved into his new house. Friday 11 Cloudy & Calm & rainy, being the first rainy day for a long time — Harris, Hersey, Hammatt Jr & Bracket went to Kolau by way of Cocohead Latter part of evening clear & pleasant. Southerly wind outside; trades inside |
![]() Peabody Museum of Salem 2. A journal entry for April 1, 1828, exemplifies his style.
Reynolds’ daily recording of events in Honolulu encompassed business dealings in sandalwood, whaling and general merchandise. These included the arrival and departure of ships; the activities of sea captains and their ships’ complement, the collection of sandalwood, its quality and price; the debts of the chiefs and chiefesses. His business prospered as the town grew and he gradually improved his business and living conditions. All credits on page xvii ![]() HMCSL / Lahainaluna 3. The sea captains who sailed in and out of Honolulu harbor were Reynolds’ friends, business associates and clients.
![]() Hawaiian Historical Society / M.C. Gaudichaud 4. Sandalwood, as the principal export of the Islands, was gathered on the estates of the great chiefs and chiefesses by their dependents.
![]() Archives of Hawaii 5. The great chiefs and chiefesses sold the sandalwood to merchants such as Reynolds. They often were in debt to merchants and signed promissory notes such as this one, signed by Chief Boka or Boki.
![]() Hawaiian Historial Society / Paul Emmert 6. Reynolds opened his own store in 1829 and eventually was able to build this building on Merchant Street in the center of business and commerce.
![]() Hawaiian Historial Society / Paul Emmert 7. With prosperity, Reynolds was able to build this coral block home on Union Street and move out of the fragile grass structure be once lived in.
![]() 8. The New Hazard was the first ship of record in which Reynolds sailed to the Pacific between 1810 and 1813.
![]() 9. Reynolds also kept a journal of his voyage on the New Hazard. The journal was published by The Peabody Museum of Salem in 1960. |
Saturday 12 Fine trades to day. Spent forenoon with Capt Grymes, down at Pitts house. afternoon went up to wash. Cap. Sprague in Wm. & Eliza sailed Sunday 13 Fine trades. last evening ship Tarquin Bunker from Mowee — Sprague standing off & on — afternoon Sprague & Bunker — ashore — very unwell with pain in head back legs & got natives to rumi [lomi, massage] — felt better Monday 14 Felt better, tho’ not well. early in morning cloudy. fine day — Capt. Meek arrived from Hawaii in prince Regent in coming into harbor got aground. Schooner Deliverance parted her cable at Toeai [Kawaihae] and went ashore. expected to be repaired and got off — Capt Sprague had an essential corn last evening partially saved at dinner to day. took advantage. off he went — Tuesday 15 Beautiful morn. & fine day — afternoon Mr Temple and I Measured the road to Allen’s found distance 2 Miles 2/8. Rolled six games ninepins. Lost two — paid my 19 & came off — Just at sunset a large number of small girls and boys were singing — on inquiring found it originated in one girl’s getting the others sweetheart. the partying singing the Triumphant. after sometime the other came on — and the ground was disputed — at dark they quit — each seeking new strength among its opponents — to renew the engagement tomorrow. Wednesday 16 Tradewinds Arrived Schooner Eos, Brig Tamouriolani; the Patriot, Brig & Ship Partian from Mowee. Mr Pitt & Suit &c passengers — George Tamoree was treated with no attention — Partian got no wood — afternoon the village girls were all out again — as also a large concourse of spectators at sunset they met near the waterside where they were joined by many of the crowd. at dusk they all faced to the water, following each other — plunged in and bathed together — returned home fatigued & tired — took tea at Crockers. Thursday 17 Fine morning — laid in bed till 7. . . (the first time since I have been on Island) got breakfast went to the point Gov. Adams [Kuakini] was there, who told me I should have the wood which he owed. . .which I presume is all I shall get — all the residents were there; none more apparently disappointed than Neighbor Wildes — afternoon we were attracted again by the exhibition of the female rivals & their parties — with additions & improvements — Water-witch sail’d at 10 for Owyhee Friday 18 Trades lively — at 8 New York arrived from Mauii. bringing News Kaahumanu was sick, wanting Pitt, John Adams &c to go up; accordingly Pitt in N York John Adams in Patriot Brig Started at 1 PM. — Brig had just got out when a flaw of wind Struck her & carried away fore topmast — & she returned: The two parties of ladies who had been publicly combating for the last three days: came out at half past five in great splendor great pains were taken to keep the croud back — which gave them room to appear to advantage, being about fifteen |
paces apart: two of the heads on each side advancd, alternately, while the others, stood their ground singing & making all kinds of gestures with their hands & bodies at length some evil minded persons threw stones into the croud. and ended the sport Saturday 19 The party which lived near (of the girls who had the Hura hura) after being dispersed by stones last evening, went into their house and had a collation and private Hura hura [hula]. Collation consisted in poii & Rum, the songs were chiefly in praise of their she-Captain who shone conspicuously thro’ whole; but by a very bold stroke gain'd great eclat — as also the victory to her party; after many gestures & emblems of contempt on each side; she took a Palaaa [ke pala'au, a wooden dish], struck it on the ground with every possible mark of contempt; then took a Stone & broke it, throwing the pieces at her opponents, a thing never done before by any chief or chiefess — many among the croud tho't it something so improper, that stones began to fly from some source, which dispersed the whole. — at daylight Rogers fired a gun for a pilot & boats, to tow the Partian in by keeping near the weather shore — struck but soon went off. At daylight the crier was sent round to cry down the Hurahuras, throwing of sticks; rolling stones; all gambling & drinking rum. . . the chiefs at the point sent to tell the children that the Missionaries would be angry with doleful stories of hobgoblins. Sunday 20 Fine morning. Yesterday learned the Robinson Crusoe had Sunk full of Wood at Barber’s point. attended meeting — Native & English Monday 21st Trade winds. Hersey came & called me & spent morning. Mr. Hammatt moving his goods out of Capt. Jacks [Naihe Kukui] house so as to save rent. Rainy — afternoon up at Crown's to see his billiard table: Jack Hills to see his Bagatelle. Evening turned in early. at 1 Hammatt Jr. came from cards Tuesday 22 Cloudy & light Showers. Ship Sultan Clark from Acapulco — thirty days, at which place he sold the Brig Frederic, for eight thousand dollars. Cap stetson & part of crew, passengers Yesterday Mr Prescott, chief officer of Frederic, died, he was bro’t ashore and at 3. Mr Stuart, of Mission, made prayer at Mr Crockers, after which a procession was formed by the residents which followed the corpse to the grave. He had had been raving for five months — they had been obliged to keep his hands & feet in irons to prevent his injuring himself. He was son of Dr Prescott of Newbury Port — Evening took a walk with Mr Temple & slept with him at his house. Mr Hammatt Jr slept in mine Wednesday 23 Fresh trades. Cloudy & rainy morning. Cloudy & cool day The Patriot Brig returned again, having carried away another topmast; dirt flew so thick could not see, most of afternoon. Thursday 24 Fresh trades, & cloudy cool morning. George Tameoree & Trowbridge came into house early in morning after Enfields Philosophy — Spent afternoon at |
Crown’s seeing Mr Hammatt. Crocker, Green and Cap Wilds play Billiards. blowing fresh Hammatt Jr. slept with me Friday 25 Very strong trades, with showers, continue. Cap Stetson called to see me. Mr Crocker moved his family on board Parthian to day nothing of note in village. Jackson got a board of me to make a door — Saturday 26 Continuation of Strong trades. Gov Adams gave me seventy two piculs of wood — some of the sticks weighing three piculs — all very large was so engaged coul not see but very little of the Eclipse — about one third of the sun was covered. in making my calculations the moon’s Latitude, or Spectators path were wrong — Path. Sunday 27 Fresh trades. Attended Native & English service. afternoon slept some went to ride. Monday 28 Moderate. Spent the day in calculating & projecting the Eclipse of the 26th, found the sun was nearly half covered. Crocker’s growing tired of living on board the Ship!! Tuesday 29 Moderate. Ship Sultan warped in. afternoon to wash — at Sunset Capt Ebbets in Enterprise arrived — also Pitt in N York Mr Navarro & Mrs Halsey went out to see him. In evening the girls who had the Hura-hura made up and were friends — Wednesday 30 Trades. Cap. Clark putting his things, from the ship, into the house Mr Hammatt had, afternoon went to Allens to roll. Cap Meek getting wood. A man from a Country ship, which stopt at Owyhee, came down with Capt. Ebbets, & relates that they saw a large Island (some say on the passage to the Islands, others it was on the passage from India to South America) of which he gave Lat. & Lon. & drawing to Cap Ebbets. Thursday 1 July Moderate. Water-Witch arrrived from Owyhee via Mauii. Bro’t about thirty piculs of wood — Deliverance had been repaired & gone to Waipio after wood. Capts. Meek & Blanchard got wood from point say in all one hundred & fifty piculs!! Mr Small, who came with Capt Ebbets came to board with Navarro. . hired a house to sleep of Holmes Patriot Brig — alias (Emerald) O’Higgins offered for sale Wilds offered eight thousand dollars & expected to have her Friday 2 Lively trades. Got up early, went with Hersey & Brackett to swim. walking about village as usual. Report said the Enterprise was going to Wairua after wood; put many in some stew about it; afternoon went to Missionaries after watch dull times. Strong trades. Saturday 3 Fresh trades, cloudy — at 11 Pualinui & her train went board the ship Enter- |
prise, at 2 Mr Navarro with Mr Halsy went off — the ship got under weigh and stood for Wairua. Mr Gowen owed forty piculs wood & four dollars, cash, she sent him word to come & pay her, or she would put him in Irons — he went to see her — paid the money — told her to send for the wood & she might have it after telling her a little of his mind, left her — Sunday 4 Independence of the United States, forty eight years — Strong trades, attended English service. Dined on board the Parthian. evening went down to Mission house with Mr Crocker & others and had a fine sing. Bright moon. Mr Hammatt Jr came & called me up at 12 & slept. Monday 5 At daylight turned out, being the day of celebrating Independence the ships Sultan, Parthian, Octavia & Brig Lascar fired twenty four guns, & hoisted Colors — preparations going forward for dinner Tela lost the Key of the mud house, & Mr Bracketts chest & trunk keys A Kanaka bro’t the key of the trunk, said the others were at Kolau At 11 went to Mr Crockers and got punch — at 3 sat down to dinner in number twenty-six. Hunnewell, & Gowen absent. enjoyed the day very well, — in evening had coffee — hot punch — some got crazy — for the most part “from fair to middling — Tuesday 6 Got up at 6. Cook & Steward came in with Coffee — drank two cups — said they broke everything at the consuls last night Mr Crocker, Green & Hammatt up till 4. in morning. cooks & Stewards keeping the 4th of July, all look to day as tho’ they kept Independence — Afternoon several went up to the falls. Evening all were early in bed. Brig Tamorilani & schooner Eos sailed for Tauaii. Kalia, alias Tamashmaah [Kamehameha], went to be governor of the Island — Cap Meek getting wood — Mr Hammat slept — gave Capt. Harris some Calomel Wednesday 7 Rainy morning. Cap. getting wood. Capt Ebbetts looking at Water-Witch to go and look at the Islands discovered by the English ship Francis-Charlotte. Thursday 8 Got early up. Brackett, Hammatt & Iwent to swim. passed the day as usual — in lounging about — Cap Clark got the Patriot Brig to heave his ship out by — Pitt, or Henow, asked thirty dollars per day for the old Thaddeus — Queen Kamamalu died in England on this day. The news would not reach the Kingdom until March 9th. Friday 9 Got up & went to swim with Brackett, in salt water. Pitt very sick. Went in to Crockers at 11. Got punch. Evening at Crockers singing. Mission Ladies Mrs Stuart & Loomis &c Harwood with his Bass Saturday 10 Fine morning — laid in bed late 4 to 7. at 8 Enterprise hove in sight came to anchor at 12. Mr Navarro & Mr Halsey came ashore to dinner — said they got 680 piculs!! doing well — afternoon went to swim — weighd 120 grains Calomel for Capt. Harris. |
Sunday 11 Very fine morning, too much wind for Enterprise to get in but it being far to eastward she sailed in by 7. oclock. went to meeting — a young man from Enterprise was at the English service with his clarionett — evening at mission house, singing. Monday 12 Sultan was hove out very early — leaked so much as to have to right on trying the seams found could drive the iron thro’ — Harris growing cross — the calomel making his mouth sore — went to swim Cap Ebbetts, Mr Hammatt, & Mr Small bo’t the Water-Witch to go & see the Islands which Mr. Small gives an account of — & thence on to the main Tuesday 13 Moderate & cloudy. Mr Hammatt went to get wood — was offered a lot small rejected wood which he refused. they moved to another house afterwards — Deliverance — Gowen, & Capt. Meek went to Pearl River. Small took charge of Water-Witch. Charles Stevens engaged to go master & pilot in the Washington — to the NWC. Wednesday 14 Cloudy. Hunnewell in Prince-Regent, sailed for Wainai after wood. Mr Hammatt got fifty four piculs wood. Cap Small in Water-Witch taking cargo on board. Capt. Harris well out with the mercury. Kamehameha II died in England this day. The news would not reach the Kingdom until March 9th. Thursday 15 Appearance of Southerly wind. Sultan hove down very finely — Capt Meek and Mr Gowen came from Pearl River — Deliverance beap up. Great hue & cry to day about Miss Jenny Holmes. no news except Elwell’s going Supercargo of Washington Friday 16 Moderate. Deliverance got in — having about 40 piculs of wood after breakfast went sailing with Mr Myles; got dinner on board Lascar. Mission Folks dined with Cap Ebbetts. Evening singing at Crockers. — Hammatt slept with me. Saturday 17 Pleasant. Expeditions of Washington & Water-Witch going on fast — Evening went up to Billiard room with Mr Baker of Washington Sunday 18 Warm, southerly wind. New Church was dedicated to the Natives — Evening Mr Crocker & I were at mission house Monday 19 Cloudy — misty morn. Pleasant warm day. Mr Hunnewell got 160 piculs of wood. Snuff told me I was to get wood again in a day or two. Schooner Deliverance repairing on the flats. Several of the crew of the Enterprise came ashore — in evening for the purpose of flogging Mr Baker late 2nd officer!!!! Baker |
gave them their own. Tuesday 20 Pleasant, after breakfast went with Brackett, Hersey, Spurr & Brock & several ladies, after apples found them very plenty — got a large quantity, afternoon returned by Allens & rolled Ninepins. Schooner Washington, Stevens, Master — Ellwell Supercargo, sailed for N.W.C. via Coast of California to look for Brig Owyhee. Kelly, thence to look for the Islands seen by the English ship, of which Mr Small was mate. Wednesday 21 Moderate — a fine, long, low ship was off the harbor at sunrise Jupiter Lessley from Gulph of California bound to Manilla Sailed, Waterwitch, Small for California, & the new Islands Evening went to Mission House to take tea — Most of the residents also present. Spent evening very agreeably — very warm day Thursday 22 Gentle trades. warm day. Hunnewell getting wood — but very small Capt. Blanchard’s boat from Pearl River got 15 piculs of wood — Sold Cap. Lessley 200 lbs sandal-wood for 13 dolls. evening at Jacksons Friday 23 Lively trades. at 4 Started for a fishing frolic, with Mr Navarro & Crocker in one boat, Cap Rogers, Cap Grimes, Cap Clark & I in another — got down to the ground at dusk. All the natives have a chance to fish. Most of the residents were out — some for fish some for fun — Mr Hammatt Jr slept in house. The ground, where the fish are taken, is not allowed to fished on for several months previous — then the Chiefs go with a long string of Nets which prevents the fish from getting out, & every one has the fish he can take with his hands. Jupiter sailed for Manilla Saturday 24 At daylight all was bustle in getting ready to get on the ground for fishing. But a great Disappointment when it was found there was no fish. Many went away without getting some who staid till ten or eleven o'clock got a small quantity. I should presume there was from two to four thousand people. as it was low water we were obliged to remain till late. In the time Cap Rogers — Cap Hersey, Oliver, Wilds and self went to see the Salt pond. It is situated about 8 miles from the arm of the sea, between two hills, is about half as wide in diameter — there is a place in the middle unfathomible. The salt makes on the shores — by the sun, it appears likewise on the shore of a pond in our country, when it begins to cake and is not unlike it in appearance or in substance — it is very hard — the tide affects it. at ten Cap Clark & I walked up and arried at half past eleven the boats arrived at one. at half past 12 I was taken with severe gripings followed by purging and puking, which followed till evening — which I tho’t was owing to drinking lemonade — but afterwards was of opinion it was Owing to eating fish. Hammatt slept with me Sunday 15 [25] Found myself much better but rather slim. took Calomel & rhubarb. Brig Neo from Mowee — arrived Doctor Blatchley & wife passengers: Many showers. Evening Kanakas were carrying sandal wood, from different houses, down |
about the Fort. Monday 16 [26] Wood was going from all quarters to the point, all very small Capt Meek and Blanchard got the best, about one hundred piculs. Pitt told Mr Crocker he should have the Parthian full in two months! Pitt started for Atooi in N York — began to put the wood I had, on hand, on board Sultan very strong trades & very dusty. Spurr went on board Enterprise. Kalanimoku (Pitt) as prime minister was going to Kaua'i to make certain that Kaumuali't’s island kingdom was still integrated into the Kingdom. Tuesday 27 Warm morning, hot sun, fresh trades in afternoon. Getting wood on board Sultan. heard part of mission family were dissatisfied with having the residents there Sunday evening to sing. Wednesday 28 Fine morning. The pretended owners of Patriot Brig Vigilant in Stripping her of every moveable, even booby hatches to sky lights — got my wood all on board Clark — hot sun. Eveg — singing at Crockers Thursday 29 Calm & cloudy morn — hot sun — Southerly winds — Deliverance went to Pearl river. afternoon took a long walk. Evening playing whist — Hammatt came & slept. Friday 30 Calm. at 10 light trades. Mr Hammatt Jr & I went after apples — got home at 4. Capt Clark putting things in house — Eveg. playing whist. Report said Pitt met the Tamaurilani & Eos Wainai, with Kalaia. Report doubtful. proved to be false Saturday 31 Calm morn. fresh trades. Deliverance came in with an hundred piculs of wood. Sunday August 1 Fresh trades & misty Showers, attended English service afternoon Strong trades & showers Monday 2 Rainy morn, after breakfast went to see Pitts house — Reading Hopkins’ works — very strong trades & showers of rain — but greatest showers of Dust — (took masts out of Patriot Brig) Tuesday 3 Very strong trades, rain & dust. lazing and lounging as usual Evening went to Jacksons. Crocker & Rogers went to Wairua. Wednesday 4 Moderate trades & hot sun. Nothing in village of note. At 1/4 before 10 in evening a Kanaka came from Pearl River after stores for the party there which were sent without delay. Beautiful evenings. Deliverance to Wirua |
Thursday 5 Fresh trades with rain on the mountains. Prince Regent sailed for Mowee — Parthian bro’t her rudder ashore, to repair found it badly eaten by worms. Cap Wildes concluded to heave out and copper. Blanchard said he wanted one thousand piculs to be full Friday 6 Trades lively. Reading Hopkins system of Doctrines — Saturday 7 Calm. light trades. Schooners Astor & Superb came from Mowee after the chiefs to go & see the old woman, who was very near end, as she said, tho walking round the village yesterday — Superb was sent to Atooi for Pitt — without waiting fifteen minutes. — At 11 a gun was heard in the offing, by glasses it was seen she was a Brig. Enterprise fired a gun, which was answered, — boats were manned — Mr Myles came ashore with Mr Navarro’s boat manned with six men — Navarro and Lady went off; Sunday 8 At two or three o'clock Wm Hammatt called and said it was Brig Tamaahmaah One hundred & thirteen days — Sunrise — all is quiet. at 9 Brig Tamh. dragged — in heaving broke her Anchor — a few letters — afternoon Brig Becket arrived from Bodego; Monitor had been there from Canton. Owyhee fr Islands — Sumner & Beckly had taken 3 or 4 thousand seal skins Becket left a gang on Guadaloupe for seal. Monday 9 Lively trades. Letters by Tameahmaah say, the Frigate United States, Capt. Hull, or the Peacock will visit this place this Season: it is to be hoped, letters state the arrival of ship Ganges Coffin from this place with oil. no mention of the Stanton: after breakfast most of the residents & Missionaries went off on board the Tamaahmaah, found her a very fine vessel, with a very fine cabin. ordinary Deck plank — two chain cables. Most of people reading Newspapers. Deliverance arrived. Mr. Crocker returned. Cap Meek & Stetson Tuesday 10 Cloudy morn. Becket got in. at 1 PM. the schooner New York was seen coming — all was tiptoe and expectation, thinking Pitt was coming — at 5 she anchored — bro’t news that the Atooians had rebelled, that Pitt had sent after powder and arms. All the missionaries came in her — after Tea — Mr Green & I went down to the mission house. We learnt that an attack was made on Sunday morn just before daybreak, on the Fort: Trowbridge, (a white man) was killed, had four wounds in his head, & one in his face, another was mortally wounded thro’ the body: fourteen were killed in all — one considerable of an Atooi chief — Pitt and Kalaia were on west side of river after the attack they went in, and took possession of it — where they remained at the last advices — Pitt recommended to the Missionaries to leave — which they did sunday afternoon — When they left the vessel, which sailed saturday afternoon to tell Pitt Kaahumana was sick, had not arrived; It was not exactly known where the insurgents were, or what number they had George Tameoree was one of the leaders. Blanchard let Snuff have the Deliverance to go to Atooi for which he is to have wood. said he would go with his ship if she was ready for sea |
all was quiet here at 10 — when I went to sleep Pitt discovered on Kaua'i that George Kaumuali'i had joined other Kaua'i chiefs in a rebellion against the united kingdom. Fighting had broken out on August 8th. Wednesday 11 Preparation for troops to go to Atooi in Neo & Beckett. At 1 p.m. Beckett sailed. Deliverance sailed at 8. AM. with arms & Powder. It was found, more were willing to go than was called for — Brig Tamaahmaah sailed for Mowee with Cap. Ebbetts — Mr & Mrs Stuart were passengers. No one was compelled to go ’all were emulous. Thursday 12 Fine morning. Brig Neo taking troops on board for Tauaii under Anni Anni, who bo’t muskets & powder of Capt. Meek — at 10 Prince Regent came from Kolau — at 4 Neo sailed, full of troops. Friday 13 Calms hove down the Parthian. Schooners Astor & New York arriv'd from Mowee, with several chiefs of the second grade, bound to Atooi, Prince Regent sailed with troops — all are of any note are striving to get to Atooi. Saturday 14 Calm. The chiefs who came from Mowee, buying musket powder &c At 3 P.M. New York & Astor sailed for Atooi, full of people. Hot sun dry & dirty — Parthian finished & righted Sunday 15 Sun powerful. at 10 a sail was seen beating up at some distance off — at noon it was pretty well ascertained to be Deliverance from Tauwaii. At 5 Anchored. No steps or movements have been made since the first onset, but where George or his party were I have not heard — took a walk in afternoon to the Palama. Monday 16 Lively trades. Deliverance sailed for Tauaii. George had remained at his place, eight miles from the Fort collecting his forces — which did not increase very fast. Pitt was in the Fort; the Beckett had arrived, but landed her troops. Neo just arrived. It was said George was not at the head but some of the old chiefs — Pitt said if George would give up he would pardon him — but if he did have to fight — he would put to death men, women & children — Afternoon Capt Stetson, Mr Bruce & Mr Burrill & self went the Kaleehe [Kalihi] Valley after apples — The crucial battle was fought at Waimea on the southwestern coast of Kaua'i. The fort there was an edifice built in 1817 by Russian agents. Tuesday 17 Fresh trades. Nothing stirring. afternoon went into the Fort. Saw many soldiers, but no exerciseing. No News. Wednesday 18 Moderate, at 7 heard Brig Tamaahmaah arrived last evening, at 11 o-clock. Keiki- |
heva & others came in her bound to Tauaii — after breakfast Mr Navarro & Mr Hunnewell concluded to go also afternoon Cap Stetson joined them. at 5 — all went off — Brig got under weigh with a fine breese, went off with them to get money of Owai Thursday 19 Fine morn. Fine day — passed it in reading. Dull in the village played cards till 1/2 past 12. with Mr Hammatt, against Blanchard & Crocker!!! Friday 20 Clouds over mountains indicate fresh trades. lively — Cap. Ebbetts moving on board his ship. dull; dull; dull — Temple preparing for his bowling alley. Saturday 21 Hot sun & dry — fresh trades. very dusty — afternoon went to swim Rolled ninepins. Young Thaddeus arrived from Mowee — said she had been to Owyhee after John Adams & troops for Tauaii He refused to come or let men come — (appears squally — if true) — Sunday 22 Considerable rain last night & this morning — at 10 Brig Tamaah’h. hove in sight. at 3 she anchored. News that there was a battle fought on the 19th in which Pitt was victorious, without loss of men. — three of George’s principal chiefs were killed — George had fled into the mountains & Kalia was in pursuit — Strong trades & rain in showers, thro the day — a schooner in sight from Atooi. Evening singing at Crockers. Monday 23 Brig towing in. New York arriv’d last evening is bound to Maua, probably to tell Kaamauu the result of Battle. Many reports today, no two agreeing. Tuesday 24 Nothing stirring this morn. spent the day reading the Spaewife afternoon went to palama; evening at Jackson’s. Wednesday 25 Calm. Latter part lively trades. Mr Navarro lame, by falling from his horse yesterday. Evening at Mission house to sing — Thursday 26 Fine morn. Spent afternoon at Grymes reading the Pilot — in which I was much interested. Mr Hammatt & Mr Crocker spent the night at Billiard room — until 7 O'clock in morning — Friday 27 Beautiful morn. No News. No Stir. Read 2nd vol. of Pilot. Saturday 28 Pleasant. forenoon Hersey, Hammatt, Brackett & I went after apples up Karihi Vally. afternoon went up to bathe. Morning New York arrived from Mauii. No News — the tabboo has been taken off so as to allow them to sell hogs; & other things, for dollars & powder. |
Sunday 29 Moderate, attended English service. Mr Ellis preached. hot sun. Monday 30 Strong trades. in morning — forenoon moderate. Schooner Deliverance arrived 6 days from Tauaii. Nothing New — afternoon very strong wind & dust so thick could not see. at five a ship came off the harbor, stood off & on. could see boats, like a whale ship Tuesday 31 Lively trades — Schooner Astor arrived from Tauaii — No new movements. Ship in offing proved to be the Falcon of Nantucket. Chase. 1,000 bbls oil 19 months out — fell in with an Island in 21° 17’s. Lon. 159° 40’ W. By the Natives called Oratooi. It had been discovered about six months before, by the Mission of Tahaiti — who left some of the natives of Ulitea to instruct them Very high. seven or eight leagues in Circumference. Heard Parthian was going to wait another season. and send her freight to Canton September Wednesday 1st Got early up, went to wash. Brigs Tamouriolani & Neo arrived, from Tauwaii, four days. Clark’s coopers repairing watercask. Schooner Deliverance. Capt Tho. Meek & Gowan went to see Pitt. Thursday 2 Calm. Light trades. afternoon took a walk to palama. Evening uncommonly pleasant. Went to Jackson’s. Friday 3 Gentle trades — Neo, Astor & Boston sailed for Mowee — spent most part of day at Billiard room — went to wash Saturday 4 Calm morn. Jo’ driving on with his house. Clark getting things out of house. Reading "The Albigenses"’. most plt. evening. Sunday 5 Lively trades. At 7 a ship stood down to the anchorage — the Cadmus, Cary of Boston twenty two months out 1,500 barrels of oil. Capt. bad with scurvy and many of the crew; on the coast of Japan the weather has been so bad that could not save his whale; has had ten at a time along side & lost all; his ship has been nigh lost by fire in his run, by steward’s drawing rum by candle Fell in with a large Junk, without provisions — gave them bread — for which they fell & kissed their decks — He gave the course they must steer to find their Island — Intends coming inside to caulk &c — I attended meeting Mr Whitney preached. Very strong trades, and showers of dust Monday 6 Cloudy. & strong trades — a strange Ship ran down, & stood off — Cadmus drifted off, had to make sail. Tamo'relani had to return, wind so fresh Tuesday 7 Fresh trades. Ships far off; at 1 PM the Stranger was found to be the Mercury |
Cap Austin 2400 bbls oil had spoken Russel, Coleman, Maro Macy; Cap Macy in his cruise last winter discovered a group of Island in 21°. S$ 178 E. 23° S. 158’ E 19. to 19.308 179 to 179.48 E. 9°. 13’ N 164°. 15E Writing letters to send by Cap Austin. Wednesday 8 At 5 AM. was routed by Hammatt, Crocker, Green, Burril and Temple, who had been up all night. at 1 Ship Russel, Coleman arrived — full. Sch. New York. Cap Meek, Mr King & Mr Gowen passengers, from Tauaii. Writing letters to send home. Parthian preparing for sea. Bending sails. Thursday 9 Showery. pleasant trades. Ship Mercury sailed. Mr Brackett went home passenger. Mr Spurr stopped as agent for De’ Wolf’s concern — afternoon walked into country. Palamar, beautiful evening. Friday 10 Gentle trades — after breakfast Mr Ellis, Bingham, Navarro, Hersey & I went on board Cadmus & Russel, Mr Ellis to see the accommodations, others for curiosity — Mr Ellis concluded to take passage with his family, to America, afternoon Eclipse went to Atooi to carry letters to Pitt to inform him he could send letters to the King. . .Went on board Tamaamaah till dark. Enterprise repairing leak in Bows. hauled her bow ashore. Saturday 11 Moderate. Cadmus towed in. Rolling Ninepins on Temple’s New Alley. afternoon there was a Kanaka training; there about four hundred & fifty men, their principal excercise was loading & firing: many spectators mostly ladies. Gov. Adams daughter, a child of about 9 years of age, was carried on a man’s shoulders, followed by three large feather sticks & a body guard of females, armed with swords. No News. Sunday 12 Pleasant day. Rec'd Cap Cary’s chronometer. Went to hear Mr Ellis preach. afternoon went with Cap Hersey to Palamar — Dull. Monday 13 Moderate — assisting Temple arrange Capt. Meek’s accounts. Still times. Tuesday 14 Schooner Deliverance arrived from Tauwai — found her rudder after Cap Meek left. assisting Temple &c. Rolled ninpins & lost 25 cents. learned Pitt had got as far as Anne Papa [Hanapepe], going in pursuit of George. George said he would not be taken — nor give himself up; that he had about 6 or seven hundred men with him, & was gaining daily — Wednesday 15 Lively trades. Nothing stirring. Idled away the day. Thursday 16 Calm morning. A Canoe arrived from Mowee said Kaahumana had gone to Owyhee. spent part of afternoon at Cap Ebbetts’, who lent me Von Langdorffs voyages & Travels. |
Friday 17 Mr Ellis and family embark’d on board the Russel, Coleman for America. Deliverance sailed for Mauii to carry one of his children to Owyhee where she is to meet the Russel. Saturday 18 Fine Morning. Russel off, out of sight with Mr Ellis on board — Spent day reading Langsdorff “Voyages & Travels." Village Still — Waiting news from windward & leeward. N York sailed for Tauaii Sunday 19 Pleasant — attended Native Service in morning. Eclipse arriv’d from Tauaii, six days, filled, nearly three times, saved by bailing hard News: George with 8 or 10 hold out, the rest had given up. Pitt had gone round the Island to make all quiet by his presence Monday 20 Lively trades — Ship Eliza Ann. Kemist London arrived — thirty two days from Tahaiti [Tahiti]: Said the Natives had set their old gods up again & thrown of all religious customs — had taken a ship — killed Capt — mate & Carpenter — the Crew retook her again, by firing from the tops — a vessel, the Elizabeth of London had been cast away at Friendly Isls — the Natives had got the property — would not give it up — Cap. Kemist had twenty four men run away for which he offered six dollars each, when they were bro’t they wanted more, & more — so that he could not get them — Mr Dana in Waverly was at Tahaiti in July. afternoon walked to Palamar. Tuesday 21 Eliza Ann towed in. At 10 an Auction of articles belonging to Sultan flour 2.00 bbl, Rice 3.00 cwt &c. Vessels preparing to go away — afternoon making out Auction bills — Let Cap Cary’s chronometer run down Wednesday 22 Moderate — at 10 commenced the Auction which stood adjourned — afternoon fresh trades — making out & collecting bills. Cap Kemis, of the ElizaAnn, he must have a survey on his ship, her sternpost was rotten & in many other places. Thursday 23 Lively trades in morning — afternoon southerly wind & warm — collecting and settling Auction bills — heard Eliza-Ann was so rotten she could not be repaired — A Survey to be held tomorrow. Friday 24 Wind Southerly & Very warm: afternoon went to swim — Morning Brig Tamouriolani & schooner Astor arrived from Mowee & Owyhee. Kahumana came down; going to Tauwaii. Capt Wildes sent his Coach for her to ride to the Missioanry’s house. Capts Thos & John Meek Cary, Stetson & Rogers with Carpenters went on board Eliza-Ann to examine her — found her timber in upper works very rotten — many of Beams in both Decks rotten, stench & dirt scarcely to be borne |
Saturday 25 Uncommonly warm. Eliza-Ann hauled in — unbent sails — began dismantling — Kaahumanu sent fish about village — wind Sd — Got Capt Meeks artificial horizon for Chronometers. Sunday 26 Sea breeze in morning — a Ship with all steering Sails stood to westward with the wind easterly — could not distinguish colors very warm did not go to meeting. Monday 27 Light trades in morning. Ship Lyra Joy — 2,000 bbls oil, Ship Charles London arrived — Sailed Parthian Rogers for Atooi, Sultan Clark for Canton, went, with several others, outside in Sultan — Tuesday 28 Fine morning. Lyra towed in. Charles sailed in. Octavia hauled in shore — after lying 7 or 8 months out in the harbor — Wind southerly, & warm, afternoon walked to Palamar where I found a fine shade & cool breeze. Wednesday 29 Clear & calm, warm southerly wind. Brig Neo & Schooner Prince Regent arrived the latter from Tauaii — Bringing news George was taken — but his wife & child were not to be found. Pitt was at the weather part of Island. Schooner bro't goats, pigs, & a horse all plunder — Some of Kemist’s rigging put in the house. afternoon went to Palamar. Capt. Joy of Lyra said he had sailed round an Island seven leagues from NW to SE had a reef several miles off, on NW part — judg'd he saw smoke — some of it elevated land [In margin: Jay’s Dis.] Thursday 30 Cloudy morn, wind SW. 8 smart shower. at 12 Very fine shower afternoon plt., Rolling. took sails, Rigging &c into house — for. Kermist October Friday 1st Beautiful morning — took sails from Kermist, old iron &c, afternoon adjusting Cap Joy’s sextant — warm southerly wind and weather. Saturday 2 Fine morning. Ships Maro, Macy; Ocean, Fitz Gerald; Boston Joy arrived. Schooner Deliverance — very warm day — Octavia preparing to sail. Nothing uncommon stirring — Sunday 3 Calm. Blanchard waiting wind — took breakfast on board, after breakfast a light trade & light showers. Ship Hesper. Chase from Mauii — full, 1100 bbls; afternoon attempted a walk with Wm Hammatt — showers drove us back — afterwards went with Mr Durant, Sunset a large ship to leeward beating up. Evening showers. Monday 4 Ship beating up — shewing English colors. Ship Kent, Parkins fr London 13 months, 1100 bbls — 10 An Auction of Provisions Beef 10 a 11 50 Tierce Pork 14 a 18$ Tierce — Flour 7 — Tierce — at Octavia cast off & went to sea after |
lying in port 17 months 23 days — Kent standing off & on Beautiful evening. Mr. Gowen, it is expected, took his departure in Octavia, paying his Debts, as many others have before him, under the Fore topsail, my Due 10.$ — amt. to Tuesday 5 Good weather & Strong southerly breeze. At 10 an Auction of sails, Rigging &c, of Eliza-Ann, afternoon Ship Kent came in. The Pilot, Adams, drunk. Navarro & Cap J Meek officiated. Po'alinui left Navarro. Ebbetts preparing to go to Tauaii to sell the Brigs Wednesday 6 Pleasant weather southerly wind. Sold blocks & running Rigging belonging to Eliza-Ann. Poalinni returned again Capt Chase, Hesper sailed Thursday 7 Calm morning. at 1/2 past 8 — a race was run between Kemist and Capt. Carey’s whale boat, for fifty dollars, latter beat — also Capt Meeks boat with paddles & Enterprises jolly boat, for five Jolly beat. after which every body went on board Tamaah’h to take wine, porter, Cheese &c after, on board Enterprise. — most were Rich & well to live — afternoon a Race between Mr Hammatts & Mr Elwells horses for fifteen latter beat. arrived ship Swift, Arthur arrived — sailed into harbor 1900 bbls Friday 8 Good weather — Last night most beautiful & bright. most of the good folks were high & fighting with Mr Holmes & George whom they beat — walking round village till 3 in morning — Calm morning — South wind, at 8 Cap Cary & Cap Joy’s boats pulled from outside to the wharf in 16 min. & 28 sec. Joy’s much fastest boat. Very warm day. Evening Cap Meek raffled off his watch at Navarros — Cap Kemish won her, Sally Magee at house — Saturday 9 Calm morning. Southerly wind & hot weather. No racing today working double altitudes for Latitude made 21°-19448" — North Sunday 10 Pleasant morn Southerly wind, very hot sun. too lazy to go to meeting, it was sO very warm — Heard by Mr Durant — Mr Kendrick of Boston had invented a machine for working Lunar observations. Time, Asimuth’s &c — who could be surprised if in a little time a machine for Measuring distances, by reflection, is invented!!!! Monday 11 Calm & warm. at 9 a fine trade. 10 an Auction of old iron harpoons Water cask &c belonging to Eliza Ann — at 2 Tamaamaah sailed for Tauaii Mr Hammatt passenger. A ship to leeward beating up. John Palmer. Clark 900 bbls oil Tuesday 12 Light breeze — A Ship & a Schooner beating up. Parthian and Superb from Atooi. Also ship Maria Gardner full 2400 bbls. went with Navarro on board Charles to breakfast. at 1 PM a ship coming down. Parthian about Anchoring Ship Chile, Barnard, in anchoring, fouled the Ocean carried away flying jib boom and tho't |
sprung Bowsprit. of Ocean Chile leaky — coming in to heave down — Mr Crocker said, Pitt told him — there was no wood, & he could not pay the debts — Capt. Wilds told me a ship had been to the weather side of Tauaii. which mounted 20 guns with many men. probably a Spanish privateer; or a vessel bound to Manilla with Spanish property — they inquired for George, saw his dog & knew him; undoubtedly they had some one with them who was acquainted about the Islands. Evening went down to Mr Jackson’s. Wednesday 13 Fine Trades. Ships not able to get in. Cadmus & Maro Sailed. 10 an auction of flour, Spars, of Eliza-Ann. Afternoon Rolling — won 67 cents Tuesday 14 Lively trades. Charles went out. 10 went on board Eliza Ann sold 1 Try pot, for 5 dollars, Hencoop, lead pump, &c — the most dirty Stinking vessel I ever saw — Capt. Wildes & Grimes want vessel & cargo to be sold together!! he being the only person in the place who could buy her, Cap Ebbetts and Mr Hammatt being away — Capt. Grimes, it is expected, will be left as consul when Mr Crocker goes away — (pretty Consul) Friday 15 Brisk Trades. Brig Inore arrived from Sealing 6,000 skins. Ship Thomas Coffin 1700 bbls. Ship Favorite Hurd 1500 bbls — Strong trades & showers, evening went to see Jackson who was sick Capt. Wilds preparing clubs for Sealing. Saturday 16 Strong trades & showers, Brig Becket, Schrs Astor & Eos arrived from Tauaii, Ship Ocean sailed. Borrowed “A Voice from St Helena" Reading it. afternoon went to Wash. Sunday 17 Trades — attended meeting. spent time in reading 'Voice fr St Helena" Prince Regen sailed for Tauaii. Monday 18 Too much wind for vessels to come in — Gentle trades — unwell with a violent pain in bowels, and during night heard Becket was going to windward after wood for Wilds. Tuesday 19 Fresh trades, some better of pain in bowels. Native vessels got inside; Finished Doct O’Meara, conclude Sir Hudson Low was a greater Tyrant that Bonaparte — afternoon pretty well. Some story about Becket going to windward after wood for Capt. Wilds. Wednesday 20 Trades so strong vessels unable to get in. A ship under French Colors came down — from Gulf of California — came here to repair — copper &c — fine chance for Cap. Wildes — letters from Capt. Bates — says he is coming to buy Sch. Washington. Grimes very busy &c spent most of day in playing cards with Temple & girls. Kemish put Bread &c in house |
Thursday 21 Trades fresh. At 10 Calm Capt. Adams asked Mr Navarro to go and pilot in one of the ships; Adams took the Maria Navarro the John Palmer in getting anchor swell & light air from Sd. tailed in; hoisted her colors Union down many boats immediately to assist her — she got under weigh ran inside of middle ground met the trade & anchored from the reports an &c I judged the ship had been in great danger, & badly managed; after hearing from those on board had never been in less that 7 fths been managed well Ships all got under weigh, but anchored again Friday 22 Cloudy & Calm. Ships fired early for boats, Chili, Thomas Parthian Favorite came in, wind SE. Charles experienced strong gales ever after leaving, on 14th, this morning returned, having split Topsail. Frecnh Ship far off, a leading brezze brought her in by 11. — The Supercargo dined with Mr Green — Wind SEy. it was very warm. Several Natives stopt till late, 2 slept thro the night Saturday 23 Rainy morn. My lodgers detained by rain. 8 broke away & off then went — cloudy day — Capt. Arthur gave me a keg of oil. 9 galls. — Temple told me should keep Billiard room, for a few days Sunday 24 Calm & Rain — Lodgers remained again. 8 broke away. Cloudy, afternoon Hammatt Jr. & I walked to Palama with the girls. Ship patridge Thornton, 4 days from Tauaii, at 4:30 pm he came ashore with his wife & child. Went to the mission house, The natives all ran with the greatest eagerness to see Mrs Thornton and her child, about 18 months of age — Spanish super cargo put his money in Henows hands for safe keeping, done through merini [Marin] Monday 25 Cloudy — wind southd. Whale ships filling water by 4 am. Calm & smooth Brig Tamaahh. in sight, coming up — at 2 a number of whale boats out & towed in. went myself on board Ship Partridge with Capt. Thornton & Arthur, to buy Calico, price 20 d Capt. Thornton said he could tell as good a lie as I could, or anyone else!! with much slang — News hereafter. | Tuesday 26 Fine morning went on board Kent to breakfast & get some bills of Exchange for Capt. Kemish, at 11 went off with most of residents to eat bread and cheese & drink Porter, afternoon Capt Thornton & wife ashore, paid him for two pairs pumps. Jackson sent to see if I could get a barrel of beef for him. Wednesday 27 Pleasant. Heard the strange ship which has been at Atooi was a Pirate bound off Manilla. Ships Reaper Ramsdell. 1050 bbls; Equator Barney 1000 Making up my acs for 6 monts past. Money wastes like dew before the Sun. Mr Jackson spent part of evening in house. Thursday 28th Fine morning. No special news going forward to day. French Ship preparing for heaving out. |
Friday 29th Lively trades. Schooner Washington, Stevens arrived 19 days from St Diego, California, Bro’t news Capt Newell of Mentor had been very sick, but had recovered and proceed’d to Guamos. Brig Owyhee, Kelly sailed Sepr. 12th for N.W.C. Bro't several young cattle, after landing cattle & putting Bar Silver on board Parthian, fired a Salute!!! — Saturday 30 Smart Shower. Trades, Cool. Mr Shaw sent the mission family a present from Canton by Capt Cooper, bro’t from California by Washington — Cap. Kemish quit Coopering oil — in hopes of shipping it on to the main by The French ship. Sunday 31 Strong Trades & Cool. passed day at home. afternoon went over to Cap Grimes to see a letter Mr Elwell had received from Mr O.H. Gordon — in which he says Mr Jones sold Paragon’s wood for 8 or 8 1/2 per picul — skins 42 Letters from JP Sturgis & Co — State wood is looking up. Evening at Mr Jackson’s. Sally at my house for some time in evening November Monday 1st Cloudy — strong breeses in night past. Making up my Ac& Sales assisted by Wm Hammatt. Beckly & others attempting a sealing voyage. The Washington bro’t about 17,000 $ in Bar skins & dollars Tuesday 2 Showery & fresh trades. Countess of Morley. Best arrived, 1700 bbls Rudder bad [illegible word] ends coming inside. Wednesday 3 Showery. Ships John Palmer, & Reaper sailed — Nothing strange Capt. Honker, of French ship, Dined at Mr Hammatts. Thursday 4 Fine morning. Brig Rob Roy arrived from coast — 27 days, — 1000 skins and more. Capt. Barker had collected six hundred — French Capt Bot 13 Water Cask of Cap Kemish for 6.00 each, his Foremast for forty — attempted to make Kukui oil — did not answer — Nuts should be pounded — Friday 5 Cloudy. Calm, two ships — Thames — Clasby 1550 bbls. oil — Hydasper Paddock 1400 bbls. Brig Becket from Mowee — Young Thaddeus fr Tauaii Saturday 6 Bro’t News the New York was lost at Onehow [Ni'ihau]. Schooner Washington Lock, sailed for Tauaii, Cap Wildes, Oliver, & Elwell passengers Ship Mary Reed arrived, men down with Scurvy — Sunday 7 Calm — wind Southward. attended meeting twice — Mr Bingham said a Master of a vessel was an Alderman, Selectman Magistrate and Justice of piece!! Minister &c — afternoon Hammatt Jr 2nd officer & I Walked to wash place — thinking a fine run of water — but were disappointed. — Killed an ox at Allens yesterday very fat & tender |
Monday 8 Southerly wind. Ships Thames & Hydasper sailed. Heard there were two hundred Tails, and had been offered 4,00$ each and take the whole. Evening went down to Mr. Jackson’s — played with the girls — Hannah bit my arm most cruelly. Tuesday 9. Southerly wind, at 3 Brig Tama’h — sailed for Norfolk Sound Bo't a prime skin — 40 — Tails 32 — Do — 20 — Mr Hammatt & Mr Clark in house till 8 — after I went to Cap Harris’. Cool night Wednesday 10 Cool morn, & calm. Wind from Sd Whale ships prevented from getting out. much talk about nothing. Whales dropping off. Thursday 11 Rain in night, cloudy, wind from Sd Best got a bullock from Mr Marini — gave steward thirty papers Vermilion to carry the coast on half profits. Friday 12th Beautiful morning. Calm two Ships coming down. Tamaamah came back having been to Wairua — so much surf they could not land — saw Sch Washington was ashore. Saturday 13th Light trades. afternoon strong trades. Ship Burgess Richard arrived — late Capt. Newton who was killed by a whale 4 months since. From Mowee Ships Enterprise Weeks 2,300 bbls. Aurura Coffin, 1,050. Sailed Swift Arthur on a cruise, Maria Gardner for America: Becket for Tauaii — Tamaamaah — sailed. Sunday 14 Strong trades — attended Native church; Trades very fresh — Boston in going out got on weather Bank — wheeled around — backed off — & anchored. Aurora drifted off — got under weigh Cap Best Drunk — crazy, breaking glass &c, at the point. Monday 15 Cloudy. Strong trades. Best up all night crazy drunk — Stript himself three or four times: at 4 Capt Kemish got him off on board his ship where he left him — Very strong trades rainy &c: at 8 AM Ship Aurora Coffin running down got aground, boats With anchors went to her assistance and got her off without damage. — at 8 PM. Boston parted her cable — fired guns — boats went and got her off Tuesday 16 Cloudy. Strong trades. at 12 gale moderated. Capt. Ford grappled for his Boatswain, who fell from a boat on Sunday evening got hold of his clothes and bro’t him up — he was bro’t ashore — Mr Jackson & Mr Tolman made a Coffin in my house. Capt. Best raving — Doctr. Lambert, Taylor & Blatchley visited him — tho’t it advisable to keep him close. bleed him &c. Wed 17 Fine morning. Mr Jackson making followers for oil press. Capt Ford’s Boat- |
swain was buried at 12. evening at Jacksons — Capt Best was bro’t ashore, was bled, blistered &c and very raving — Thursday 18 Fine day. Cap Seth Coffin came ashore; said after he lowered his boat yesterday to come ashore, ten of his jumped in to her & pulled ashore: Capt. Weeks went to Sea — Capt. Best continues delirious. Friday 19 Very pleasant morning; Cap Best very raving — nothing special to day. Evening Capt. Reed making his boasts of his Seamanship &c. Best heard him — said "you never get drunk, [am a Drunkard!!!" Seth Coffin went to sea. Becket arrived from Atooi. Beckly & Brock having chartered her to go sealing Ship Independence Plasket 2,300 bbls oil. Experienced a severe gale in October. wind East to SE Saturday 20 Cloudy — Capt Best apparently Better. Capt. Joy sailed in Boston. Capt. Harris said should sail First of December Kanaka sent from Tauaii to weigh wood for me!! Sunday 21 Cap. Best a little better. Fine morning — attended Native meeting afternoon walked to Palamar — evening at Mr Jackson's. In afternoon Cap Kemish, with others, rode to Allen’s — 2nd officer of the Countess of Morely, used insulting language to him — so that he gave him a beating. Cap Reed’s crew heard he had beat Cap Reed — came to Navarro’s — challenged him out — threatened his life &c &c Cap Reed told them he had not seen Cap Kemish it was all well, & as it should be; when they dispersed, all was quiet Monday 22 Beautiful morning. Schooner Washington arrived — Ship Favorite went out. Kemish, Briggs, & Stevens went to Pearl River gunning Kanaka declined going after wood for me — Tuesday 23 Fine morning — Capt. Best rather better. Kemish, Briggs & Stevens arrived from gunning. Plasket, Independence sailed for Fanning Ids. Washington sailed for Wairua after wood — Wilds says to have all the wood on the Island — time will prove it. Wednesday 24 Lively trades. Last night, before eleven, Kanakas dug into Temple's store, robbed him of his clothes — two muskets, sundry articles. Kemish, Read & Stevens went to Kolau gunning. Thursday 25 Beutiful morn: French ship hove down. Capt Reed returned leaving Kemish behind. Henow sent a Kanaka to tell me — if I could get a vessel, I could go to Pearl River and get wood!!! Friday 26 Showery — preparing to go after Sandal wood in Schooner Deliverance char- |
tered from Mr Spurr — Mr Crocker — Capt Hersey & Mr Hammatt Jr. went with me — I got ready & sailed at 2 PM. got up to Lauau Pearl river at 7 2 evening — Saturday 27 Began at 1. PM to weigh wood. Native refused to put wood on board refused on my part to take it — got ready to go away when two canoes came & we put 110 piculs on board by sunset — Mr Crocker & Mr Hammatt walked up. Sunday 28 Got 74 piculs wood on board — by 12. Got under weigh — wind Sd. had to beat down — wind light and ahead anchored. Monday 29 At daylight a land breeze — got under weigh — and at 12 arrived at Honoruru. put the wood on board Lascar — wrote letters, got bills lading signed & evening got thro so as to be ready for a start. wind Sd. Tuesday 30 Pleasant — at 10 Got under weigh for Pearl River: Mr Temple with me. Ship Mentor arrived 27 days, had a breeze to beat up the river. got no wood; Kanakas had bro’t no wood in. Wednesday Decr. 1st Got 18 piculs before breakfast — had to wait for wind to go to Tavahorro’s and Taveharro’s got 58 piculs. Waiau — had to beat to Waiaua got 80 piculs. Southerly wind all day. Thursday 2 Calm morn got 28 piculs — by 8. at 11 Southerly wind got under weigh beat down the river till almost out where we took a land breese — and at 9 anchored inside. The land wind blew from 12 o’clock at Honoruru. Cap Harris went out with a strong trade. I had a lively breeze from Sd; called at the Mentor a few moments — Mr Cunningham, called to see me staid till 12. Friday 3 Cloudy & calm — got the schooner alongside the Parthian — an Auction of goods belonging to Cap. Newell — postponed till tomorrow. got wood on board parthian Saturday 4 Rainy morn, at 10 commenced Auction, at 4 got thro — Sold about 7 Rainy day — Henow attended Sales — bo’t several things Sunday 5 Beautiful morning. Mr Cunningham called to see me. Nothing going on to day — employed in making out bills. Monday 6 Pleasant morn. Delivering goods, and making account sales — Cap Newell’s Amt. 769.35. plank & wood 8.12 1/2 Natical Almanacks — 8.25 — 785.72 1/2. Mr Dyer, Mr Minzie & Mr Cotting at the house a few minutes — Tuesday 7 Beautiful weather. wind Southward, Cloudy. Mentor to go to Canton and return |
to this place, so report says. Wednesday 8 Rainy — wind SE., on board Mentor to supper, passed the day in passing from house to house — &c &c Mentor waiting wind — took supper on board. Thursday 9 Rainy, Wind Southerly — showery, Dined on board Mentor. Evening Cunningham, Clark, Cotting, Hall, Oliver in house. Cap. Best moved to Allen’s. Friday 10 Rainy — Wind Southd. not much rain — nor much wind. Cloudy Saturday 11 Fresh breeses from Sd. Great rain — Schooner arrived from Mowee. Brig Neo from Tauai at 8: 6 days; becalmed; Doct Blatchly & Mr Hunnewell came in her, & about two hundred Natives Heavy rain all forenoon, house leaked much Wind Sd. bad for stowing oil and caulking vessels Sunday 12 Pleasant, assisting Mr Hunnewell in making out his accounts to leave with me. evening went to Jackson's. Best was very crazy Sent after Strait jacket. presume he was irritated by company. Monday 13 Fine day, Westerly wind — employed in trying to get some sandal wood for Hunnewell — got none — afternoon doing nothing. Evening a raffle at Navarro’s of Mr Crocker’s watch, won by Rogers. lost two & half dollars. Tuesday 14 Pleasant morn appearance of trades, at 12 wind off the land — at two went out in Mentor with Hammatt, Grimes, Gowen Cross. got on shore by four — a gentle trades, Washington went to Wairua after wood. Wednesday 15 Lively trades. at 12 a sail off Diamond Hill — proved to be the Thomas; put back having sprung a leak — after leaving Hawaii — which Island he left last, and proceeded as far as 17° N Lat How we will be able to get Tar pitch &c, at present is doubtful Thursday 16th Fresh trades so that Thomas could not get in — Nothing of moment during the day. While I was gone to supper Kanakas got in the West window & took 589. pokiavi [pukiawe] beads worth 20 dollars, and twenty three dollars cash — & two boxes — all my own property. Making about 85 dollars they have Stole from me since being on the Islands, and 35 dollars of owners — Friday 17 Cloudy, Trades too strong for Thomas. Rainy dirty weather — no news Saturday 18 Strong trades — passing clouds. afternoon Messrs Crocker, Hammatt, Capt Wildes & Cross went gunning & to see Capt. Best whom they found a little better — very Strong breese — dust flew like snow |
Sunday 14 [19] Cloudy morn, passing clouds lively trades — attended meeting — Frecnh ship hove out in the morning — leaked so fast had to right Monday 20 Calm. Thomas got in. Albert Hall Shipped as Capt of Becket. Report the Capt. of Market had died by poison — Inore sailed Tuesday 21 Calm. Schooner Washington arrived from Wairua. 110 pucul Sandal wood Schooner Thaddeus, Hall — Kemish & B.F. Coffin, passengers, went to Pearl River after Po'i for Becket. Mr Hammatt having his new house covered Wednesday 22 Calm. French Ship heaving down, light trades. Wildes getting wood at Point. 60 piculs. a Girl told me, two Negro’s & four Kanakas got my beads and money. Thursday 23 Calm. Eliza-Ann discharged — & hauled alongside Thomas. Capt. Hall, Kemish, & Coffin returned from Pearl River by land leaving schooner to get grub. Evening Raffle for Mr Hammatts watch — won by himself; himself & Grimes, & Cross. Friday 24 Calm. Clouds over Mountains. pleasant day afternoon Capt Cross — Rogers Kemish & I went to Allen’s to see Best found him better than I expected — said he was glad to see us, it did him good — had not laughed for some time — evening a Sextant was raffled off at fifty dollars, two or three cheap watches two or three times. Allen sent Beef for Christmas. Saturday 25 Christmas day. Morn fife & drum about the village. Dined at Mr Crockers, had a very fine dinner — evening a little spree from the fumes of the wine, Mates of Vessed Dined on board Rob-Roy — every body about village at Navarro’s; I shyed off — & turned in Sunday 26 Fine morn. The Russian ship Enterprise Cap Kotzebue arrived from St Francisco. left Schooner Rover, Cooper; Whale Ship Fawn Dale French Ship, having been dismasted on a passage from Canton. An American Brig blown up some where on the coast. Evening down at Jackson’s. Caught a part of Countess Morley’s crew smuggling oil ashore. Enterprise attempted to get in. Monday 27 Calm — Enterprise got in. officers ashore. Capt Kotzebue ashore heard he was to have the houses on the Point for his observartory. Attempted to Raffle a few pieces of crape, no one appeared to want — Tuesday 28 Calm. a light breese outside. a lofty ship & two Brigs off — Inore on Tauaii. Brig Gen. Young: Potter from Valparaiso — ship Isabella Robinson Murphy from St Francisco — the former for Calcutta - latter Manilla. Mr Hammatt — Cap Cross & I went of in the Eclipse. Capt Coffin & Capt Grimes went off in whale boat light wind, they got on board first, fearing we should be obliged to pull in, did not go on board — after an hour or more calm had a breese so that we |
got in by 4 PM Ship Anchored. Brigs boat came in, evening mad sail Kept watch for thieves: saw none. Wednesday 29 Rainy morn. 10 fair weather — busily employed in arranging my little acs. Nothing special going on outside. Navarro making ready to accommodate Russian officers with Dinner. Mr Hamtt sold them a pipe of wine for 500. dollars Thursday 30 Fine morning, Heard the crew of the Globe Capt Worth mutined killed the Capt & officers; that they had been taken by an English Sloop of war: carried to Valparaiso — that Comodor Hull had sent them home. Friday 31st Pleasant morning. Capt Kotzebue, Kemish, Doctor and one of the officers rode to Allens to see Capt Best. several Dined Navarro’s most beautiful evening. January 1st 1825. wind Sd. A Fine morn. Being New Year a dinner was prepared by Capt Ebbetts & Mr Hammett at which most of the residents partook in great pleasantness & mirth — an entertainment was also made by the females of the house for a large number of girls; at which they had more than fifty parcels — carried in great style from the cook house to the eating house girls two & two, carrying each a dish — after them Kanakas with each a native dish each with a wreath & maro alike — At Sunset came away — many staid till 12. Sunday 2 Still morning — wind Sd. Capt. Murphy sailed: attended English service Mr Bingham intimated, that they were translating the Bible — that by the end of the year small portions might be printed. afternoon very strong wind from Sd. — went with Capt. Rogers to the point to See the Observatory — Monday 3 Strong breeze from Sd. at 10 commenced raining, by 4 P M it rained very hard, by 7 everything afloat. 9 mud tumbling off the house. top leaking very fast, bedplace floating, rain’d hard Tuesday 4 Wind easterly & Southerly. Unsettled weather, Capt Wildes offered me twenty dollars per month to live with Capt. Grimes at the wooden house; some advised to go — some to say — Got 72 Seal skins for 4 ps Crape 6 yds pelisse cloth & 6.00 Cash — of George Beckley. Wednesday 5 Calm. Cloudy unsettled weather, rained in night, or early in morning Fixing bills of Lading for Kemish oil — four sets, settled with Allen for Capt Bests board & two men’s board, sick of Scurvy. Sally Magee took a piece of Crape for washing. had to visit Mr Green from 9 to 11 being very sick by taking too great stimulus. Rainy. wind Sd. Thursday 6 Cloudy — Rainy — Wind Sd. Russian Christmas. afternoon very heavy rain. Mud walls & Mud houses — falling in all directions Mr Hammatts Cookhouse fell in — came to Navarro’s for supper |
Friday 7 Cloudy Rainy morn. Parthian fired a gun — hoisted colors. Wind Sd. dark. 8 broke away, afternoon put two hundred and eighty nine Seal Skins on board the Parthian. Mr Crown shipped three hundred & fourteen. News of village. Saturday 8 Brisk Breese from southwestward. Fixing bills of Lading for 184 piculs wood, two hundred eighty eight Seal skins In evening, 8 or 9 o'clock some one opened Mr Temples Store, took out considerable of property, got a box with a few things in it as far as the door — presume were discovered and run Sunday 9 Wind Sd. Rainy morn. fresh squalls and showery during day. about 8 in evening a violent squall of wind & rain which caused the Corinne, French ship, to drag her anchor and lie broadside to the beach — fired a gun — got assistance hove off without damage Capt Coffin had three large cask of oil stole last night. the natives said it was carried up the River, & rolled to white mens houses Pitts High carnee was very busy in trying to find it — succeeded in finding oil at Perry’s. Perry said he bo't it of Countess of Morley’s crew. It was told Capt. Kemish two barrels of oil from ship went on board Becket. I have some reason to think Kanakas stole Kemish’s oil tho’ not in large quantities. While it was on board his ship, I believe they stole Capt Coffin’s oil — & knowing that there was oil gone up the river make pretences. Monday 10 Fine morn: wind Sd. very fresh during the day — Capt Coffin roll’d oil into Grimes’ yard. In trying to get a key to fit a trunk, locked it and could not unlock it again, cool weather. Tuesday 11 Beautiful morn. wind Sd. and fresh. Evening at 9 Russian Ship fired a number of Guns to announce the (their) New Year — O.S. Yesterday the Doctors, of Russian, with several others, went to Allen’s to Trepan Capt. Best — but he would not permit. Wednesday 12 Very pleasant morn. Got fifteen seal skins from Sumner for 1. P crape &c put them on board Parthian. every appearance of a breese off the land, at 10 a light breese. at 11 Schooner Washington, Elwell, got under weigh, by 12 was outside, fired a gun. Got dinner at woodeen house every body got up from table, went into boat got on board — made sail, and by half past were outside — Mr Crocker, Mr Green were passengers. Cap Grimes went to Atooi to settle with Pitt. Got Capt Kemish to sleep at his house — wind his Clock &c — evening Jackson in house till past 11. Conversed on many subjects — but to little edification or great importance Friday 14 Cloudy wettish morn. Trade winds, by 10 fine weather: Nothing of importance going on in village Saturday 15 Pleasant. Capt Best came up from Allen’s, very steady and collected, overlooked |
his accounts — appeared satisfied. afternoon went on to the point and took two altitudes with the Astronomer to obtain Lat. made an error and did not succeed Russians put a Brown Bear ashore — he was very tame; wind East Sunday 16 Pleasant. wind Sd. down at point with astronomer viewing the Sun afternoon. smart Shower rain. Pitt’s house fell down on the back side — all the village of all descriptions were there to see it Evening Jackson & Sally were in house — Monday 17th Fine wind Sd. Cap Best went on board his ship first time for two months. Kanakas stole my pocket knife — offered 2 dollars to bring it back — tryed anew the calculation of the Eclipse last June found the end, by trial of the projection, to be past 3. PM Tuesday 18 Beautiful morn — wind Sd. Capt. Adams trying to parbuckle up the Bordeaux Packet — got a cable round her, two large double blocks fast to an anchor, on the cable — long string of Kanakas on the pull but to no effect. Perchase too small. Wednesday 19 Extraordinary fine morn. Wind Sd. Sch. Washington in sight came into the harbor by 1/2 past seven. Said Pitt was sick — Ship Enterprise bent sails to go after Pitt also Inore — Pitt’s house fell in again about a third of the back side — Thursday 20 Delightful morning, wind Sd. Enterprise waiting wind to go after Pitt. Nothing special to day. Cap. Coffin slept at Hun’Ils Friday 21st Very pleasant wind Sd. Eos towed out for Atooi & Inore Enterprise attempted, did not get out. Kemish had part of cask of oil on beach, found it leaking very fast drew it off — Saturday 22nd Fine day. Kemish & several Russians went by Koko-head gunning, to Kolau. Mr Hammatt moved into his new house While at supper the Kanakas got into the house and stole my hat — value 8° — cloth jacket 15 — two yds cloth, 5, file 50cts equal to twenty eight & a half dollars — and one pair of Nankeen panteloons 2.00 one blanket 2.00 — all my own — of Owners — 40 Madrass Hdfs. 20.00 — 4 vest patterns — 4.00 — 24 dollars Owners. Sunday 23 Pleasant day wind Sd. Many conjectures among the Natives about the thieving. heard some say it was done by women and kanakas belonging to a Vessel. did not attend meeting. Monday 24 Fresh Southerly wind & rainy early in morning. Rainy day. Poalinui had a feast in her new house — but rather a small party. Evening sold thirty one Duck Frocks for Capt. Best @ 1.25 — each Tuesday 25 Southerly wind, Schooner Washington beat out — for the Main. Enterprise |
dared not attempt. Kemish and his party Sent after stores. Capt Best getting Stores &c now waiting wind. Wednesday 26 Very clear and calm — land breese light. Enterprise got wind out was in sight at sunset. Best settling and getting ready for the first wind. Wind southerly Thursday 27 Fine morning. Rob Roy fired a gun at daylight. long time getting his Anchor. Countess of Morley ready — no pilot could not get out. Capt. Best taking off his slops — &c. Very light air, at sunset Rob Roy in sight, in the south. wind Sd. Friday 28 Clear morn wind Sd. Went with Temple & Lock to see if we could find any of our goods, got Henow to go open the Trunk but found nothing — gave two dollars. afternoon picking up my traps. Not having moved or looked at my sea clothing for a long time — found them all eat up by the Moths — as good 20.00 Evening smart shower. Kemish &c returned yesterday — Saturday 29 Beautiful morn — wind NW. Countess of Morley went out Capt Best took of his things in one of Cap. Coffins Boats. Left the place in good spirits, & I believe with the good wishes of every one. A Brig, Inore, & Sch. Eos from Tauwai, came ashore in Russian’s Boat, who fired a Salute when Pitt went aboard, before he landed. Mr Bingham to see Pitt at 5 Pitt & many Natives went to the meeting house to prayers. With the return of Pitt from Kaua'i the last war among the Hawaiians was over. The unity of the Kingdom was confirmed. After this, the threat to the Kingdom came from foreign nations. Sunday 30 Fine day, went to see Pitt. afterward went to Native Church. wind Sd. and cool. Saw George Tamoree. George Kaumuali'i was allowed to live but brought back to Honolulu where he remained for the rest of his life. Monday 31 Dark morning. wind NW. Enterprise arrived learning Pitt was at Woahoo, did not land. Evening sent my chest & a box down to Jackson’s, intending to move all things out of the House — and leave it February 1825 Tuesday 1st Cool morning. Kemish, Briggs, Jackson & Spurr playing cards till very late, then went to the billiard room and Staid till morning. Enterprise going to Owyhee after wood. Trades put my Trunks into Mr Navarro’s — evening very plt. went down to Jack’ns Wednesday 2 Cool morn. Capt Grimes very sick with violent pain in breast Light trades. Becket arrived from Owyhee. Inore, & Eos went to Tauai after the Old Woman. |
Mr Stewart and wife came from Mauaii to reside at Oahu — Enterprise sailed for Owyhee. cool evenings. at 9 evening capt. Grimes more comfortable. Thursday 3 Fine day: moderate trades. Early in morning called to see Capt Grimes found him in much more pain than last evening. Doct said he should use warm bath — called to see Pitt — said but little, afternoon wind Sd, but little going forward. Mr Hammatt went on board Russian Ship — 7 o’clock Doct. put Capt. Grimes into warm bath, in which he put ashes, Salt & mustardseed. Friday 4 Pleasant cool morn. Capt. Grimes a very restless night, wind Sd. the day after Mr Hammatt went on board the Russian Ship Saturday 5 Beautiful morn. wind East, Capt Grimes an uncomfortable night afternoon down at Jackson’s projecting the Eclipse for 9th Decr next. evening assisting to put Capt. Grimes in Bath. Sunday 6 Cool morn. Wind Sd, attended Native service. afternoon Brig Snipe Capt. Haig from California 20 days — proved a lie Monday 7 Wind NW Cool morn. Snipe close in, Alias Neo. Capt Grimes better Messrs Stewart and Bingham up to see him. James Robinson in house trying to fix a price for the Eliza-Ann — Hall left Beckly Tuesday 8 Moderate. Mr Lock went with Beckley. At Auction Sold the Hull of Ship ElizaAnn to Capt. Ebbets for 450 dollars — wind N Inore arrived with Kaahumana. Capt Grimes much better Wednesday 9 Pleasant morn. Inore came in, Prince Regent came in — at 10 A. M. Auction of Cask, bo’t forty dollars worth, sold them for fifty — wind Sd. Thursday 10 Cool morn. Yesterday Mr Briggs ashore all day, after sitting up all night Wind Sd. — writing Bills of Sale for Cap Grimes, Hammatt and Cap Ebbets Dined on board the Russian Ship, Kaahumanu and suit on board, several Guns were fired on her going aboard. Friday 11 Very fine Morn, French Capt. settling his accounts paying in Plata Pina at 10.50 per 8 oz, very difficult, had to make out his Bill, for Cap Grimes four times Saturday 12 Light breese, very early from NW Russian Ship got out with the assistance of boats & canoes, before Sea breese set in Junea could not get out. two Native Schooners went out — Stood to westward — Wind South — Fort fired seven |
guns, after the Russian got out, which she returned. afternoon went to see Kaahumana to ask her for pay for the things Cox bo’t — while I was gone to supper they bro’t it and had to carry it away again Sunday 13 Very fine morning — Light land breese, Junea got out, wind Sd went to Native and English Services. Native meeting very full owing to there being so many principal chiefs who always have a large train follow them on all occassions — Afternoon Cap Coffin & I took a walk over to palama. Monday 14 Cool morn. Capt Coffin began taking his cargo on board. Inore towed out and sailed for Mowee, to carry Kaneeu [Kaniu]. Wind Sd. Tuesday 15 Cloudy morn. Robert clearing up the house, to put his cask in. Eclipse arrived from Mowee, she sailed Friday, went to tell the Young Princess that Mr Pitt was well! — Southerly wind. Wednesday 16 Beautiful morn. Sd wind. Got news of the Russians watch, about four in afternoon wind came off the land with appearance of trades. evening the Negro, by name of Mitchell, came to my house and said he would give me the Russian’s watch if I would give him forty dollars! afterwards he fell to thirty Thursday 17 Fine morn. Fine Trade. Ship Swift, Arthur — 2,300 bbls oil — Navarro got the Russian’s watch, for which he paid twenty dollars No News by Swift. Friday 18 Plt morn. Lively trades. Brig Inore returned from Mowee — Reading Spy. Recd 42 dollars, and old debt of Cox’s Saturday 19 Light trades. passing clouds. Dull. Sunday 20 Very pleasant. attended English service. Mr Stewart’s text Matthew 13 — Ch. 45-46 ver. Said we must abandon our worldly pursuits to be able to attend to things in the world to come — but let us do all we could, it would avail us nothing!! that there are great numbers of Righteous people, in the world, who do not sin!! Trades Slept at Billiard room to keep thieves Temple slept for me Monday 21 Fine day — wind Eastd. Capt Grimes wanted me to assist in settling his bills with Pitt. Steward went off with key of house — at 9 evening went to Jackson’s to sleep — Tuesday 22 Very fine morn. Slept at Jackson’s last night. Wind Sd. went with Capt Grimes to Pitt to get the writings signed and exchanged for the small wooden house, |
and half the white Store Grimes offered Pitt 1372 for Seal Skins on ac/t of Carpenters bills Pitt said he would get money of Ebbetts and pay him!! — The problem of housing occupied the energies of residents of Honolulu for some time. Until lumber was readily available, almost all residents lived in structures made of thatch or combinations of wood and thatch. Wednesday 23 Pleasant day — wind variable. Morning land breese light — forenoon sea breese, light; afternoon, light Swift towed in, in morng Tamaahmaah Meek 22 days from St Francisco — via Sitka having made a poor trip, sold but little, bro’t four horses several horned cattle young — Said Russian Gov. at Sitka told him if he had arrived one month sooner he must have detained him — but a vessel from Ohotchska had bro’t news and orders — that the Ukase was done with — Brig warped in. Thursday 24 Land breese or air — Brig landing horses & Cattle — Still. Friday 25 Still: wind Easterly. Schooner Eos in sight. Capt. Ebbetts landing Gin and brandy from Tamaahmaah — Gin 2.50 — Brandy 3.00 per gall Slept at Jackson’s last night, which I shall continue to do at present Saturday 26 Nearly Calm. Eos got in — wind Easterly. Mr Lock and others of Beckets crew passengers. Keikioeva detaining the Becket till he got half of the charter money, when he can pay it — he can have the vessel. Went to see Pitt who said he would pay the money for Tumamara’s bill. Capt. Ebbetts said should discharge all from his Brig, & ship afresh. Insinuated he’d take me for Chief Officer if I would go. Becket arrived & Superb from Tauwai Sunday 27 Beautiful morn. Young-Thaddeus off — report of a ship off last night which proves untrue. Wind Sd. — attended Native Service in morn Very warm sun — fine evening. Monday 28th Wind Sd Fine weather. Ship Enterprise arrived from Mowee — during her absence she collected nearly 400 piculs wood — and 1200 cash most of which obtained for goods, wood they went for — could not get — it was in mountains — provisions very scarce — water at the Mission family 1.50 per barrel. the natives eat a plant by the name of apu’. Tuesday 1st Wind Sd at 9 wind came round by the westward to NEd, fresh trades Copying Kemish’s ac/t Sales &c Evening very clear, bright moon & fresh trades. Wednesday 2 Strong trades — Becket went out. Beckley got Money of Boyd and Crown at fifty per cent. writing for Kemish. afternoon rode an horse of Capt Meek’s jumped very bad — rode to Allens got him a little sob’d Thursday 3 Trades. 9 Ship Chile Capt. Barnard 1,150 bbls oil from the line afternoon rode |
to Allen’s — horse went very well. I was very sore in consequence of riding yesterday. Mr Hammatt gave a china Hat Friday 4 Beautiful morn. Wind SEd — found myself very sore from riding Meeks horse: Mr Halsey appointed to the command of Ship Enterprise — bound to Canton and N York — Saturday 5 Wind Sd Ships sailed in very still Chile towed in — Ships, Dauphine — 1200 — Swain and Reaper Ramsdell 1350 bbls, Reported at Mowee Ship Stanton, in which Capt. Rutter went home — 7 months out. Capt Burtch was sued by his owners for © Rutters Hayes & Warren’s passage. Capt Ramsdell bro’t a circular, bro’t by Capt. Buckle, from Capt. Hull, from Lima as follows Ship Glove Thomas Worth Commander, who, with his three Mates, was murdered by the crew. that afterwards they quarreld Shot the chief Mutineer, hung the Steward; destroyed the papers & colours; blacked the Ship and otherwise disguised her — proceeded to one of the Mulgrave Isles, part of them went ashore when one of the boat steerers & 4 others cut the cable and carried Ship to Valparaiso, where She arrived 10th June 1824 one of the Mutineers was bro’t in and put on board the English Sloop of War Mercy — the boatsteerer said he joined to save his life. No letters were bro’t by Stanton. The mutiny aboard the Globe was one of the most notorious of the Pacific mutinies. Sunday 6 Wind Sd Fine day — went to hear Mr Stuart preach, tho’t I was not greatly edified Just at sunset a fine shower, off land Several rode up to see Kaahumanu. Monday 7 Moderate. Wind Sd. Nothing going on: Asked Pitt for Wood for Boka — said it was at Wainai, could get no certain answer — Tuesday 8 Pleasant morn light trades — very hot sun. Swift Arthur sailed. Ship Almira from N-Bedford 6 months, and Ship Nantucket from Old Town 6 months by a Newspaper we learned the King and Mamarro were dead — also John Reeves. The news of the death of Kamehameha I and his favorite queen, Kamamalu, had finally reached the Islands. Rives had not died but had traveled on to Paris to attempt to interest capitalists in commercial enterprise in Hawati and to convince the French Government to sent Catholic missionaries to the Islands. Wednesday 9th The Ship from, Peru. Joy not got in — the Ship last night was Almira Osborn Edgartown 6 months 65 barrels. at 9 went with Mr Hammatt & others in Eclipse got some Newspapers, by which we found Tuumamalilu [Kamamalu] died in London July 8th & the King the 15th. Nothing of his reception. The paper gave account of the Offley Capt Stavers, having their Majesties on board for Sandwish Islands, at 3 P M Nothing had got out among the Natives altho’ many were inquiring Evening it was known by most of the Chiefs. Pitt told them they were dead, but that they must not cry, it would avail nothing. Kaahumana came from Waititi vally to Pitts house — Wind variable & Baffly — Ships got in in aftn |
Thursday 10 Strong trades. at Sunrise the colours were hoisted half mast, in the Fort and on board the Shipping in the harbor particularly so on board the Enterprise, which had numerous Flags, reaching from Mast head to deck — a large Ship beating up — At 2 boat came ashore with Chief officer, said she was Rochester, London, Charles North — 25 months out 2,100 bbls oil — Wanted to buy Boats; having lost two & five men on Coast California — at 4 all went to see the Race between Mr Hammatt’s & Mr Elwells horses — twenty five between Ham’'tt and Capt. John Meek — Mr Hammatt beat — they tried a second time he beat again — several private betts. Many of company at Mr Hammatts most all night playing cards. The British Government had sent the bodies of Kamehameha II and Kamamalu aboard HMS Blonde under the command of Captain the Right Honorable George Anson, Lord Byron, R.N. Friday 11 Strong trades. Cap Worth came ashore Mr Hammatt got ten piculs Wood of Kalia — A Lot of small wood was bro’t for me it was all very small. Company at Capt Meek’s very late playing cards. Hammatt won 27$. Saturday 12 Strong trades. Young Thaddeus arrived from Mauii — left last evening — two Ships. presume those before reported Sch Deliverance sailed for Owyhee Mr Hall after wood for Spurr afternoon Mr Hammatts horse ran and beat Calico Sunday 13 Strong trades, and showers, went to English service, was very sleepy — dined on Beef. Nothing Strange. Enterprise waits till tomorrow. Monday 14th Lively trades — Pitt wanted Ebbetts to take all his small refuse wood to Canton on freight. Ebbetts would not wait At 3 p.m. Enterprise weighed went out, most of Masters and Residents went outside, after leaving her, went Rochester where all got merry with wine, Porter &c. evening a high scrape; broke glasses, bedsteads &c at Navarro’s. Tuesday 15 Moderate trades, loitering about — viewing the damages of last evening. Cap Grimes asked me to post his books. Reynolds was one of the few persons in Honolulu who could keep accurate books. His work in this manner helped many merchants and ship captains remain solvent. Wednesday 16 Trades. Went to work posting Cap Grimes’ books — at 10 Brig Convoy McNeil, 136 days from Boston arrived — got a letter from my Hon'd. Father and brother S. S. [Samuel Spofford] which informed me my friends were all well — at Sunset two Ships off diamond hill. Staunton arrived. Thursday 17 Moderate, posting books for Capt Grimes, people engaged reading Newspapers — La Fayette! La Fayette!! is all the View!! |
Friday 18 Moderate — Rochester, Worth sailed last night; settling Kemish accounts — changed dollars for Plata pina with Capt Coffin Plata at 8.50 per mark. Capt Grimes asked me to stay and take charge at the Wooden house, if we went on the Coast!! Saturday 19 Calm — Wind Sd Dined on board Ship Dauphine — Swain, in company with the residents of the Village. Brig Convoy landing Cargo to repair for Coast, Selling Factory Cotton very fast, taking 300 or more to day. Sunday 20 Rainy Calm morn. 9, clear & wind Sd. writing letters to go home by Thomas. Mr Stuart, it is said, told the Congregation that it was very improper to go to hors races; Read play books, and Newspapers unless of a religious kind — Monday 21 Light land breese. Thomas towed to outer harbor, met Southerly wind — anchored, writing at Capt Grimes’ — Evening Company of most of Masters at Mr Hammatts, had a fiddle and a jovial time at 10 Stole off and turned in. others held out till late. No essential damage. Much fun — Tuesday 22 Light airs Thomas got out. Coffin, Kemish &c went off at 11. A.M. Assisting Temple to make up his Sales! got thro’ before dinner. afternoon went to see Pitt, after I asked him for Money, laid down & I left. Showery. Rainy afternoon Wednesday 23 Squally, Rainy morn. Brig Griffin arrived No letters No news — evening playing Vantoon — won two fifty cents Making bills &c for Capt Grimes &c Thursday 24 Strong trades & rainy — heard two men from ship Chile ran away got on board Sch. Eos — were pursued, jumped overboard made off their chests, boat buckets & many things were found — no exertions made to recover them — Ships Chile, Almira & Peru Sailed Temple and I copying Nautical Almanac for six months from Jan 1st for 1826. to oblige Capt Obed Swain, cap Pierce gave me 1 gal wine Friday 25 Strong trades & squally. Sch. Deliverance arrived from Owyhee full of wood, and plenty ready for her; Sch Superb arrived from Mowee; Mr Navarro had a letter by which he learned that the things stolen from him & Capt Kemish sometime since were taken by Kemish’s girl!! some whale ship at Mowee. Brig Griffin sailed for Coast. Dined on board Reaper with the Residents, Masters &c Temple & I finished copying the Nautical Almanack Saturday 26 Lively trades; Nothing going forward to day. Ship anchored at sunset, suppose it to be Fawn Capt Dale — Sunday 27 Pleasant morn, heard Capt Ebbetts & Capt Meek had a falling out, which was settled before breakfast. assisting Capt Grimes fill out landing Certificates — |
so that I did not go to meeting; Afternoon Brig Tamaahmaah Sailed by way of Tahaite, for Lima. many went outside. Monday 28 Trades, very warm sun. quite unwell, sore throat, violent head ache & back ache, Temple, Ramsdell, Jackson & Hall had a heavy seige last night. Temple not sober all day — Tuesday 29 Calm. Seabreese till 11. After dinner Capt Dale sailed, light wind Wednesday 30 Calm — South’y winds. Ship Triton Upton, from Mowee, his boat was seen from the shore before his ship — several persons went on board Dauphin to dine when he, Upton, arrived to make one of the number got some information about the straits of Magellen, thro which the ship passed: saw a few natives, who were dressed in skins made of Land Otter skins & Beaver, saw many seal, spoke a small vessel — a tender to a Scotch Brig, which had gone to Scotland with ten thousand seal Skins, Natives appeared poor and needy — took no particular notice of the different articles of trade — Capt. Upham advises to pass the straits in running to eastward on account of smooth water and Anchorage all the way thro — if you pass in the months October to February included as you have great proportion of daylight — but when it is found necessary to pass in the other months, — approves going outside owing to shortness of days. Small vessels he thinks, would do well to pass thro to the westward owing to the smooth water, and variable wind in months Oct. Nov. & Decr — after he thinks westerly winds prevail more thinks many furs might be collected in a Season — Cap Upton’s ship is owned in England, fitted out of France port of Pantz[?], to get a cargo of sperm or whale oil, return in 22 months to France & get the Bounty 100 francs per ton, on the vessel, sailed in eveg Thursday 31 Calm — 10 light trades off — Brig Convoy went out — her men ran away last night so that she will not Sail to day. Friday April 1st Pleasant a sail in sight off Diamond Hill, which proved to be Ship Thomas — Coffin ten days, put back a 2nd time owing to leaks, &c, — at 11. Convoy sailed for N.W.C. Capt. Grimes got a few picul very good wood for Cotton.!!! aftn several riding out to Whytetee. Ship Independence, Whippy 1,000 bbls leaky having been on a reef near the Society Isds., fine trades, Reef. 16. 16 — S — Lon 143.30. Saturday 2 Calm morn, Thomas towed in — light southerly breese Independence sailed in. Thomas was hauled aground just at night, where she stood very fair 7 feet water in her hold at 8. P.M. Sunday 3 Calm. Clear. Went down to Jackson’s to eat hasty pudding and milk for breakfast. attended Native Meeting — very hot sun — at 5. Cap Brooks came in in his boat, the ship becalmed above diamond Hill, had been at Tombos trading. expected to find Blonde Frigate Capt. Lord Byron, here gave several small par- |
ticulars of King’s sickness &c. Understood him to say “as soon as the Vessel arrives, the successor to Riho-riho would be crowned and things put to rights"’ — Natives were very anxious to hear about the King — as several persons, ill disposed told Pitt the News of King’s death was an American lie, they must not believe any of the American papers, they full of lies — Monday 4 Light land breese, Brooks ship off the harbor Rainy uncomfortable weather. Ships Criterion and Ontario came off the Harbor, their boats came in — Stormy eveg Tuesday 5 Pleasant, Spent last evening playing Cards at Mr Hammatt’s Ship Aurora Coffin arrived from Mowee — left 9 ships at Mowee — at 4 Ship Tartar Gerry 40 days from Lima — Equator, Barney from Fanning Isd. Heard English Ship Arab foundered off Cape Horn crew in boats 24 hours & picked up by another ship. Wednesday 6 Calm. Tartar towed in — went off & took breakfast with Capt. Brooks — Moderate, Capt Coffin getting things from the Thomas, at high water the water was in the Cabin 7 or 8 inches deep, Mr Briggs and boat Steerers put things in my house and slept there. Aurora saild Thursday 7 Cloudy & Calm morn — wind Sd — Ships, North America, Padific, Factor, Barclay, & Royal George — came from Mowee, two the Factor & Barclay sailed in evening, also Ontario. Friday 8 Fine trades: Ships Dauphin & Reaper went out. got 36 piculs sandal wood on ac/t of Mr Pitt & his sister — Mr Pitt sent for me yesterday afternoon, said he wanted to see his account, which I shewed him — said it was Maitai, (good) asked if I would call again after breakfast (this day) to which I answered affirmative. Snuff called by to go & weigh the wood — as above — after breakfast went to see Mr Pitt, Mr Bingham was with him — after waiting more than an hour — left the house, to wait for further movements — afternoon — went to see Pitt, found him very unwell, he asked me if I would wait for the money to balance his bill said he would send for to me when he wanted me so I left him. North America sailed — About 2 past ten a gun was fired outside blue lights were shewn — it was immediately presumed a vessel was ashore to leeward, others, that it was the frigate with the King & all was bustle — some went from one cause, some for another; but the melancholy fact soon appeard The Ship Royal George had got ashore to leeward of the harbor — mate on deck sitting (as he said) in weather quarter boat very fresh breese blowing off the land during night — Kalanimoku was said to suffer from dropsy. Saturday 9th Very Strong breeze all night. Ship Equator dragged off the bank. Capt Barney of Royal George, lost all he had. report this morning is that the Ship has bilged |
nearly her length — went off and assisted in getting sails out put them on board Schooner Superb with a few other articles — two double Canoes came but would do nothing — attempted to put a hemp cable on one, but they got a length only of it on & would not coil it — after paying most of it overboard, it was thrown off the Canoes into the water & consequently left to wash among the Coral — after the Schooner got inside they would not let the things be taken out until they got an hundred dollars, Pitt sent — & they were taken out blew strong all day — vessel lifted considerably by the swell. Monday 11 Fine morning — light breeze apparently it will be a favorable day for the wreck. Ships Ploughboy — Chadwick, Stonington, Gardner, George & Susan Upham, (American) offley, Stavers, London — Marquis of Lansdown — Calcutta the last 18 days from St Blas — Capt Heathorn, said Capt Small had sold the water-witch — Brooks got Polly — Charlotte & Jenney, with Hammatt, on board his ship — The Kanakas under anni-anni, out at the wreck got a top sail up on their Canoes, when Capt. Barney wanted his 2nd officer to go with them, they hove it overboard!!! said also Pitt ordered the Divers to leave the wreck how true I cannot say — Tuesday 12 Moderate trades — Pitt told Capt Barney he had not done as he, (Pitt) wishd about the Wreck, & that I had threatened to cut the Kanakas heads off that he would do nothing more for him — I immediately went to Pitt & found Flat nose [Keaniana(?)] was the person who had told him, & that was all I could do!! O mores!! O Tempora!! afternoon went off with Capt Kemish’s things — on board the Marquis of Lansdown — Capt Heathorn, with whom he took passage to Batavia — Wednesday 13 Fine morning. Boats gone wrecking. Henow took charge gave up several things not to have been saved — at 5 more Surf than in the morning — Wreck moved some distance to westward turned nearly round and back again. Thursday 14 Pleasant. Ship John Adams from Mowee, 250 bbls Sailed in evening — Assisting Capt. Barney in arranging his things for getting ashore, and advertisements. Wreck moved a little & settled — Henow with many Kanakas at work about her — Friday 15 Moderate. Pitt said Capt Coffin might have Brig Inore for Seventy five dollars per month; if he would speak fairly and at his own risk: the latter he demurred at — Natives continue to work at wreck getting provisions, rigging of which J think a slim account will be given Saturday 16 Moderate, at 11 saw an hermaphrodite Brig coming, went off with Capt Brooks and found it to be the Active. Charlton from London by way of Valparaiso said Capt Byron was at the latter place waiting a few days and would soon be here. Naiitutui (Capt Jack) died in Valparaiso Cap Charlton comes out as Agent for the Islands in Pacific — a Colonel is coming to teach them English Exercise — Agriculturist and various things for the alteration of things here and every |
thing be under the English, Charlton said he had things to say to Pitt that none but Mr Ellis or Capt Adams could be interpreters. At 1. o'clock Schooner Rover Cooper from Monterey for Manilla. At 5 Schooner Adonis of Baltimore Cap Sistair fr Tombos and Gallipagos’. Bro’t the men from Juan Fernandez who left Brig Convoy, McNeill — the men from St. Felix whom Dana left there sealing who say they had seven hundred Skins The Adonis had been carrying Royalists about the Coast of Chile & Peru after the battle, he could not land them, and went to Juan Fernandez where he put them ashore. Sistair has been out two years, has never written home, his Owners have sent a power of Attorney into Pacific Ocean to stop her, if Com. Hull should arrive no doubt he would take her. Capt. Richard Charlton had traveled in the Pacific and become interested in British trade in the area. Consequently the Foreign Office appointed him consul for the Sandwich, Society and Friendly islands September 23, 1824. He had visited Kamehameha II and his suite and now brought the first official news to Honolulu of the king's death. Sunday 17 Showers off the Mountains — breese of the land so none of the vessels got in; attended Native & English service — Equator got under weigh — stood off and on — Capt Charlton not ashore. Natives angry, because, they say, the likenesses of Riho-Riho [Liholiho] & Tumamalu were made on board the vessel Say Pitt, was angry because some of the Natives heard of King’s & Queen’s death before he, (Pitt) did. that the first ships bro’t news, of deaths here did it to get Sandal wood!! with many complaints against white men. Monday 18 Strong trades. An Auction of things sold for Capt Barney saved from Royal George Bread fr. 3 a 4.50 per cwt — whole lines 16.a 18.00 each — 5 Lines in a cask 57. white lead 34.00 cwt things generally went at good prices — very, very fresh gales | Tuesday 19 Lively trades. Brig Active was tracked in by the Natives Schooner Adonis beat in. Continued selling things belonging to Royal George. Active bro’t some Jackasses from Valparaiso; Mrs & Miss Charlton landed from brig & went to Mr Bingham’s. The Deliverance arrived Sunday from Hawaii, got but little wood owing to strong trades. Pitt has ordered to give Mr Spurr the wood which was collected for me, & says he must go to Pearl River to morrow!!! they now say I refused to take it when offered!! Wednesday 20 Calm. Wind Sd. Continued selling thing saved from wreck. afternoon wind off land. Nothing special — at 12 or 1. o'clock at night a plot was discovered, by some men, to go on board the Sch. Adonis & Rob her, by a gang from the Shore. Thursday 21 Calm. Equator continues to lie off and on. Sold a few Slops saved from wreck. sold well, Capt Sistare, of Adonis put her mate & Sailmaker into Fort last night, in Irons, on suspicion, for not telling him about people ashore wanting to rob |
the vessel they said it had been intimated to them. — Capt. Barney went to the wreck said there was very little to bring away. Henow said he should charge one dollar per day for watching Capt Barney’s half — Cap B replied he should not pay a cent — as soon as the frigate arrived he would tell the Capt — after deliberation Henow said would take care — The Fort on the waterfront was used as a prison. Friday 22 Moderate — Capt Sistare sold his joist & plank to Cap Ebbetts — joint 50 cts plank 79 in number at 62 1/2 cts each — Capt Grimes Salivating for Rheumatics — mouth sore Ebbetts told me if he could charter Adonis he would put his cloth and Blankets on board get me to go as Supercargo and send her to Columbia River!! Nothing special. Saturday 23 Calm morn. Southerly wind — assisting Mr Hammatt to weigh wood. Weigh’d sixty four piculs, very hot — Ship Warren, Reis came off the harbor — Evening Mr Allen was at Mr Hammatts, said was afraid the small pox had broken Out again on board the Frigate Blonde — that it was on board her while between Juan Fernandez and Valparaiso — Sunday 24 Calm. 10 Fresh trades — attended Native & English service Capt Charleton’s wife & Sister were at English service — Mate of Brig Active got the small bone of his leg broke by Calico’s kicking up. he was carried to Allens. Deliverance came from Pearl River Monday 25 Very fresh trades. Ship Thames London. Meek off harbor, 800 Auction of Sails & Topsails went 47.00 each — Mis 26 — & Slops high Thames sailed. Cap Barney went to the wreck with others the Natives having plundered all of value told him he must take his share away, or pay a dollar a day for watching it: he found very little — Uncommonly fresh trades. Tuesday 26 Moderate trades — finished Sale of Slops; Pea jackets 4.00 Monkey jackets 2.00 Red shirts 1.00 — Polly Holmes concluded to go with Capt Brooks — Evening playing Vantoon at Hammatts till 9. — Wednesday 27 Calm. apparently Southerly wind. Pitt refused to let Coffin have Inore — said she was not paid for, & Capt Wildes would take her Spurr got 160 piculs at Pearl River. Evening went to see Capt Ebbetts relative to a voyage to Columbia River and &c in the Sch Adonis — Polly went down to Pitts to keep clear of Brooks Thursday 28 Calm. Wind Sd — Brooks found Mr Bingham had been persuading Polly not to go with him in Ship — went to see him. Mr B. said all the white men would go to Hell — it was good to marry her — Mr Navarro was the only one who |
had done right — he had been before him — (B.) and acknowld Poalinui as his wife — Mr. Hunnewell lived without a girl One of the most contentious issues between merchants and sea captains on the one hand and missionaries on the other was their personal relationships with Hawaiian and Hawatian-Caucasian women. Friday 29 Southerly wind. Rode, early in morning, to Allen’s on Gowen’s horse. afternoon to Waititii on Calico. Mr Hammatt, Gowen and Capt Brooks, who went to see the Daughter of Mary Marini a fine ride — Capt Brooks & Polly the conversation of the day & night. Sultry day tho a little cloudy. — Saturday 30 Very rainy morning — heavy rain. afternoon cleared off — Went on board Brig Active, had an invitation to Dine, declined — being very rainy, and dirty — Ship Perseverance ar’d May 1st Sunday Beautiful day — attended Meeting three times. Mr Stuart preached in English from Ruth 1st. 16. — Most beautiful evening. Monday 2 Beautiful morning. a Sale of Spars saved from wreck — Chest & clothes of the late Mate — Very warm. Afternoon went to see a small lot of wood. Evening saw one of the Kanaka missionary-boys, (one who visits young girls houses to pray with them — & at 11 or 12 o clock at night brings fish, calls them up, the girls, to eat — asks a blessing, then kisses one, returns thanks the girls go out — he soon follows — whether all the girls immediately return — unable to say — when things are overdone they are generally badly done.) Brookes went off Tuesday 3rd Calm — went to overhaul Sandal wood — weighed 44 piculs Brookes squared away and went off — very hot sun. Major Warren got part of Royal George’s Main Deck by floating it along Wednesday 4 Plt Morn New York arrived from Mowee. Deliverance sailed yesterday for Owyhee. Very hot sun. Ship Pacific, Potter 6 months 300 bbl. No body having attended the Auction for two days advertised afresh for tomorrow. Thursday 5 Beautiful morning. Schooner Eos arrived from Tauaii: Pilot boat Astor from Mauii: brought new of arrival of the Frigate Blonde, yesterday, would be here tomorrow — Pitt paid me 230 dollars, amt — of his Ac/c — Capt. Porter changing terapin for goats & pigs, An Auction of Deserters clothing, of Royal George leather — Spanish, several small articles — 78.00. Friday 6 Light trades a Sail off Diamond Hill at daylight the village all in motion — the Frigate Blonde — wind light — did not Anchor till about 9. — two boats bro’t |
the Natives ashore, landed them & put off — orders had been given by Pitt — for the Natives to keep in their houses. Pitt or Kalanimoku had reason to discipline the mass of the Hawaiians for it was uncertain how the people would react to the arrival of the bodies of Liholiho and Kamamalu. Friday 6 As soon as it was found that Boka was coming ashore many Natives collected — but were not permitted to go in side of the gate — Mr Bingham was drawn in a Jersey Waggon along with Kaahumanu — Mr Stewart — Chamberlain & Loomis were present — a few Residents went to the point — Mr Bingham urged Boka to Church and have prayers — before he went to see his brother! Boka finally persuaded him to wait — which was complied with — for a short time — when they had prayers in the Church. Lord Byron dined with Capt Charlton. No noise or stir was among the people — orders were cried round, last evening that no one should get Drunk Saturday 7 Calm. Saw Capt Charlton, who said the Frigate bro’t news from Lima that War with France Spain & Russia on the one part, & Great Britain on the other, was anxiously expected by those at Lima — Writing for Capt Grimes — Lord Byron was at Pitts Sunday 8 Fine morning attended all services, in afternoon Gowen and I went very late to the Native service, heard Mr Bingham mention Lord Byron’s name, while standing outside when we went in — no mention was made the Discourse was immediately closed. Natives said he he told them, the King of England sent word by Lord Byron that they must pay attention to the Missionaries — and learn to read write &c Monday 9 Plt. Morn — writing for Cap Grimes in forenoon aftern doing nothing Lord Byron ashore early and took a ride on Calico — the chaplain rode him in afternoon Tuesday 10 Light airs & rainy — John Adams arrived from Hawaii — yesterday an invitation was given by Manini [Marin], from Pitt to the Residents to attend the funeral — accordingly they generally prepared when behold it was put off this morning until to morrow. The Chaplain of the Blonde called on me to get my Marquesas War club chose not to part with it — said he was collecting curiosities said Lord Byron was going after the Pirates which was at Tauaii last fall — expected to fall in with him about the Society Islands — showery & sultry — Ship Frederic-Augustus Earle arrived 8 months out. 500 bbls: bro’t Karakakua Naihi and other chiefs. Mr Ely & Doct with wives Wednesday 11 Frederic-Augustus fired at daylight for pilot — Mr Charlton — the English Consul sent billets to some of the Residents — Omitted others. to attend the interment |
of the King & Queen — at 12 the boats from the Frigate started and the frigate fired minute guns till they got inside the Tartar fired 9 guns. when the boats were abreast, of ship — The Coffins were put into waggons covered with black tappers and drawn by chiefs of inferior grades. The Marines from the frigate followed Kanakas, chiefs, carrying six very large feather sticks — one green & one red; next the band, next — Messrs Bingm Stewart with each a white scarf from the right shoulder waving on the left side, near the ancles, in a knott. with the Chaplain of the frigate, — next Coffins abrest. Kaukiouli [Kauikeaouli] & his sister [Nahi'ena'ena] foll’d with Lord Byron on their right & Charlton, English Consul on their left — next Kaahumana with the two Senior Lts right and left: Kaneu, Peea; and the young Queen; Boka and his wife with John Adams, Koho and one or two others. then came the Sailors of the Frigate with the midshipmen on each side, walking four or five abreast: after these, all in confusion, the females of the different chief families. The Residents mostly walking on the left from two to six abreast. Mr Charlton never signifying to them any thing where or how they were to walk; notwithstanding he sent, early in the morning, invitations to Capts. Ebbets & Grimes Mr Hammatt & Navarro — in this way the procession moved to the gate of the Meeting-house. here the Chaplain performed the English service of prayers & Mr Bingham in Native — they then moved to the house of Mr Pitt, where the coffins were deposited. The Road was lined with Natives armed with Muskets, muzzles resting on the ground, leaning on it with breech under the arm, or some singular position. No Natives allowed to come near enough to see the Coffins — nor none allowed to Cry. Kauikeaouli and Nahi'ena'ena were brother and sister to Liholiho and the children of the great Chiefess Keopuolani and Kamehameha I. The funeral of Liholiho and Kamamalu was neither entirely according to the tradttional Hawaiian ritual nor to Western practices. It was apparent that Hawaiian culture had been significantly changed in the forty-seven years since the Islands were opened to world communication. Thursday 12 Calm. Fred. Augustus fired very early for boats to tow in writing for Capt Cooper. Nothing special going forward save conversations about the funeral yesterday at 4 an Auction of Wood &c saved from the wreck of Royal-George — Friday 13 Fine day writing report of committee on the survey of the Ship Thomas, and Protest of Capt Coffin, &c &c very warm sun — Saturday 14 Moderate, wind Sd writing Protest for Capt. Whippy — Signed & sworn to by the Capts and officers of the respective ships, before Richard Charlton, the English Consul. Capt Coffin. advertised Capt Coffin’s oil, by inserting it on the advertisement put yesterday for stores sails &c; to go in lots Sunday 15 Very hot sun. Mr Bishop preached in English, at the afternoon, Native, Mr. Bingham — Wind Sd — |
Monday 16 Calm. Hot sun. Southerly wind; heavy Surf. An Auction of Sails, Bread & beef, & 450 bbl oil at 9 cts per gal. to Sistare. 200bbI at 7ct per gallon — and to take it out of the Ship, Sails sold low — Tuesday 17 Strong breese off land — very dusty. an Auction of rigging blocks &c of Ship Thomas — called to see Mr Pitt — who appeared glad to see me — talked cheerfully — appeared much swelled — Wednesday 18 Calm — writing on board Sch. Rover for Capt Cooper. Mr Robbins his chief Officer, left him and forty dollars pr month and a privilege of trading as much as he pleased, — to go and be a marker at a billiard room — got twelve piculs of wood of Pitt for Mr Hunnewell on account of Brig Pearl — & delivered it to Mr Hammatt. Dined at Navarro’s on Terrapin soup. Thursday 19 Plt trades, Sch. Deliverance discharging her cargo of wood — from Hawaii — Capt Ebbetts & Grimes talking about buying Sch Adonis, writing for sundry persons — Evening went with Mr Hammatt & Capt Grimes to talk with Capt Ebbetts about buying Sch. Adonis and sending me to Columbia River and elsewhere in her. Mr. Goodrich came from Hawaii. I was glad to see him. Friday 20 Calm. Mr Durant preparing to go with Cooper to Man’a as passenger. Ship Frederic-Augustus — Earle Sailed at 4 Sch Rover Sailed for Manilla by way of Fanning’s Islands. Mr. Goodrich called to see me in afternoon — Evening went to Mr Loomis’s to see Mr Goodrich — Mr Charlton & wife & her sister there. Saturday 21 Showers in early morning — fine day — at 9. an Auction of Spars. Whaleboat and oil of Thomas. Mainmast 31.00 — 200 bbls oil 9 1/2 cts — 200. 8 1/2 cts — 200. 4 cts per gall. 400, first Charlton 200 latter, Barney. a man who lately lost his ship, and who sold the effects saved from the wreck, tho’t hard his things sold so low, when in truth they bro’t 75 per cent on the cost, in London!! Sunday 22 Fine Morn. got breakfast so late could not go to Native Meeting Mr Ely preaced from Eph. 6 — 16, 17. afternoon Mr Hammatt, Grimes, Gerry, Gowen, & Sistare went to top of Mount Mopili — found a fine soil — luxuriant growth of grass &c. Monday 23 Rainy morn. fresh trades. hot sun. no attended Auction. Charlton got Derrick up on board Thomas forgetting oil out. Henow took rum and other things away from Crown, Perry & others, said should be only three to sell liquor — Charlton — English Consul, interfered threatened, and it was given back again — without privilege of selling. Tuesday 24 Fair trades. hot sun, Capt Sistare getting oil out of Thomas Mr King superintending. Slow work — having to fish it out of lower hold with boat hooks. — Lord |
Byron got his leg hurt by an horse kicking him in the leg on the shin — Wednesday 25 Warm sun. plt. trades. went to see Boka & wife, & Mr Pitt, who was tapped two days since and three quarts water Drawn from him, which relieved him — Sistare bo’t the oil of those who bo't it. Marin told officers of the Blonde that the Hawaiians were prepared to slaughter the English visitors if their doctor’s treatment had resulted in Kalanimoku's death. Thursday 26 Fine morn. Hot sun. heavy surf — nothing very particular — Barney & Coffin Dined on board Frigate. Sistare getting oil out. Friday 27 Beautiful morn. Mr Hammatt Capts Grimes Gerry & Sistare and girls went up on to the Mountain back of Punch Bowl hill & spent the day. Cap Charlton & wife & Sister with two or three officers in another party, the latter went to Allen’s to take tea — where the gentlemen of the first party joined them after seeing their own Ladies home. Bo’t some sugar of Snuff, paid 2.00. Eclipse arrived Saturday 28 Warm morn — Sch. Deliverance off. with 150 piculs. Sistare bo’t hull of Eliza ann for 600.$, engaged to gauge Coffin’s Oil Evening Lord Byron had a Magic Lantern exhibited at Pitts house under direction of the Chaplain & band to accompany it. Mr Bingham persuaded Pitt not to have any theatrical performances — as it was very wicked. Lord Byron attempted to have an entertainment late on a Saturday. The timing conflicted with the beginning of the keeping of the Sabbath according to the American missionares. They pressured the chiefs to order their people to avoid the lantern show. Sunday 29 Fine morning. attended English Service Mr Bishop preached from John 3rd — 3rd. afternoon Mr Ely preach’d fr the words “God is angry with the wicked every day" told them they would be damn'd every one of them — Natives say they do not want to be told so — if it be so — Monday 30 Warm morn — Gauging oil for Thomas. Gauged over 100 cask Ship Mayflower Harris Plymouth — 6 months no oil got a few papers — Mr Bingham had a meeting of females and persuaded them it was good to put their names to paper to obligate to be good — !!! Strong trades. Butler came from Mowee Tuesday 31 Showery & fresh trades Mayflower went to Sea last eveg gauging oil on beach. afternoon Mr Goodrich & I went to Capt Ebbetts, took Tea & spent evening — June Wednesday 1st Fresh trades — Gauged fifty three Cask of Oil on board Eliza Ann making up |
my little accounts, gauged forty two Cask of oil — Advertised the old Tom to be sold on friday &c — Poalinui down at Cocoa head with her Father who is sick Thursday 2 Fresh Trades — attending to gauging twenty four Cask oil, which was most of my days work. The law regulating the port of Honolulu was dated June 2. Friday 3 Fine morn. at 9 — began auction Sales. Hull 144.00 Cables 72 & .35 Mr Hammatt had Ebbetts, Grimes, Major, Gowen & Sistare to dine Mr Wilkinson came from the valley quite unwell. Pitt — Kaukioli the Young King, went on board the Frigate to Dine — fir’d when they left In England Boki had arranged with John Wilkinson, an agriculturist with experience in the West Indies, to come to Hawaii to begin coffee and sugar cane plantations. He traveled to the Islands in the Blonde. Saturday 4 Gauged 37 Cask of oil, mostly small. Schooner Adonis full and not much more than three hundred barrels in. Sistare moved Eliza-Ann in front of wood house. Poalinua returned from Co-Co An ordination of Mr Ely. Mr Temple the only resident present, a few, only, heard of it. had the Mission family been desirous of the residents attending — it would have been very easy to have sent a Circular round by a boy — the exercises were performed in Native & English. Sunday 5 Sd wind Beautiful morn. Sauntering about till English service. which I attended. Mr Bingham preached from Hosea 10: 12. afternoon walked to Palama; saw several he & she male acquaintances particularly a favorite of the latter. Mr Hammatt & Gerry dined with Cap. Charlton, & took tea &c I took Tea at home Charlotte & Polly supped with me — Mr Bingham questioning the chief women and others about their experience — in evening several asked me what answer to give. intending to give mechanical answers — June 6th Fine morn. Mr Bingham endeavoring catechising to fit several of the chief women of the first grade, and a few of the common women & children, for baptism, and church members, by asking questions, repeatedly, so that in a few |
![]() Bishop Museum / L. Massard 10. Namabana, Kakuaipi'ia or Pi'ia, sister of Kaabumanu, was a wealthy chiefess and one of the major suppliers of sandalwood.
![]() Bishop Museum / C.C. Armstrong 11. Hoapili-kane, Ulumaheihei Hoaptli, governor of Maui, became influenced by American Protestant missionaries and agreed with their arguments against licentiousness. He attempted to stop or control prostitution in Lahaina.
![]() Bishop Museum / C.C. Armstrong 12. Hoapili-wabine, Kaheiheimalie or Kaniu, sister of Ka'ahumanu and wife of Hoapili, added genealogy and wealth to the concentrated power of the chiefs and chiefesses during the 1820s.
![]() Bishop Museum / John Hayter 13. Boki, or Kama'ule'ule, brother of Kalanimoku and governor of Oabu, and his favorite wife Liliba or Kuini, daughter of Hoaptli, traveled to England with Kamehameha II. After the king’s death, Boki led the Hawatian group through its travels and its return to the Islands.
Allied by genealogy, power and wealth, the great chiefs and chiefesses of Hawai '7 consolidated the kingdom founded by Kamehameha I. They were members of the Pi'lani family of Maui. They garnered to themselves political position and land holdings. They surrounded the monarchs Kamehameha II (Liholiho) and Kamehameha III (Kautkeaouli), supported them in Office and influenced their decisions concerning the fundamentals of Hawaiian life. All credits on page xviii |
![]() Bishop Museum / Louis Choris 14. Ka'ahumanu, kuhina nui and regent, shared power with the king and the other great chiefs but became dominant in 1829 after Kalanimoku died and Boki left the Islands.
![]() Bishop Museum / Louis Choris 15. Ke'eaumoku, Kahekili Kee'eaumoku or Governor George Cox, brother of Ka'ahumanu and governor of Kauai, was one of the earliest Hawaiians who turned away from the ancient kapu system and sought out the new beliefs and objects which were arriving in his land.
![]() Bishop Museum 16. Kuakini, brother of Ka'ahumanu and governor of Hawaii island, supported his sister in the councils of the great chiefs and chiefesses, especially in her confrontations with Boki.
![]() Bishop Museum / Robert Dampier 17. Kalanimoku, Kalaimoku, William Pitt or Hu eu, prime minister, often acted as mediator between competing chiefs, warring foreign residents and merchants against missionaries. |
![]() 18. The Pi'ilani genealogy traces the chiefs and chiefesses of Reynolds’ time through the past to descent from the gods. |
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days they will be able to recollect the answers required & they become experienced people. Reader — Did you ever hear of a Learned Pig? — Chiefs had a meeting to enact new Laws, Among others harbor duties were regulated — Whale Ships in outer harbor 6.00 inner 10.00. Trading vessels 50 cts outer 60 cts inner harbor per Ton — papers to be delivered to pilot on going on board — Runaway sailors to be taken up at 6.00 each — a ship going away and leavying men behind — the men to be taken up and kept at work making roads — wharves &c for 6 months — an Auction to sell Try pots, old whale boat, &c whole amount of Tom’s Sales — Oil 3271.59 — sundries 1061.70. — 4333.29. Lord Byron had his marines ashore to shew the Natives the English exercise many of whom were gloriously Drunk. one threw down his musket, saying he would exercise no more for anyone Tuesday 7 Wind Sd Calm. very warm writing for Capt Sistare. Settling with Capt Coffin Frigate sailed for Ahedoo. Kaahumanu went up — also my friend Mr Goodrich — Lord Byron tryed to have Kaahumanu give him Hannah Hooper for his companion while about the Islands for a while she listened — at last said no! Wednesday 8 Fine trades. Adonis trying to get out, no one to put his shoulder to the wheels in earnest — at 1 She went out Pilot went out & remained on board, bargained with Pitt for chain cable and mast. Schooner Deliverance with little wood. Thursday 9 Fine morning. Capt Adams came ashore from Adonis, at 9 A.M. said she leaked two strokes per hour. Capts Coffin & Barney after dinner went on board and at 3 filled away for America — fear he may put back in at 8 A.M. Mr Hammatt began weighing the wood for Mr. Bullard out of White Store — at 6.00 per picul pay in Rum @ 2.00 Duck at 15.00 per piece. wood small and often culled — but much of it of a good quality. At 5 a race between Capt Ebbetts & Gowen’s horses many Kanakas. Henow told them it was tabu to go & bet — Kauwanohi [Kekauanoia, or Kakauonohi] told me the missionaries said it was tabu to go to the . Young King tabued the road — if any go hereafter they must go by the waterside — far round. Friday 10 Fine trades — Mr Hammatt getting wood from White Store — writing for Grimes. Capt Barney left some Plata pina — was weighed, my weight 141 lbs — Evening went to Billiard room in evening to get the bet of Johnny, won about my weight — Saturday 11 Early, fine Shower — Adonis came back — Capt Barney having forgot his Plata, papers, &c returned for them — Hammatt getting wood out of White Store — Adonis lying too for Charlton — at 11 A.M. departed this life, the child of Mr Bingham aged 16 months — probably of the croup. Hammatt landing rum for Pitt. |
Sunday 12 Fine trades. Capt Charlton sailed in Active, with his Cutter King for Tahaiti. Coffin lay off and on all night & joined them — at 11. o'clock went to church to attend funeral of Mr Bingham’s child — many natives present — Mr Bishop preached from Luke 12th 40th. The most flat and miserable discourse, I wish never to hear another like it. Poalinui sick of a fever — Monday 13 Fine morning. Mr Hammatt took remainder of wood out of white house, in all — 750 or 800 piculs — the last of it good Sandlewood but Small — writing a letter to go by Tartar for My Father — Tuesday 14 Pit. beautiful morn. a very hot sun — wind Sd. John Adams in Sch. Boston, the Eclipse, and the long boat, beat out to go to windward. Superb got towards night. Dined with Capt. Ebbets on green corn — paid Bullard six piculs wood for a quarter Cask of Wine — Pualinui’s Sickness proves to be the Small-pox, bro’t by Frigate — Blonde. The Blonde had it on board after doubling Cape Horn & lie by between Juan Fernandez & Valparaiso to cleanse their ship — reported by Mr Elly, chief officer of Brig Active. Charlton. No doubt exists with Doct. Blatchley to day that it is the small pox. There are three or four new cases. Great destruction is apprehended among the Natives. The disease is new among them and probably before any aid would be called in, the disease would prove fatal. If the Missionary Doctor should under take inoculation — it would be a long time before one or two persons could go thro the Islands — and attend at the same time on the affected the frequent communications between the Islands would endanger the spreading — It is impossible to anticipate or foresee what will be the result; time will determine. Wednesday 15 Very fine morn. Capt Gerry & went to bathe in Salt water PO’s — pox apparently going in — not nigh so many or so full as last evening — Doct. Law of Opinion it is not the Small pox. Doct. Blatchley never saw a case before, but thinks no doubt exists that it is the Small pox. He took matter from the pustules & inoculated the children of the Mission Family — and some Natives. Thursday 16 Fine morning. Saw a native walking about with the disease — say Smallpox. went to Manini’s in hopes of finding a Cow infected with the Pox — but was not fortunate Doctr Blatchley inoculated Naihi & family, with many others from Poalinui — used all the matter he could get from her — this being the Sixth or seventh day and all drying up, whether it is common or not, in Small pox is more than I can say never having seen any of it, have heard of no new cases — assisting Mr Hammatt to weigh wood till dinner — afternoon a race was run between Ebbet’s horse and Gowen’s Hammatt on the latter — Wilkinson the former — Hammatt got the first race, by management — 2nd Wilkinson by good speed, first 1/2 a neck — 2nd four rods; lost four dollars. Friday 17 Fine morning — PO’s disease has all dried up, and scarce left any trace to any of the disease — very doubtful if it be the Small pox — doing little during the day. Hammatt getting more small wood. |
Saturday 18 Plt Morn. at two a Sail was seen beating up from towards Barber’s point; went with Capt Grimes to weigh twenty five piculs wood — on returning — saw it was Parthian, Capt Grimes, Gerry & I went outside, got on board at %4 past 7 — blowing fresh & dark staid all night. I kept watch all night. Sunday 19 At daylight made sail and got up to an Anchor at 1/2 past 7. got cup of coffee and came ashore. got news from Canton — Ship Mentor went home under command of Hersey. Harris in Lascar to Rio Janiero Got letters from most of my acquaintance — Learned Newell was coming out Supercargo of a Brig & Robert B. Forbes Master. Mr French coming to this market with a great supply of everything — Newell to go to California — Mr French wrote me should like to engage me to assist him when he arrived Monday 20 Went off to Parthian early in morning — Brig Inore arrived from Tawaii writing for Capt Grimes &c — received several letters; &c at 5 Ship Tartar Sailed for Canton Much speculation — about Wilds — some say he has got great quantity of goods: is going to Schitka — to California-gulph has asked Navarro to go with him. Mr Thompson & Oliver supped with me at Mr Hammatts. Tuesday 21 Fine morning. Parthian fired a gun — but no vessels to send boats — many people at wooden house purchasing goods — afternoon went to see Pitt &c warm — sun fair trades. — Wednesday 22 Fine morn, went off to assist in getting Parthian in, but for want of boats in Season could not Start. Deliverance beating up from Wairua, from a trip of trading. at 2 Sch. Washington arrived from Gulph of California 20 days — at 5 went off with Capt Rogers on board Parthian to sleep — and assist in getting into harbor. Thursday 23 Fine time getting Ship in, things look squally about Poalinui. Heard Jackson was President!!!! at 8 p.m. Poalinui left Navarro’s Bed & Board to go with Sistare — had a conversation on the case Friday 24 Calm: all commotion about Po’ & Jo’ — Got a few things from Rogers. Evening looking out for Jo’s house — at 9 a Schooner came to anchor close down at entrance of harbor Saturday 25 Plt. Capt. Morrill Sch. Tartar. N York from California. Reports After the fleet, which sailed from Lima with the Royalists, & their property, for Manilla. One 74 — one 22 Gun Brig, one Privateer Brig 2 long 9’s, & a pivot gun. Mutined, put the officers & passengers ashore, on, or near Guam — had taken an American Ship near by there, burnt her, & the crew were in Irons on board the 74. the Brig had been at St. Barbara got provisions & supplies — when asked for pay fired upon the Town. Mallory says he believes they will go the up & down |
the whole coast before any vessel of war can fall in with them; Shall give Lord Byron information as soon as possible. Sistare & Po’ expect to get passage to Mowee Capt Morrill made an handsome offer to go Sealing with him Report says Sistare & Poalinui go off from Wyteete in a canoe to Tartar Sunday 26 Fine Morn. Very warm day. Attended meeting. Mr Bingham unwell. Mr Loomis made a prayer, & read a sermon. Mr Chamberlain concluding prayer Sch. Tartar sailed for Mauii & Owyhee. Sistere went in her. Po’ goes in a day or two. Mr Navarro in pursuit of a new wife. looked for Po to give her good advice in evening. Monday 27 Dry, hot weather. went off to Parthian. No News today Evening Mr Navarro sent to see his fair one, who proved unkind & he gave up the pursuit. Tuesday 28 Warm morning. went on board Parthian at 11. Dined on board at 2 one of Queen’s with retinue came on board — said Mr Pitt was to be married at 4 p.m. in the church — hasted ashore with all dispatch to go to Wedding. Capt Rogers Oliver & I went, Capt Wilds, Navarro & Gowen — also attended; The greatest of any thing to hear the Natives give their experience. among the rest was the “little girl" Princess Nahienaena. Comments are very useless. But I find from conversation with the Natives, that they understand nothing about it. The question concerning marriage was a controversial one. Missionaries wished marriages to be monogamous and sanctified by the church through its pastor. Many marriages between foreign residents and Hawaiian women were authorized by an alit who was an official such as governor of an island. What, then, was a legal marriage? It was a bitterly argued question. Wednesday 29 Early in morning Natives began to go on board Brig Inore by 11 — she was so full that she was very deep in water. at 5 she went out, in her went Miss Poalinui. Sch. Tartar Morrill arrived from Mowee. Capt. Morrill said he left Sistare with the chief at Mowee. Taitiri [Kahekili]. Johnny Temple went to Mauii in Inore Thursday 30 Beautiful morn. Heard Pilot boat was sent after the Inore to bring young Princess’ Maids of Honor back!!! very warm day Capt. Wilds ordered Sch. Washington to be got ready for Sea. Capt Rogers to go in her. 4th July company falling off — Friday 1st July Beautiful morn. Slept all forenoon at Mr Navarro’s. O. Shame. Shame. Trying to sell Sarsnett to Piia — without success — fine Shower in evening. Schooner Deliverance came back from Morotai [Moloka'i]. Washington sailed Saturday 2 Most beautiful morn. Nothing going forward. Hot Sun — |
Sunday 3 Fine morn. attended Native Meeting. Discourse of Joseph and Potiphars wife; Seven years plenty & famine &c. afternoon went to Palamar — evening up at Grimes’ — Mr Loomis Read a sermon at the English — glad I was not there Monday 4 Anniversary of American Independence, At 11 Ship Phenix N. Bedford, Stetson, 5m. 19 days out Capt came ashore, said he had letters for various people mostly Masters & mates of Whale Ships — had ten thousand dollars freight for Mission family — Should not come in they must get a lighter to take their things out — At three the Residents sat down to a Dinner prepared by Wm R. War- . ren, and spent the day in mirth and glee — Tuesday 5 Fresh trades. Mission family took Sch. Deliverance to get their things ashore — got some Newspapers; being all Missionary papers got little News. Parthian landing the cargo. Wednesday 6 Warm morning. Missionaries getting their goods ashore in Deliverance. Nothing special in village — at 5 Pilot Boat arrived from Mowee. with Young princess’ Maids of Honor!! Thursday 7 Lively trades. Sold a few things of mine & Rogers to day Nothing special — received two letters from Temple from Mowee. refer’d me to Hariki for strict information Evening went to Jackson’s to see what News from Po’ — Haliki was not there — took it second handed — from Sally — &c. Friday 8 At a very early hour Mr Gowen & I went to see Mr Wilkinson. Mr Hammatt having favor’d me with his horse returned at 10 o'clock having enjoyed a very fine ride but scanty breakfast. Sold Piia 8 ps Crape @ 14.00 & got cash. G. Tameodree assisted me — Saturday 9 Warm. Frigate Blonde arrived from Aheedo’s. got news by letter, of the Pirates on California — reported by Capt Morrill Kaahumanu returned. Mr Ruggles & wife came down — Mr & Mrs Stewart very feeble carried to the Mission house in a cot. Report says the Frigate sails tomorrow — Jo learning to read & write the Native language — Sunday 10 Pleasant, attended English Service, but was very Sleepy. Slept at Grimes’ as Several of the Blondes company were sleeping at Navarros Monday 11th Very Strong breeses during night. Eclipse came in last evensing. Parson Bloxam took Tea at Mr Hammatt’s. Said Kalia sent word to Tauai if they heard of Pitt’s death — to kill Kakoiheva, & Secure the Fort and he would soon be with them — Went with Mr Hammatt to see Mrs. Stuart — was confin’d to her bed did not see her; called at Mr Bingham’s, where we saw Lord Byron, & Doct Davis. they immediately went over to Mr Stuart’s. Mr Navarro was at Binghams after |
setting some time & making general observations to which but little more than monosyllables were returned bade them good morning — Strong trades. made a little trade. Purser made considerable purchases of Capt. Wilds. Heard Lord Byron told Pitt the Debts must be paid — Pitt said in six months all would be paid — (Doubtful) Tuesday 12 Lively trades. Frigate Sailed for Kaarakakua. Fort fired 14 guns when Pitt, Boka & Byron went off. Frigate fired five guns when Pitt &c left. When Lord Byron went to his boat to go off — part of the crew were gone — he himself went after them calling to them, "You Blackguard go into the boat. Sir — Mr CockSwain, when you come ashore again, I will Send you off. Why do you let the people go away? ansr. They asked me to let them go up a minute, & I tho’t you would not come — so soon — (Byron) A pretty cockswain you are — Parson Bloxam forgot to pay Mr Hammat for a Doz, of wine. Wednesday 13 Fine morning. Washington hove in sight at 4 p.m. Piia and Kaahumanu examining Schools — afternoon Scholars went to the Meeting house. Evening Gowen & I went to see Pitt, Young King, and Boka where we spent a long evening. Boka was relating some of the Novelties of his voyage to England. Queenee [Liliha] tho’t the king of Brazil was a great curiosity. He was dressed superbly; in his Robes & badges of Honor; was very fat; he filled a coach: his Testicles were monstrous: each large enough to make a common man: which was, no doubt, in her eyes, one of the greatest of his Novelties of person. Thursday 14th Pleasant. Sch. Washington came in, with about 200 piculs of wood. Afternoon went to see Rogers. said Capt. Arthur, in Swift, had sailed with a full Ship — had seen plenty of Whale. No news Friday 15 Fine morning. Brig Lapwing arrived from Norfolk Sound — Capt. Blanchard has sold her to the Russians who are now on board to take charge of her. He has sealskins on board for his pay. Capt. Rutter came on shore at 11. got no news from him. Saturday 16 Calm. Lapwing came in and hoisted Russian colors went on Parthian & Lapwing — afternoon, Hayes was ashore. Sunday 17 Beautiful morn. Attended Native Service; running over full — English Several attended — Rogers, Hayes, & Thompson dined at Hammatt’s, passed afternoon Monday 18 Fine morn. Capt. Blanchard getting Seal Skins ashore wind southward. Evening went to Jackson's & slept — Tuesday 19 Cool morn, and fine day. Sold a little. putting wood in White Store again, of a very bad quality |
Wednesday 20 Fine Showers last night & this morning. Parthian hauled in, ready to go out. Rutter came ashore with his things. Capt Rutter took up his quarters at Capt Grimes’. Dixey & all are going away in Parthian. Mr Elliot at Jo’s — Thursday 21 Showery — at 11 Parthian sailed — ona cruise. A Great Examination of schools in meeting house. when they read, all read at once — spell at once, & talk at once — Friday 22 Fine morning. Strong trades. Reading Peveril of the Peak — Saturday 23 Strong trades. Schooner Washington sailed for Mowee & Owyhee to sell silks — Nankeens, sugar, Tea &c — Ebbets, Blanchard, Rutter & Mr Nicola, Dined at Hammatts — Sunday 24 Pleasant, attended English Service & Mr Loomis read the exercises — afternoon went to Native Service — Mr Bingham told them the house was too small — they must build a larger — Monday 25 Calm — wind Sd — afternoon Trades writing for Grimes posting books Tuesday 26 Trades — writing for Capt Grimes to post books. Nothing stiring Wednesday 27 Fresh trades. posting books for Capt. Grimes. Inore arrived from Owyhee & Mauii. Taitiri came down — Wilkinson expects Hammand, late Steward of Blonde, to join in & advance money. A Kanaka & girl were married at church Thursday 28 Fine morn, employed in reading Peveril-of-the Peak — at Hammatt’s Friday 29 Pleasant. Reading Bannockburn. evening fine Showers. Saturday 30 Fine morning — considerable of rain during the night — which is very much wanted — not having had enough to wet the ground since the first of May on the Mountains there has been heavy rains so as to raise the river afternoon writing an agreement of partnership between Wilkinson and Hamilton: by which I found Wilkinson valued his establishment today at 14,000 dollars — considerable of rain during day — Wilkinson, in partnership with Boki, established a plantation in Manoa Valley near Honolulu. Within a short time he had about seven acres in sugar cane and had planted some of the coffee trees he had brought from Rio de Janeiro in the Blonde. |
Sunday 31 Cloudy morn, like rain, Rain during night — Mr Chamberlain read exercises. Dined at Capt Ebbets with Hammatt & two Russians. — Monday 1st August Beautiful morn. cool for this place. Nothing stiring. Russians waiting for Salt, which comes in slow. Hammatt & I talk of going to see pond — Tuesday 2nd Fine morning. Warm day — afternoon — a sail beating up from leeward Wednesday 3 Fine trades. Sch. Tartar Morrill came in. Said had been to westward as far as 178 °. East — Landed on Pearl & Hermes Reef. Lat. of Island is 28°. N 13’ 177° 50 East — about four miles long & low. barren. afternoon Hayes, Briggs & Spooner & I went up to Wash. water getting low. Thursday 4 Fine Showers on the Mountains. none in the village. Loitering. Schooner Deliverance arrived from Owyhee with a little wood for Spurr from Naihie Friday 5 Spurrs wood landing, very fair. Very hot Sun. Saturday 6 Beautiful morn. Boki, Kalaia, & came in from fishing; Very fresh trades at 6. departed this life Mr Oliver Holmes. He was A Native of the town of Plymouth — had lived on the Islands thirty years. at one time he was Governor of Oahu — and gave good satisfaction to Tamehameha. He had left one son, & five daughters, one of which is away in the Waverly. Sunday 7 Pit. morn. Mr Stuart preached. majority of residents at meeting. at 5 attended funeral of Mr Holmes. most of the foreigners attended a great many Natives. Pitt was at the grave, to see the corpse buried Monday 8 Strong trades. While Mr Temple was away a short time, someone attempted to force his door by breaking the lock. Nothing of moment Tuesday 9 Ship Equator Barney arrivd 1500 bbls oil. full and bound home. Sch. Eos Sailed for Owyhee News of the day. “Mr Bingham wants a meeting house built, of Stone, 96 ft long, 48 ft broad!!! No small job — Missionaries complained that sandalwood gathering exploited Hawaiians and kept them from cultivating their fields. Merchants complained that church building exploited Hawaiians and kept them from cultivating their fields. Wednesday 10 Fine weather — Equator towed in. Brig Inore Sailed for Mauii with Princess Na-e.na.e.na — and gang. |
Thursday 11 Beautiful rain. — Bo’t two Otter Skins of Capt. Morril for 38.00 afternoon went on board Tartar & Equator. Eveg at Ebbets — Schooner Washington arrived from Owyhee — Friday 12 Gentle trades. Hot sun. afternoon went swimming — Saturday 13 Pleasant. Brig Nile Forbes. Master; Newell & French Super cargoes, French for Islands — Newell for vessel and California Mr French has a great assortment . of Canton & other goods, talks as tho’ he wishes me to assist him — Sunday 14 Fine morning. Brig Nile came in — French slept at Navarro’s last night — attended English service. Mr Stuart finished his discourse from proverbs 10th — 28. Said if men should keep the whole moral law of God — and all their conduct was unexceptionable, & did not live a Godly life — they would be forever miserable!!!. Capt Newell unwell. Doct Law says not dangerous — [In Margin: Russian Brig Lapwing sailed and Sch. Tartar] Monday 15 Showery. Capt Forbes, French & Temple went for a walk after breakfast went to see Nile. Went to see Pitt with Forbes, Mr Bingham and Kaahumanu. went to see Pitts wife and gave her a comb. A report that Sistare is to be bro’t down! in the New York which is gone to Mauii expressly for the purpose, to answer the charge of having said Pitt assisted him in getting Po’ away from Joseph. Joseph is trying to get Jenny Holmes under promise of marriage!! Tuesday 16 Pleasant morning. Mr French hired White Store of Pitt — afternoon Mr. French’s discharging goods — assisting him — evening took tea at Mr Binghams with Capts Forbes & Barney. Wednesday 17 Fine morn. Ship Eclipse — Duncan — 2,000 bbls oil coming in to caulk. Said a Brig arrived in twenty two days from Lima left there about 20th March. Rodell held out — an attempt had been made to Assassinate Bolivar — Discharging goods for Mr French — Thursday 18th Most beautiful morn after the light showers last evening. Landing Rum & Brandy — Cases, boxes &c Capt Newell asked me to go on the Brig Nile as Supercargo if he did not get better — Stowed 9 casks rum & two of Brandy in Pitts White Store — 1 Hd rum & 1 Brandy at Jo’s. Friday 19 Plt morn Rutter & Forbes went to ride. hot sun — discharging goods for French. Ship Eclipse towed in — the doctor called to see Capt Newell — said he tho’t he was not dangerous at present, but that he had an enlargement of the liver — Saturday 20 Fine Shower very early. Dined on board Nile. Getting musters of articles for |
Sale — overhauling & Sorting in Temples house. Capt Newell offered two percent to go Supercargo of Nile — all think I ought to go — Sch. Deliverance returned from Owyhee — unsold — Naihe would give 240 piculs & not 280 — Spur intends sending again. Sunday 21 Pleasant. attended Native Service with Capt Forbes — and English afternoon — got altitudes for Chronometers — took a walk with French Sistare came down — Said Pitt was his friend — and Ebbets — & his money. He did not care for any body — Hammatt or Grimes or any one. Equator sailed — Briggs passenger Monday 22 Pleasant day — at 5 P.M. as Sistare & Mr Hayes were walking up from the waterside, Mr Navarro met them — and fired a pistol at Sistare which missed him. Sistare took hold of him. Navarro fired a second, Which went into Sistare’s thigh, and glan’d downward towards the knee where it lodg’d — more hereafter Sch. Deliverance sailed for Hawaii. Tuesday 23 A Ship outside. understood Navarro had George Tameoru and his Kanakas to keep guard last night!! Ship Dauphin Swain 1,700 bbls oil — afternoon the bodies of the King & Queen were put in the Cemetary built for the purpose — some ceremony Wednesday 24 Fine morn — at 11 all the Residents were summoned to go to Mr Pitts, and the cause between Navarro & Sistare — after the opinions of all were given — Sentence. Navarro and Sistare were both to leave the Island.!!! some told Pitt he had no occasion to interfere with white mens quarrels then said Pitt I Shall not interfere with anything among white men — mates of vessels & sails may fight for all me The arguments between resident foreigners were a constant irritation to the Chiefs in their attempt to preserve order in the seaports of the Kingdom. At times the foreigners demanded to be left alone to solve their problems in their own way. At other times they demanded that the Chiefs in official posttions should mediate conflicts between one foreigner and another. The contentiousness of this element in the Kingdom helped influence the ali'i to introduce western law and legal systems much to the anger of this same resident foreign group. Thursday 25th Fine morn. Brig Nile sailed Mr Hays went in her to California — very hot sun Friday 26 Light Showers. Mr French went to weigh wood from young King. say 140 piculs & 8 fr Snuff. Sold considerable — Grimes had Hammatt & Blanchard to Dine. Charlotte was bro’t to Bed with a fine Daughter — Saturday 27 Calm. Mr Hammatt had a small party to dine. Mr French was at Pitt’s on business. Mr Bingham came and began to talk with Pitt about a large Bell and a large clock!!! Pitt got up and went out — Bingham followed — when our informant left them ... I have just learnt Mr. Bing'm expects to succeed ... Every day gives some new proof of the ascendency of the Mission over the Chiefs. Wm. Tupeeca came and told Mr Navarro that he must be off the Island by Monday noon at farthest as it was Pitt's & Boki's orders — Sunday 28th Warm. Dined at Ebbets' with most of Residents — Spent the day in writing up some of Navarro's accounts — afternoon writing to my Father & Brother. Sistare not much better — News, Mr Bingham intends to have the meeting house 130 ft long — 60 ft broad!! — Monday 29 Fine day — consideraable trade .. Mr. Hmmatt gave me bill for board from March 15th 1824 — to the 30th August — 26 week at 5.00 = 380.00 — about 200.00 of which he made to a present to me Mr. Navarro gave me an inventory of all his personal effects which he is leaving with me ... ot [sic] me in mind of Father Abbey's Will |
Tuesday 30th Fine morn. Ship Dauphine Sailed — Rutter & Spooner passengers. Pitt told Rutter Should have all the wood & money this fall. Heard Boka told his people — (Women) not to go to the women’s lecture. . . It is said by many Natives the White men have put it up to it. Wednesday 31 Navarro making preparations to leave the Sandwich Islands had many fashionable ladies to see us during the day — Holmes Hoopers, Jackson’s &c, got 38 piculs wood for French. Thursday 1st (September 1825 Beautiful morn — Very warm day. . .engaged the plank of the Deck of the Ship Thomas to lay floor in Stone house, at 8 cts square foot. trade Slacking off — to-day Friday 2 Rainy morn. Navarro packing up his things. Jackson laying floor in Stone house. Kanaka’s building Cookhouse. & I trading &c Saturday 3 Fine morn. English Whale Ship Eclipse Sailed, Navarro passenger Employed in making arrangements, and settlements with Joseph No. Bo't his houses. &c paid him in goods to amt of six hundred dollars Sunday 4 Fine morn — Did not attend Native, or English meeting. So many Natives were at church, but about half could get in — afternoon Mr French & I walked to palama. evening took tea at Hammatt’s Sch. Young Thaddeus arrived from Atooi Monday 5 Fine morn. Kaahumana Bo't 500 Dollars worth of goods of French — paid Cash — Said would like for him to go to Wairua & see a lot of wood; and take goods to amt — at 9 in evening Mr Temple walked from his house to see Mr French, stopt about ten minutes; returned found his lock broke — store open’d — 30 palampores Stolen and some Table Cloths — went into Pitts house after some wine found thirty three bottles malmsey wine had been taken — Tuesday 6 Mr French went early in morn with Marini to see Pitt about things stolen — who said would try to find them again. Writing off Sistares bill at Capt. Grimes — Very warm day Wednesday 7 Fine weather. for very hot. Mr French got 12 piculs wood towards his copper. Boka preparing to go to Atooi. Report Says, Sistare is going to Mauii — evening finished Sistare’s bill — Thursday 8 Boka sent his vessel outside, early for Atooi — Mr French getting ready to go to Wairuia in Eclipse. Deliverance hoisted Island colors, and sailed for Hawaii — as Naihi’s property. Jacob Neal shipt. cook Friday 9 Fresh trades early in morning. At 6 Mr French went to Wairua to weigh wood |
belonging to Kaahumanu — Capt Sistare went on board New York to go to Mauii. Schooner Washington arriv’d from Hawaii. got forty piculs wood or more — found a hogshead of Rum leaking a little — chinced it & stopt it. Saturday 10 Pleasant. Capt Blanchard called down to see me. Jackson & Knight at work on the house — under necessity of waiting for roof. Winshipa came to live with me — don't know how long will stay. Winshipa Harbottle was the daughter of John Harbottle and his Hawaiian wife. He had been port captain for Kamehameha I. Sunday 11th Fine morn. Natives from Palama — to the distance of four or five miles attended meeting place was crowded round for some distance — it was judg’d from six hundred to a thousand people were there — Many of them say that if they do not go, the chiefs will take their lands away, and cast them off from their presence — Attended English service — Mr Stuart Speaker — put my dinner with Capt. Grimes and dined at the wooden house. Mr Hammatt, Elwell & Wilkinson companions. Evening Hammatt, Gowen, Major, Elwell & Wilkinson were at the house. Monday 12 Find day — at 10 A.M. received a letter from Mr French saying the Brig Lincoln — Capt Thomas was at Waimaah [Waimea], 40 days from Lima, bound to Canton — being a chartered vessel could take no freight. At the report of the news — Mr Hammatt, Elwell & Gowen — Started for Waiarua. at half past 10 — the messenger returnd Tuesday 13 Pleasant. Got Roof on the house. Piia Sent back 18 crape Shawls which she bo't two or three months since — having in the time made three dift. bargains. I Sent them immediately back again Wednesday 14 Fine morn. Eclipse beating up. got in by 9. bro’t 22 piculs Sandlewood at 3 went again. at half past 3. p.m. received a note from the gents on their way from Wairua. Stopt at Pearl River — requesting me to send two bottles Brandy — wine, Syrup Tea & sugar. all which I sent, and added two bottles cider — some Stoughton’s and candles — Mr Elwell returned; Said John Q. Adams was President. Brig Lincoln was going to Canton thence to Rio Janeiro. Rodelle still held out at Callao — Sally was up & took dinner Thursday 15 Mr French, Hammatt and Gowen arrived at 10. AM. fr Pearl River — found Elwell left the company yesterday and made haste to go and see Pitt about a lot of wood at Wymiaah!! Pitt told him it belonged to the King! Friday 16 Light Showers — Schooner Washington Sailed for Wairua after wood but do not think will get much — Mr French’s girl came to see him |
Saturday 17 Fine morn. Boat Eclipse in sight — got in bro’t a full cargo of wood evening called up to see Mr Hammatt — Sunday 18 Fine day — writing for Capt. Grimes. Grimes, Don, Wilkinson, Dined with us. Native Service was held back of Pitt’s house in the open air — a Small shed for a few chiefs — judged 2,000 people Monday 19th Fine morn — unloaded boat Eclipse — 32 piculs trade, fair to midling — John came to trim and plaister the walls inside the house — got frame of Ranai up — got Sand to mix with lime — Tuesday 20 Beautiful morning — Sch. Eos at anchor outside — heard Boka had sent a cargo of the Rebels from Atooi to Wainai — 4 days since John plaistering the house — Got some men to slit some plank in two for which they charged 6 2/5 cts per foot!! Boards have generally been bo’t for 5 cts per foot — Wind Sd Eos beat in with a fair wind. Wednesday 21 Sy wind Mr French overhauling Sandle wood — got 16 piculs — Washington returned, got about sixty piculs of excellent wood for concern & Sixty for French. Grimes, Hammatt, French, Gowen & Elwell went up to see Wilkinson & spend the day. Thundered thro the day — at 5 o’clk had a heavy shower. Schs New York, & pilot boat with Boka arrived from Atooi — by Wainai. A meeting all day at the church. Thursday 22 Beuatiful morn — after the Shower, Landed sixty six piculs wood from Washington. Ships Brittania Lawton — 800 bbls oil — Kent Parkins 2,000 bbls oil — Brig Inore, Native, with five wood house frames canoes &c arrived. Brittania full of scurvy — two days ago two men on board Kent quarrelled one was killed by the other, by Stabbing Friday 23 Pleasant day. Mr French weighting wood 36 p. went early in morng to see Pitt — said should pay me the money Kaamamalu & King owd and give some wood in a few days!! so be it. Capts Lawton & Parkins called on us and traded with us for some few things: Hammatt Dined with us Saturday 24 Fine morn. Mr French rode to Allen’s. Brisk trade — Ship Perseverance Mott arrived of London — 1700 bbls oil. . .matting house; covering it with mud. Brittania got in — landed several of crew bad with scurvy Sunday 25 Fine morn. A very great parade among the Natives in forming in one Rank to walk to meeting — more than ever Buonaparte had to put his Army in array — did not attend meeting — afternoon went to see Capt Ebbets — &c |
Monday 26th Pit a Russian Vessel of war came down, Enterprise, Kotzebue 33 days from Sitka Sailed in company with Ship Parthian — a Store Ship from Europe had arrived at Sitka. Capt Wilds got about 1000 Seal Skins — Tuesday 27th A breese so that Ships could not get in at about 1/2 past 11 a noise like firing of muskets was heard back of the village, and in a moment after Stones in small pieces fell in the village quite to the water side — it threw the place into great consternation. Wednesday 28 Too much wind for vessels to get in. Ship Fawn Capt Dale 2,700 bbls oil — moved rum out of Pitt’s house — Russians dined at the house. Dale &c Supped with us — Kriana [Kileiana?] the man who put the roof on the Stone house refused to take his pay saying he must have as much in trade, over his hundred dollars!! Mr French got 6 piculs wood from Piia — Thursday 29 Beautiful morn. Ships not able to get in — Rob-Roy arrived 28 days from N-W.C. Say Skins are scarce — my little adventure has as usual, done nothing & Pitt paid me 8 piculs of wood for mainmast — Rusn — officers ashore till 10; Parkins Sail’d Friday 30 Fine morn — Snuff sent for French to weigh wood very early — got 34 piculs very fine wood from Boka ... very warm day Saturday Oct 1st Russian Sailed for Manilla — no chance for Ships to get in — Capt Blanchard told me — Capt Kotzebue dined with Capt Ebbets yesterday — and said, at table, he could perceive a great difference in the place, since last February, that a murderer was derserving of execution, but what to say of aman, who had led these people into this absurd and Ridiculous way, he could not find words to express his feelings and indignation the place appear’d like a mad house — such language from such a man, certainly ought to be noticed by all well disposed people Major Warren began to furnish a table for the accommodation of Strangers. Mr French gave the use of the house & pump — for his, mine, & Chinaman’s board. Sunday 2 Showery — Calm. Fawn, & Rob-Roy — got in to the harbor — Eclipse returned, not having been able to get to Wairua — on ac/t of a rugged time — nearly filled three different times — tho’t it prudent to put back. Monday 3rd Fine morn. About three thousands people came from Wairua & other places, with timber to build a meeting house — 40 fathams by 15. all which has been cut and collected in less than three weeks, I wish they would get Sandlewood as fast Tuesday 4th Beautiful morn. Saw the comet last evening, it appears to be making its course |
Southerly. Mr Ruggles called on us — Capt. Blanchard came in & began upon him, (R) and occasionally I threw in a word — about the building of churches instead of paying the Debts. Wednesday 5 Fine morn, Wind Sd. — great exertions making by the Natives to get their Church built — 180 ft by 72 ft. No small job. Mr Stuart made up his mind to go to England in the Fawn Capt. Dale. He wished to go to Mauii — asked Mr Elwell to go in Schooner Washington. who agreed to go, on condition the Residents would indemnify him, in part, if Capt Wildes Should make a demand for Schooner’s services — which was readily agreed to Thursday 6 Southerly wind. Most of Residents & Masters of Vessels went up to see Wilkinson. Good deal of thunder & lightning — not much rain Friday 7 Calm. Breese off land. Sch. Washington Sailed for Mauii with Mr Stuart. Sch. Superb (Wailele) beating up — arrived & bro’t one hundred and twenty seven piculs Small wood for French — Saturday 8 Fine morn. Ship Parthian arrived & Spartan — Moore — from Mauii Spartan 870 bbls oil — weighed the wood the Superb bro’t — 11271 piculs Cross landing small traps. to Sell at Auction. Evening most of residents went on board Ship Fawn to take Tea — heard the crews of the Ship Daniel the 4th Capt Buckle, went on Shore, threatened the Missionary with destruction, because the girls were not allowed to go on board as usual The Chief and Governor Hoapili of Maui had decreed that Hawaiian women were not allowed to board sailing ships as they had in the past. Hoapili was attempting to stop prostitution. The ship captains blamed the American Protestant missionaries for the new rules and were particularly angry with the Rev. William Richards. Sunday 9 Fine morn. Slept in Stone House last night. Expecting Mr Loomis or Chamberlain would read the Services (which they did) did not go to see them at church. Major got a few dollars to day — Mr Hamtt came to live with him. Monday 10 Fine day. Ship Wm Rotch arrived — 1000 bbls oil — Ship Caroline Cheever of Salem, 36 days from Lima. Hull will not come here. Dolphin Capt. Percival, probably may come — pish!!! Moved things from Pitt’s & Temple’s, into Stone House; evening went up to Ebbets to see Capt Cheever — who Slept at Grimes’ Tuesday 11 Plt. morn; making arrangements for a Dinner tomorrow — Mr French and Blanchard trying to get Capt Cheever to take freight for Canton Evening went to see Mr Stuart about making up a few Stores for him on his passage to England — told me Dolphin had gone to Mulgrave Ids after the mutineers, of the Globe. |
Wednesday 12 Fine morn. Ship Aurora — Coffin 1700 bbls oil — also America Eldridge from Lima by way of Gallipagos Isds. where She fell in with U.S. vessel Dolphin & Brig Tamaahh Meek. Capt. Eldridge tho’t to find Dolphin here, thinks certainly will be here. At 4 25 Residents & Masters of vessels sat down to a dinner in the new Stone House — at the invitation of Mr French & prepared by Major Warren. Thursday 13 Calm. Aurora came in. During her cruise in Lat. 33 ° N Lon 162 east fell in with a Japanese junk with 12 people — took them out, carried them on their coast and put them on board some of their country boats: took a few articles from her — Eveg party at Ebbet’s. Friday 14 Calm — America came in. Mr Spurr commenced putting wood on board. Capt. Coffin landed a quantity of wax — he sold to Mr French at 10 cts per lb, taken from the Japanese Junk!! Saturday 15 Opened our trade in the Stone house — had a full house — Kriana demanded 40 ps Calico & one hundred dollars for building up the Stones about a foot & roofing it!!! Capt Lawton had a party on board his ship — of residents and Masters of vessels Sunday 16 Fine day — Attended meeting to hear Mr Stuart’s farewell Sermon Nothing material about it — Monday 17 Plt Ship Fawn, Dale Sailed with Mr Stuarts family on board, for England. Ships Chili Barnard, from Mauii & Criterion Elver, Do, 1,100 bbls oil — Chile full, bound home weighing wax — 8,004 lbs — Temple recd a letter from Butler, giving news Robert, a native who had been to America, and Halikii were married last Wednesday!!!! Jackson finished working on house Tuesday 18 Very warm morn. Spurr got his wood on board. French put some on board. Capt. Wildes went very early to see Pitt about wood. Pitt told him he had deceived him. He had promised to give Kaahumanu the Coach — they had killed her horse — &c Wildes was struck aback — forgot his errand, and went back Wednesday 19 Mr French went with Marini down to Wytetee to see Pitt about taking a quantity of small wood on freight to Canton — put on board 233 piculs of wood, America. A Sale of Articles belonging to Capn Coffin — taken from a Japanese Junk — Stood Auctioneer — tho’t I did well Thursday 20th Weighing wood out of white Store for French got 60 piculs on board — besides twenty five of Small wood. A Strong Tabboo put on to prevent girls from going on board Ships — one or two had been taken and punished by having the head Shaved |
Friday 21 Pleasant — Ship Almira Osborn 1,700 bbls oil, wind Sd. she came in. A girl had her head shaved because she was found in company of a man. Pitt, Boka, and some others of the head chiefs were highly offended — wrote Mr Bingham a letter requesting to know what laws he wanted that they might know what to do — saying they would not have any more shaving — evening went to see Boka to get a little wood. Said he had got little — great rain last night fr Sd — Saturday 22 Wind Southd — Mr French got 200 piculs Sandlewood of the King. King came to look at a lot of goods — for another lot of wood. Ship Indispensable arrived, by way of Tauaii. Crew bad with Scurvy Whitney and family passengers from Tauaii. Sch. Washington arrived, Rogers from Owyhee. got considerable of wood — for goods Kamehameha III was buying more goods with the promise of future payment in sandalwood. It is interesting to note that the resident merchants were willing to give him and chiefs extensive credit despite the debts already unpaid. Sunday 23 Calm. Thunder lightning & Rain last night. Ship North America Ramsdell came in from Mauii — 1100 bbls oil — Said had bad night in channel — Monday 24 Fine Calm morn. light wind off land — Ship Brittania returned (Lawton) after some Deserters — Ship Daniel 4th Buckle from Mauii _ bbls oil — Sistare & Po’ came in her — Landed and both came directly up Stairs without any ceremony — Stopt for a few minutes & as no one took notice of them Shortly they took leave — Brig Tamourilani retu’d from wind’d side of Island, unable to get wood for surf — Tuesday 25 Light airs from Sd — Brittania Sailed — Mr French got 56 picul very nice wood from Kauwanohi — got 104 piculs refuse wood from Pitt on freight — Sistare Dined & Supped at Majors — Capt Coffin sold Dixey Wildes 3 or 400 lbs copper (as he says for 16 cts Ib) when the bill was offered, Wildes said it was 16 dollars cwt & not 100 lbs — Coffin had been offered 15 cts per Ib before!! Wednesday 26 Baffling airs from Sd. Rainy morning. Rainy day. Last night Capt Sistare & Poalinui had a falling out — She ran out & he followed — fell at the Door & broke his thigh, where he was wounded by Navarro — Mr French getting wood on his own ac/t & some on Pitts on freight Neo arrived from Owyhee. Thursday 27th [In margin: Wind Sd] Rainy. End of my house fell in went up to see Pitt — he was sick got nothing out of him afternoon took doors & windows out of it, left it to its own fate Ship Partridge, Thornton, 2700 bbls oil. Wife & child on board Friday 28 Pleasant. Brig Owyhee Kelly arrived. Wind Sd. Thornton & his wife ashore. |
Nothing particular to day. Save a guard of Soldiers have been ordered out the two nights past to guard Bingham as they say — great distress will be set forth no doubt by B. in his letters no doubt — a great Hypocrite I believe. Saturday 29 Fine morn. Schooner Washington went for Tauai. Ship America sailed for Canton — Capt Wm Blanchard passenger — Ship Thames London. Meek 1500 bls oil Sunday 30 Beautiful morn: Strong breese from S.W. Dirty looking weather Sch Washington put back — found weather so rough in channel called to see Sistare. Monday 31 Beautiful morn — went early with Don Marini — to see Pitt, and get leave to put wood in the white Store which he would not grant. Starting into boxes out of cask. Nothing extra to day. Tuesday — November 1st Very pleasant. got 106 piculs sandle wood on account of Waverly. warm day wind Sd. Hammatt got half the wood bro’t for me. — Wednesday 2 Pleasant morn, Brig Convoy from NWC. & Brig Becket from Coast of California, arrived. wind Sd came into harbor — the convoy fired a salute, the Parthian in answer had the misfortune to have the Boatswains arm blown off — by a gun. Hammatt got 126 piculs of wood — Eveg went to Jacksons Thursday 3 Fresh breese off the land, three Ships in sight. Pacific Clark 2,000 Peru, Joy 500. Barclay Coffin 1300 bbls oil — Had a great run of trade to day. Criterion Sailed. Friday 4 Fine breese. Brig Convoy landing wood enough to fill Dixey’s yard full. Great Sales to day. Saturday 5 Fine trades — Perseverance Sailed. French Bo’t between five & six hundred sealskins for $1.25 — One dollar cash rest in goods. Beckley called, said his, Skins were on board Parthian for safe keeping. Competition between Dixey & French for the skins. Sunday 6th Pleasant morn — No Meeting for English Service. Lazy folks had no need of excuse for not going to meeting. Southerly wind. Monday 7 Cloudy & light rain in forenoon — wind Sd. Pacific sailed & Partridge — at 10 in evening guns were heard — Southy wind Tuesday 8 {In Margin: Wind Sd] Beautiful morn. A Sch. at Anchor. Prince Regent from Owyhee Capt Wildes bo’t Beckley’s skins for cash at 1.25. Save 1000 for French Packing up goods for French to go to windward in Becket. |
Wednesday 9 Fine morn. At 11 light trades. Capt Clark in Pacific returned having carried away his Topmasts, by rolling and parting his backstays China Steward — who came out in Brig Nile — died of Dropsy Thursday 10 Fine morn. Fine Trades — putting goods on board Becket to go to windward — Eclipse went to Pearl River after wood Friday 11 Fine trades. Getting goods on board Becket. Convoy preparing to heave down — put 948 Sealskins on board Rob Roy for French. Saturday 12 Calm, at 10 a breese. Becket went out. Mr French & Temple & Whitney passengers. Very unwell — had head ache &c — Sunday 13 Fine morn. Unwell during the day. Nothing of note to day — light trades Monday 14 Fine morn — felt a little better to day. Lent Capt Fenton 177.75 $ and took a Bill. Got George Marini to get Sand &c for Making mortar to plaster the house. Evening had a Superior Luow at Capt MacNeil’s Tuesday 15 John began plaistering house. John Palmer — Sailed, & Indispensable Beating Seal Skins. &c. Convoy finished her bottom & righted — Trades had to draw a new draft for Fenton — and make it Eighty pounds Sterling Wednesday 16 Fine Trades. Capt Clark returned — after his 3rd Mate. Eclipse got in with 30 piculs. Prince Regent full of small wood for Spurr — put 605 Seal Skins on board Rob Roy for French. Thursday 17 Moderate trades. Afternoon a Short race between John Meek’s and Cat. Ebbets horses. Evening a Card party at Meeks — Several Mates & ex-mates (1st-2nd-& 3rd) clerks &c at the Majors — had a high — Friday 18 Forty three years since I inhaled the vital spark! — let patience have her perfect work — George Minzie engaged to go 1st officer of Tamaahh. Bo’t 67 Damaged Skins for 31 dollars Received a translation of the 100 psalm from Mr Bingham intended to be sung at the Dedication of the Chapel — Sch. Deliverance arrived with the wood to pay for her. Saturday 19th Fine morn — Eclipse — came in from Pearl River. At 10 o’clock the New Chapel was Dedicated. Many had billets — while many others in the same house — got none — Evening a fine Luow at Grimes. Sunday 20 Pleasant. New Meeting house was more than full. No English service. |
Monday 21 Fine Trades. Pacific went out — got 30 piculs of wood for a chain cable — 54 piculs for French for goods afternoon a great horse race at which a kanaka was knocked over and taken up for dead, but came too A Great Examination of all the Schools at the meeting house took place — presume over two thousand Scholars as each School is composed of old & young — let judgement operate & say if any good can result where so many wild Indians are hudled together. All through these pages, Reynolds scoffed at attempts to educate, convert or change Hawaiians in any way. His attitude was typical of the secular foreign residents. Tuesday 22 Fresh trades. Examination continued. Ata. Chinaman melting wax. Very dusty & dirty. Wednesday 23 Fresh trades & misty. Tamaamaah Sailed for Owyhee. Nothing particular going on Rainy evening Thursday 24 Fresh trades. Ship Almira, Osborn, Sailed. Sch. Medford arrived from Mowee. Yesterday afternoon — Piia — or Nunhmahannah was married, also Okoliy [Kapuloa] chief woman of of Atooi Friday 25 Very fresh trades, Kanaka’s throng’d the house & stole small Hdf. Sch. New York arrived from Ahedu. No News. Saturday 26 Very fine morn. Ship Aurora sailed. Pitt was tapped by Doct. Blatchly. Heard Pitt, Kaahumanu, & Piia were to be baptised — put 106 piculs of wood on board Rob Roy & on ac/t Waverly — & 70 Seal Skins for French. Sch. Washington went to Tauaii. Sunday 27] [In Margin: Wind Sd] Most fine morn. Went to Jackson’s to look for papers — found them. Capt. Wildes, Hammatt & others went to the Lime trees! Saturday eve a Negro met, and abused Capt Ebbet’s girl badly Monday 28 Wind Sd. went to see Boka — got promises but no wood — Tuesday 29 Fine trades. Nothing Special to day, Wednesday 30 Fresh trades. A vessel off apparently cutting in. Evening up at Hammatts playing Vantoon — lost 2.25 — December 1825. Thursday 1st Fine morn. Ship off yesterday and to day was the Staunton Howland 1,000 bbls oil Brig Kiel Lawson from London by way of Tahaiti, which he left 44 days since. |
Left Waverly Dana, & Active Charlton to sail for this in a few days, (as he Lawson tho’t) for he had opened the last Keg of Jews harps. also Ship Mary, Reed of London was cast away on an Island which had no water on it — got a craft almost built — when a vessel hove in sight & took them off — Ship Bridges cast away at Marquesas. Navarro had arrived at Tahaiti was coming back again with Charlton — Evening playing Vantoon at the Major’s, gained dollar & half — Further I say not — Friday 2 Misty morn, & calm. at 10 a very Strong trade — dirt flew so thick could not see trees or houses. Evening moderate Saturday 3 Very Strong breeses. Hannah & Susan were up to see me all the forenoon. Very dull day for trade. Sunday 4 Fine morn. Lawson’s Brig came inside. Brig Becket arrived Mr French sold over seven hundred piculs worth & sent Mr Temple to the Ahidoos in Tamh with a quantity of goods, with Meek. Wind blowed so hard friday could not get into Mowee — Pitt; Kaahumanu; Piia, Hakulo — (the three last are women) were baptised — also Pitt’s Son — in afternoon they partook of the Sacrament. Spent evening at Jackson's. Most of the important ali'i joined the church at this time. It meant the beginning of the extraordinary influence that American Protestant missionaries would exert on the Hawaiian Kingdom. Reynolds and his peers became more and more disaffected from the missionaries. Monday 5 Calm Becket got in; discharged the goods which were unsold. French & Capt. Ebbets making arrangements to go to Canton in Tamaahmaah. Evening Capt Lawson in the house till near 9. Tuesday 6 Fine morn, landing wood from Becket for French. Heard Gov Adams wrote a letter to Pitt calling him a liar telling him if he wanted wood to send his men to cut it, there was wood enough on Oahu. Ship Staunton ran Capt came ashore to Ship men. Doct Blatchley went off to see his mate — who had been very sick of a fever, was weak & low Wednesday 7th Pleasant morn. Got all wood out of Becket — & put 72 piculs on board Brig Rob Roy — evening on board Convoy with a Small party Wind very fresh from South — Some rain in night. Thursday 8 Fresh breese from South West quick passing Scuds. Showers from Sd. with fresh breeses. Friday 9 Cloudy. quick passing clouds from Southd. Had a poor opportunity to view |
the Eclipse of the Sun. Capt Howlands 2nd officer came ashore in the boat left Ship outside Diamond hill — Saturday 10 Wind Southd — filling bills of lading for wood &c — Mr Bingham at Pitts with Kaahumanu trying to have laws of his own making put in force. Boka opposed him told him he would not let him (B) have any thing to say about the laws. Kaahumanu said she was a lone woman of course she could do nothing — The promulgation of laws for the Kingdom was another controversial issue. Merchants accused Bingham of wishing to make the Ten Commandments the law of the Kingdom. Bingham denied it claiming it was the intention of the Chiefs. It is obvious from this and other entries that Boki was not supportive of Bingham’s influence. Sunday 11 Very fine morn — wrote letters to my friends by Rob Roy — Mr Bingham preached hard against Pitt & Boka for not making the laws he had proposed. Monday 12 Fine morn. wind off land — at 11 all went on board the Rob Roy to see Mr Hammatt out — after taking a parting glass and receiving five guns — gave them three cheers and returned in — afternoon went to hear the debates upon the laws which Mr Bingham had proposed to the chiefs and they were divided in opinion about. Mr Bingham was the most impudent puppy I have seen for many a day. Tuesday 13 Pleasant, wind Southward — went to get some Crape Shawls from Piia, which she had had four months and not paid for, bartered them with Lawson for Lace. Eveg playing Vantoon at Meeks — Wednesday 14 Pleasant morn. Capt Ebbets put two pipes M. wine in to cellar. Many of the Tauaii people sailed last evening in Eos for that place. French agreeing with Kuio to repair Neo. Krimakoo, young King &c went on board Capt Lawson. Evening played Vantoon at Major’s. Kelly & I swore off. Thursday 15th Cloudy misty morn: & thro’ the day. at 4 p.m. went to the Race ground where several Races were run — many people there. evening at Grimes playing Vantoon, & loo, and had a fine luau Supper & a few songs — Friday 16 Misty morn. Strong trades — heard Mr Bingham had publish’d the ten command’ts and sent them abroad!! Evening Capt MacNeill was taken very ill. Supposed by eating crawfish — Staid all night with us — Saturday 17 Strong trades. Major killing hogs & salting — nothing very great to day. Sunday 18 Fine morn: attended meeting in morning. |
Monday 19 Hazy — packing up goods to go to Tauaii in Becket by Temple Ship Providence Bowen of Providence from Lima arrived Bo’t bread at 6.$ per barel. Rum, ten Hdds at 75/100 per gal 3 pipes Brandy at 1.25 per gal. Tuesday 20 Cloudy — wind from Sd & Westd — hard rain. Ship Providence got under weigh, got becalmed, was set by current almost into the Surf, let go both Anchors, and bro’t up in five fathoms between a point of flats on one side & rocks on the other — fired guns boats went to her assistance, carrying kedge and halser — found she would lie safe left her. Wednesday 21 Cloudy. Ship off, under easy sail. 11 Capt came ashore — got off he said very well. He bo't Sistares oil at 24 cts per gallon. Capt. Lawson much disappointed. Evening one of the Schoolmasters interfered with an officer of the Kiel & his girl — the Englishman knocked him down. the whole village was all alive in a few moments. the man and girl went aboard the Brig. Thursday 22 Cloudy. Providence out of sight. Sch. Washington Sailed — Brig Becket sailed for Tauaii — light wind off land — a horse race between Capt Ebbets & Capt Meeks — little difference. Friday 23 Beautiful morn. Nothing to be seen of the Ship Capt Powers very uneasy, fine< breese from Sd. no Ship in sight. all feel anxious for her. putting wood on board Tamaahmaah Saturday 24 Nothing to be seen of the Ship. at 11 came to Anchor. Capt Bowen put his oil into Capt Grimes’ hands — at 10 eveg went to sea. put wood on board Tamaahmaah. Sunday 25. Cool. Brig off. Christmas Tamoliani arrived. Residents dined at the Majors after dinner Capts Meek, & Rogers, Mr Thompson & self rode to Allen’s. Nothing new. Monday 26 Cool. For about a week past — every morning have a soreness & pain across my breast — which as soon as I eat my breakfast goes off — Young King and his attendants went to Mauii. Tamorilani came inside with six or seven hundred piculs of wood. Tuesday 27 Cool — at 12 — an Auction of the clothing belonging to Rufus Scribner late a Seaman on board Ship Parthian — Amt 42. Hannah & Susan up to see us — Wednesday 28 Cool — Expected to weigh wood — Snuff said tomorrow. Mr Pitt up to the house for the first time since it was built. Owyhee hauled alongside Eliza-Ann to take out oil. Evening Seranaded by the colored Gentleman who had formed a band. |
Thursday 29 Fine morn. at 4 went down to Race for a purse. Capt. Elwell got two thirds & Wilkinson the other — evening had a fine luow at the Majors — Yesterday Urbane Bennet was interred a native citizen of Boston — Capt. Ebbets received a package of two sheets of paper written over & signed by the Missionaries at Mauii & Owyhee — Delivered by Piia’s husband — Friday 30 Went to weigh wood at the point — got 176 piculs — found it so bad tho ee to quit — at 12 Mr Pitt was taken ill and was tho’t to be dying — got a little better at 4 — Capt Grimes taking oil on board Owyhee. Saturday 31 Wind Sd at one a sail coming in — Capts Meek, NcNeil & Kelly & myself went out — it proved to be Brig Harbinger from Boston Capt. Wm B Jackson, by way of New Zealand, Tahaite &c — Strong breese from Sd. January 1st 1826 Sunday 1st 1826 Strong Breese, & rain, from Sd Brig Waverly Dana arrived. at 10 — cleared up a little fine weather — Report says the Frigate Blonde is lost — afternoon went to Native meeting with Mr Park of Harbinger. Monday 2 Mr French weighing wood — got 18 piculs in afternoon — gauged 50 Casks oil on board Owyhee. Capt Jackson landing a few Small things and bringing to our house. Pitt & Boka wanted many things all the lumber Tuesday 3rd Wind Sd Brig Becket Beckley came in from Tauaii having been obliged to slip her chain cables Sunday morning — got 88 piculs wood — gauged 38 casks oil on Eliza Ann. Capt Jackson landing goods & lumber — Dana putting B’lemar on board Parthian. Report said a sail off — wind Sd Wednesday 4 Cloudy wind Sd no vessel in sight — proved on clearing up to be New York from Mauii. Capt Jackson landing goods — Boots & Shoes go best. gauging oil on board Eliza-Ann. Thursday 5 Fine morn. Afternoon & evening Strong breeses from Sd & Ed thunder & lightning with heavy rain. gauged 4 cask oil on board Eliza Ann. Friday 6 Strong wind from Sd & heavy rain — mud walls & houses falling down. Rain & wind completely oversetting mud — houses & fishponds — Saturday 7th Wind and rain continue. Country full of water — houses falling in all direc- |
tions — At 3 afternoon found Side of Stone house cracking off — got Shores up. — During night heavy rain — at 4 a m wall fell in Sunday 8th At 4 A.M. alarmed about the house — began to move goods at 1/2 past 4 one half of one side fell in — got Shores under plate &c hired men to move Stones & Rubbish — engaged men at 2.00 per day to build up the wall again — Moved many goods to Mr Temple's Store, in order to get at the beams to Shore up Pilot boat came from windward — Monday 9 Cloudy — Men at work putting up house, gauged 10 cask oil on board ElizaAnn. full of employment in looking after various departments Tuesday 10 Rain in night, old breach a little wider. Mending wall of house, French Bo't all Capt Jackson’s lumber at 62 1/2 dollars in Sandlewood at 10.00 — Wednesday 11th Cloudy Strong wind from Sd. Rain — bad weather for house — Landing lumber for French. Thursday 12 Strong breeze & Rainy — Heavy Squalls wind & rain finished gauging oil for Owyhee — 49.166 gals. remainder to go to Capt Lawson Brig Keil; Evening a grand luau at Capt Meeks — fine and moderate after the stormy day Friday 13 Fine. Some of the house fell in — Provoked by men at work on house getting drunk — at 3 a Sail was seen, which was taken and proved to be U.S. Schooner Dolphin Capt Percival from Mulgrave Islands, where she had been after the Mutineers of Ship Globe. Capt. Adams went off — late, Stood off, for the night Saturday 14th Fine day; first for a time. All hands up looking for the Dolphin — light wind the pilot kept off. At 11 sea breeze bro’t her in — when she entered the Narrows. Ship Parthian commenced firing a Salute of nine guns which was followed by Brigs Convoy, McNeil, Tamaahmaah, Meek, Owyhee, Grimes, Harbinger, Jackson, Waveryly — Dana — & Keil — Lawson — (English) then the Fort which took the time up that She just Anchored in time to answer — By this time it was past one o'clock. Capt Percival soon after landed, with Mr Paulding 1st Lieut Sekly, & Mr Bates, Purser; Capt Wildes & Grimes were first to the meeting them — took them up into their house — introduced them to a very few — as they sat at the far end of the Long room most waited till they were tired and went away without an introduction — after dinner Paulding & Bates were up at our house — Capt Wildes engaged Capt Percival & officers to dine tomorrow — Evening a luow at Mr Dana’s Mr Baxter attended — Sistare &c — Gauged 12 Cask oil on board Eliza Ann The USS Dolphin captained by Lieutenant Percival was the first American warship to enter the Kingdom’s waters. Hence the reason for the excitement of the American sea captains and merchants in Honolulu. But controversy surrounded this visit |
from its beginnings. Percival was disappointed that no American missionaries were at the harbor to greet him. Missionaries objected to the firing of guns from the Dolphin after one oclock which they considered to be the beginning of the Sabbath. Sunday 15 Beautiful morn — breeze of land — Capt Percival Stated that in a few days after the Glove left the Natives of the Mulgraves killed the principal ringleaders — by pounding them to death with Stones only two boys were saved by two Chiefs — when they saw the Dolphin the Natives suspected their object — hid the boys away in a house; placed two men over them to prevent them from speaking — by getting some chiefs aboard they were able to obtain them — Capt Wildes gave a Dinner to the officers the Dolphin — part of the Residents were invited — afternoon they rode to Allens, light airs off land. Monday 16 Fine day, early in morn light wind off the land — 10 from sea. at 3 off the land, Brig Becket went out — a race between Dana's & Meeks horses — Dana’s for half a mile was a head after Meeks. Evening most of the folks up at Grimes. Caught a fellow Stealing Scissors Boka happened to be present took him and put him in irons. As by accident yesterday the Dolphin Saluted the Fort — it was returned to day by fort Tuesday 17th Fine Trades 9 Brig Tamaahm went out — fired five guns from the vessels in Port — after the pilot came in, Parthian went out when they fired again. Passengers in Tamah Capt Ebbets & Wm French Parthian Capt Kelly, & Wm Jackson. At 12 a collation was given on board U.S.S. Dolphin at which Boka, Mr Marini & Residents partook — Consulted about a publick dinner to the officers of the Dolphin. Dana Sold his Billiard Room to Weston and others for 700 dollar: got on very slow with the Wednesday 18 Fine morn, light air from Sd 12 light trade. finised gauging oil save the dirty oil which Sistare Sold for twenty cents per gal making preparations for Dinner for Officers of Dolphin tomorrow Evening Sistare & Po — down at the house sold me the Straw house for forty dollars. evening fitting up the Majors house with colors, flags &c — Mr Davis & Mr McBear came into the house for quarters to Sleep — got a bunk on the Settee. Thursday 19 Fine weather Being day on which the Commander & officers of Dolphin were to dine with the Residents &c at half past one they came on shore — five guns were fired from Brigs Convoy — Harbinger, Owyhee, & Waverly a fine prepared by Major Warren, at which about thirty partook among them Gov. Boka. M Marini — company broke up about 10 — as usual many songs &c — Friday 20 Fine day — wind Sd All oil out of Eliza-Ann — in all about 240 bbls — good oil & 40 do 2nd quality — all 880 or 900 bbls. — getting on Slowly with house — gave Boka amount of Wm G. Dana 200 dollars. |
Saturday 21 Fine day — wind Sd afternoon Mr Paulding, Capt Jackson, Dana, Temple some of the Midshipmen went to Pearl River. Delivered Capt. Lawson ten bags buck shot — barrel flints belonging to Capt Blanchard. Heard Mr Bingham was going to preach tomorrow on board Dolphin. Sunday 22 Fine morn — wind off land, overhauled ac/t of Sistares oil — made 7560 gallons, (Seven thousand five hundred & sixty gallons) difz 22 from Capt. Lawson. Sistare settled and got his money. S.B. Gibbs posting books for me. Nothing Special to day. Monday 23rd Fine morn, wind East — Got the side of the house finished. Evening Capt Lawson gave a fine Luow at Mr Dana’s. Tuesday 24 Capt Percival sent a letter directed to Eliot Grimes, Stephen Reynolds Alpheus B. Thompson & John W Spurr, Agents at the Sandwich Islands, for Citizens of the United States requesting information relative to the Debts owed by the Government, and other, of the Sandwich Islands which will be acted on by & by. Wednesday 25th Beautiful morn — fine day light trades afternoon Capt Grimes. Mr Thompson, Mr Spurr, Capt Jackson and McNeill went down to Pitts, to inquire when we might calculate on their paying their Debts, so that we might be able to go and tell Capt Percival. Pitt Said in two days come again — for a few moments they appeared to be some agitated. Thursday 26 Pleasant. Brig Keil, Lawson — Sailed. Moderate trades. Capt Percival talking hard with Capt. Jackson my own opinion is that the Residents nor Citizens generally, of United States, or Character of our Navy will profit greatly by the visit of the Dolphin. Friday 27 Cloudy fresh trades. Pilot boat, Astor came from Mauii Bringing letters to Capt Percival & myself — giving the unpleasant intelligence of the loss of the Ship London of New York. Capt Edwards, on Ranai [Lanai], begging assistance Capt Percival’s vessel had her foremast out — he took the Brig Convoy with forty men & officers & Sailed at five Particulars have not learned Saturday 28 Strong trades, fear the wreck must have Suffered uncommonly strong trades. Brig Owyhee could not get out, so much wind — hear nothing from wreck. Some old houses blowing down Sunday 29 Strong trades continue. Owyhee went out. Stood to windward wind growing a little faint, Poalinui down about her house Monday 30 Moderate this morning. No News yet from Mauii. Major told me he was going |
to the Wooden house to live in a few days — at %2 past ten were called up by Major, the Kanakas had opened the mud house — and stolen 4 bales of goods belonging to Capt Jackson and one trunk the Dog (old Kotch) was off also. Suspected Kraiana’s & Ani anis gangs, & a kanaka that is much about the house — Mr Weston coming up from Water side, met three men with a Bale, asked them what they had got — answered, a parcel belonging to the Whiteman — but dropt it an ran off he immediately alarmed the major, who called Capt Jackson and myself — went out and found the Lock gone, & door opened. Mr Steel, the mate of Harbinger, went on board U.S. Sch. Dolphin by Capt Jacksons orders, & requested Lieut. Paulding to prevent any Vessel from going out — afterwards Mr Steel searched three of the Native Vessels — but found nothing — Tuesday 31st All conversation this morning tends to the Theft of last evening. Kotch came home a little after Sun rise Cook said Anni Anni was at his house about 11 or 12 last night — three others with him — inquired the way to Kaumamakeah’s, a road as well known to him, as a man’s floor to his Step — at 9 Henow with Capt Jackson commenced a search for goods before 11. o'clock they found one piece of the goods in the bottom of the Trunk of a chief woman, this immediately led to the discovery of more She said she went into a Small house, the night before where they were dividing & the Thieves gave her one piece to keep counsel — which confession led to the obtaining of 84 ps calico — 206 doz Hose — 3 ps Linen, 3 do vesting 2 ps Gingham 42 Gross, vest, chain, buttons. 17 ps cotton fringe — Pitt ordered them to bring in the remainder tomorrow the village has not been in such commotion for a great length of time — all appeared interested in getting the goods — in blackguarding the Thieves. February 1826 Wednesday 1st Fine morn. Pitt sent 38 pieces calicoes — ps linen and several gross buttons — remaining — 32 ps calico 4 do. fringe — several of the officers Midshipmen &c went up to Wikinsons anxiously waiting for news from Mauii. Gibbs absent to day Thursday 2 Beautiful morn. No News of goods to day. Major making alterations at the wooden house intending to move soon, wind East. Several rode to Waititi Friday 3 Very fine morn, wind Sd. — at 11 Saw Sail coming — proved to be Convoy — bro’t cargo from wreck. Said Schooner Eos would be down in a day or two — landed Seal Skins, other Skins rigging &c Money was put on board Dolphin. Saturday 4 Beautiful morn, landed all property from Convoy by 12 o'clock at 5 Eos hove in sight — at 8 Mr Carter came ashore, Saying the property was to be delivered to me — that Capts Percival & Edwards would be down in morning — Sunday 5 Fine morn. Sch. New York came in just after Sunrise Eos towed in. Launch arrived, under direction of Mr Moore the 1st Officer — took breakfast, went with Capt Edwards to See Capt Ebbets houses & called on Mr Pitt — Capt. |
Edwards moved his baggage — Mr Dana down at Waititi. Sistare & Poalinui Several others promised to go — few went. Monday 6 Fine trades — discharging the Schooner, got most of the things out Some difficulty among officers & crew, had had too much grog. Tuesday 7 Finished landing goods &c Put Rum into Dana’s house Brandy to the Stone house — Gin with the Rum lotted rigging &c. Afternoon went with Capt Edwards to See Pitt Sold Some of the liquors. Capt Jackson took his goods off. Wednesday 8 Pleasant morn. At 9 A.M. commenced Selling by Auction Cables, Anchors, Sails, Boats &c, belonging to the Ship London Afternoon Capt Percival, in consequence of Sistare’s asking of him, if the chiefs interfered and wished to keep him and his money, whether he (Perl.) should insist upon it Percival in great rage said he should, & that white men had advised him — that he should go immediately on board and Sent for the Iron Chest, & carried him and it on board Dolphin Thursday 9th Pleasant morn. Sold again of the Articles of the London — Sold high. two boxes Sewing Silks Sold — proving to be cotton & Silk. Sales amounted to near five thousand dollars. Friday 10 Fine morn. Got 20 piculs wood for 10 Doz wine 24 do for Duck Capt Edwards overhauling Bread at wooden house — afternoon the purser of Dolphin bro’t a bill to me, made out by Wm H McNeill against Ship London, for the use of the Brig Convoy at Ranai — for 8 days time at 100 $ per day. Capt Percival Chartered the Brig of McNeill — put officers & men on board & hoisted his pendant, on board; and took the Command. Why the bill Should be bro’t to me, I cannot Say. Saturday 11 Beautiful morn. Last night Boka & Young King arrived from Mauii. Brig arrived from Tauaii with Kekioheva. Afternoon went up to see Boki, with Capt Edwards. Capt Edwards & officers Swore to the Protest. Capt Jackson engaging to go, with Beckley & gang of Sealers, to an Island for Seal — Convoy’s charter all the conversation of the day. Various opinions. Sunday 12 Pleasant — most of the gentry of the village went up to Wilkinson’s got letters from Newell Saying he Sold 3rd chop Nankeens for 10 1/2 a 11; 2nd 11 a 12 — duties very high — goods to be landed and carried to Custom House which made expenses high & profit Small — a Ship in offing — judge a Whaler Monday 13 Good weather Ship proved to be the Barclay Coffin — taken but 100 barrels since last fall. Afternoon went with Capt Edwards to see Boki — and to See if could get a vessel — little encouragement. |
Tuesday 14 At an early hour a Brig was at the Anchoring ground — and at 9 a ship Brig Manilla Packet Gilespie, & Ship apollo Dagget 800 bbls oil At 9 an Auction of Hull of wreck of Ship London — Bread &c Bo’t 3 boxes combs containing 761 doz assorted for 339 dollars Casks Bread &c Amtg to 1084.00 dollars — Hull 450 — Evening a Raffle for Sistare’s horse, won by Tipper — Percival has not spoken since I told him he made too much noise in the house Wednesday 15 Heavy Thunder — lightning, & rain almost a deluge — a ship beating up. Evening went up to Boki’s with Capt Edwards who gave Boki the Lama’s. called to see Charlotte — Heard Hannah Hooper was to be married to Halilio [Ha'alilio] — tomorrow Thursday 16th Thunder, lightning & Very, Very heavy rain the latter part of night — in morning the harbor was full of taro, which had floated down the River. Ship Recovery Brooke's arrived 1300 bbls oil. wind variable afternoon Ship Barclay came in & Brig Manilla Packet went to see Boka, with Capt Edwards to charter Brig Becket Said come in evening & we will Settle the points — went — it was settled by asking two hundred dollars per month which Capt Edwards would not give — so it ended when they were told — Capt E. would go in the Brig Manilla Packet. they said tell him to go then!!! Friday 17th Thunder, Lightning & heavy rain from daylight till 10. Apollo came in. Percival sent for Sistare inquired of him who had recommended him to ask for the protection of the chiefs — whether I had not been talking to him — he was answered NO Spanish Gentlemen from Brig Manilla Packet ashore — Found west side of House was falling. Saturday 18 Cloudy. at 9 house fell — employed people to clear away. got Stones of George Marini. Mud walls & houses gone to wreck. Brooks Ship came inside. Sunday 19 Hazy likely to rain — favorable weather. Several persons went to hear & see Native Service — Mr Bingham Stopt his discourse & Said they were coming to ridicule him — Pitt Sick Monday 20 Rainy night — people employed in putting up house went with Capt Edwards to see Boki about getting Becket asked 160 per month — & to have her kept in repair — Several girls were taken from white men, to day to be set to getting stone for Church — Evening Capt. Percival went to Boki’s to tell him it was not right — that it ought not to be &c Boki told him to go see Kaahhumanu — while there he slightly Struck — Capt Brooks with his Stick Brooks took a decanter of Brandy & Poured into Percivals hat — which put him in a great rage, Said Brooks meant to insult him!! Paulding went to tell Boki his girl was gone — terrible times Tuesday 21 Dull morn, wind S. W. — Eos went out for Mauii. afternoon thunder lightning |
& rain — Percival went to see Pitt & Boki & Kaahumana about girls. Pitt said it was good to burn the white mens houses & let them begin and fight — for he was tired of Seeing them come in Sight!! Wednesday 22 Fine morn, much rain last night — U.S.S. Schooner Dolphin fired a salute. Merchant vessels hoisted colors. at 12 a Salute was fired by Merchants vessels & Dolphin — Capt. Percival went to See old Kaahumana & talked about the Laws of the land, who first bro’t them forward; with many questions the answers to which he wrote down. they told him Mr Bingham was prime mover. Mr B. has always said he has never interfered. Capt. Edwards got Brig Becket of Boki. Expect Percival’s lesson did him some good. Thursday 23 Beautiful morn. at 2 a very heavy Shower from S.W. which prevented from work on the house. a Ship off Diamond hill. Two papers caricaturing Bingham & Kaahumanu. Early after Breakfast went to see Boki with Capt Edds Said get the charter signed. Said he would sign after Manini had been and taken an Inventory — Evening up at Mr Homers & Bates. Friday 24 Cloudy — Ship at Anchor off Wytetee — Signal & colors up. Ship Phenix NBdn Stetson. came in with a fine breeze from Sd. at 5 a heavy shower from SW. People finding house open take advantage, & ask a dollar for five Stones. which will make the side of house cost 200 dollars or more for Stone only — Saturday 25 Dull morning. No Stone to finish house with. Stone so very high quit for a few days. Rainy & unpleasant weather Boki recommended for white men to keep their arms in readiness — which set the whole village mad; running hither & thither — after powder, flints &c. Mr Pitt very sick Southerly winds & rain — Sunday 26 Strong Southerly wind — cloudy &c Ship Sultan Allen arrived 137 days from Boston. Wm Hammatt was on board, by whom I received letters from family & others Very rainy day — afternoon part of Sch. Dolphin’s crew assaulted Mr Bingham — at Pitts house — About fifty men from the Dolphin and other ships in port were involved in this riot and attack on Hiram Bingham. Hawaiians rallied to the defense of Bingham and a more violent confrontation was avoided by the intercession of Percival. It ts a question, however, whether he tried to prevent the riot. He continued to importune Governor Boki to allow women to board ships for the purpose of prostitution. Boki, not adverse to the institution, acquiesced. Monday 27 Heavy rain during night thunder & lightning. at 9 cleared up & a very fine day. Major moving to Wooden house. Boys Slept in Dana’s store Temple Drunk. Ship North America Ramsdell arrd 1300 bbls oil. Tuesday 28th Beautiful morn, wind East. Brig Tamaliolani Sumner Sailed on a Sealing voyage. |
Ship Ploughboy arrived — 1700 bbls Percival sent a short letter to Capt Edwards — telling him he must pay one & half per cent for deposit of money — also give Bond for his owners & others interested to Abide the decision of a court of Admiralty on claim of Salvage — Amen — Major quit — went to wood house. Wednesday 1st March Hazy. George Marini came to keep house instead of Major, which gave us a fair beginning. Strong Southerly Breezes & cloudy. An Auction of Brandy Gin & Rum — Cargo of Ship London — No Sales — at a one dollar. Several offers at 75/100 — Davis Carpenter Died Thursday 2 Strong breese from S East Ship Fred Aug came inside 1700 bbs Recd Small consignment from Allen & Hammatt from Sultan. Several went up to Wilkinsons — had to ride home ina heavy rain. A Survey was held on Ship Apollo of Edgartown — capable of being repaired. Sold Chains & Anchors to Gillespie. Sd wind Strong Friday 3 Cloudy. went up to see Boki, with Thompson & Spurr to see about the Debts — Boki said He was the person to see them paid; after Pitt — that they should all be paid soon. Sold Boards to Capt Dagget to repair Apollo — wind light off the land. Sultan preparing to go out. Heavy Rain in eveg Saturday 4 Baffg wind & heavy rain. Ship Mayflower came in 900 bbls oil Uncommonly heavy rain all day & thro’ the night. Capt. Percival & Capt. Edwards had a few hard words in the evening, in which myself & many others were censured! He must be worthless, who escapes — Percival’s tongue. Played cards over at Brook’s. Wind Sd. & Ed. Sunday 5 Hard rain, thunder and lightning all last night — & this forenoon, wind continues Sd. & Ed. — heavy rain thro the day. Monday 6 Cloudy — wind Sd without rain. people employed in getting clay to finish house. afternoon I was asked to go, by Capt. Alfred P. Edwards to the wooden house to witness the Charter for the Brig Becket by the Said Edwards & Boki, when we arrived there — Capt Percival — began to object to the Charter party as being informal — and improper got in a great rage — refused to witness it & left the room, after all followed out into the Stoop — he said Mr Schemmerhorn or Mr Bates could witness it. Mr Schn replied I will not witness such an instrument, (because he did not think it Jegal or proper) or words to that effect — Capt. Percival & Capt Edwards, had hard words. Percival collared Edwards, & said he would throw him (E) off the Stoop — people interfered and they separated — in a few moments — Percival — collared Edwards a second time — in which their waistcoats got torn — without other injury. Much warm conversation ensued in which I was called on to make some statements — by which I was led to make some observations to Mr Bates — by which I implicated him — of underhanded conduct. He immediately called me a damned liar — and at the same time Struck me in the face — I left immedi |
ately judging it most prudent to get off before things grew worse — and better to suffer wrong than do wrong — Boki was present when Percival collared Edwards — he made off directly. Met several to whom he expressed himself by gesture — the report flew like the wind, that I was killed by them. (Perl & Bates) — Much more might be said, but here is too much to reflect credit on the Navy officers of the United States services in this place — Tuesday 7 Beautiful morn. the first for nearly four weeks. Ship Sultan towed out, for N.W.C. Brig Manilla Packet Sailed with a fine trade — for Manilla. Men at work on house. George killed an ox. Capt Edwards went on board Dolphin for his money — Percival refused to let him have it unless Edwards paid 1 1/4 percent — (E) refused & left. In morning went to Boki who signed the charter without hesitation. Boki observed, “I went out yesterday to sign — not to see fighting." Wednesday 8th Fine trades. Five Whale Ships arrived & two native Schooners from Mowee — Capt Edwards called again on board Dolphin, for his money — the Commanding officer told him he could not deliver it without the premium and said he believed Capt Percival would deliver it, if he could receive the 800 dollars paid for Convoy, and was about writing a note to Percival to that effect — when he received an order to retain it, till the Premium was all paid — 6 men at work on the house — Percival lays all the blame to me — Amen — Thursday 9 Moderate Trades — two whale ships towed in. Sold Keikioheva a coil of Rigging belonging to Capt Ebbetts — Percival & the Officers of the Dolphin all cary heavy canes, or Sword canes Six men at work on the house — most finished. Friday 10 Moderate — whale Ships towing in. Men finished house at noon — at sunset a very heavy rain — house leaked about the Plate — badly — got water into the cellar. Several masters of Whale Ships Slept with us. Percival told the Whalers, to send a Memorial to him, that they wished him to remain here for the protection of their vessels & to prevent, and assist, in cases of Desertion. Saturday 11 Calm — wind from Sd thro the day. Whalers Sent their Memorial to Percival. Becket waiting for a wind. Whalers in favor of Percival — and against Edwards. Sunday 12 Fine morn. wind Sd at 1/2 past 6 Capt. Edwards went on board Dolphin for his money. Mr Paulding said he could not deliver it without an Order from Percival — at 2 past 8 Percival went on board — Sent for Edwards — got the money on deck. Messrs Bates & Schemmerhorn — took an account of it, when behold! instead of Two thousand dollars for premium they had the mortification to receive Nine hundred and Ninety Nine — Oh what a falling off was there!!! The fact was they counted Doubloons for dollars!! Employed all day in writing — but found hard work to get thro’ — people calling in & taking me off. |
Monday 13 Fine Morn. Brig Becket towed out. Just as she was starting, Percival went on board, called him a Scoundrel took his cane knocked off Edward’s Hat then Struck him a severe blow over his head that a bunch was raised on the crown of his head, nearly three inches in length as large as a man’s finger — Edwards caught the cook’s axe — retreated across the Deck — dropped the axe, caught a Rammer — but whether he Struck Percival or not, I cannot learn. This was told me by Capt. Stetson — who was on board. Report says Percival demanded papers & got them, what they were, or whether so, I do not know — also that he carried away a bar of Silver — this also is Report — Brig got out with a fine breeze was soon out of sight — Wind Sd. Capt. McNeill gave a Dinner on board Convoy to Percival and his Officers!! Dana was invited. Harbinger waiting wind to get out. Many accusations of meanness are bro’t against Capt Edwards, now he is gone, and as far as I can learn from the Navy Gentlemen — Why not while he was present? Tuesday 14 Plt. Capt. Jackson waiting for wind — wind Sd. Percival sent Thompson to see if I had charge of Capt. Ebbets houses — & to tell me he held them to be at his option — from an offer from Cap Ebbets, he then sent me a letter Stating the offer — and requesting to be informed "unequivocally"’ whether the offer had been “revoked." I returned for answer I had nothing in instructions to permit him or any one to occupy Capt Ebbets houses, that those who wished to use either houses or books must make application to me. Evening over at Brooks playing Loo, gained twenty five cents — George killed an ox. Wednesday 15 Light airs off the land. Brig Harbinger towed out. a fine trade Brig Stood off to westward. Percival Sent me a note Stating he did not wish for any thing further to be said about Capt. Ebbets houses unless he could have them from under the promise of Capt Ebbets answered him, Saying “my instructions must always be my guide’ — Evening went up to Dana’s with Brooks & the girls to see the magic Lantern — Thursday 16 Moderate morn — fine trades. Went with Gowen to see old Piia and have her promise to pay me 18 piculs of wood, on his account — Said She would pay me. Tai was up to se me. Said Percival was to see her last night — to get the houses. She told him he should not have them — he might beat her, or kill her — but she would not give him the key. He called me many hard names — and gave me much abuse, so says Tai, & I believe it Friday 17th Pleasant morn. Fine trades. Capt Percival moved into Holmes Stone House. Engaged in posting up the Books which are a month behind. Kanakas clearing away rubbish about the house — Saturday 18 Trades. George Marini opened his New-house gave a Dinner wine at expense of Company — Navy Officers declined saying ''to pay for wine was to pay for Dinner’’!! Noble Gentlemen, Percival, Homer, Davis, Mr. Blair, however dined after Dinning, got up & walked out — without ceremony or even saying a word!! |
Very civil!! Superlatively polite! A Native house warming was also given nearby us — at which Bingham attended. In evening George had a violin. Several got up & danced. Mr Paulding, Mr Lawrence, and another rather in disguise, were seen and spoken to, by Capt Alexr Bunker, looking in at the windows — Paulding afterwards came in & danced, had on an old Spanish large brimmed hat. one of the others had on a Spanish pauncho. It is to be hoped they were rewarded for their trouble, by their Discovery company broke up early — Sunday 19 Fresh trades, much dust. Percival’s gang quite still to day Sistare making Protest against Percival — for arresting his person and money. for depriving him of trying it out to great, apparent advantage. Capt. Briggs when at Mauii took the bowsprit out of Ship London. Bro’t it down here. Mr Dana had sold it to Capt Earle. Briggs contends for it — [In margin: Percival, this forenoon as report says, got black Jo’ to go with him to Gov. Boki — to demand a young girl — who thro’ fear had ran away from him — Boki gave the word and she was sent to him!!!] Monday 20 Strong trades. Brig Waverly returned — having been becalmed under Ranai — drifted to Sd. when she took breese again, was only able to bring Oahu, Short of Provisions — got two barrels beef & set off again. Percival dined at George's. Had many remarks to make. After Dinner Several went to his house, to whom he related his treatment to a young girl — too disgraceful to be related. Ship Barclay sailed — great many Natives in. Some one Stole a hat. Tuesday 21st Trade winds. Peru & Phenix went out. Ship Rosco 1700 bbls worth arrived, having experienced bad weather about the Island received Damage in his Spars. Went to see old Piia for wood. Said She had none Wednesday 22 Trades. Showers of rain. Afternoon weighing wood for French — thirty four piculs. wind fresh and smart showers. Evening at Brooks playing Loo — Thursday 23 Strong trades & cool. Thunder Lightning & Waihine Pio went to Mowee — Kalaiia was Married yesterday to Tenow [Kina'u]. Several whalers Rode out to see Wilkinson. Evening playing cribbage with Brooks. Friday 24th Cool. Fresh trades. few people Stirring about. Something comes to my ears almost every day, concerning Percival — that goes to lessen the Americans, and sink the Reputation of the American Navy — and make him the object of Ridicule among the Islands. Pity. Pity He ever came here. Saturday 25 Fresh trades. A scene most disgraceful took place this afternoon two Sailors went to Mr Dana’s — inquired for him, were told he was not at home. Asked Mr Tipper his name — he gave it, they asked him to step out — as he stept over the threshold — one knocked backwards into the house. Temple interfered between them — he was shoved a one side by the first, when the 2nd Struck |
Tipper, knocked him down, jumped on him and otherwise abused him and made directly off. Temple & Tipper went to Percival who observed — two of my men asked liberty to come ashore — and have just gone off — I will inquire into it — turned on his heel, after making a few casual & slight — inquiries & remarks — Many were immediately impressed with a belief they were sent for the express purpose of committing the outrage. 8 p.m. I have just heard, Percival said, “if my Steward cannot whip them I will send those who can’ — Scarcely a story of Indian treachery, on record, will exceed the above in spirit of Revenge, treachery, & blood thirsty conduct — Indignation is all the remark I shall make — Sunday 26 Fine day. went up to see things about Ebbets’ houses — called at several of the Residents houses, fell in with some of the Navy gents — Nothing of consequence — about Village to day Several who formerly lived with George, have left & gone to Majors — little minds go with every wind — Monday 27th Cloudy — Ship Maria Theresa came to anchor — afternoon Rainy Set out to go to Wilkinson’s — with Brooks & Homer — raining hard turned off — & went to Allen’s got some Brandy & returned. understood there was to be a meeting of Masons Wedensday evening at Major Warren’s &c &c &c!!! Tuesday 28 Cloudy — Trades. Cool — Rainy — Sold two pieces cloth for forty eight piculs Sandlewood. Ship Maro Swain arrived. Wednesday 29 Cloudy — Strong Trades — Rainy. Went to See Pitt & Boki. Sold Pitt 7 Rum puncheon’s at 3.00 each. Ship Maro & a Stranger Supposed to be the President, blowing fresh went off — In evening at Mr Thompson’s Room — with Capts Swain, Earl, Barnet, and Wilkinson — others expected, intending a Meeting of Masons As usual among little minds — Percival did not go, so others kept off. Percival went to Boki’s and got him to establish a new Regulation — by which all Seaman found ashore after dark from any Ship without a permit from his Capt & that it must say he is a sober, peaceable man — they will be taken up & put in Fort — six dollars be exacted before the Capt could get him again" Thursday 30 Very rough weather for this country — Strong gales — Rainy &c. Ship Lyra Joy arrived, 8 months, 250 bbls. Ship Connecticut Chester 8 months, 800 bbls — went off with Brooks to bring his Chronometers ashore. rather unwell in evening — by cold Friday 31st Strong Trades. Capt Chester bro’t 1600 ft of boards for Missionaries — he called on them to tell them. Mr Bingham fold him to bring them ashore, and Pile them up in Thompson’s yard Never even thanked him, or asked to call again — Yesterday the Percival regulations were posted up at the public houses — without any Stipulations, as to their having to produce a letter of Liberty. . .and that if six dollars was not paid by the Capts, the men would be punished by Boki — |
April Saturday 1st Calm & Cloudy, Percival angry with Austin because he sent two of his own men on board his own Ship instead of sending them on board the Dolphin — to be flogged he told some they must pay the six dollars, for taking up the men — charge it to the men & charge them twenty five per cent!! Sunday 2 Calm morn. Ship President Winslow — and Cyrus David Harris — 450 bbls. cloudy Several dined on board Ship Alliance, Swain. Capt Fitz Gerald Saw the United States Brig Peacock, by which he learned one of the vessels that were on the coast would proceed for the Sandwich Islands. Time will determine the benefits or advantage which may arise from such visit. I inclin’d to believe they may as well Stay away, and better if Percival is a specimen of our Naval commanders. Number of the Masters of vessels called to see me to day. . .more than for many days previous. Monday 3 Calm. close air. light from Sd. at 1 p.m. Boki & wife, young King, with one or two others went on board U.S. Schooner Dolphin to Dine. came on shore by 4. Sch. was dressed in colors Capt David Harris bro’t out 400 dollars, with some things for use — for Mission Family — They asked him to dine. Tuesday 4 Rainy morn — wind East — Ships Atlantic Gardner from Owyhee 9 mths out — 450 bbls. Still day. Bates supplying Dagget with money at 25 per cent. Strange Should money to let. He wanted to hire when he first came to Oahu — probably Sistare’s Money is going about: Evening at Brooks — Wednesday 5 Cloudy, wind Sd accompanied with heavy showers of Rain & Strong Squalls of wind. at Sunset cleared up. Some disturbance among sailors and Masters Sailors were carried on board. Dolphin for chastisement Thursday 6 Fine morn Several vessels Sailed. Percival sent for Sistare, told him he wanted to get the receipt Mr Bates gave, he wished to give one in his own name — otherwise he (S) could not ever recover one cent, for Bates’ receipt was good for nothing. Accused him of coming to my house to advise with Capt, or to use Percivals language, old Pierpoint Edwards, a bald headed old Rascal. “I gave him a good caneing" the damnd Rascal. Little Jackson, & Old Reynolds, a grey headed, bald headed old Rascal, — with such epithets — and many too gross to mention, he told him had been the cause of his cool treatment!! most Elegant!! Friday 7 Cool. Trades Capt Barnard Ship Persia Sailed — Wiln. & Liverpool-Packet arrived from Mowee — a party went to Wytetee. Saturday 8 Calm. Ship came in. Golden Farmer Joy 100 bbls, 7 months. All go to see Per cival immediately on coming ashore. Nothing of importance going forward. Capt. Swain in house till late, talking about Percival &c |
Sunday 9th Fine day fine trades. Cap Beckley very low, called to see him — was told by two of the Female Natives — at two difft. houses, Capt. Percival had told them not to come to my house, to trade, but to go to the Wooden house!! Many other things were told me Shewing him to be the basest — meanest, of Men — I have ever known — Monday 10 Strong trades, three whale Ships arrived among them my old friend Capt. Gardner, — 8 months out, 500 bbls. called to see Pitt & Boki also Brooks who was very unwell. Tuesday 11th Strong trades Brig Tallyo arrived 135 days from Boston — Mr Jones Master. Expects to remain here & Send the vessel on the Coast either under Capt. McNeill or Mr Dominis. Mr Green came out as Clerk of the vessel. Mr Hunnewell expected in a Schooner for the Missionaries, of 37 Tons. Capt Blanchard in Octavia — Capt Meek in Somthing else. No letters. Newspapers all given to Percival Wednesday 12 Strong Trades. None of the vessels able to get inside. afternoon went up to wash place. got Several Sights for Chronometers found forenoon & afternoon altitudes differed, and had before 2 or 3 Minutes. Report of the day — Jones gives his Brig to Cap McNeill. Mr Dominis takes the convoy. McNeill for the N.W.C. & Dominis for California. — Percival Said he Should go away in a day or two — but Jones had persuaded him to Stay awhile — Fudge. Mr Dominis called to see me — Thursday 13 Strong Trades, vessels outside waiting chance to get in. Sistare called on Mr Jones to get his Protest officially done, against Capt Percival relative his proceedings, in taking the Money &c belonging to Sistare. Evening Brooks & his girls Spent evening, playing cards — Friday 14 Strong Trades. Vessels could not get in — but Ocean & Atlantic went out — also Ontario. Reading a few Newspapers — Saturday 15 Moderate. Brig Tallyo — towed in — afternoon Percival, Brooks & others went on board her. “pronounced her fine,’ get but little news now-a-days Sunday 16 Moderate — Ships towing in. Several went to hear Bingham preach Sistare had a long talke with Jones, who told S, Percival had spent the money!! — it appears Jones is mostly in favor of P. Monday 17th Pleasant. Capt McNeill takes charge of Brig Tallyho for NW.C. Mr Dominis takes the Convoy for the same voyage afternoon went on board Tallyho, a nice vessel. Goods were landing from Tallyho — considerable of an assortment. Heard by a whale ship, Capt Lawson had arrived at St. Joseph’s, had been offered two thousand dollars for Eclipse — asked five; Sch. Washington was doing well. |
Tuesday 18th Moderate. Ships towing in. Mr Thompson — seized Sistares writing Desk & papers which had been left with the consul the Consul disavowed any knowledge of it — sent Sistare a note saying he could take them at any moment!! all hubbub; Jones & Boki went on board Dolphin, were Saluted when they went & when they left — at 4 the remains of George Beckley were interred. Wednesday 19 Fresh trades — Ship Alliance went out. afternoon Capt. Nye of Ship Com. Rogers — was on shore with two boats crews — part or all of which were filling & raftirig water; Black Jo’seized Someone belonging to the company filling water &c. Capt. Nye with his crew followed — a skirmish ensued. Nye & crew were overpowed, carried to the Fort — Nye had his hands put in irons & his feet tied the men put in irons. Nye, as report says was robbed of his hat, Hdf, Gold watch — & 60 or 70 dollars in money. Kanakas said Jo’ told them to take all they could get. Capt. Brookes went down & got Nye out & carried him off — it is reported the Consul ordered Nye to be put in Fort!!- Thursday 20 Fresh Trades. Went on board Capt Gardner’s Ship to breakfast Ship John Adams arrived: Percival had a party to dine. He & Jones had a Secret conversation. Brook’s ship went out. Capt. Nye Sent his mate ashore for his men who were in Irons in Fort. Mr Jones Said Six dollars must be paid or they could not be given up. they were given up by Mr Jones, who wrote to Capt. Nye that he must leave 36. dollars for him (J.) or he would write to his owners &c and charge a per centage on the money. . .which he should have to pay — I doubt a Consul’s obligation to pay citizen’s of US. Debts to the Government Friday 21st Cloudy misty day — close air & light baffg airs. Went on board Ship Cyrus, after dinner. went off to Brooks’ship — and a long pull we had, She being outside Diamond Hill Mr Jones had a Collation on board Brig Tallyho. Boki & Young King were on board — Residents & Masters of vessels — generally previous engagements prevented my attending. got ashore about sunset Capt Nye ashore to pay Mr Jones the money demanded for the men put in irons in the Fort — but, report says, only thirty dollars were received, or demanded to day — thirty Six yesterday — No compensation was offered for the money he was robbed of — Understood Percival had taken up the men who came in the Patriot Brig, late the Emerald of N York, intending to take them away, and also John Crown as a witness!!! Saturday 22 Moderate — wind Sd — hot Sun. Evening thunder, lightning & smart rain. Capt. Nye called on Jones about the Money he was robbed of — Jones wrote to Pitt, who sent the money Jones would not allow him to Protest. Sunday 23 Cloudy. Wind Sd., very strong & rain — heavy Swell & Surf Ship Com. Perry lie outside pitched very heavy — came in and got assistance from Dolphin — but had to ride it out. Heavy squalls wind & rain during the day. |
Monday 24 Thunder, Lightning, Wind and rain — a very dirty morn. Capt. Smith during night dragged his Stern into five fathoms, fired guns at daylight, as signal of distress, boats went off with an Anchor and cable from Dolphin. Kedged off and towed in. Wind Southward — Tuesday 25 During night Very heavy Thunder, Lightning, Wind & Rain Smart Showers thro the day. Capt Dominis took Command of Convoy. Shipped his Crew & took them on board — Capt McNeill could find no one to Ship with him — Spurr could get nothing done to Neo — for Rain. Saml. B. Gibbs Shipped with McNeill as Clerck Wednesday 26 Heavy — pleasant morn, wind light Sd. Sick with a violent cold — vast many sick. Natives dying off fast Kenow was bro’t to bed of a Son. Kalia had a number of guns fired for his Son’s birth Thursday 27th Wind off the land. Mr Dana arrived from Mowee, a Mistake in report it was the Prince-Regent. Capt Macy of Peruvian arrived last December saw Com. Hull who said the U.S. Frigate, U.S. was too large to visit Sandwich Islands — he tho’t to send Peacock or Some Smaller vessel than U.S. for Should he be wrecked on any unknown Shoal — his boats would not take his crew away. There is not so much money to be made here as on Peru Friday 28 Strong Trades, at 12 last night Kalia died with Cramp in Stomach. Som say, as usual, he must have been poison’d uncommonly sickly among the Natives — bad coughs — yellow swarthy complexion, feverish in a high degree — dying daily. Several whale ships Sailed — Schooner Superb was sent to Mauii for Kalia’s mother, got as far as Diamond Hill — Kanakas were all so sick, not one was found able to stand up — put back again. Dana arrived from Mauii. Saturday 29 Natives Sick on board him. Brig Convoy Dominis Sailed for N.W.C. Mr Conant went as linguist — Yesterday Mr Conant went to Mr Bingham’s and got married. Called on Mr John Ebbets account to see Jones. made my business known, and off — Sunday 30 Strong trades. at 12 wind hauled into the Eastward Brig Waverly came in. Capts Smith & Harris waiting to go out Pilot not in a condition to take them out, & compelled them to wait. Monday May 1st Strong Trades. Pilot not able to carry Ships out — the masters made Application to Percival!! O, mores Tem’a — Sistare down at Jones’ who said I could not Swear to the money’s being Sistares without perjuring myself McNeill Shipped 4 men & His purser Steward, for clerk belonging to U S Schooner Dolphin — Jones told Sistare Percival would not pay any money, could not insist on it. Dana landing lumber from Waverly — Selling Deck plank at one dollar each — four or five inches wide — 30 or 40 feet long |
Tuesday 2nd Waihine Pio came from Mowee. Waihine Pio did not come from Mauii. Said her son Kalia was killed, and the Chiefs at Oahu must take care of their Chiefs, the Chiefs at Mauii would take care of the chiefs there. Dined on board Waverly, afternoon Dana Sold by Auction the lumber bro’t from Ship London — 350 Dollars. Wednesday 3 Fine Morn. George Tameoree died about 4 o'clock this morning. Sch. Magdalena (late Sch. Eagle) arrived fr Gulph 23 days — Cargo — Paper, French Brandy, & jerk beef Bates Master, wants a few goods, did not see him Evening Mr Jones called to see me for first time — Mr Thompson called to see Sistare — told him he was sorry for his conduct in taking possession of Sistares writing Desk and papers — it was thro’ a misunderstanding. Should be first to assist, in future, should he be in distress!! Thursday 4 Sickness among the Natives apparently abating — Several Residents much indisposed. so much so myself, I can scarcely get about Friday 5 Sick in bed all day — Sweat freely, latter part of day, & more easy Nothing to remark further — Sistare gave (foolishly) Jones a Bond for five thousand dollars to appear in United States within fourteen months — told Sistare he did think Percival had ever arrested him!!! Much more like, & about it, but Iam too sick to write Saturday 6 On the mending hand. Mr Jones gave a Dinner at G. Marini’s Eighteen persons present. Seven of whom, from Dolphin — Sistare writing in an animated style to Jones & Percival — Brig Tallyho went out — lay off & on. Capt Murray — a Passenger in Sch. Eagle — from Gulph bro't his things here to take up his lodgings with me — Sunday 7 Gaining health slowly — Several whale ships from Mauii lying off and on Mr Jones wrote an Answer to a letter of Sistares — in which he says he knows his power and duty as a Government Officer and no man should scan his conduct — he was accountable to his Govt. alone!!! Capt Murray gave a dinner to a number at G. Marini’s Capt McNeill Sailed for NWC. Monday 8th Fine Morn. Being seven years since the Death of King Tamaahmaah the colors at the Fort were hoisted half mast at 7. Henow’s old Wife was buried — a person who always reminded me of Meg Merrilies in Guy Mannering Wrote a note to Percival requesting him to inform me if he was expecting to pay me, the money due by Sistare to Ebbets & French Capt. Stavers, of Ship Tuscan forty days from Taheiti — said E, Sloop of war Blossom was expecting to sail ina few days for Hawaii Mr Charlton, English Consul, and Family were passengers Tuesday 9th Fine morn. Fred. Augustus went out. Dana went to carry Boka up to Mowee |
to see Waihine-Pio who was sick & sent for him. Mr Paulding told Jona Temple — that he was of opinion Capt. Percival had committed himself as regarded Sistare. I wish a few others would be candid enough to acknowledge as much — A great Luow at McNeill’s Wednesday 10 Beautiful morn. Fred Augustus made sail. King returned from Pearl River. Percival waited upon business, and sails tomorrow. Mr Bates said Capt Ebbets would soon turn me out after he should arrive — James Oliver Died. Understood Percival was taking all the Demands the Natives have against Citizens of United States with him for Collection. Wonder what Percentage He Charges! Thursday 11 Pit. Morn, at 10 Sch Dolphin stood out, fired a Salute, which was returned by the Fort. When Capt. Percival took Capt Sistare’s Iron Chest and money, He said I should be paid all Sistare owed me. His Debts should all be paid — he should have money to appear respectable among people — Sistare’s Candor had prepossed him in his (P’s) favor, after being assured by Percival that I should be paid, I let them take away the chest & money. On the 8th May inst. Iaddressed a note to Percival, requesting to know if I were to expect him to pay the money, he has now left the Port, and I have never received any answer to the above note, nor any part of the Money Due by Leonard Sistare. I therefore do believe no trust can be put in his word, nor faith in his honor Friday 12th Strong trades. Capt Matherson sailed. Still in village. Percival is out. I repeat not having given a power of attorney to Percival to arrest the person & property of Thomas Newton, who was owing Capt Ebbets it would have put a small with a large case — Saturday 13 Cool morn. Smart Showers of rain — and gusts of wind — went down to Mr Jones to enter Notice of making a Protest against Lt John Percival, because he did not pay me the money due by Capt L Sistare, which he promised to do at the time he took Sistare’s Iron Chest and contents from here — Had a little conversation with Jones, by which I could plainly, to my satisfaction, See he was Strongly opposed to Sistare. Sistare’s person being arrested, by Percival, he would give no opinion. He appeared to convey the idea that Percival could take the money. I cannot reconcile the principle Mr Locke, in his Essay on Civil Government, book ii. Ch. 18. put a Singular case with regard to justifiable homicide — “A man, with his sword in his hand, demands my purse on the highway, when perhaps I have not twelve pence in my pocket: this man I may, lawfully, kill. To another I deliver 100¥4to hold while I alight, which he refuses to restore to me but draws his sword to defend the possession of it by force, if I endeavor to retake it. The mischief this man does me is a hundred, or possibly a thousand times worse, than the other perhaps inteded me and whom I killed before he really did me any, yet I lawfully killed the one, and cannot so much as touch the other" Such is the criminal law of England Sunday 14 Strong trades — Ship Tuscan Sailed. Nothing Special in village |
Monday 15 Strong trades. Yesterday a sail was seen in Pearl River — it proved to be Sch. Young Thaddeus — a Kanaka from her this morning, said they were sent by Boki to have the New York go to Mauii for him — because W. G. Dana landed Boki and immediately went to Sea!!! it may be true I don’t believe it Mr Jones in house in forenoon & evening — Capt Bates hove Sch. Eagle out. Tuesday 16th Clear & Fresh Trades. Most pleasant day for many days. Capt Murray left George, to go to Warren’s to board. Dana arrived from Mauii. Notwithstanding, yesterday, he had Ran off!! Wednesday 17 Fine morn. Sch. Washington arrived. Capt Littlke — made a very handsome voyage. said he had done a little something with my small adventure: of lace. Chiefs talking about going to windward. Ship Balina Capt. Russel from Payta — 44 days. Brig Nile Sailed, two days before he left, for Lima, — expected would be here by July. also Brig Elizabeth Snow for Baltimore — all well on board Nile. Thursday 18 Good morning — fine day — went to see them move the small wooden house — under direction of Edward Jackson, moved very well till they got near Kalaia’s house, where they began howling & wailing, all dropt, & left it to be done at another time. Capt. Little settled with me for a lot of Lace — gave me 8 1/2 ozs gold Dust, at 14.00 & 49 1/2 dollars = 168.50 — cost 140.00 Friday 19 Pleasant. Waverly towed in. Dana was offered 75/100 each for hair sealskins, to be delivered at Mazartland, By Capt Bates now if he does not make money it is his own fault — afternoon Showery — Saturday 20 Plt morn. His Majesty’s Ship Blossom Capt. Beachy — 26 days from Taheite — Bound to Bhering Straits in order to take Capt. Franklin, from the North Pole Expedition, intending to travel 'Cross the land into the Straits. Made application for bills to be cashed — Dollars 4/3 Sterling — 25/100 percent Discount. Jones & Thompson set the value & rate — Intend coming in — Recd a letter from Navarro — Saying he should probably be in Oahu in a few days. During evening the Capt. Beechy observed the Eclipse of the 1st Satelite — found Longitude about 158° West and latter part of Night — he Observed an Eclipse of the Moon. — Sch. Washington with Mr Thompson & Mr Gowen (as Supercargoes) sailed for Owyhee. Sent a few combs by Mr Thompson. The HMS Blossom under command of Capt. Frederick W. Beechey was on a surveying expedition trip and a search for the explorer John Franklin. One of the young midshipmen aboard was William Smyth whose sketches are reproduced in this volume. Sunday 21st Strong breeses. Ship Perseverance Mott came off the harbor — Sent his boat in to ship men. Several of Blossom’s officers called in Sch MEDFORD came from |
Mauii to bring news of Death of Waihine Pio. Monday 22 Showery morn. French Ship Peruvian, Capt Salis — 22 days from Gulph. Saw Capt. Grimes, who had sold his oil for 40 cts per gallon. Sugar a dreg. Nankeens. small profit. Markets dull — Peruvian bound to Batavia — at 11. went on board Waverly and took a lunch — Jones has sent up to Hawaii to Charter the Neo, of Naihe — to send to Canton — Tuesday 23 Trades too strong for ships to get in — By Peruvian heard Emperor of Russia died last December, that his eldest brother was proclaimed EMPEROR — the imperial guards took the oath of allegiance — in a day or two the youngest was proclaimed in his stead — some altercation took place. Blossom getting water off in young Thaddeus — went to see Pitt, he was asleep — Ship Paragon, Edwards, from Payta — 60 bbls Oil — Wednesday 24 Moderate. afternoon Waverly went out — Capt Beechy Fired a gun at the Waverly — hailed and ordered him, Dana, to come on board with the papers — demanded to know why he did not pay the men, he had discharged, the wages due them. Sent Dana ashore for papers, with Sergeant to be Sentry over him. The late & present Naval Commanders seem to assume a great power to themselves — by overhauling & stopping the vessels at Anchor & passing out of the Harbor. An English sailor had said that Dana owed him fifteen dollars, when it appeared Dana had orders for more than fifty-dollars. Thursday 25 Pleasant. Capt. Beechey called to engage a 4 cask of Ebbets wine, &c Mr Jones went on board the Blossom to dine in Ward-room — Beechey told Mr Dana he might go to Sea, as the papers shewn were satisfactory. Friday 26 Fine day. Capt. Murray Sailed in the Peruvian for Batavia. Mr Robbins got badly hurt by the parting of Top lift fall — boom fell on his ancle — jambed it badly. Saturday 27th Squally morning. & Strong trades. Sistare came from Coco head — Dana fixing his papers got them ready. and waiting for some old coats & other clothing from Pitt. think he will get away in a week De Brott & Lang trying for Inore to go Sealing — Evening Capt Beechey observed Jupiter's Satellite. Sunday 28 Squally, rainy, blowy morn — Doctr of Blossom advised Mr Dana to stay till tomorrow on ac/t of Mr Robbins. Settled with him by taking his note for sixteen hundred & fifty dollars for Mr French, & five hundred for myself. Monday 29 Strong trades. Dana preparing to get off in heaving up his chain parted & he lost his Anchor & fourteen fathoms of chain. bo’t one of Spurr — at Sunset he put off — it grew dark so fast he could not find the vessel — he returned & Slept all night. Kaukioli & others Dined on board the Blossom. At 10 A.M. a number of Marines came on shore with their side arms — it gave the alarm |
to the Englishmen — who all fled and hid. five or six were pres’d. Dana agreed with a particular young lady to wait for him at his return — Tuesday 30 Strong trades. Dana Started early — went out side made sail. Sch. Washington arrived, having been ten days absent at Hawaii & Mauii. Mr Thompson went up to Charter the Neo: effected his object — engaged her at 170 dollars per month. Sent up the Notes Naihe gave Mr French — but got no Wood. Blossom making off for Atooi — Mr De Brot & Mr Lang chartered Brig Inore for a Sealing Voyage — Pitt to receive one third of all the profits of the voyage. Wednesday 31 Fresh trades & Rainy. Blossom sailed, taking by pressing four or five men bound to the North Pole after Capt Franklin, who travels by McKenzies route and down that River round to Kotzebue’s Sound — Jones and Mr Thompson went on board the Neo, to have a look at her — Spurr began breaking up the Eliza Ann Thursday June 1st Fresh and squally. Schooner Medford arrived from Mowee. No News. The people who hid themselves away on account of the press — came tremblingly along Mr Jones took possession of Neo. Bo’t all the Iron at two cents and a half per Ib and all the copper at 10 cts per lb — about the old Eliza-Ann. Friday 2 Fresh trades. Mr Spurr took all the paints out of Brig Neo Capt. Little went on board, & took an inventory of her apparel Most pleasant day this season. Spurr knocking up Eliza-Ann Filing away papers. &c. Saturday 3 Pleasant morn. Mr Spurr at work on the old Ship — immence weight of iron in her — Capt Bates finished coppering his Schooner. In evening had a long conversation with Green — who corroborated all my suspicions respecting Jones — that he called me every thing, but a Man!! Mum — Sunday 4 Fine day. afternoon Capt. Bates, Mr Green & myself rode to Wilkinsons. Was disappointed in the appearance of the place — from reports I anticipated a field of heavy cane, much ground with corn, potatoes, &c — the latter of which I saw none: I would not risk five dollars on the crops — I Should say it is all expence and no income — time must determine — Monday 5 Beautiful morn, Had the honor of a few minutes conversation with his Honor John Coffin Jones American Consul — found the Brig Neo was to sail for Canton in a few days Said he would take freight — hope he will — Tuesday 6 Fine morn. Brig Chinchilla Capt Thos. Meek. Sailed from New York Jany. 3rd — Got a few Newspapers for Capt. Ebbets — believe she has no great Cargo — will heave out & copper — Nothing yet disclosed. Wednesday 7 Fresh breeses, Chinchilla warped in. Mr Goodrich arrived from Ahedoos — |
Learn more & more, every day of the littleness and meanness of the WoodenHouse — particularly Jones — Capt. Meek making arrangements to heave his Brig out — Says he has small cargo — Halilio & Hannah Hooper — Patee [Paki] & Konea [Konia] — were married. Natives said the wooden house was tabooed — because Geo. Wood Struck one of the Natives. Thursday 8th Fresh Trades — Mr Goodrich called to see me. Meek discharging. Believe no great cargo. Jones has said should shut his store up. Friday 9 Pleasant. New York & Medford sailed for Mauii. Boki to return as soon as They arrive. Bingham is about getting the Laws up again, which he has had in agitation for months past. Boki is against it. Saturday 10 Pleasant. Capt. Meek Sold all his Slates (100) in less than two hours. Small cargo. Sistare offered Jones the Pursers receipt for the money which Percival took from him, as security — if he would advance him money to enable him to pay what he owed here & get home. Jones said No. So says Sistare. Sch. Washington went round to Wymea to get a load of refuse wood to put on board Neo for Canton on Pitts account. Sunday 11th Fine morn. Wind Southward. afternoon cloudy — eveng rain. Jones and his Gents. rode out. Monday 12 Clearing off. Mr Jones told me he had written to Mr Ware and Mr Channing to send a Minister out here from America. Doct. Leigh, The Naturalist who came in the Blossom — went to Pitt’s, and eat at Mr Bingham’s Bingham is, O how liberal — Tuesday 13 Fine morn — wind Sd. at 11 Wind off the land — writing letters to Messrs Pitman & French — on Sistares affairs. Went into billiard room — where I had not been before for many weeks. S. Gibbs writing for Jones, in house in evening in house — said had news to tell. Wednesday 14 Fresh trades. Sch Washington in offing; bro’t 54 piculs refuse wood. Prince Regent sailed — full of Kanakas, for Owyhee afternoon went to falls to wash. Very little trade to day Meek coppering his Brig. Thursday 15 Pleasant. Natives getting the large Gun off the beach to go on board Schooner Eagle, weighing 5993 lbs. Got the certified copies of the receipt given by John A. Bates Purser of Sch. Dolphin & a receipt for a duplicate receipt given by Percival, from J.C. Jones Consul. Expect Washington will go to Tauaii on Saturday. Friday 16th Pleasant went on board Sch. Eagle to view the purchases for getting the large gun in — at 11 o'clock the Raft floated — and was carried along side, the gun |
taken in without accident for which Capt Bates paid fifty dollars. very little trade to day — Mr Gowen declined giving me a draft on Mr Sturgis in Canton — saying Mr Jones held his papers & it would not be proper to give it, but Mr Jones would pay me — Saturday 17 Fine morn. Tamah — has been gone five months to day — Jones putting wood on board Neo. Atai went to weigh silver for him from Spaniard. Pauwahi [Pauahi] Died soon after Child-bed, or I suppose it would be said she was poisond Sunday 18th Fine morn. Mr Green told me Jones had said he would take one of the Native vessels into his hands and keep them. He (G) would not be surprised Should the Neo never come here. afternoon Several went to ride in the Coach — Sealing letters to go to Canton. Monday 19th Pleasant. Sistare said he would not go in Brig — went to Pearl River to take possession of a land the King had given him — returned in evening Said would go — Mr Jones on the point of putting him on board and abiding the consequences — Tuesday 20th Fresh trades — put four cask of old copper on board Neo — for Canton on ac/t of W.G. Dana — Sistare putting things on board — writing to Dana & Copying a power of attorney for him to sign to enable to get an interest in some real Estate — in Boston — Washington Sailed for Atooi. Wednesday 21st A Sch. to leeward beating up, Young Thaddeus from Tauaii. At 4 p.m. Brig Neo sailed under command of Capt Little for Canton. Capt Sistare & a Spaniard, passengers. Capt Sistare asked me if I had the receipt John C. Jones Consul gave him for the bond, which he (S) signed, told him I had not — Said could not find it — asked if I had seen it told him I had once — Thursday 22 Pleasant — writing up books — Sch Young Thaddeus arrived from Tauaii. said two men were on board Eos — sent away by the suggestion of Mr Whitney to Keikioheva — because they would not tell who sold them Rum to get drunk on — Friday 23 Sch. Eos came in — having put in to Wainai for refresht — was told by Mr Marini — Mr Bingham told Percival he (B) had sent to the Govt of U.S.A. for Protection. I wonder if he has sent for lands & Naval forces to force people to Heaven by powder & ball!! Mr Chamberlain has gone to visit every part of the Island in company, or at the head, of two or three Native teachers — to tell them (the people) they must make & subscribe to such laws as the Missionaries shall recommend — and the consequence will be they will all, by Law, go to Heaven — Saturday 24 Fresh trades — Jack Mitchener came from Ranai in Sch. Medford with old cop- |
per & iron from wreck of ship London for Mr Dana, 10 piculs old copper, 16 piculs iron bolts, twenty three Deadeyes & straps — 2 piculs lead Some plank &c. Mr Elwell had a daughter born. Sunday 25 Fine morn. Capt Bates & Don Ramon had a Dinner at G. Marini’s at which all the village attended — (12 persons) Mr Butler, from Mauii, said, during the Season the whale ships were at Mauii, Mr Richards collected a parcel of potatoes, and said to one of the master’s of the Ships that the potatoes did not cost more than 35 or 40 cts per barrel, but he could not undersell the Chiefs and their price was $2.50 per barrel — the potatoes were bo’t with small articles of Trade a : the amt of 35 or 40 cts The Master turned on his heel & left him. So would I. Monday 26 Misty. Squally Baffg winds. Sch. Eagle went out. lost a gun overboard. Capt DeBrot could not get his men on board. Mr Butler expecting to go in Inore with DeBrot Capt Bates had all along Said he wanted many things, which we had. but went away without buying anything!!! Tuesday 27 Strong trades. Sch. Eagle sailed for California Bo’t no cargo. Brig Inore sailed on a sealing voyage. Henry DeBrot Master. Ship Daniel the 4th 2800 bbls oil leaky — intending repairs — wanted 3 or 4,000 dollars. Mr Butler went to Mauii in Inore. Mr Spurr let Eliza Ann to Capt Buckle for 4 dollars per day — Wednesday 28 Fresh trades. Small business going on to day. Capt Meek putting goods on board to go to windward — Thursday 29 Fresh trades — Capt Buckle unable to get in. Terioanni [Keoli'iolanai] & Kaukioli differing. Teri tells the King, he must mind the laws & not drink wine & play. King says I will play when I please — Don’t you play? &c — went to see Pitt. Saw Bingham teaching Namahanna & others to Cypher — Very, Very Strong trades. Bought the old Eliza Ann of Mr Spurr for one hundred and fifty dollars to take possession of her as soon as Buckle finishes with her. Spent evening with Capt Meek. Friday 30 Fine morning: air from Sd. Light trades. Capt Buckle took G Marini’s house. Called on Mr Pitt. went up to try a cask of wine — found it better than expected. Capt Meek spent evening at house — Saturday July 1st Moderate & Calm. Ship trying to get in had to anchor — for want of Boats. Boki arrived from Mauii. King gave a fishing party. Capt Meek Sailed for Owyhee — Mr Jones gave invitations, by Billet to dine with him on the 4th July. Invited the Missionaries, I hope his particular friend Mr Gowen will be present. Capt Buckle asked Pitt for canoes tomorrow Morning to tow his Ship in. Pitt said it would be Sunday!!! Ship leaking bad — |
Sunday 2 Moderate. Sunday Ship could not get in. Report said Boki was against making new laws, & if they were made, he and the King would go to England. Boki maintained that if laws were to be written, they would have to be approved by the British Government before being inaugurated. His argument was based on the protectorate acknowledged by George IV in 1824. Monday 3 Calm. Ship towing in. Mr Marini & I went to see Boki Said had no Sandlewood, nor Cash. Said Mr Bingham was trying to get his laws on again: but he was opposed to him. Said he and King should go away from Oahu, to some of the other Islands. King wants Marini’s Daughter, Lahilahi for his wife — Tuesday 4th Fine Morn. Nothing like Fourth of July: Neither Guns, Colors, or anything. at 11 Sch. Washington arrived from Tauaii. at Saw Brig Neo returning from her voyage to Canton on ac/t of a leak under the copper at the Bows — Wood ends — At 3 Sat down to Dinner at the wooden house. The King & about a Doz Small chiefs, & Boki, with one or two present. Servants very troublesome — running in after wine & smoaking segars in the House &c. Mr Bingham, Mr Goodrich & Mr Lay took dinner. Capt Little & Mr Thompson & the Spaniard arrived on shore at 6 & joined in the festivities of the day — evening. Wednesday 5th Moderate. Neo warped in. Sun very hot, afternoon went to bathe. Sistare stopt at Tauii — wrote to Mr Jones to send a vessel for him!! Thursday 6 Calm. Doct. Blatchley took three gals Water away from Pitt. Capt Little took off one Streak of copper about the bows 2 fore & aft — about Bows was very open — also Seam under the Bends — 2nd Seam hard. Jones riding with Mrs Kalaiia. Friday 7 Moderate — & warm. afternoon Capt Buckle, Mr Thompson & a Spanish Gentleman went to see the salt pond. There was no Salt, owing to the heavy rains last winter melting it, & filling it full of fresh water. Saturday 8 Fresh trades & Squally. Making up my accounts, paying men for Buckle — paid about two hundred & fifty dollars. Young King has turned off all the Kanakas, which have for a long time been round him. Bokis Tereohanu, Tuanoa, Males, & Tenow Female, are to be his Guardians Sunday 9 Pleasant. Capts Buckley Little — Mr Thompson Gowen & Don Thomas & self went up to the Pale — had dinner cooked and served in Native Style — returned about 5. P.M. Monday 10 Fresh trades — at 3 Ship Parthian Rogers, & Capts Wildes arrived from Canton |
— 90 days passage. Saw Brig Tamh in Canton — expected She was gone to the Coast of Calia. judge will be here in a few days at fartherest. Said had letters for me. Would get them in morning, called up to see me in evening — Oliver Slept with me at house. Tuesday 11th Cloudy misty. Baffling airs. Ship could not get in — a few goods were landed — Umbrellas, Parasols, cases, silks, chairs &c. Got a letter from Mr Gordon with an ac/t sales of furs — amt 442 — 11.00 deduct cannns. better than I expected. I understood there were letters for me on board. Wednesday 12 Strong trades. Ship unable to get in they landed Several longboard lods of furniture &c Settees, chairs &c — Got letter from Mr Hammatt — Teas high — low in America. Seal Skins Russian 1.80, Guadaloupe 2.60. Otters 45.00. Sandwood 10.00 — hoped to receive a long letter from me — with a full account of all the transactions at Oahu &c. Mr Thompson told me it was his opinion if Capt Percival had not quarrelled with Jackson — (Master of Brig Harbinger) every thing would have been well & pleasant!! Percival made an acknowledgement to Jackson after the first difficulty Sent Mr Homer (his 2nd Lieut) to make up the Second. If the fault was wholly Capt. Jackson’s why did Percival make any concessions? To give an idea of Mr Thompson, it is only necessary to say he was quite angry with me when I told him Mr Jones had not the authority to send any person off the Sand. Islands Thursday 13 Strong trades. Brig Neo, Capt. Little — Sailed for Canton. Capt. Wildes landing settees, chairs, umbrellas, Parasols &c. Mr Jones spent evening at house. Friday 14 Strong trades. Sch. Washington taking cargo from the Parthian to carry to Hawaii. Mr Jones is expected to go in her, & to call by Mauii to see Hannah Holmes Capt. Meek returned from Hawaii in Chinchilla. Saturday 15 Strong trades. Parthian continues landing goods. Capt Meek sold to amt of 250 piculs wood besides money at Hawaii & Mauii, collected Something for me for Combs. Sold out all his goods. Wildes making arrangements for an expedition. Mr Thompson told me he answered Capt Percival’s letter — why he did not let Mr Spurr & me know it. Said Mr Spurr told him he would not sign it, & he (T) tho’'t I would not, that he wrote a very different answer from any thing he had ever shewn me!! No Comments Necessary!! Sunday 16 Moderate. Hot sun — afternoon went to Native church. Mr Goodrich had a daughter born evening up at Mr Jones’ at luow. Monday 17 Calm — Brig Chinchilla came in. Parthian too late — called to see Pitt. Boki was with Capt. Meek all forenoon. Tuesday 18 Calm. Parthian came in. all parts of the Island coming in to examination some |
travel forty miles — Last evening the crier went thro’ the village ordering the people to go this morning & bring grass to spread (for carpets) in the school houses &c the penalty was, if they did not go, to have their houses Burnt. In evening went in to the school houses to see them, and hear them, read. The crier went round telling them they must behave well, & not let jealousies get in among them — to disturb the tranquility and harmony which ought to exist amg them. Wednesday 19th Fine morn. At 8 a procession was formed of about four hundred scholars — which moved to the place appointed, where Mr Bingham heard them go over their exercises. He told them not to put on clothes: with many other things to make himself appear of great importance!! Thursday 20 Calm. Examination going on to a great extent. Natives say Bingham told them before, they would give them books if they would go to school, but now they want fowls, goats & pigs — Mr Richards asks four Stones for a book of 8 octa pages, & eight fora Hymn book!! Jack & Robert came from Ranai — Bro’t 580 lbs old copper — 250 lbs old iron. Said was small quantity more. Settled with Robt and gave him my due Bill for 113. dollars. Jack goes to live with Major. Mr Green left George’s and began keeping house. Friday 21 Calm. The King and other Chiefs Examination day at 11 Brig Bolivar: Capt Mirick 35 days from Valparaiso for Manilla — went off on board — got news King of Portugal was Dead. War with Brazil & Buenos Ayres. Bolivar a very fast sailor passage from N York. 35 to Rio — 32 to Valparaiso will sail in 4 or 5 days, for Manilla — Saturday 22 Strong trades Bolivar could not get in. Buckle got his oil all out — Paid over 380 dollars for labor this week. The King buying cloth to make Uniforms for a company of Cavalry-life-guards — going down to Pearl River to exercise. Yesterday Mr Bingham sent not to Capts. Wildes, Rogers, & Meek would be happy to see them at Examination!! Sunday 23 Fine morn. Ship Merope Parkins from Mazartland 23 days bound to Canton & China. Afternoon rode to Allens in waggon. By Capt Parkins heard of the Death of King of Portugal & war between Brazil, as before by Capt Mirick Monday 24 Light breese — Brig Bolivar in coming in, under direction of Black Jo — touched on the middle ground, by carrying out a Kedge got off easily. Brig Active from Otaheite arrived with Mr Charlton, the English Consul, & Mr Navarro passengers. Had a Social Dinner at George’s. They bring not so flattering accounts, as Missionary publications — of the State of Religion there. Said Sch. Adonis of Baltimore had been condemned at Valparaiso, & Sold by Auction for 5,500 & her Cargo of Oil at 35/100 per Gal. Coffin had just saved himself & that was all. John Reeves was coming out from France with two Ships full of goods!! |
Tuesday 25 Strong Trades. Ship Frederic Augustus Earle arrived full of Oil, 2100 bbls, bound direct to Newport. Capt Rogers bo’t a quantity of bread of him at 5.00 per cwt. Got 24 piculs Sandlewood for cloth Sold of Mr French’s & 23 Capt. Ebbets. 4 Sundries — 2 Mr Navarro said Mr Pitman had left Port Jackson gone to Calcutta!! writing letters for America to go by Fr. Augs. Capt. Meek Shipping Sand’wood to Manilla Wednesday 26 Strong Trades. Went out on board Ship Merope to breakfast Called on board Brig Active to see Mrs Charlton & Mrs Taylor Afternoon moderate. Active Warped inside. writing letters evening playing cards. Thursday 27 Moderate Trades. Capt. Meek sailed in Chinchilla for Tauaii — carried goods for Dixey Wildes. Charlton landing lumber. Boki in house — Friday 28th Moderate: Sch. Washington from Mauii. Mr Jones, Mr Lay passengers, Reported Ship Almira Osborn at Lahaina full — put in for water. Sold a small quantity of goods. No wood there. Capt Charlton offered about 260 lbs Tortoise Shell, very thin, for five dollars per lb. Navarro acts as agent. Saturday 29 Moderate trades. B. B. Green, went on board Brig Bolivar as 2nd Officer. Mr Rogers ex-2nd Officer left. The 1st & 2nd officer of Frederic Augustus came ashore — 1st said he did not like to go home with so small a crew as she leaked some & that came for men — shipped one or two. Uncommonly Strong trades Brig Bolivar drifted ashore — had a short Scope of Chain out. Best Bower on the bows — Charlton bo't five pipes Gin & three of Rum at one dollar per gallon — Understood, by Marini, Kaahumana & Bingham were putting on laws, on the other side of the Island. Mr Pitt had told the King they were neither of them any thing. Mr Bingham & Ka’mana had all to say, owned all the lands, &c &c — English & American Consuls had a long conversation to day. Evening Mr Jones — Mirick &c at Capt parkins Slept. Sunday 30 Moderate trades. went on board Brig Bolivar with Capt Mirick & Capt Rogers. at 11 were Sent for to attend Divine Service at Wooden House. Mr Lay, the Naturalist officiated at 4 PM. Saw a Brig Beating up. Monday 31 Strong trades. Cloudy. At Daylight went off in Canoe to board the Brig — but not to be seen — at 7 — hove in Sight At 8 Anchored. Tamaahmaah Meek, Capt Ebbets & French from Canton 60 days via Tauaii. Recd a letter from Capt Edwards — got good deal general news — Capt. Myrick found his Rudder Braces were broke Should be under necessity of heaving out — concluded to tip by head & haul Stern on. Tuesday August 1st Strong trades — Vessels unable to get in. Mr Jones & the English Consul were with Boki & Young King talking about their Laws, Debts &c They said, for |
Murder; House breaking, & infanticide were Death. no others (laws) for the present. King said Mr Bingham told him not to wear his uniform that for every Couple he married he charged TEN Dollars if they had the money, if not he received it in hogs fowls, or any thing they had to give!! Mr R Charlton said Mr Bingham’s marriages were not binding on English subjects!! Dined at wood house — Sc Washg sailed for Mauii Wednesday 2 Strong trades & Stormy Rainy morn. a very Stormy day wind & rain. Nothing Special to day — Save heard Mr Bingham has with-held Mr Stuart’s letters from Taheite from the other Missionaries. English consul dined with us. Sistare asked Mr French for money Thursday 3 Moderate, Dark, cloudy morn. Heard Charles Stevens had been ashore every night; with a boats crew. Took an ac/t of all the old Stock of goods. Say an amount of Six or Seven thousand dollars. Understood Sistare advised people not to trust me for I was a great Rogue — Friday 4 Moderate breese. Brig got in — discharged a boat load or two Capt. Myrick hauled his Brig’s Stern on to fix the lower brace. Capt Meek very lame. Parthian & Daniel the fourth turnd out. Saturday 5 Moderate breese Sch. Washington came in, from Mauii. Landing goods from Tamh — levelling road by Subscription Capt Parkins Sold King & Boki a large lot of Muslins, Flag Hdfts. & Spanish Soap. Capt Myrick got his Rudder fixed & hauled off. Sunday 6 Moderate breese. Mr Lay gave a Sermon at G. Marini’s. Afternoon Several went to ride. Capt Meek came in sight from Tauaii. Steward of Tamaahh — came ashore & told Capt Ebbets — the Mate was drunk — people — ashore, & Nobody to look out, on board — Monday 7th Strong trades. Capt Meek came ashore. Sold little at Tauaii. Landing goods from Tamh Ch. Stevens was discharged — for getting drunk & fighting with crew Capt Ebbets went on board and took command. Young King bo’t of Capt Parkins — 400 ps Muslins $8.00 each 200 ps Flag Hdfs $5.00 — 200 large boxes Soap (Spanish) — picul or more each Muslin Shawls, Muslin Dresses — Rings (Gold) — with many other articles — for 400 piculs Sand-wood — for which he goes to Waimea — and pick the best — Sold 200 yds cotton to day. Tuesday 8 Fine morn. Chinchilla came in — Sold 150 dollars for Wilds 50 for Rogers & 15 for me. Had a great run for Bonnets & Cotton. Boki told me all my Wood would be ready in 2 months Wednesday 9 Strong Trades & Cloudy. Brig Bolivar Sailed for Manilla Sch. Superb Sailed for Wairua. Cap Ebbets taken up quarters on board the Brig Tamh. Discharging |
goods — landed a Sugar mill. the cylinders of Stones!! Learned Sch Washington was to be sent on California with a cargo. Thursday 10 Moderate trades — Parthian Keel out on the 2nd Side — Brig Gen. Sucre, Petin, 50 days from Valparaiso — Touched at Gallipagos Islands — found in Post Office, there — a letter left by Capt Jones of U.S. Ship Peacock which was left July 8th Saying they were bound to Marqusas, Society & Sandwich Islands. Also one without date saying English consul’s (at S.I.) Sloop had been there. Friday 11 Moderate. Gen. Sucre came in. Sold flour for Seven dollars bbl Discharging from Brig. Capt T. Meek engaged to carry a quantity of goods to Norfolk Sound, for Mr French, at Ten per cent — freigh & Comm Understood Mr Hamilton was about selling out. Saturday 12th Calm. Dischg from Tamh. Put on board Chinchilla 50 boxes Skin, 50 do y. Hyson, & 50 do Souchong Teas — for Norfolk Sound — Paid Capt Buckle’s Laborers, Mechanics & crew, 445.50 — for the weeks work. Parthian finished coppering. King said he took 2,000 dollars this day for goods Sunday 13th Calm. Attended Service at Georges Mr French writing to Canton by Capt Parkyns. Monday 14th Light breese. King & Boki up to look at goods. Boki went in Merope to Wymea — to weigh wood for Parkyns. Mr Jones Mr Lay & Mr Charlton went also. Every one on a different errand. Evening Navarro told me he should pay the money for his houses when the time was out. Report Says Sistare intends going home in Ploughboy & coming out in a Brig Tuesday 15 Calm, & Cloudy. Landing goods from putting goods on board Chinchilla — aftranging goods — got a new Counter up — Some report of Warren and Navarro about fitting up the place here, to open a Splendid Tavern! Navarro is in a great way about something. Wednesday 16th Fresh Trades. Brig Dido 70 days from Lima bound to Manilla. Small quantity of Duck, Sheeting — & Silks & Came lee side of Island from Wainai, at went in Came on board, got in at 10. French went to ride. Jack weighed 176 piculs Sandlewood — Thursday 17 Fresh Trades — Set the Chinamen to restore the cellar Capt Page ashore. Said he heard mentioned at Lima, fears were entertained about Dolphin. Kaahumana had order’d the north side of Islands to cut large timber to buid a very extravagant meeting house. She and Bingham would be in Honoruru in two days — |
Friday 18 Fine Morn. Capt. Chadwick Sold Capt Wildes Some Beef & Pork, Said he tho't it was Boston Brande — it proved to be N. York. Some difficulty arose — he was told to roll it out of Yard — which it was — & afterwards rolled up back — Mr Jones — Capt Charlton & Mr Lay arrived from Wairua Capt. Parkyns got 570 piculs Sandlewood — 1/3 of what they owe me for Waverly. Mr. Lay got at variance with himself about the Missionaries. Saturday 19 Fine morn — Capt Chadwick got in. Old Kaahumanu arrived from her Tour round the Island, heard She had given orders for Tuanou to be banished, for being busy with Tenow!! Mr Charlton said there was Six hundred piculs wood at Wymea. Sunday 20th Moderate, attended native meeting with Cap. Page. Sch Young Thaddeus came in had a large number at G Marini’s. Mr Lay preached Put up thirty two doz. Hair combs to Send by Capt Meek. The Natives collected in a crowd about the beach. Monday 21 Fine morn. Weighing off the Bees wax to Capt Page — 6581 lbs at twenty two & half cents. he bo’t a large lot of old copper spikes &c of Elliott at 14 cts — Got 18 piculs of Sandlewood of John Gowen from Piia. Capt. Rogers Sailed in Washington for Waimea after Wood. Capt Meek Sailed in Chinchilla for Norfolk Sound. Amount of 17,000$ for Mr French on board. Tuesday 22 Moderate. Capt Page slept in my bed last night. Sold his paper to Mr Chamberlain — weighed twenty one piculs wood for Wm Dana’s ac/t, 19 do Ch Hammatt’s ac/t; 2 do. Self or some body else. evening a luow at George Marini’s Mr French carried two Trunks of Goods to the old woman Kaahumana. Nothing extra to day. Wednesday 23 Pleasant. Mr French went to see Kaahumana. She said she was very poor. No wood, nor Money!! Tamah Sailed for Wymea Capt Ebbets & Mr French, after Wood. Brig Dido Sailed for Manilla Mr Charlton (English Consul), Mr Jones, American Consul, Mr Gowen, interpreter, Capt. Wildes, Capt. Buckle, of Daniel fourth of London, Capt. Pitner of Brig Gen. Sucre, of Philadelphia, to sail in three or four days for Manilla, went down to Boki to make a law to take up all drunken Sailors, who shall be found out after 9. o'clock in evening, & Tax all Grog Shops, Taverners & Shall pay Forty dollars. Who sent them here to make laws? Thursday 24 Calm. got time to write a few lines to day. Buckle got his mainmast in, and ready to heave out. Still to day. Mr Jones said Navarro had shewn him his papers to day & said he did not sign his Name — nor there was nothing in it which ought to have been!! Friday 25 Calm — Sch. Washington came in. Not the Boston, but Little Boston from Owy- |
hee. Said Kuio was sick. Mr Jones discharg’d his Steward. I bo’t his order for twenty five per cent discount. How does a Consul discharge men without paying the advance. Strange times Saturday 26th Fine Morn Light airs Sch. Washn came in. Buckle got his ship out very early. Parthian bo’t Eliza Ann’s masts for a main mast, & fished her fore mast. Buckle found the garboard streak all open, caulked it and got five streaks copper on. Washington got full of wood. Mr French had arrived. Navarro went to see Charlton about going in the Active, gave me a copy of the Ac/t current between him & French. Sunday 27 Fine morn. Mr Jones Read an excellent Sermon at George’s to quite a full house. Monday 28 Beautiful morn. Buckle got his ship out early. Schooner Washington preparing for Hawaii. Evening up at Bowling alley Understood hams might be expected here from Valparaiso at a very reduced price. Tuesday 29th Fine morn. A man under the care of the English Consul died also, a Native Female. Sch. Washington Sailed for Hawaii Medford for S N York, for Lahaina. Understood Bingham was going to Mauii to baptise Naenawna, the young Princess heard Navarro had been after Poalinui!! Wednesday 30 Pleasant morn. Snuff came to build fence around the yard got it finished by 10. o’clock Ship Minerva Smith Mc’Kinze full of oil. Understood Capt Wildes was preparing to build a wharf off in front of his house to heave down by. Charlton says it shall be built by the Runaway Sailors Thursday 31 Fresh trades — Tamaahmaah came from Waimea Mr French came on shore, said had 500 piculs wood. Mr Jones sending his frame for Sch. over to Taheite to be built — says it will cost not over 400 Dollars!! Sometimes cheap things are dear. Friday September 1st Moderate Trades. Great noise about boys picking up old copper. Charlton took a boy up & sent him to hard labor. Ship Ontario Bunker full Since 13th July contrary winds from Japan. Boki and Kings man up taking goods for the wood (497) piculs taken on board at Wymea. Dixey Wildes, & Navarro attend the whale ships to get the Capts to go and board with Major — Saturday 2 Cloudy. Brig Tamh. came in — Discharged wood — Mr Pitt sent for a quantity of Samples for Naienaena Ran Short of Cash that I could not pay Buckles men, they would not take goods. Jones got twenty piculs wood Sunday 3 Fine Morn. Ships Minerva Smith came in & Ontario. Ship Offley arrived 2,700. Mr Lay performed Divine Services at George's. Bunker Dined with us. |
Monday 4 Fine morn. Mr Navarro buying tools, for Mr Jones, to carry to build Schooner at Tahite. afternoon Capt. Meeks & Capt Ebbets ran Meeks beat. Hevaheva said it was good to cut Mr Bingham’s head off for he was sending the People to Hell with their eyes shut but he (Heva'a) sent them there with their eyes open. It was told Mr Bingham by Mr Lay, Kaa’mana ordered Hevaheva up from Wymea to try him. Sentenced him to go to Pearl River to get timber to build Meeting House. Quere, Who told Kaa’mana? Tuesday 5 Fine Morn. Offley came in. Capt. King in Cap Charlton’s cutter from Lima & Gallipagos’s Islands — flour, Terapin & Sealskins. Sch Wailele Sailed. Piia went in her to Superintend cutting wood Capt King bro’t a letter from Hogan for Sistare. Wednesday 6 Fine Morn. Brig Gen Sucre, Pitner Sailed for Manilla Sch New York for Mauii. Mr Bingham went up to Baptize Naienaena!! Supposing Mr Richards not worthy of the Honor. Mr Jones Mr French — Capts Wildes & Ebbets Dined at the English Consul’s!! Finished landing wood from Brig Thursday 7th Fine Morn. Part of Crew of Offley who were confined in the Fort yesterday for Mutinous behaviour were flogged a guard of Kanakas under Command of Tuanore were under arms. Colours hoisted. Mr Charlton, English Consul & Mr Jones American Consul present. Charlton said Boki would make a Law to take up every Sailor, found ashore after 9. o'clock, put in Fort and flogged. Jf Mr Jones would agree to it!! Sch. Washington arrived with 250 piculs Sandlewood from Hawaii. Mr Jackson told me he tho’t Parthian would go away as soon as she was ready — if Owyhee did not arrive. Mr Jones at house in evening. Friday 8th Fine morn. Mr French went to weigh Sandlewood for Naenaena — about 200 piculs very large sticks. Getting goods on board Tamh for Hawaii. Saturday 9 Fine Morn. New York arrived from Mowee, after the King. He was sent for by Bingham!! The Consuls & Residents went down & talked with him & he sent word he could not go. At 4 Brig Tamah’ — Sailed for Hawaii under command of Capt. Ebbets — Mr & Mrs Goodrich passengers. Mr Pitt came up to the house & Bo’t Some Chissels — drank a glass of Cider & went home Sunday 10 A little Showery. Advanced, yesterday, Mr Navarro — four hundred & fifteen dollars, & ten cents, to be settled by houses Beech L Mar &c. Capt Charlton told me He (Ch.) tho’t it was for the Settling of the houses that Navarro appeared much pleased. Active Sailed for Taheiti. Mr Na’o. Supercargo!! Simpson Hart Master. Ship Liverpool & Wilmington-Packet Briggs arrived — 2,800 bbls. oil. Monday 11th Pleasant. very full to day took over 200 Dollars cash Kaahamanu going to windward gave out some few dollars. All in agitation about King’s going with the |
Old Lady — Evening at Capt. Meek’s — Capt Wilky sent invitations to a Part of Masters & Residents to Dine on thursday next. Heard Wildes & Charlton were joining King (Capt.) to take the Washington & go to Gallipagos Isds for Shell. Tuesday 12 Pit. All agitation again about Kaukioli, going with Kaahumana. Charlton & Dixey Wilds went to see him — & Wildes told him he go bye & bye with Parthian at 1 P.M. She came to the beach — “all Strove to Honor & glorified to assist’’ — & wait. I mean Residents &c. Capt A. D. Bunker gave a dinner to Masters & others lost their Share of Honor. Ship Swift of New Bedford Allen — full — bound home — 2,100 Wednesday 13 Pleasant. Boki’s wife & Kauluohi here buying goods — Drank plenty wine. Stopped to dinner. made me forget J Meek’s Chronometer. Evening up at Bowling Alley to see Sport. Thursday 14th Fine morn. All hands gone up to Wilkinson’s to Dine. Ship Roscoe Worth 2400 bbls oil. Almost Sick — took physic & turned in early Friday 15 Calm. Roscoe came in. Better to day. Capt Worth called to see me. Heard Sistare was talking of going to Nantucket where he could Draw for 7,000 Dollars. Wonder where it is! Saturday 16 Fine morn — wrote Note to Sistare, that I wished to see him — he answered saying he was not prepared to meet me — after dinner he wrote me a Note to assure me he held me responsible for a sum of money received by me, for him from Capt Eliab Grimes — & that he held Pitman & French responsable for delivering his property, thro’ me to Lieut John Percival with out his orders!! Strang times in Oahu — Some writing petitions to Missionaries to keep Bingham to windward & Ely or Goodrich to reside at Oahu — Sunday 17 Very fine morn. Writing letters to Whitwell & Bond relative to Sistare’s affairs — went to Meeting down to Boki’s house — about 2 p.m. heard Capt Wilkinson was dead. Died about 8. A.M. New York came from Mauii after the King. For King Bingham & Ka’manu The death of Wilkinson checked the growth of Boki’s plantation and ended an important English influence in the development of scientific agriculture in the Kingdom. Monday 18 Very fine morn. About 12. o'clock last night was awakened out of Sleep by Shoutings. One of Marini’s Spaniard had been killed by Kanakas, two of the men were taken which caused great uproar — this morning the whole village is in motion. The Spaniard was a young man the murderers say they killed him for the sake of his cloths. Pitt & Boki say they shall be hung — writing letters to Whitwell Bond & Co — relative to Sistares affairs — |
Tuesday 19 Warm morn — wind Sd. Vessels unable to get out. Capt Charlton gave me a lot of Arrow Root. Boarding house landlords calling on me to pay for S.B. Gibbs’ board!! Pleasant — Wind Sd. Ships unable to get to Sea. Saw a small Sch. beating down, off Diamond hill. Heard Kaahumanu sent down for Hanh Holmes to go to Mauii, & She went on monday. Gibbs getting ready to go in Ontario. Thursday 21st Very fine morn wind Sd. at 4 breese off the land Ships wait till morning. Parthian’s Botswain wants his discharge — Wilds won't pay his wages. S. B. Gibbs went on board Ship Ontario to go to Boston. Friday 22 Calm as a Clock, wind Sd. very hot — Calm & hot Whale Ships unable to get out. 4 p m Whale Ship off Saturday 23 Light airs off the Land. The Ship off working up. Tuscan Capt. Thos Stavers 2200 bbls oil. Said he left Mauii Thursday ev Kaahumanu — Naienaena, Bingham & all the Missionaries sailed same afternoon for Hawaii. Smith ran a mile in ten minutes & thirty seconds — Sunday 24 Pleasant — at 9 — appearance of trades. attended meeting up at Boki’s — after Dinner went out with Capt Chadwick in ploughboy & Cap Bunker in Ontario. Monday 25 Fresh trades. very unwell. very hot Capt. Meek Sold his horse to the King for 210 Dollars. Pitt, Boki, King and many others down at Wytetee. Tuesday 26 Fine morn. Hot day, understood Capt McKinzie & Mr Jones were getting up a voyage for Mc, when he gets home, in a small vessel, to come to the Islands Wednesday 27th Looking likely to Rain, cleared up warm — afternoon Capt. Buckle rode towards Allen’s, his horse fell, threw him off and broke his Shoulder — not much going forward to day. Mr Jones told me he should take any Sandlewood coming from Atooi — & had told Pitt so — Thursday 28 Cloudy morn. Capt. McKinsie gave a dinner on board his ship, at which Masters & Residents attended — Friday 29 Moderate. Brig Tamahh came from Hawaii. Ship Panther, from Lima, 37 days — Capt Bowers Providence bro't letters from Percival — to Mr Jones. Capt Ebbets said John Adams Dedicated his church on Wednesday last — 9 or 10 thousand persons present. Saturday 30 Calm. Brig & two whale Ships came in. G Burrill Died very suddenly last night at Alexr Adams’ was buried very decently by Capt Ebbets & Capt Meek — Eve- |
ning had a Luow at G Marini’s. Sunday October 1st Cloudy — Sultry morn — wind Sd — afternoon went with Capt. Bowers to Native meeting — after to Mr Charlton’s & took Tea. Monday 2 Calm. Wind Sd several vessels waiting to get out — Mr Charlton bartered with Capt Bowers for military Duck-jackets — & pants — for Turtle Shell — 116 Shell for suit of cloths. Capt Bowers sailed. Discharging — wood from Tamah & putting it in Marini’s house. Capt McKinzie said he was coming to Sandwich Islands in a Brig with a cargo, & had been guaranteed one hundred per cent — on the Cargo, a ready Sale for his vessel, or constant & good employ!! Tuesday 3rd Rainy morn. Capt Stavers’ crew refused to work a Sail in offing. Brig Owyhee Grimes from Payta Said Brig Nile was at Guyaquil — had had trouble had got clear & was nearly ready for Sea. Mr Newell was going home by land. Mr Hayes was living with Mr Wainwright consul at Guyaquil — on a Salary of eight hundred dollars per annum. No News — Evening Mr Spear gave a very handsome supper to Residents & Master’s of Vessels. Wednesday 4 Fine morn. Light trades. Ship Independence NB’d Ray — 1,600 bbls — via Mauii. Sailed Minerva Smythe & Wilgn & Liverpool Packet. Sistare went passenger in the latter. Mr Jones in house in evening said would sell Boki the woodenhouse establishment. Thursday 5 Fine morn. Light trades. Ship Roscoe Sailed. Filled Manini’s houses with wood — & put Some in Capt Meeks. Still times to day. Friday 6 Fine morn. Ships Ballina Russel, 1250 bbls, & Recovery Brooks London 2,400 bbls. oil. Finished landing wood from Tamh. Sold pipe of Brandy to J. Crown Pitt unwell. Evening over at Brooks’. Saturday 7 Fine morn. Weighed 50 piculs wood, Queeny & 38 Sundry persons Mr Jones went up to Boki’s to have a stop put to preaching in the market. Paid crew & laborers for Capt Buckle — with less than usual, having Discharged some Sunday 8th Pleasant — Ships LAigle Dixon and President Winslow arrived, and Foster Coffin all from Mowee. The two Capt. Stavers gave invitations to a Dinner at the Major’s tomorrow. Declined Monday 9 Fine morn. English Cutter & Sch. Washington Sailed on an expedition at the Gallipagos Islands. The Capts Stavers had a large party to Dine at Mr Warren’s. Got goods all on board Tamahmaah to go to windward. Tuesday 10 Very fine morn, Ship Foster Coffin Sailed. At two a Sail came in Sight off Dia- |
mond hill ran for the Foster which we called a Barque. Say Peacock. At 4 P.M. the Residents & Masters of Vessels Sat down to a Dinner, prepared by G. Marini — with Kaukioli — Boki & one or two others of the chiefs — at which Madam Boki & Kauluohi partook. The Dinner was given to the King, in consequence of his being sent for by Mr Bingham. Wednesday I1 Very fine morn. Calm Ship President came in wind Sd Tamh could not get out — at 3 P M Barque Peacock Capt T. C. Jones, U.S. Sloop-of-War came in last from Taheite. Five guns were fired at Fort. The arrival of Captain Thomas ap Catesby Jones on the USS Peacock brought a naval officer quite different than Lieutenant Percival. Jones made himself popular with all groups. He also pursued the subject of the sandalwood debts until an agreement was reached. Thursday 12 Calm — appearance of wind from Sd Ship Mayflower Harris 2,300 bbls oil, wind Sd — at 11. o'clock a Salute was fired from the Peacock & answered by the Fort of 21 Guns. Capt Jones unwell — could not come on Shore — afternoon wind off Shore, Tamh went out Friday 13 Pleasant — Posting books began with 15th August. Sailors deserting. Man-ofwar Prisoners already. Saturday 14 Very fine morn. trades light. At 11 Capt Jones came ashore, was met by the Residents & Masters — conducted to George Marini’s — where they partook of Collation after which they all went to the Kings, Mr Pitt’s & afterwards to the English Consul’s — Capt Jones & officers Dined at Major Warren’s. Sunday 15 Fine morn — Ship Marcus Sayer . afternoon Rode to Waititii. Several officers & others in Company Evening went up to see Charlotte’s Keikei [keiki, child]. found several new houses along the road built since I had been that way before. Monday 16 Very pleasant. Marcus towed in. King went on board LAigle — purchased a few things. Prince Regent bro’t a few piculs wood which they offered me on Waverly account — Evening down on Point, at Capt. Roger’s. Playing Vantoon. Tuesday 17 Light Showers — at 12 A.M. King, Mr Pitt & Boki with the Gentlemen at the wooden house — went on Board Peacock — a Salute of 21 Guns was fired on going on board & at leaving yards manned. The Natives enjoyed their visit much — Snuff Shewed me 50 or 60 piculs of wood which he said was for me on ac/t of Waverly, told him would wait a few days & see if I could get any more. Wednesday 18. Fine morn. Report, last evening, said Capt Jones requested Mr Jones to invite |
the Residents & Masters to go on board the Peacock. Mr Jones denies any & every thing of the kind. Mr Jones asked me to make a Statement of the Debts due me from the Chiefs & present to Capt. Jones!! House full of folks — had no opportunity of writing. At 7 a Gun was fired — proved to be Convoy from N.W.C. Capt Dominis — expected Tallyho here. Thursday 19 Convoy towed in — a Sail off beating up — Supposed to be the Becket. Capt Dominis told me Sultan had been to Norfolk Sound. Sold a large amount. After Dinner — Capts Brooks, Meek & I went on board Becket. Capt. Moore, found Mr Whitney also. Said the Brig was ordered away from Canton because she had not a Regular Set of Papers. Capt Edwards wrote me a letter — requesting I would assist Capt Moore Friday 20th Pleasant. A large party — Officers from Peacock Masters of different Vessels &c went on a party of pleasure to Pearl River. Sent up by one o'clock for cards Ship Russell Coleman 1,800 bbls oil. Mr Jones went to Mr Spurr and got his papers to take a copy to present to Capt. Jones. Why does not Cap Jones inform us — if he can — or will — or shall do any thing & what he wishes from the Residents. Saturday 21st Pleasant. Sch. Missionary Packet Hunnewell 9 months from Boston — after trying to get round the Horn — put away for the Falkland Isds, where he lay six weeks — then made a passage thro’straits of Magellan to Valparaiso — from thence to Islands — also Brig Nile 32 days from Guyaquil. Some cargo consigned to Capt Forbes — who was directed to consign to me — Sunday 22 Went out and piloted Nile in — Ship Russel came in. Went, after dinner — up to see Capt Edwards whale boat with Capt Forbes, who bot it for 75.$ Several Officers of Peacock at house — Monday 23 Pleasant — went with Mr Hunnewell to hire a house — called on Mr Gowen — who sold his for 250 dollars. Nile landing Gin Bamboos, Segars Mr Hunnewell landing goods — Jones called to see if I had made a Statement of amt of Debts &c — to be handed by him to Capt Jones. Boki taking Gin & many articles from Becket. Tuesday 24 Making arrangements for Auction of goods, liquors &c from Nile. Convoy sailed for Wairua — to get 400 piculs of wood from Piia [Namahana] — Due from Cox’s estate. Asked Capt Wildes to go to Ahedo after wood for me. Said would see about it. Wednesday 25th Light breese — at 9 A.M. Commenced Selling by Auction Gin, Brandy &c Sales Dull. Keg of Gin 17 Gall 12$. Brandy Kegs 19 Gals — no Sales, every thing very dull Stopt Sales, every thing very dull Stopt Sales of many goods — Mr Jones Sent for Morly to go to Pitts with him & Capt. Jones |
Thursday 26 Fine morn. A Race between — Capt Brookes & Capt Forbes Whale Boats — Capt. Brooks’ 6 ft first Capt. Jones in buying light articles. Landing Gin Brandy &c from Nile. Capt Meek bo’t 60 kegs at 12 dol Friday 27th Fine morn. Missionaries Sending Printed letters to all the Residents & Masters of Vessels challenging them to prove that the Missionaries interfered in government & commercial affairs. A Race between a Canoe & whale boat & Canoe was run. Boat gained the Race. Ships Com. Perry — Smith 1,780 bbls. Lyra Joy 1400 bbls Persia Barnet 1250 arrived. Sold Hull of Eliza Ann to James Robinson for 225 dollars — Saturday 28 Fresh breese. Ships unable to get in. Ship Ann Capt Gray arrived from Mauii. Ship Winslow Chase bbls. Natives Slack in taking up Deserters Nothing except rolling — going forward to day. Bo’t a lot of boards of Mr. Moore for 1.25 cts each. Sunday 29 Fresh trades. Ship Com. Rodgers, Nye — 1500 bbl arrived Golden Farmer — Joy Dined on board the Peacock, a very stormy day with Strong Wind. Brig Convoy beat up from Wairua. Monday 30 Very strong trades. Ship North America Ramsdell 2100 bbls oil. Very boisterous day. Capt Forbes very unwell. Heard Mr Jones said Nye, of Com. Rogers, “ought to die." Tuesday 31 Very Stormy. Very Strong trades. Capt Jones gave a Dinner to the English & American Consuls. Capt Wildes, Capt Grimes & Capt Meek, Americans, & Capt. Brooks Englishmen. A Salute of twelve guns was fired when the English Consul went on board & the same when the American Consul went. They Staid till late in the evening. About two o'clock, past midt. they came called me out broke chairs, Plates, tumblers &c — took a fid of Brandy — got in their Waggon & the boys hauled them off. Thus ends this volume The Second Volume Begins here: November 1826. Wednesday 1st Very strong trades. Brig Tamahamaha arrived from Hawaii full of wood. Mr French returned in her. Mr Chamberlain — Ruggles — Loomis & Doctor — Sent a circular signifying their readiness to convene a council with witnesses — to try the merits of their circular. Thursday 2. Wind not so strong — Brig Convoy came in. Weighed two hundred & Nineteen piculs Sandlewood & put on board Nile. Mr French unwell. Capt Jones up at the house in forenoon. Friday 3 Wind moderate. Brig came in. Nile discharging ballast Landing Trunks &c from |
Tamh. Sent Box cotton on board Ship LAigle to go to Tauaii. Some Nankeens &c — George Marini got his Alley underway. Saturday 4. Fresh breeses, fine weather, one whale Ship came in Ship Phenix Stetson 2600 bbls oil arrived — Capt Jones advertised for Money and take Governments bills, or Bills on Mr Hogan — at Valparaiso, or Commander of the American Squadron in Pacific — rather Lima. Brig Owyhee sailed for Tauaii — Brig Convoy for Owyhee & Mauii. Tamh putting wood on board Nile, landing Goods to get ready to heave Tamh out. Sunday 5 Light breese. Ships towing in. Tallyho — McNeil arrivd Chinchilla T. Meek, both from Norfolk Sound. Meek Sold all our consignment, to a very small amount, only Say, Six thousand four hundred Seak Skins for returns, & Fifty five for myself for combs. Monday 6. Fine morn. Chinchilla, Tallyho & two Whale Ships got in. Tamh. putting wood on board Nile, Chinchilla putting Seal Skins on board Nile. Ship Sultan arrived by way of Monterrey. No News — Agreed to go to Aheedo for wood for me. Tuesday 7. Very fine morn. Ships towing in, putting wood on board Nile from Tamh. — landing goods from Tamh — weighing copper &c, &c trying to make bargain to buy all Sultan’s Cargo. Snuff wanted to put ten Kanakas on board Sultan to go to Aheedoos for me to pay them. Wednesday 8th Very fine morn. Ships towing in. At 10 a Race between Capt Jones Gig and a Whale Boat fora Dinner for 12 men. Gig beat — Getting ready to go to Aheedo for wood in Sultan Thursday 9 Fine morn — went to see Mr Pitt — Who said wantd give me two men to go & see to the delivering the wood at 4 PM went on board Sultan. Got under weigh with a fine Northerly wind, at 8, had the misfortune to carry away the foretopmast & Maintop Gal’t — mast & to put back to repair damages. Friday 10. Got wreck clear & anchored at 3 A.M. Capt Allen went early ashore got carpenters to work fitting a new mast, business rather more brisk at house than for two weeks past. Mr Hammatt assisting Mr French Found Capt. Meek was going to Aheedo — also — but not till after I should go. Saturday 11 Strong Trades. A Race between Capt Jones gig, of Peacock & Capt Forbes whaleboat, was ran — whale boat 3 or 4 lengths ahead. Also between Peacock’s launch and Capt. J. Meek’s Meek ahead. Much Cavelling about both boats by Peacock’s folks, they being unwilling to give up. At Sunset went on board Sultan again Got under weigh again with a Strong trade Sunday 12 Fresh breeses. 8 A.M. East of Ranai bearing North at 12. Nearly up with Mauii |
![]() Angus Collection 20. The fort was built in Kamehameha I's time and was used for some time as the residence of the chiefs. In buildings within the fort prisoners were incarcerated.
![]() Hydrographer of the Navy, England 21. The caption by the artist describes the way in which ships were brought to anchor in Honolulu harbor: "The above sketch shows the natives warping the Imogene into the Harbour of Honororoo, Woahoa, 28 Septr. 1837. About 400 natives were employed: very frequently above their middle in water, sometimes out of their depth and obliged swim with the the Hawsers."
All credits on page xviii ![]() Mitchell Library, Sydney / William Smyth 22. A view of the town of Honolulu soon after Reynolds settled there shows the extent of the town and the kinds of buildings typical of the time.
23. This photograph of a watercolor was acquired in the 20th century. The artist was unknown and the location of the painting is also now unknown.
24. William Smyth drew this sketch in 1826 when he visited the Islands on board the HMS Blossom.
![]() Mitchell Library, Sydney / William Smyth 25. Punchbowl Battery was manned with guards, one of whom offset the treeless expanse by shading himself from the sun with an umbrella.
![]() Mitchell Library, Sydney / William Smyth 26. Puowaina or Punchbowl! Hill behind Honolulu had cannon placed there as protection for the harbor.
27. Since there was no fresh water available to the harbor, barrels were filled about four miles upstream and then floated down Nu'uanu Stream for the ships at anchor.
— wind came strong — drove us over towards Kailua. EVening very fresh off Toeai. Mountain clear. Monday 13 Very fresh — beating up from Toeai bay — at Sunset off NW Pt having made a very good day’s work. Tuesday 14 Light breese, making Small head way along the backside of Owyhee. wind very light — from NNE — swell very Strong Setting us on shore. Wednesday 15 Light winds. Swell continues — very little headway. Early in morning wind off land. afternoon wind from NE — East by 7 in evening off East point. Thursday 16 Mortification to find wind NW — after beating to get to windward — an unusual wind caused us to beat back — at 11 a canoe — came with a pilot. Capt Meek hove in sight in Chinchilla At 4 anchored in the Bay at Aheedo — went ashore & looked at the wood — found it in two houses. One of which was bad to get off thro’ the Surf. Capt Meek was very anxious for me to take — Saying there was most wood largest &c. chose the other. Friday 17 Pleasant day. Weighed Two Hundred & Seventeen piculs Sandlewood — on account of Brig Waverly — & Six for the weigher. Capt Meek put his Wood on board the Sultan also, which made it more favorable for Capt Allen. Reynolds’ listing of sandalwood ts one of the best records now available in regard to the trade. Saturday 18 This morning Capt Allen & I went ashore — took breakfast with Mr Goodrich. I went to see the Chief (Koho) who was laying sick of Dysentery — Said he was poor — had no wood — no Hogs — No Money: the people were lazy — & he could not make them work. Found I Should not be able to make any trade on shore went on board, in hopes to find some of the Natives there who had money or Stock — but was equally disappointed — went and took Tea with Mr Goodrich. Capt Meek finished getting his wood of at 11. o-clock 21 pics Sunday 19 At 2 A.M. A light breese off the land — got under weigh & got outside the Reef by 4. Light breese & head swell — we made but little progress. 10. Sea breese which carried us along finely. Monday 20. At Sunrise abreast the passage between Mauii & Morotoi with a light breese. Chinchilla broad off on the bow, quite unexpectedly, thinking he was far ahead. After being absent nine days anchored off the harbor just after Sunset. Peacock’s boat along side — embraced the opportunity, with Capt Allen — to get on shore. |
Tuesday 21 Fine morn, went down to Pitt’s to get money Due from Riho, Kiho & Mamalu to amt of 788 dollars. Mr Pitt Said it was no more than 480 dollars & would pay — nor did, pay no more Evening a Meeting of the Brethen up at Ebbets’. Thursday 23rd Pleasant morn. A man was found Dead on the cable of the Sultan. At 11 — a number of people assembled at Sign of Blond. 5 were Selected as a jury to examine the body, & hear Such evidence as might be given: after examining & hearing, were of Opinion that the deceased was in a boat about 1/2 past 1. o'clock going to the Daniel the Fourth — that they were attacked by Mr Piggins Charles Stevens, & Mr Joiner, he jumped overboard & thereby was Drowned. Stevens & Piggins were carried on board the Peacock to remain for the present. It appeared Piggin & Stevens were on shore had some conversation with the men in the Daniel’s boat, went on board the Owyhee got the 2nd Mate Joiner — clubs &c returned — attacked the boat with sticks clubs &c. Many men, many minds, were found among the multitude. Incidents such as these led eventually to the ali'i creating a western-like government with a judicial system and laws for all person in the Kingdom. Friday 24 Fresh trades. Posting books — Forenoon went to see Capt. Jones — about the usual practice of Juries of Inquest — if they specified persons — or were doubtful. Evening met again at Capt. Wildes’ and made up our minds, that the man jumped overboard in consequence of its being attacked by Charles Stevens & Mr Piggins and thereby Occasion’d his Death by Drowning. Saturday 25 Strong trades. Ship in offing — proved a Russian Transport from Norfolk Sound — also a Whale Ship. Recd twenty two piculs Sandlewood on Account Waverly. Called on Capt Jones’ who Said he was well convinced of the propriety of the Consuls, in this part of the world being men of the profession — and living by a Salary. Finds many abuses which ought to be remedied — Sunday 26 Fresh breese. Brig Roscoe, Salem — Ropes, 32 days from Guyaquil Bro’t a black man, Charley, back — carried away by Percival in Dolphin. Heard no news. Monday 27 Pleasant morn — at 10 Assembled on board U.S. Ship Peacock to hear the testimony of Witnesses on the affair between a boats crew from Daniel 4th — a boat with men from Brig Owyhee — in which, it was proved; were Charles Stevens Mr Piggins & Mr Joiner. at 4 adjourned till tomorrow at 10. o'clock. Capt Ropes Bro’t news of the Loss of Ship Arethusa of Baltimore. Several persons drowned. Tuesday 28th Too much breeze for ships to tow in. at 10 the examination of evidences went on, on board Peacock. Several of Daniel’s men Swam under her stern made |
many abusive observations — they were taken on board — flogged, in presence of Capt. Buckle, & the English Consul and many others. Daniel was searched — five men deserters from other ships were found. Evening — had a luow — the Russian officers — Capt Jones & several others present — Wednesday 29 Fine morn. At 10 An Auction of Sundry articles of Mer’e — from Brig Roscoe. Hams sold for 40 cts per Ib Soap at 21 1/2 Gin 7.50 Case. Brandy 6.00 &c Russian Sheetings 13.50 put 100 piculs wood on board Sultan for French. Thursday 30 [In margin: Wind Sd.] Very fine morn. Ship John towed in. Capt Buckle gave Bond on his Ship & cargo. Russian’s gave a dinner off on board Ship to several of the most distinguished, of those who are about the village — putting wood on board Sultan. Friday December 1st wind Sd. Pleasant. Making up Capt Buckle’s accounts — amt 20. 265 Dollars. Several distinguished persons Dined on board Peacock. Naenanena came from Mauii with most of the great Chiefs. Gov. Adams from Hawaii expected. Saturday 2 Very fine morn. Shipping old copper on board Sultan. Witnesses called on board Peacock to subscribe to their deposition afternoon Light breeze off the land. Capt Folger sailed. Evening a great Luow at Grimes. Sunday 3 Calm. At 11. Officers of U.S. Peacock went down to see the young Princess Naenaena. Mr Bingham — Ely; Thurston — and Richards arrived. Boki Said they were waiting for Kaahumana before the general Meeting — Wind Southd — Monday 4 Light breeze off the Land. Phenix Stetson Sailed, Wind Sd arranging accounts of Nile’s cargo for Mr French the last season. Evening Capt. Jones gave a grand Luow — had a few performers on instruments — after breaking up — (at 2 A.M.) they went to the King’s & Naienaena’s — at daylight, they went each to his own house. Tuesday 5 Fine morn — Wind Southd. Capt Bunker sailed. Smith also Gov. Adams and Kaahumanu arrived from Hawaii — Got all wood out of Marini’s house & put on board Sultan. Miss Hannah Holmes came down — Suppose Mr Jones elated Wednesday 6th Very fine morn — wind Sd — putting goods on board Brig Tallyho to go to Norfolk Sound. Wood on board Sultan Evening down at Capt. Jones playing Brag. Thursday 7th Misty. Very Strong Trades. Daniel the Fourth Sailed after having been in Port Since 27th June and undergone repairs — at an expence of over twenty thousand. Mr Jones & Esqr Charlton gave a grand Luow at Waititii to the Ladies of the latters Family & officers of the Peacock Dixey Wildes & Capt Rogers attended as invited guests. King & Boki as Honorary Guests. |
Friday 8 Very Pleasant. at 11 a Meeting was held at Boki’s house — between Missionaries and Residents to hear their (Ms) Proof of their reports by the Circular which had been addressed by them to Friends of christianity & Civilization; But Behold! when I arrived, they said unless they had their charges presented, together with the evidence, in writing!! That they would not make reply to any verbal communications. As no one went there to make charges — the Meeting was dissolved. Saturday 9 Fine day. Mr French put goods on board Chinchilla to go to Tauaii. Mr FE. sold considerable to Kaukioli. Kaahumanu bo’t 1400 dollars, paid cash. Evening a number of the Fraternity met at Capt Ebbets — at 9 a Luow was served up, at which, the Master’s & Residents, Kaukioli, Boki, and John Adams, were present. King very much pleased with Fifes & Drums — stayed till 1/2 past 11. o'clock. Sunday 10. Showery morn — Strong Trades — Mr Bingham preached on board Peacock — Kaahumanu & many others went off to see the ship for they could not understand the preaching. Monday 11 Stormy, Rainy, Windy day. House leaked considerable — Signed a request to Capt Jones to speak of old Debts Mrs Pitt up at house — very fond of Wm Hammatt — Very, very Stormy Rainy day. Evening a party at Capt Jones’ playing cards. So Rainy & stormy Staid till a late hour. Tuesday 12 Storm continues. Golden Farmer drifted on the Bank Stormy weather prevents doing much out of doors. Several persons dined on board Peacock with the officers Bokis wife up to See us got So Drunk could not get away Wednesday 13th Stormy weather continued. afternoon more moderate. Brig Chinchilla went out for Tauaii. Capt Ebbets went to sell goods. Jackson & family went to build the Round house which came off Tamah for Keikioheva putting wood on board Sultan. Evening at Capt Jones’ playing Brag. till late Thursday 14 Strong Trades. Capt. Cotting arrived. 144 days from Boston in Brig Active. News — Old Presidents Adams & Jefferson died 4th July last. Capt Jones & Mr Consul Jones went to the Chief to talk of old debts & other important matters. putting wood on board Sultan. The Meeting of Capts Jones &c was put by till Monday. Capt Cotting bro’t no letters. Friday 15 Pleasant morn. Capt Cotting so close & mysterious cannot find out anything what he has for cargo. Several of the crew down with Scurvy. Says Shall not come inside. Several of the Mission family went to windward in MissionaryPacket. Afternoon Mr Bingham had a few (517) Scholars collected for examination before Capt Jones. Capt Jones was much pleased with their astonishing improvement in six & half years. |
Saturday 16 Fine weather at 11. o'clock the Residents & Masters of Shipping assembled at Wooden House, where they Unanimously agreed to wear colors half mast, & crape on the left arm for Six days, & request Hiram Bingham to preach a Funeral discourse. Selected committee of Arrangements &c to fix on a convenient place to hear the Sermon &c Mr Jones — Lieut. J. Smoote, & Capt J. L Rogers composed the committee. Sunday 17 Fine morn. at 11 o'clock Mr Bingham went on board Peacock to preach. Ship Persia went out heaving up broke her anchor. Monday 18 Fine weather. Mr Jones new houses were burned last night. Supposed men who had been at work making fence were the incendiaries. at 8 o'clock one of the men, who murdered the Spaniard a few weeks since, was hung. at Sunset he was taken down and buried underneath where he was hung. The gallows was made by making a rope fast to two Cocoanut trees — and putting a tail-block in the bight. Tuesday 19th Very pleasant. Getting wood from Capt Ebbets. Posting books — Sy wind Wednesday 20 Pleasant day. Ship Naches, Hart, of N York arriv’d 35 days from Lima. Mr Smith Supercargo — Mr Osborn Assistant. Nothing material from Lima. Evening Capt Jones — Mr Smith — & several others in house till past 9 o'clock. Thursday 21st Pleasant morn. This being the day which has been assigned by the residents — to commemorate the illustrious Adams & Jefferson — at 2 PM. — a procession formed at the house of the consul — to the grove of Cocoa nut trees below the Fort — where Awnings had been spread for the purpose. The Rev. Hiram Bingham delivered a Discourse on the occasion. Friday 22 Pleasant. Wind Sd. Putting one hundred cases Gin, on board Tallyho — from Ship Naches — Capt Allen getting his things ashore for an Auction Saturday 23 Southerly wind. Active got under weigh and came inside. Capt Allen had an Auction of the remaining part of his cottons, &c Sold at Small advance on the invoice Capt Jones trying to make arrangements with French for money. Bills on Govt. at twenty five or England at twelve per cent advance. Sunday 24 Fresh breese from Sd. with some rain. engaged in making up Sandlewood expenses when I went to Aheedoos filling up Bills of Lading for Sandlewood &c — Monday 25 Christmas morn — wind light. Capt Moore return from Tauwaii. got his wood from Keikioheva — filling up Bills — Letters &c — to go to Canton — Capt |
Jones — agreed with Mr French for Eight thousand Dollars at twenty five percent — on Govt. Tuesday 26 Calm — counting money to pay Allen. Mr Smith paid others — Mr French writing letters — and closing bills ac/t &c for Canton. wind Southerly, None of Ships get out. Wednesday 27 Pleasant morn, wind Southward. A Native Schooner towed out & went to Mauaii. Posting up books. Mr Jones making preparations for a great Dinner on Friday. Capt. Dominis agreed to go on N-WC. in Owyhee for 75 dollars per month. Thursday 28 Wind Sd — Rainy. Cloudy day — writing &c. Capt Jones gave a Dinner on board Peacock to Kaahumanu, King, Boki &c Ship Dressed in Colors, yards manned. Salute fired & — Friday 29 Fine weather — wind Sd. Mr Jones gave a splendid Dinner to the Residents — Officers of Peacock — & Masters of Vessels, King, Boki & many other of Natives to the number of fifty — the guests did their duty to the Dinner. Missionaries retired early Doctor Bradner — pronounced pitt to be dangerous — so that Natives retired early. Saturday 30th Light breese off the land. Brig Active went out Com. Rodgers — Lyra & Sultan. wind light others unable to get out. Gov. Adam’s Sch. arrived from Tauaii. Said Chinchilla would be up in three days. Pitt rather easier Sunday 31st Pleasant morn — pleasant breeze off the land. Ships North America, Maria, John, & Golden Farmer — Sailed. Dined at Wm K Warren’s on Turkey. Capts Rogers & McNeil had high words & blows. Missionary-Packet arrived Ship Natches Sailed. Koho a Chief at Ahedoo — Died. 1827 January 1st Monday Morn. Pleasant. Fine Trades. Fine day. Making out accounts for Capt Jones. posting books. Boki and wife with Thunder & others — had a fine Drunk. Pitt got off his Sick bed and went to see Boki — who would have nothing to say to him. Capt Jones Spent evening from 8 to 1/2 past ten Tuesday 2 Fine morn, trades. At ten o'clock, the Chiefs assembled under the grove of Cocoa Nut trees — below the Fort where orders that every man should go to the mountains and get half a picul of Sandlewood for the government, and half they got over should be their own: the Women to produce tapas or mats or a dollar, they who choose can pay four dollars as an equivalent for their half picul — a good regulation if put in practice. Some came to buy axes before night. Mr Jones, Capt Jones & Capt. Wildes, went to Head quarters Have heard nothing that has been done about Debts Since I gave Mr Jones an estimate of the amount Due to the several concerns, |
In accepting responsibility for the sandalwood debts, the ali'i acknowledged them as a national debt. As a consequence they introduced a new tax whereby the common man collected sandalwood for the government and an equal amount on his own behalf. Wednesday 3rd Very fine morn moderate trades. Mr Loomis and family putting their things on board Brig Convoy to go to Valparaiso, and thence to America by first conveyance. Evening Boki gave a grand Luow. His table was elegantly Set with Glass & Silver utensils. Thursday 4 Delightful morn. Moderate trades. Settling bills with various persons. So many going off it makes us over head and ears. Capt Jones very much against his Countrymen in favor of Bingham. Says the Americans will ruin their Country’s Interests. Mr Bingham must & ought to have the lead Friday 5 Very pleasant trades. Capt Jones getting his business closed & drives us up. All busy in settling accounts. Saturday 6 Moderate trades. Chinchilla arrived from Tauaii with four hundred & fifty piculs Sandlewood — at 12 U.S.S. Peacock Sailed. Kaahumanu & King went out in her. Fort Saluted, Peacock Saluted the Royal personages with Seventeen guns when they left. Ship Parthian Sailed for Canton. Brig Convoy Capt Grimes, Sailed by Tahaite, for Valparaiso. Mr Loomis & Family with one of Mr Ruggles children, passengers to Valparaiso. Reflections and observations on the characters, &c of those who had left us, closed the day. Sunday 7 Trades. Pleasant day. Very quiet & Still. Monday 8 Pleasant. light trades landing Sandlewood from Capt Meek Brig. filling bills of Lading for Tallyho — Invoice &c — Mr Jones told Capt. Ebbets. Capt Jones Said, “if Gen Jackson was next President, he Jones) Should probably be Secretary of the Navy"’!! Tuesday 9 Fine day. Kanakas took off one side the roof & put it on again — landing wood from Chinchilla. Pitt preparing to go to Owyhee. China Carpenter making his Coffin!! Shipped by McNeill for Norfolk Sound Sixty dozen Hair Combs for Sale. Wednesday 10 Pieasant morn. Wind Sd — got all wood out Chinchilla, & 58 from Piia. Made good Sales to day. Pitt says he will go to Hawaii with T Meek. preparations making for his reception. Thursday 11 Fair morn — about one or two o'clock a heavy Thunder shower. top of our house open made us on the alert to keep our goods dry. The lightning was incessant & Thunder uncommonly Heavy. The cloud appeared to be directly over |
head. Some hail. Pitt making preparations for Hawaii came to wooden house on the point. Mr French putting goods on board Chinchilla for Hawaii. Friday 12 Pleasant. Wind very light. Early in the morning, Pitt began to move — all the Small Vessels were out very early at Pitt & Mr French, Mr Elwell were on board & the Vessel under weigh. Wind light from S Ed. at Sunset all were in sight off Diamond Hill. Report says, & it is believed true, that during the Thunder & Lightning thursday night — the Coffins containing the bodies of RehoReho — Kumamalu and Kalaiia were taken from the cemetary-house carried on board the Sch. Medford where they were to be carried to Hawaii. It is said — also that Mr Bingham told them it was wicked to keep the bodies of the dead above ground, and that they ought to put those coffins under ground; in consequence — on wednesday evening the chiefs all went in and began digging graves in the House. Mr Lay seeing lights there went and inquired the cause of lights there, was informed they were going bury the dead bodies, he told them they well as they were — & left them. Saturday 13 Cloudy looking like rain. Very fresh breeze from S.W. at 3. p.m. at smart shower, wind veered to NW, after which, more moderate. Sold Hammatts old horse to Consul Jones — for 100. dollars. Meek killed a bullock Capt. Jones the theme of conversation. One says he said if he were Ruler he would order every class of citizen’s dress, according to their property — together with many Such that I am sick & tired of hearing them. Sunday 14th Calm, Hazy morning Fresh breese from Sd — breakfasted, Dined & Supped on fresh beef. Reading a publication Called plain truth. Kaahumanu says she is going to Owyhee to live, that Oahu is too wicked for her. Report says Pitt told Boki it was good for all the chiefs to go to Hawaii & leave Oahu to the Whites. Also that Mr Bingham Says, ere twelve months the grass shall grow in the Streets of Oahu — Fudge. I don’t believe either Monday 15 Strong breeses from S.W. Strong appearance of rain at Sundown a very heavy Squall wind & rain which lasted a quarter of an hour. wrote a letter to Ch. H. Hammatt Tuesday 16 Moderate, wind continues S.W. quite fresh with Showers Wainai and waiarua &c Schools are in the Village for the purpose of examining their proficiency in literature — they began to come in last Saturday — will probably go out next Saturday & perhaps Some will remain till Monday — So that eight or ten days time will be taken to accomplish a few hours examination before great Hiram Bingham!! Wednesday 17. Wind continues $:.Wd. — Heard Some one broke in to J Meeks Mud house and Stole a box of dollars last night. a kanaka was taken up belonging in the yard, & I have no doubt more than one was concern' wind fresh from S.W. all day |
Thursday 18. Cloudy. Strong breeses from S.W. — at 9 A.M. — the examination commenced — a great concourse of people — Many who have been here without provisions three or four days, Say they are very hungry, & well they may if they have had nothing to eat. Wind Strong SW Sch. Medford arrived. Said it blowed hard at Mauii Pitt more Comfortable. Friday 19 Wind more Moderate from SW, By 3 or 4 O’clock the crier, Drums, & Conch Shells, made such a noise it was impossible to sleep, people turning out and running — for what? That they may be seen of Very warm. at 11. went to see the examination — found — comparatively few scholars — they appeared tired & sick of it. They are at from 3 o'clock in morning till eleven — night Saturday 20th Very fine morn. Trades Tallyho went out. Ship Peru sailed for America. afternoon went to see the examination of 600 scholars. They all Stood up at once and read at the same time, wrote on their slates, I mean all who had them, at the same time, the Sentences given them. Mr Bingham observed to Some one, that over Six thousand were examined yesterday, besides to day. One chief told Capt Ebbets and me that of his Own people from his lands Eight hundred were examined & three fourths of them were from the opposite side of the Island. Those from the west end were eight days or more from home — they were very hungry not being able to bring Grub thirty miles Sufficient to last them so long a time. Sunday 21. Fresh Trades. Capt Charlton — Capt Meek went to Salt Pond. had a fine Luow. Many people in the village from various parts of Island. Monday 22. Moderate trades. Shipped a chest of Jackets & trousers in Owyhee for N.W.C. for Ac/t Mr French. Got 33 piculs wood of Snuff. Boki & King went to Pearl River — people all going to cut wood. Native stripping & covering house. Tuesday 23 Calm. On examining the house found it was very badly done. Brig Owyhee Capt Dominis Sailed for N.W.C. Brig Tamaahmaah. One Native Schooner condemned & Two repairing are all the Vessels in port. Natives all going into the Mountains to cut wood — which will leave the village very thin. Wednesday 24 Pleasant — wind Sd. — at 2 PM. a large ship was seen coming down. Capt. Meek & I went off — Ship Triton — Capt. Bryant 149 days from Boston. Brig Rob-Roy — arrived four days before the Triton sailed. Said should leave trade and go to the Coast, return in the fall — got letters & papers. Thursday 25 Very pleasant morn. Men at work on the house to finish it. Snuff came and bo't 84 piculs & engaged ten more. at 2 PM. a Brig hove in sight. Mr Jones & I went off. Capt. Meek went in another boat. Tamahelani — from Sealing — poor luck — 3,000 — Skins. Some horses & cows. Said expected Waverly was here. Capt |
Jackson of Harbinger died in December — at Loretto — tho’t Harbinger to be here. Friday 26th Pleasant. Learned by Capt Sumner that John Reeves was in a large Ship in the Gulph, & would probably be here by & by. Strong trades afternoon one of Mr Ruggles’ children was buried — attended the funeral — a ship off — Spurrs Horse was landed from Tamaahelani — Saturday 27 Blossom arrived from Monterry. Expected to have found the Harbinger here & the Waverly. Mr Elson, the Master went in a boat about 200 miles beyond Icy Cape — in an Eastern direction. Land was low & barren — found a cape projecting into the sea — in Lon. 167 W. The ice obstructed him from doubling it. It apparently tended in a South directing on East side. On his return he was jambed four days in the Ice. The Tusks, Rlbs & Bones of a Large Animal were found in a boggy ground. The Tusks are 7 feet in length and weight 160 pounds. The crew suffered much for provisions. Were very Short before they arrived at St. Francisco. Report says the Ship will go to China & thence to the coast and Straits next Summer — Sunday 28 Very strong Trades. Brig Waverly arrived 15 days from St Barbara — cargo — Horses — Sheep & a Calf — confirms the News that Capt. Cooper will lose all he has earned Said a Mr Smith had been at California, having crossed the Rocky Mountains and arrived at St Gabriel had left and gone to Columbia River!! That posts have been established all the way from St Louis to Co’a River That trade is dull on the Coast of California. Monday 29 Moderate morn — after 10 — Very, very Strong trades. Several of officers visited us to day — for trade. Bo’t a colt of Dana, & a calf Sent colt to Allen’s — Dana took house for his goods — Tuesday 30 | Very Strong trades. Dana Landing goods. Temple opening Store. Boki, King, & Kaamanu, went on board the Blossom — Mr Jones, Capt Meek & Capt Bryant — were invited & went. In evening a display of fire works was exhibited at the | point. Wednesday 31. Moderate trades. Mr Dana Selling quite lively & Brisk Capt Ebbets bo’t twenty five pieces calico for twenty five piculs Evening went up to Capt Beechy — February 1827 Thursday 1st Very fine morn. Brig Harbinger arrived off the port — Mr Park came ashore. No News Capt. Jackson Died at Guymos on the 9th Sepr. last. Received a Note from Cooper — Saying he was very poor. Friday 2. Light Trades — at Ten Strong trades. Harbinger Anchored. Capt. Steel Anchored, and came ashore. Engaged old Eos to heave down by — at four dollars per day. |
Capt. Beechy & King went to Pearl River. Saturday 3rd Blowed very heavy during the night — at ten, Harbinger made Sale & Stood off whether She parted or hove up is yet unknown. Sunday 4th Gale continues. Brig in Sight. Blew a Gale of wind during the day. Monday 5. Gale moderated — Chinchilla arrived — after beating & banging thro the gale. — Having experienced Severe gales Mr French got 4 or 5 hundred piculs wood. ~ Found Harbinger parted cable. Kaoimi — the head missionary teacher was indulging in a glorious Drunk. Most of the Chiefs in the village the same. Tuesday 6 Chinchilla, Becket & Harbinger, came in, Capt Steel landed a cow & calf — bro’t back a quantity wax shipped by Mr French. Said it would not Sell for any thing. Also Capt Edward’s trowsers. From all we see & hear, There never was so much immorality of all Kinds among the court circle as at present they have been restrained for a some length of time, & now have broken out, & have no Bounds. Wednesday 7. Fine day, pleasant trades. Mr French agreed to send Capt Meek to Canton in the Chinchilla, for which he is to pay 8,000 dollars. including the Norfolk Sound cruise. Cumshaw & measurement to be paid by freighters. Capt Steel concluded not to heave out, but proceed directly to the Coast again. Asked him to go to Waimea after wood for me, but he declined Most of the village are Drunk — Tomi, the Second person married on Oahu, has turned off his married woman and taken a new, Single Lady from among the nobility Such carousing among them has not been for a long time Thursday 8th Fine morn, Fine day. Posting Books. Nothing special going forward. The conversation of the day — the Kings frolics (of the first order) of his women & Wine. Report says his favorite is, Kenow to sleep with. Halilio’s wife in the day time with many & any others — It is to be feared they are now worse than ever they were — Several of the married ones have turned off their wives & taken concubines to themselves. aon: Kalanimoku died this day on Maui. Friday 9. Pleasant. Many of the Officers of Blossom. Mr Jones, Capt Meek & others went up to the plantation, to a Dance by the Natives — Got up by the King for the gratification of the Gentlemen of the Blossom — Mr French Bo't a lot of goods from Harbinger at work Posting Books — Saturday 10 Very pleasant. Beautiful day. Wind S.E. The Missionary Packet in sight. from Tauaii. Evening Mr Jones gave a fine Luow at the Major’s at which Most of the |
Officers of the Blossom attended. Sunday 11 Mr Chamberlain told Mr French, Hunnewell had orders to Sell the MissionaryPacket, and Remit the proceeds to the Treasurer of the Missionary Society Boston. — went up to Capt Ebbets to overhaul Bills. afternoon went to Native church. Evening over at Capt Meeks’s with Mr Belcher 2nd Lieut. of Blossom Monday 12 Pleasant. At 9 O'clock Sch Astor came in from Mauii bringing the melancholy news of the Death of Mr Pitt. [In Margin: Pitt Died 8th.] The News of his Death was Sent from Kailua in Gov Adam’s Sch. which made it four days in arriving here. He died the 8th inst. at four o'clock in the afternoon. A Party had, of the Officers of the Blossom & Residents, a fine excursion to Waititii, where they had Dinner — Served up in Native style — Luow the first Dish Tuesday 13. Pleasant. Kaahumanu went to Haawaii in the Waverly. The Woman who has lived with me was Delivered of a fine Boy at half past five o'clock p.m. Mr French Bo't Sumners seal Skins at 1.58 cts each William Pitt Reynolds was named after Kalanimoku. Wednesday 14th Calm. Wind east. Little rain in afternoon. Sold a Lacquered work & Dressing case belonging to Capt Ebbets for eighteen dollars — Dull day — muggy. Thursday 15 Calm. Busily employed putting up Stores for Blossom Mr French Bartering with Capt Steel for various Articles Evening. Sundry Bargains with Mr Park & Capt Steel At 7 wind came very fresh, & strong. Friday 16 Very heavy wind during the night. Most windy and stormy day, that has been experienced for a long time. Mr Charlton getting information about a man of Mr Dana’s who went on board Blossom and entered complaint to Capt Beechey, that Dana would not pay him his wages, when it appears the man was in Capt Dana’s Debt. Saturday 17 Cloudy, Hazy Morning. at 9 Smart shower of Rain Prince Regent lying with her Stern high up ashore & her Bows Sunk under water. Mr French entering Owyhee Sales, & Atooi. Balancing Ac/ts &c. Evening Mr Elwell & I gave a Luow, in honor of our offspring — at which were American & English consuls, officers of Blossom & Residents. Kaukioli’s Rascals round among all the young girls in the village. If the girls are not willing, they apply to the King who sends an express for them to attend the person who may solicit their favors. Sunday 18 Calm — wind very variable. The people paid but very little attention to the Sabbath to day. Several who were formerly among the most attentive — females too, were here, and at the wooden house, on Board Brig Tamaahmaah. others |
walking to & fro, but few apparently attended church Monday 19 Heavy Thunder shower early in morning. Squally Rainy day wind Sd. Capt Steel had a man leave his Boat to go on board Blossom, having got into her boat — for the purpose of getting away. Capt Steel put in the Fort. Capt Beechey sent and took him out, & took him off on board the Blossom kept him an hour or two & sent him back. No comment Tuesday 20 Strong Southerly wind — with showers Rain thunder & lightning Thermometer Stood, in our house, at 64°, at 8. A.M. Making up accounts with blossom. Said she would go to Hawaii, if so I think she will not go to Canton. Wednesday 21st Rainy, wind Sd. Capt Beechey gave the King & Bokia Dinner & invited Mr Jones, Capt. Ebbets & Mr French, who attended, in evening they called here. Mr French engaged in putting seal skins on board Chinchilla. I put 4 cask Otter skins & pup Seal skins on ac/t of John R. Cooper. Thursday 22 Fair weather — wind fresh from South. Mr French told me this morning — Mr Jones was requested to ask the Residents & Masters of Vessels to Dine on Board the Blossom. Capt Jones of Peacock made a Similar request of Mr Jones when he was here, and he invited Capt Wildes Capt Grimes, & Capt Rogers!!! Writing a Charter-party between Mr French & Capt Meek, at half past three went to dine with Mr Jones, Mr Belcher, Mr Marsh, Charlton Doct. Colly Capt Ebbets — Capt J Meek & Mr French. Weighed forty three piculs wood to go on board Chinchilla. Mr Park made up his Invoice on ac/t Harbinger and shipped on board Chinchilla amt fifteen thousand five hundred dollars. Friday 23 Wind Sd. weather good, putting wood on board Chinchilla Got twenty nine piculs of Piia, old debts & new trade together Settling with Mr Park. & various small jobs about the house Mr French making out orders for Canton — Saturday 24 Moderate air off land at daylight, as Sun rose wind from Sd breesed up very fresh. Writing Charter party for Chinchilla and agreement between Pitman, French & Co., Capt Meek and Capt Ebbets. Evening Polly Holmes gave a Luow, for her new house. Officers of Blossom, Masters of Vessles & Residents made the Company to eat it. Sunday 25 Fresh breese from Sd, with fine weather. Brig Becket returned having experienced bad weather, had to slip one Cable at Wymea Ran round a point on the Eastern end of the Island and anchored; their Chain Cable parted. They were then under the necessity of running to Oahu. Capt. Steel invited a number of the Oahu Ladies, to go on board the Harbinger Monday 26 Wind Southward. Showers early in morning — writing agreements between Capt Ebbets, Capt Meek & Mr French for a voyage to Canton. Mr French put- |
ting goods on board Tamaahh. Boki Settled with Mr French. Mr Dana returned in New York from Tauaii Waverly having put away four days on ac/t. Sy Gales Tuesday 27th Foggy, Light Rain, & Light airs from N.W. wind in from Southward. afternoon had Several horse races. Vessels waiting to get out. Shipping goods on board Tamaahmaah. Wednesday 28. Pleasant morn. Brig Harbinger went out with a light wind from north. Triton too late. A fine breese from S.W. Mr French packing goods to go on board Tamaahh Boki Bought two Sets plated ware — of Mr French for which he gave 160 piculs Sandlewood. Thursday March 1st Fine morning — fine breese from N.W. Triton went out Also the Blossom, wind fresh at N.W. thro’ the day. Mr French overhauling goods in the House. Selecting Such as he would put on board Tamaahmaah. Mr Jones in search of information relating to the Condemnation of the Old Ship Thomas. Mr French bo’t an old house of Piia at the water side for two hundred dollars. Friday 2 Wind continues N.W. fresh & cool, continued packing goods, and putting on board Tamaahh., Some for Tauaii Boki up at his Sugar Mill attending to making Sugar. Boki continued his interest in making sugar despite the death of John Wilkinson. Observers of his enterprise at this time believed that sugar was a potential export for the Islands. Saturday 3 Fine morning. Ship came down, the Abigail Potter N Bdfd 800 barrels, has been in sight of Islands 14 days experienced heavy gales. Saw two or three ships in different directions since he made land. Afternoon, a number of horses ran over the ground. Sanco claimed the palm. French, Ebbets & Meek signed their Charter parties & Agreement. Sunday 4 Cloudy hazy morning, moderate trades. writing letters to go to Canton, America &c — Mr French gave winship a gown & handsome Shawl, the Old woman a very handsome tehe [kihei]!! Monday 5 Trades, all bustle Capt T. Meek & Capt Ebbets in, very early at 9 Chinchilla Sailed for China. Capt ebbets passenger to Tauaii. busily employed getting papers of different kinds, ready for Tamh to sail. Tuesday 6 Strong trades. Mr French sent his traps on board Tamh at 3 p.m. the Brig went out with a strong breese. Mr French & Mr Elwell, in the cabin, Evening Capt Grimes Girl sent for me to go and see her, found her very sick |
Reynolds became an amateur medical advisor whose services were often sought in a town with few medical professionals. Wednesday 7. Strong trades — Showers. Nothing of the Waverly. No Whalers — times dull, Dana & Temple gave up the Store. Understood Mr Dana had given orders to have a large house built!! another building in Santa Barbara!!! Something else at St. Diego. Thursday 8 Strong trades, & Cloudy — moved the Tar to white store a part of paper out of Kaiiuli’s house. King Rolling Nine pins every day with a complete rabble. Friday 9. Fresh trades with appearance of clearing up, more moderate till about 12 when it sets in very strong and very thick over the mountains. Saturday 10 Strong breeses. Great surf on the middle ground. Ships Dauphin, Hussey — Eagle Colman, & Enterprise Obed Swain arrived — 8 and less months from America. Nothing special Sunday 11 Severe Trades & rain — in Squalls. Ship Maria Gardner arriv'd taken one hundred bbls since he went out last fall Mr Temple assisting me to make out my account current with Mr French. Mr Dana convalescent to day Monday 12 Strong trades continue. Ship Ballina Russel — 1,700 bbls Oil Waverly arrived, no one ashore — so we have no News. Tuesday 13. Strong trades still. Ship washington Kelly arrived. Capt Swain offered a lot of liquors. Said he had Shingles for Pitt, he was expecting Boki would buy. offered him 8 dollars per M. Wednesday 14 Strong trades, inclining to be more moderate, at 3 o'clock Waverly came in. Mr Dana intending to give her a new gang rigging. posting books. Thursday 15. Fine morn. Abigail came in & Dauphin. Pleasant day. Capt. Potter told me, he had been to the Missionaries, that he had mentioned, Mr Ruggles not Selling his mate anything, when the Mate went along side the Missionary packet 20 miles from Ahedoos. Mr Bingham said it was Sunday & probably they were about having Service!! Friday 16 Went off early in morning to assist Capt Adams get in the Whale Ships: five were bro't in, the last had to kedge The Sch. Prince Regent Sunk by hauling her stern ashore to repair her, the fore Scuttle was off & she filled. Attempts were made to raise her, but without success. She was Abandoned. She is now breaking up according to Law. |
Saturday 17th St Patricks. Very fine morn and beautiful day. Nothing in particular going forward to day Sunday 18 Very fine morn. Most beautiful day. Ship Planter, Bunker arrived — having taken 200 bbls. about the line. seen nor spoke anything — Monday 19 Beautiful morn. Planter came in. Ship Maria Theresa Wilcox — arrived. fine weather. Tuesday 20. Calm. Ship came in. Ocean Fitz Gerald arrived. Evening Capt Potter gave a Luow at George’s at which the masters of whalers attended. Major Warren & myself. Wednesday 21 Light air. Ocean did not attempt to get inside. Times dull. Sales small. Cash Scarce. Thursday 22 Light Showers with a light breese. Ship Ocean came in. two or three vessels up at Mauii. Notice was handed round in Mr Charlton’s hand writing, to inform those who wished for Licence for the Next Six months, that they must pay for the Same on or before the Second day of April next. Signed Mannere [Manuia]. I wish the Consuls would mind their business and let Govt. affairs alone. Friday 23. Beautiful morn. Discovered that all my letters were left behind, which were to go to Canton in the Chinchilla. Light airs & warm. Ship Weymouth Harris ard. Capt Adams unwell. Sent for me to pilot her in — which I did Saturday 24 Fine morn — went off and moved the Ship into a mooring birth. at 9 Ship Maro — Swain — arrived, went out and bro’t her up, Pilot being sick. Sunday 25 Went off early & bro’t the Maro in, against a light breese Missionary Packet arrived from Hawaii & Lahaina two Natives passengers who report Capt Buckle at Lahaina Ships Ros Cottle, 1,300 bbls oil & Alliance Swain 1,900 Heard Sch. Spy, Gale was at Mauaii. Afternoon went up behind Punch Bow] Hill to eat Luow. Among the eatables was a nice dog, of Which Several of the Whale Capts ate quite hearty and tho’t it very fine Monday 26 Trades too Strong to get Ships in. Ships Sophia Creesey ar-d English Barque Phenix. Capt Charlton waiting wind to get out to Tauaii. No News by Ships. Tuesday 27 Breeze unfavorable to get ships in at 8 Saw a Brig to leeward beating up — proved to be Brig Neo 85 25 [?] days from Canton. Brig Tamorilani sailed for Tauaii, Mr Chalrton English Consul — Commander. Went off on board Neo anchored at 7. evening. Came in with Capt Little. Wednesday 28. Strong trades. Ship Swift off. Mr Thompson told me Mr Aborn Sold Buckles |
(in London) Bills at 4/3 Sterling per dollar These were drawn on Wm Bennett Esq London, Ship Swift 2,000 bbls & Congress Worth 100 barrels Six months out arrived Thursday 29 Strong trades. Vessel in offing beating up, proved to be the Sophia. Parted her chain last evening. Ship Cyrus Harris — arrived 1,300 bbls. No News. Waverly Sailed for Hawaii Friday 30 Trades fresh Ships unable to get in. Read in papers that Capt. Jones in the Brandywine & Capt Finch in Vincennes Sailed early in Sepr for Pacific Ocean. Many New Whale Ships expected Saturday 31. Moderate trades. Neo came in with a leading breeze. Ship Phebe Swain 7 months 100 bbls oil. No news Sunday 1st April Moderate, went out with Alex Adams — Got Ship Rose in in trying to get Ship Alliance’s anchor — Capsised the windlass palls So that were obliged to quit. afternoon Rainy Monday 2. Strong trades. No Ships in. Martha Pease arrived. Ship Paragon Edwards: Lady Hamilton Moone (London) Tuesday 3 Strong trades. Squally. Ships Daniel 4th Buckle from Mauii Susan Swain. Copying Invoice of Tamh — Cargo into Invoice book Wednesday 4 Moderate breese — Strong trades — at 10 a ship hove in sight with colors half mast & Union down. went off with three others found it to be the Rosalie Capt Gardner — with his Rudder chocked — So as to be unmanageable only on one side. 1,300 Ship Clarkson Allen arrived 6 months & half. No oil Thursday 5. Strong trades Vessels unable to get in. Ship Hector Norton ar’d from (Maui) Tauaii. 15 Sail of Shipping outside the Bar waiting to come in. Friday 6 Trades not so strong this morning. Fresh trades middle of day Ship Phebe drifted. made Sail & went to Sea. Saturday 7. Moderate morn. Midday very fresh. Ship Orion ar’d 450 bbls at evening made sail and went to Sea. Capt Wilcox went to Mr Jones for his Ship’s papers. Mr Jones said he must wait 48 hours — for a man who deserted several days ago!! Quere, who will pay for the ship if she is lost after this. Sunday 8 Very strong gales, with rain afternoon Capt. Allen & Capt Harris got into a whale boat with a sail to go outside — had just Shoved from wharf, & boat upset — |
assistance immediately reached them & they were picked up — Brig Tamorilani arrived from Tauaii Capt. Ebbets remained at Tauaii Sent up between 4 & 5. hundred piculs Sandlewood. Ships Oregon & Hope came from Mauii lie off & on a short time & made sail. Capt Little fired a gun & hoisted Island Colors, on board Brig Neo, had a party on board at 11 A.M. to eat Bread & cheese & Drink Porter on the Occasion. Monday 9th More moderate trades. Gentle trades thro’ the day. Ship Fortune Swain arrived, bro’t me a letter from Mr Hunnewell Dated Nov. 15th 1825 — written at Nantucket. Growling about with biles, So that Iam very cross to day — Tuesday 10 Fine morn Ship Alliance came in, & 5 others. Brig Tamorilani. wind East — three of them sailed in Wednesday 11. Fine morn at 4 A.M. went out to pilot in some of the vessels. Bro’t in three & Adams three afternoon landing Sandlewood from Brig. Tamh 90 pic Thursday 12 Fresh breeze from SE. Landed 168 piculs wood from Tamorilani. Buckle had his ship moved down off the harbor last evening. Adams said there was not Sufficient water to bring her in — evening commenced raining. Friday 13 Fresh breese from SE. & Rain. Whalers filling water, hauled by a bile on my knee. Nothing going forward. Continued Rainy thro the day, Saturday 14 Wind Moderate at SE. Thunder lightning & Rain Squalls wind & Rain continued thro the day. Ship Daniel 4th lying outside dragged a little — at 8 in evening wind hauled round to westward. Sunday 15 Calm — hazy morn — light wind from SEd. Evening looked like rain. at 9. in evening — Several persons came to eat Luow. Monday 16 Rainy. Wind from Sd. Ship Mercator arrived — 1150 bbls oil — leaking. Moderate with Lightning in South. Several ships at Mauii. April 17th Tuesday Fine day, with Trades. Ships Danl 4th and Mercator came in. Ann Gray — 1100 bbls arrived Harriot Reed 1200. Ann late from Tahaiti — Says the Young King died a few weeks Since — there had been a War at New-Zeland, in which many were killed on both sides. The Missionaries were obliged to leave where they went does not say. Navarro, he said is very bad with a liver complaint. Brig Waverly came from Hawaii & Mauii. Said Mr Richards was carrying on all the trade at the latter place retailing Calico of inferior quality at 75 cts per yard Wednesday 18. Trades & fine weather — Weymouth, Ocean & Washington sailed. Capt James Bunker went in Washington got some things at Jones to send to Capt Ebbets, |
at Tauaii. Waverly came in Thursday 19 Fine morn — beautiful day, Congress & Eagle Sailed. Weighed about Sixty piculs of small wood. Some very small Manuere weighed the wood — took every man’s taxes first of the best, then let them Sell. Mr Dana landed a lot from Waverly — wood plenty but Small. Friday 20 Fine morn. Dana landing wood from Waverly — received in all from Mr Dana 170 piculs — Mr Charlton had a Small Dinner party to dine with him. Sent a number packages on board Capt Buckles Ship to go to Tauaii Saturday 21. Fine morn. Making up Buckles account, which instead of 200 dollars — was 1,000. Ship Cyrus parted her cable. Planter Sailed. Sunday 22. Strong trades. Clarkson, Rose & Daniel the Fourth sailed. Capt. Buckle left his Doctor. Monday 23 Strong trades. The above Ships did not Sail till to day, pilot judged wind too strong yesterday Mr Dana, Mr Jones, Mr Hunnewell & Mr Charlton all going with Boki to Waialua for wood &c each concern a vessel!!! Tuesday 24 strong trades. Jones Sent Brig Tamolilani Little master out to go to Wairua — Let two hundred dollars to Capt Gray Ship Ann London — Mate, Ship Lady Hamilton took a Boat & crew of Tahaiteans put to Sea — what could be his intentions is impossible to conjecture Wednesday 25th Moderate breeze. Several whale ships sailed. Waverly went out for Wainai Capt Maughan went in to see if he could find his mate & Boat. Sent Several Cases of goods on board Ship Fortune — Capt Charles Swain — for Tauaii. Thursday 26. Lively trades. Ship Phenix attempted to go out — Cast wrong way, got foul of Ship Paragon — No material damage. afternoon carried Ship Fortune out. Boki buying large quantity of cloth & other goods to pay when Neo returns. Friday 27 Moderate trades. at 9 Trades Strong — carried Ship Paragon out. Boki & King wen to Wairua in Brig Neo. Mr Hunnewell went in Missionary-Packet. Mr Charlton went with him. Boki having gone & left him. Phenix & Cyrus went Out got a few piculs Sandlewood very small — for cotton Saturday 28 Fresh trades. Schooner Cadberry Swan — 7 months from London bound to Columbia River. A Brig called Wm & Eliza Stopped at Mauii about three weeks since, of the same concern. Said the Company had moved up the River from Fort George, to Point Vancouver. One hundred miles up the River — because |
the Americans claimed the South Side of the River and all to the Sd. of 46° — North, Point Vancouver is in 45° — 27’!!! Sunday 29 Fine Morn. Fine day. Capt Swan pointed the Position of the New River discovered a year or two since by Capt. Hanwell of Brig Wm & Eliza — just to the Northward of Point Roberts — in about Lat. 49 ° — 07’ N. Vancouver overlooked it. Capt Maughan Mate & men were bro’t in, were taken at Wainai Monday 30 Fine morn. Ship Omega — Tilton 200 bbls oil — sailed in evening. Last evening the Crew of the Mercator — Mutind two Ring leaders were put in the fort — intended to be Sent home — as prisoners — May — Tuesday 1st Pleasant. A tremendous Surf after Dinner carried out Ship Alliance — got a small lot of Small Wood — Mr Knight christened his Lookout house — Capt Swan sailed for Columbia Wednesday 2. Moderate — Waverly returned with Sixty piculs wood Mr Charlton came up in. King & Boki’s Mob at wainai eating & drinking every thing from the Farmers The wooden house on the point was moved part way up to the corner, fora Billiard-Room. Rollers & tackles were used & moved it with ease. Thursday 3 Pleasant morn. Waverly came in. Missionary-Packet arrived with Mr Hunnewell, nearly full, 200 piculs the Wooden House moved up near the place of destination — very handsomely — Evening went to Jackson’s, to See Susan, who was unwell. Friday 4 Moderate. Mr Dana landing wood from Waverly Paid Jones 171 piculs & Stored 70 with me — got wooden-house on the Spot assigned. Tamamakea Died Sudden in the field Saturday 5. Moderate. Ships Mercator, & Martha Sailed Mr Knight wanted me to take the house and keep it till fall he finding Cook & furniture — declined the offer Sunday 6 Pleasant. Nothing going on to day. Dined at Major’s Monday 7 Cloudy morn. Capt Maughan had 3 or 4 Natives of Tahaite run away last night, which prevents his going to Sea to day. Dined with him at Major’s Tuesday 8. Lively trades. Ship Lady Hamilton Sailed, the last of Whale Ships. Waverly, Newport & Superb the only Shipping in harbor. Kaahumanu & Piia arrived from Mauii — in Schr. New York & Superb. Hunnewell sailed in Missionary Packet for Wailua — to get wood — |
Wednesday 9 Moderate. Cloudy day, after Breakfast called on Kaahumanu — to pay my respects to her August personage, took a few piculs very small wood for goods Thursday 10 Fine morn — Beautiful day. In evening an Eclipse of the Moon took place. The Moon was obscured by clouds at the begining — observed at the middle, there was a very Small edge of the Moon to be seen — upon its northern Limb. Saw about half the Emersion, growing late I turned in. Friday 11. Pleasant. Overhauling old accounts found them all so bad — I could make nothing of them Scarcely one would balance. Some one way & some the other, making out bills of persons accounts. Throughout his business career, Reynolds kept accounts for other businessmen and sea captains. At times his expert bookkeeping kept a trader from bankruptcy. Saturday 12. Fine morn & fine day is all I can Say. Brig Tamorilani came up with 500 piculs of Sandlewood. Sunday 13. Pleasant, very fine day. Saw Capt Little — got no News afternoon went to Jacksons’. Monday 14 Fresh trades. Atai washing bottles to bottle wine trade very dull — about ten dollars to day. very small lots very small wood in market. Mr Temple & Mr Thompson, purchasers Tuesday 15 Fresh trades. Brig Tamolilani warped in — discharged wood in afternoon. Dull times Wednesday 16 Pleasant morn. Mr Hunnewell arrived from Wailua in Missionary-Packet — two piculs Sand. Wood. Boki & King expected to arrive tomorrow, by land Thursday 17 Pleasant. Brig Tamolilani ready to go to Wailua but waits Boki’s arrival. Sells 10 pieces Nankeen for a draft of wood. One piece Cotton for a Draft, &c Selling at a lower rate than usual. Ship John Palmer Capt Clark — 7 months, from London, by way of Walparaiso and Payta. Said Saw Sloop-of-War Vincennes at Valparaiso was informed they only waited Capt Jones arrival, when they Should Sail for Sandwich Islands — This was in Feby. last. Capt Jones Sailed 6th Jan. So that they will not, probably be here till fall. The USS Vincennes commanded by Capt. William B. Finch arrived in October of 1829. |
Friday 18 Fine morn. Atai bottling the pipe of Ebbets’ wine. Mr Thompson & Capt Little off on board Capt Clark’s Ship purchasing goods. Gov Boki & King came from Wailua. Evening called to see Boki. Saturday 19 Fine morn. W.G. Dana gave a Dinner to all the people he could find, amounting to fifteen at Mr Knight’s. Brig Tamolilani Sailed for Wymea & Wailua. Sunday 20. Fine morn, fine day. Wrote Letters to go to California Doctor of John Palmer bro’t me a fine lot of Glauber Salts Monday 21 Fine morn. Capt Clark sailed. Major moved from Wooden House. Mr Jones & family came to Knight’s to board. Mannere weighing tax wood — in large quantities — Tuesday 22 Fine morn. Weighed Some Small wood — & Some fair — Mr Dana went out in Waverly & anchored outside. Dull times. Wednesday 23. Fine morn — weighed two or three lots wood to day in the yard. King Spent most of the day at the house. Boki called on to see what was doing — Mr Dana staying for three Tahaiti men who ran away Mr Thompson & Mr Hunnewell weighing considerable of wood to day — Thursday 24. Fine morn — Mr Dana started early in morning having slept with his Dearie — the last night. Weighing several small lots wood — in the yard. Boki and one or two other got to drinking and had a fine time. Boki told me the Missionaries were teasing Kaahumanu to make Laws. He said, He and the King did not want to do it — Neo arrived with fine wood Friday 25 Fine morn. Our House was Tabu’d for Sandle’d which kept off many idlers. Boki was weighing the wood from the Brig Neo — in person — Mr. Jones moved to his Country Seat with Hannah & Jenny two days since. Saturday 26. Fine morn. Posting Books. Teased by Natives to buy Sandd wood — refused many Lots — bo't 25 piculs Small wood. Mr Jones got nearly an hundred piculs Superior wood from Snuff & the King. As part of the sandalwood tax provisions, the common man Hawaiian, or Maka ainana, was allowed to dealin wood on his own behalf. Estimates have been made that much of the trade was now conducted by this class. Sunday 27. Fine morn. afternoon went to Capt Ebbets — Grimes and Sumner’s. Nothing New. |
Monday 28 Pleasant. Weighing Wood. Sixty five piculs good wood Mr Thompson & Hunnewell also weighing. Boki preparing to go to Wailua. Said he would give the wood for the debts as fast as we would find vessels to take it away. Tuesday 29. Very fine morn. Busily engaged getting wood — hired Kaikoili’s house to put it in. Boki went to Wailua. Wednesday 30 Very fine day — got 20 piculs Sandlewood. King bo’t 30 Suits Nankeen. Took Kaikoili’s house for wood. Thursday 31 Very fine. King started for Wailua early in morning. Tamolilane arrived with 500 (& over) piculs good wood. Sold goods very low — Sarsnets 2 piculs — Selling here for .425 other things in proportion. Friday 1st Fine cool morn. Posting books. Scarcely a person moving in village. Jones discharging wood from Tam’lani Evening Ani Ani came to house, Said he came to get grub for King to go in Tam’lani — No offer of wood to day Saturday 2. Still morn. Posting books. Tamolilani Sailed for Hawaii Sent my Notes & accounts by Mr Thompson for collection. Evening went down to Jacksons — pleasant evening. Sunday 3 Pleasant morn, and fine day. Monday 4 Calm. Sultry day — wind Sd & Eastd — very light unwell with griping, evening took Calomel — bo’t some wood of Jack at 6. dollars — twenty two piculs — twenty to Mr French Tuesday 5 Calm. Very hot sun. Overhauling Old accounts — uncommonly dull to day — Did not sell 5 dollars worth. Understood Kaahumanu was to be married in a few days to a known by the name of Capt Lewis. Wednesday 6 Calm. Business Calm. Kaahumanu took Terionui [Keali'iolani] land away. Gave Kamamakea’s lands to a young man of her family. Since Capt. Lewis has become her favorite: all former ones have to give place to the chosen of the day. Land was under the control of the great ali'i to grant, to take away and to grant to another as desired. Thursday 7. Calm. Calm times, believe did not Sell five dol, Cash got 3 piculs Wood. |
Friday 8 Clouds collecting on the Hills as tho the trades would set in light trades. Bo’t 20 piculs small wood, five good. Kaahumanu carried a quantity of muskets up the valley to day. Report says Boki & the King Sent word that the lands of Terionui & Taumamekea’s should remain as they were — who will be obeyed time must determine Saturday 9. Pleasant, afternoon set out with Mr Charlton, in a small Boat & went to Pearl River — thence, travelling all night, with a good Moon, to Waialua. One of the most fatiguing Roads I ever saw. Down precipices & up again. Apparently almost perpendicular. Several hundred feet. Were unable to procure the least refreshments — arrived — after a hard night Sunday 10 travelling, at Wailua about 7 A.M. went on board Brig Neo & got some breakfast — afterwards got horses from Snuff & rode 6 or 7 miles to see Boki & the King — most of the way in a heavy shower of Rain. Returned to Wailua in evening. Monday 11th After a refreshing nights Sleep at G Marines, Boki and the King having ordered us horses for our return, as the Sun Rose over the hills — we mounted our horses & commenced our return — with guides who bro’t us a much better Road than the one we went in — after Riding the best part of the way to Pearl-River. Sent our horses back — arrived at Pearl River at twelve. Stopt at Kauanoa’s & Kenow’s lands — where we had Dinner — provided by the liberalty of the good people about 4 — we Started in our Boat, & arrived in Honolulu about 9 in the evening — where we found all well Tuesday 12 Calm. Boki’s wife arrived — having come in a Canoe to see a sick Aunt. Dull times in village — no Company called to see Queene. Mr Jones told me he would bring my wood from all parts the Islands to Honolulu for half a dollar per picul — told him I would give it — Wednesday 13. Calm — got 3 piculs wood for ps cotton. let Hunnewell take some wood of Jack because I had no money. Dull Thursday 14 Calm: Very clear. very still in village. No business Light trades. Reading Knickerbocker. Friday 15 Calm. Hot sun. No trade. No Company. Natives building Straw Meeting House. Saturday 16 Fine morn. Brig Neo arrived from Wailua with wood for Kaahumanu — G Marine — came over. Sunday 17. Calm. Wailele returned with wood. Brig Tamolilani arrived yesterday at Wailua |
from Hawaii. Report said they could sell nothing there. Monday 18 Fresh trades. Fine day. Mr Jones told he had 113 piculs Sandlewood on board Tamo'lani on ac/t Dana Tuesday 19 Lively trades. Natives unloading wood from Neo. Heard Doct. Pelham told Mr Bingham Kaahumanu sickness was owing to sleeping with a young man Mr B. reproved him, saying she belonged to the church Doct said I do not know what Religion you teach the Religion I have been taught, directs me to tell the truth, therefore I cannot retract from what I have said. Mr B. said considering her profession & who she was it would be better not to mention it. Doct I cannot alter from what I have said Wednesday 20th Cloudy. Fresh trades. Bo’t twenty piculs Small wood. Thursday 21st Fresh trades, & very Dusty. Still & Dull. Browning was buried Friday 22 Light trades. Mr Jones getting wood of Kaahumanu Report said King was coming from Wailua Monday Saturday 23. Tamolilani arrived — from Wailua. 113 piculs on board for Dana from John Adams at Hawaii. [In Margin: Chamberlains opinion.] Mr Thompson told while Hawaii he had asked Mr Chamberlain if he did not think the Natives would have been as well off — had the Missionaries never come among them. He answered — He tho’t many were worse off — Because before they came they did not know — now light had come among them and they acted wrong knowing that they did so — but it might be compared to the Revolution, where many lives were lost — but in the end the Revolution was gained a blessing to those who survived. How shall I apply it? Many must be damned, to gain Salvation for other — it may be right — afternoon fine showers. Sunday 24 Tamolilani came in. Cloudy with Showers. Monday 25 Fine Morn with appearance of trades. King expected to day. Early in morning Hoomea came in to the house — at my request — I had requested one of the Natives to shew him to me — quite unexpectedly they came this morning. He is rather below middle Stature — Round built — wears his beard very long, & never shaves — which makes him appear more like some of the lowest among the Natives. His eye is quick — full & Round. His Voice is Soft, but forcible. He spoke of his former greatness & present situation with Some composure & cheerfulness. Employed myself in overhauling my little accounts Tuesday 26 Beautiful morn. weather fine. Rect 104 piculs Sand’wod from Tamolilani — and eight paid for freight — Recd by Mr Thompson from Gov Adams on ac/t W.G. Dana |
Wednesday 27 At daylight — Sail-ho was heard. No foreign vessel having arrived since May 17th all were anxious to go off. I went with Pilot — it proved to be the English ship Tinmouth — Capt Cole 75 days from Canton — Brig Louis Augustus Martin — a Dutch Brig — the first Dutch Colors ever hoisted here. Thursday 28th Light breeze off ship unable to get in Capt Charlton took Cap Cole up to see Kaahumanu as soon as he got breakfast yesterday — in afternoon went over to King & Boki — to Woala North Side Island Capt Martin says there is no Money on Peru. Saw Brig Convoy — Grimes — who had just arrived. Ship Peruvian Macy arrived 2450 bbls oil — said he had called to take Letters. Friday 29. Fine day — employed writing Letters to my Friends in America by Capt. Macy — Missionary Packet arrived from Aheedo — called on Mr Chamberlain to hire the vessel to go to Tauaii. said could tell in day or two Capt Macy Sailed. Saturday 30 Gentle breese — ships unable to get in. Report says Capt. Cole in Tinmouth on his passage from China fell in with an Island. Inhabited — got Hogs Plantain & other fruits — Lat — 15° — 11’ N. Longitude 178° East. Don’t see what he was doing in 15 ° — 11’ N. Charlton & Capt Cole returned from Boki & the King who came on monday. Sunday July 1st Fine morn. Spent most of day in Reading Burns’ works. Capt. Martin & Capt Little Dined at Charlton’s Monday 2 Fine Tinmouth came in — afternoon King & Boki came in from Wailua. Mr Charlton & Capt. Cole offering to buy Capt Martin’s Small Schooner for 2,000 Tuesday 3 Fine morn. Wind Southward — Capt Martin Sold his Schooner to Capt. Cole, who I understood bo’t her to use about the Islands, and then Boki’s wife was to have her at the Same She cost!! afternoon fine Shower. Wednesday 4 Beautiful morn. Beautiful Day. at 3 P.M. the Residents, Strangers, English Consul, King Boki & Kaahumanu — Sat down to an Elegant Dinner at Mr Jones’ — a number of Toasts — & Songs enlivened the Company — till evening. Boki making Sugar at his New Mill with fine success. Originally Boki’s mill was situated in Manoa Valley. It was moved closer to town and continued to be moderately successful. Thursday 5th Pleasant morn. Ship Teignmouth discharging. Boki, King & all his Mob — went on board in early morning, 6 o’clock remained till 5 in afternoon. Report says King & Boki bo’t the Cargo, and are to pay the wood immediately. Ship pro- |
ceed direct to Canton, & return as speedy as possible. I am fearful we shall never get any more pay for Old Debts. Reynolds and other merchants continued to sell to the ali'i on credit of future cuttings of sandalwood although old debts had not yet been paid. Friday 6. Fresh Trades. Tinmouth landing goods. Mr Jones Hunnewell Marini & self Called on Boki who said send a vessel to Wailua, Waimea and get Tax-wood — accordingly Mr Jones gave orders to Capt Little to sail Saturday afternoon. No Business to day. Saturday 7 Fine day — Tinmouth landing Rigging. Ship Comet, Placed via Mazatland with Merchandise for John Reeves. who was gone from Mazatlan to St. Francisco & expected here very soon. Also Several Missionaries bro’t from France, among whom are Agriculturists, Sugar-makers &c &c Trade most Shocking dull with us. not averaging ten dollars per day. I Recd Letter from good Uncle Grimes. Heard by a Kanaka Brig Tamaahmaah had been at Mazartland, & gone to Guaymas. The missionaries of the Soceity of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary came to the Islands after John Rives had convinced the French Government of the wisdom of establishing a mission in Hawaii. Sunday 8 Fresh Trades. Several gentlemen from Comet ashore. Dined with J.C. Jones Esq — afternoon went and looked of Boki’s goods bro’t in Teignmouth, except the white cotton I saw nothing but what was of inferior quality. The Cargo was consign'd to R. Charlton, Esq or in his absence to Capt Cole Monday 9th Cloudy. Lively Trades. Brig Tamolilani sailed for Waimea for a cargo of Sandlewood to pay old Debts Boki packing & Sending goods on board Sch. Young Thaddeus for Hawaii, Black Joh Supercargo. Also the new Sch. for Tauai. Kalawalu going in her to weigh tax wood. Evening went down to Jacksons Tuesday 10 Fresh Trades. Went on board Comet, with Mr Jones & Mr Thompson & Dined — looked at Some of his goods — too high to buy for this market. Mr Bingham sailed for Ahiro in Packet, for his health. Wednesday 11th Lively trades. The French Capt said John Reeves engaged in France to pay for what cost one dollar there seven dollars in O'ahu King and many of his Suite went on board Comet Boki distributing goods to his people from his Store Evening in house bo’t many things from us — Thursday 12 Cloudy morn — called on the King about wood — said would inquire. It appeared Boki hd given Orders to Manuere to use Kings Wood — & I had to |
go without — Heard Capt Plassiard had denied the Missionaries, who came in his Ship, his Table, that he intended taking their Baggage — also their implements of all kinds. Furthermore one of the young men to give bills on a rich Uncle — in France — for the passage money of all the Mission — At 5 PM. while talking Mr Jones received a letter from Capt Little from Wymea Saying he could find no person authorized to give any Sandlewood. Mr Jones & I waited on Boki, told could get no Wood. Boki started immediately in the New Schooner — just as Sun set — The Catholic mission had expected Rives to meet them in the Islands and to help them settle in Honolulu. Boki and other chiefs and resident foreigners helped them instead. Nevertheless the mission felt the insecurity of their position. Friday 13 Pleasant morn. King and his Mob went to Wailua. Teignmouth taking wood on board. Kauliohi arrived from Mauii. Said it was very dry there — and provision very Scarce — (Author, Charlton) Saturday 14 Calm. Frenchmen from the Comet a house of Mr French the Carpenter. Understand a part go in Comet to the Coast. Business dull. Sunday 15 Ship Ballena arrived — 2,100 Bbls oil — Went off with Capt Russel & Adams to get Ship in. Wind Sd. Mr Jones and Mr Thompson Dined with French Capt. on board his ship. Mr Charlton went to see Boki. Monday 16 Pleasant. Very warm day. Teignmouth taking Superior wood. Business dull Tuesday 17 Fine morn, Kaahumanu sent for Capt of Comet to tell him he must take away the Missionaries whom he had left, or landed, he replied — he had no provisions & could not take them away. She said then they must wait till they found a Ship bound to Lima — who will be bound to Lima? Ka'ahumanu remained strongly antagonistic to the Catholic mission. Most of the orders against their position in the Islands were initiated by her. Wednesday 18th Brig Tamolilani came in — having about Seven hundred and fifty piculs Sandlewood on board of Tax wood to pay old Debts, to be Divided in four parts — one to Jones, Agent for Marshall & Wildes, one to Marini, agent for T. Meek & J. Ebbets — Hunnewell, Agent for Bryant & Sturgis & Brig Thaddeus, & Self for Waverly & W.G. Dana. Warm day — Mr Charlton returned from Waimea Thursday 19 Fine morn, the wood landing from Tamolilani Storing in Hunnewell’s Store house. Mr Charlton rode in a chair, with his Jackass thro the village the first in the place — & wholly manufactured on the Isd. |
Friday 20 Calm — Finished getting wood ashore from Tamolilani Seven hundred & fifty eight piculs — 189 1/2 for Waverly — Boki declined coming up to see Kaahumanu. Saturday 21 Calm — afternoon Ship Ballaena Sailed. The head man of Market quarrelled yesterday with the Pilot & Consul to day — Capt Little & ourself. He must act by Secret instructions — or he would not dare act as he does — Sunday 22 Fresh Trades. Afternoon went to Native church. called on French Missionaries with Charlton & Mr Thompson. Spent but a short time. Reynolds became one of the supporters of the Catholic mission. Monday 23 Brig Owyhee Dominis arrived 19 days from St. Francisco, left Brig Tamaahh — Got letters from Mr French, Consignment of four boxes Merchandise and a horse. Dined on board Teignmouth with Capt Cole, with Residents, Masters & Manuere Tuesday 24 Fine morn — Owyhee came in, horses were landed in high flesh & spirits. Mr French’s was wild enough Business Dull. Tamolilani Sailed this morning for Tauaii for Tax wood. Wednesday 25 Moderate morn. Little business doing to day — got 9 piculs Sandlewood. Looking at Jones’ Horses. Boki sent Gowen from Waimea to buy all the horses Thursday 24 [26] Moderate. Horse-fever raged high, every person who could muster Sandlewood wanted to buy. Last evening Mr Whitney & Mr Chamberlain called at Mr Marine's to converse with him about the Roman Catholic Missionaries. Marine told them — one could talk English they had better go & see them!! Friday 27 Moderate. Landed my Kegs Gin from Brig Owyhee — & Sold it to Zupplien & Maborn at 1.50 Capt. Dominis Sold Seven on the coast for furs, rendered me an account as Cash!!! Mr French’s goods were landed those left from shipment by Tally-Ho. Boki came up. Saturday 28 Wind Sd. Yesterday the French Ship Sailed, on hearing Boki had come up, the Capt went immediately on board and made Sail! got a little wood to day. Recd letters from Capt Ebbets — by Kai. Sunday 29. Fine morn. Mr Charlton’s Ladies — Boki & Manuere Dined on board Teignmouth. |
Monday 30 Calm. Boki offered the Frenchman — as much land as they would cultivate — for five years, free of any expence — after that one fifth the produce — Business fair today Asked Boki for Neo to go & get Capt Ebbets Sandlewood at Tauai; said she belonged to Naihe, could not let her gO. | Boki's tolerant attitude contrasted sharply with that of Ka'ahumanu. But as governor of Oahu he was able to help the Catholics. Tuesday 31 Fresh Trades; Teignmouth preparing to go out — at 10 made sail. MissionaryPacket arrived from Hawaii Black Jo. in young Thaddeus, Pilot Boat & Superb from Wailua. Owyhee sailed for Hawaii for Tax wood Young Thaddeus sailed in evening in pursuit of the Teignmouth to the wood on board, got 30 piculs Superior wood from Manuere on King’s account Wednesday August 1st Pleasant morn. Manuere weighing the Tax wood. Chartered Missionary-Packet to go to Kauai at the rate of two hundred & fifty dollars per month. Sent her to Capt Ebbets with a few goods on board, to go to Kauai & return. Thursday 2 Pleasant, finished weighing Tax wood 316 piculs. Let Hoai have a quantity of goods to Sell. Carpenters finished at Jack’s — Teignmouth expects to fill & go to China without returning to Honolulu!! That she will return with an assorted Cargo in five months. Mr Jones wished to Settle the Shipment to Norfolk Sound, in Tallyho by paying Seal skins at 1.75 — for Cash recd on some of Sales!! Friday 3 Calm. Brig Chinchilla arrid forty three days from Canton — With Cargo Silks Nankeens &c for French & Ebbets. Reported it was War in Europe Letters from Canton Say it wants confirmation. Saturday 4 Fine morning. Went out & assisted getting Chinchilla in. The Pilot was having a drinking bout. Dischargd a number packages from Brig Black Joe arrived from Wainai — late in evening no news from Boki. Read in N. York Observer Missionary account of Ship Daniel the Fourth’s crew assailing Mr Richard, at Lahaina in Autumn 1825. It is there Stated Capt. Buckle had bo’t a Female Slave, the Season before to carry in his ship!!! See Obser No This entry refers to the bitter disagreement between the Rev. William Richards and Capt. John Buckle. See Introduction. Sunday 5 Fine morn. Fine day. Black Joe came from Wainai said Teignmouth took about Four hundred pics sand’wood on board & sailed for Wainea. Monday 6 Pleasant. Landing goods from Chinchilla. Evening heard a Report of the death of Poalinui, who died very suddenly at Wailua. Mr Jones making an alliance |
with Miss Lahilahi the handsome daughter. Tuesday 7 Pleasant morn. Having much to do — requested Susan Jackson to come and assist in selling Death of Poalinui contradicted only very sick. Landing goods from Chinchilla. Sent a letter to King to come and buy Such goods as he wanted Wednesday 8. Pleasant. finish landing from Chinchilla and put on board some of the goods again, to go to Norfolk Sound. Report said Teignmouth was full coming round to Honolulu. Sales dull. Thursday 9. Calm. Misn. Packet arrived from Kauai, Sailed in Comy of Brig Kamolilani. Kekioeva & wife passengers — full of Sandlewood Tax wood, & a few pickles for Capt Ebbets landed 90 piculs from Schooner — got several piculs for goods of new cargo. Friday 10 Plt morn. Landed all the wood from Misy Packet two hundred piculs. Tamolilani arrived — 730 piculs Tax wood. Sch. Young Kaukioli reported. Sold Some goods for wood No Money stirring. Saturday 11th Calm. Brig Tamo’lani came in. Young Kaukioli in sight — arrived in harbor at 11 A.M. — dispatched Misy Packet to Kauai — Recd. a few piculs Sandlewood from Natives Kamolilani discharging Tax wood. Sunday 12 Very fine morn — fine day — made out Invoice & Bills of Lading for Norfolk Sound Cargo — a very warm day Monday 13 Very fine morn. Wood landing from Kamolilani. Sold goods for Several Small lots of Small wood. Keikioeva bo’t 2 ps Buglapore & ps vesting, satin, and ordered it made up. Mr Jones putting goods on board Chinchilla for Norfolk Sound. Tuesday 14 Fine morn, weighed Several Small lots of Small wood Astor came from Wailua after Keikioeva. Charlton Sold the old man the Kaukioli. Wednesday 15 Fine morn. Warm day. Landed 137 piculs Sandle wood from Kauai from Capt Ebbets &c Gave Capt T Meek his instructions Invoice &c. told G. Marine — would take his good Sand wood at 8.00 per picul in goods & cash. Astor making Kaukioli’s wood on board to carry to the Teignmouth. Brig Owyhee arrived fr Hawaii Thursday 16 Pleasant. Brig Chinchilla Sailed for Kauai & N Sound Capt Little & Mr Hunnewell went over to see Boki & the King to get orders to go to Kauai and Hawaii for Tax wood. Charlton sailed in Astor with Keikiheva for Wailua. Some trade for Sandlewood to day. Charlton said those who trusted the Natives & had debts |
Due ought to lose it, & he (C.) hoped they would!! I have no doubt he does. Friday 17 Fine morn, at 12 a fine shower from Sd. Small wood moving in all directions. Heard Hunnewell & Little arrived Safe at Pearl River. Scandal of the City as usual Saturday 18 Showery, warm day, and light baffling winds. little wood and very small going to Mr Jones, for which he paid in unsaleable articles Sunday 19. Fine morn. Missionary Packet in Sight — attempted to come in but was prevented by Col’ Manuere. He said if she came in, She would Scare the Fish!! Reported Kaahumanu, Boki & King were at Kolau, trying a Murderer — Sentence: Hanged — Report. Monday 20th Fine Morn — Early in morn went to see Col Manuere about the Schooner’s coming in. Said if there were no Fish — She might come in — came in by 9 o'clock, got horses out, Decks clear so as to discharg after dinner by which means we have to take two days to discharge where one ought to have been sufficient. Went to see Piia who said she wanted fig’d crapes & Black Satin Tuesday 21st Lively trades. Landing wood from Misy Packet 205 piculs — Ship Teignmouth beating up from Wailua. Pilot boat Sch Astor came from Waimea The object of Teignmouth to get a few things here, go to Wailua, take Kaahumanu, King, Boki, Kaikueva & others to Ahilo, thence to Kailua, thence Lahina thence Oahu. I intended sailing in the Mn. Packet to Wailua, but could not get discharged in time Capt Little & Hunnewell arrived from Boki and King. Boki said would send a man with orders to John Adams to fill Brig Owyhee & Kamo'lani. Wednesday 22 Fine morn. At 11 Sailed in Missionary-Packet for Wailua. Brigs Owyhee & Kamolilani sailed for Hawaii after Tax wood — Ship Teignmouth for Wailu — Strong Trades Thursday 23 Fresh Trades — Running down the North Side of Oahu at 2 past Seven past Waimea — at 10 off the west side Bay at Wailua — Lie off and on & took 60 or 70 piculs Sandlewood belong to Mary Marine. Rode round to Wailua — in eveg — Ship Teignth arrived at 11. at Wailua, at 8 she weighed for Aheedo with Kaikuoeva on board. Kaahumanu Boki & King & most of Mob were at Wailua Friday 24 At alittle after Sunrise Kaahumanu, & Train Set out for (Oahu) Honolulu; Boki & King & Mob — for their Habitations in the mountains, for cutting wood At half past 9 — Mr Charlton, English Consul, with two Frenchmen Set out for Ho'lulu — arrived at Pearl River at a place called Waikele. Hired a Canoe to carry Charlton & self to Honolulu — for four dollars Canoe small — Frenchmen & two of our Natives staid all night. Ship Persia arrived. Capt sick Saturday 25th Finding it low water last evening — when we arrived at the Mouth of the River |
had to stay till four o’clock this morning — when we started & made our way up inside the Reef — & arrived at Sunrise — at daylight saw a sail off — which proved to be the Brig Tamaahmaah — Bro’t the same Report of War as Capt Meek bro’t from Canton. Passage fourteen days from St Diego — Bro’t a number of horses — Bo't all Capt. Meek’s but as soon as they came on shore he sold the best to Mr George Wood — Horses were all the Rage, every one wanting a horse Sunday 26. Fine Morn — Brig Neo in Sight from Waimea — Misy Packet from Wainai. Old Kotch died of old age Monday 27 Moderate morn. Landing goods from Tamaahh amount fifteen thousand dollars, Cash and Bar Silver Thirty thousand dollars. Bo’t a few piculs Wood — Tuesday 28. Lively Trades. Weighing wood for goods — Mr French trading with Kaahumanu — afternoon Rode to Allens Brig Acapulco arrived from Gulph California Said were bound to St Barbara — were blown from Guaymos and had to put away for Sandh Islands after a passage of twenty five days arrived — leaky! Wednesday 29. Fresh trades. Weighed eighteen piculs Wood — getting goods ready to go to Wailua in Tamaahmaah. Thursday 30. Pleasant. Weighing lots of Small wood. Putting goods on board Tamaahmaah — after Dinner Mr French sailed in Tamh for Wailua & Waimea. Rode to Allens with Mr Carter, just at Sunset Friday 31 Fine morn. Weighing Wood for Snuff. Horse fever abating. No demands to day. Trade Dull. Saturday September 1st Pleasant. Ship Sabina Hubbell 30 days from Guyaquil. Cocoa for Manilla. Reports Vincennes will not be here this season. Also Ship Swift Jonn Swain 2,800 bbls Oil, bound home. In Evening went on board him — heard by Capt Hubbell Capt. William Blanchard was in Valparaiso in April, bound to Norfolk Sound to be at Sandwich Islands in October. Many vessels may be expected this fall. Sunday 2nd Pleasant morn. Capt Swain filling water — Capt Barnet appeared much worse this morning — but more comfortable in afternoon. Two of the Frenchmen went to Charlotte Holmes’ house this morn about 2 o’clock broke the Door down — dragged the girl out and hauled her nearly a quarter of a mile. Her cries Raised all the Neighborhood. McNeil & Hunnewell knocked one down. Sent for Manuere who put them in Fort. Sent for Marine, who persuaded they had better be set at liberty — Monday 3 Pleasant. Ship Golden Farmer — Joy arrived 1,700 bbls oil leaky. Brig Owy- |
hee from Kairua 8 or 9 hundred piculs Tax wood & 228. for Dana, on freight. Attempted trade with Capt. Swain but no effect. Tuesday 4 Fine morn. Brig Gen. Sucre Pitner 42 days from Valparaiso, for Manilla. Spanish Lady passenger, also Capt Myrick late master of Brig Bolivar for Man. Vaccinated the Natives belonging to the Yard. The Boy done ten days since & to day it was full. Recd a letter from Mr French at Wailua, saying Brig was most full. Boki told him he expected me & Jones with a vessel to get Tax Wood!! Wednesday 5 Lively trades. Swain in Swift Sailed — weighed Some few lots Small wood. Horse fever raging to day. Recd from Brig Owyhee on ac/t Mr Dana 227 piculs — paid Jones 14 piculs for freights. The Spanish Lady: passenger, in Gen Sucre came on shore & Stopped at Mr Charlton’s. Thursday 6 Fine morn, Sent Mr French a letter giving information of the Ships in Port. Mr Charlton took Pitner and others, up to Manoa too see Kaahumanu!! “Old Bitch" Mr Jones appears to be keeping Public House, or at least a great Company. Friday 7 Plt. Morn. Mrs Charlton & the Spanish Lady viewed the market!! Manuere weighed twenty two piculs Tamaahmaah arrived from Wymea full of wood. Saturday 8 Tamh came in. Discharged some wood — put it in G Marine's house. Capt Barnet tho’t to be gaining. Tried Capt Hubbell to buy his goods Sunday 9th Drizzly — Light air Sd — Ship Mercator, Lawrence 1700 bbls oil. Mr Jones Sent him a letter Requesting him to Anchor also to take the men which were left last spring, belonging to Mercator, Mutinous — Capt Laurence — Started before Dinner was fairly over — and before night was ought of Sight. Monday 10 Cloudy, discharging wood from Brig — Got mostly out wind Sd — afternoon went down on the race ground let two or three horses go over the ground for amusement Capt Hubbel sold Mr Jones a quantity of Sweet wine which he landed — understood took wood for eight dollars Tuesday 11 Fine morn: landed all the wood from Brig — bo’t forty piculs — Sent many packages on board & Brig Sailed at 3 P M for Waimea — At 11 attended an auction at Jones’ of goods belonging to Capt Hubbel. Soap 20 lbs Boxes from 2.37 a 2.00 $ per box; after Sales — bo’t 250 boxes at 1.75 & paid in wood at 8.00 dollars — Wednesday 12 Fresh trades — Brig Kamolilani arrived from Lahaina with Six hundred & forty piculs Tax wood, being all he could get up at Hawaii & Mauii — Mr Jones bo't the Pearl Shell from Spaniard at one dollar per picul. |
Thursday 13. Brig Kamolilani came in. discharged a part into Marine’s house. Brig Gen. Sucre Siled. Dominis taking in Pearl Shell from Spanish Brig. Sold Jones the horse I bo’t of Meek for 170 dollars Friday 14. Pleasant — Weighing wood to pay Hubbel for Soap Let all the Chronometers run down — weighed some small wood — Young Thaddeus came from Kauai by way of Waimea — 100 piculs wood on board for French Saturday 15. Sch Wailele came in, Tuanoa & Kenow passengers from Wailua. Discharged wood from Young Thaddeus Eighty two piculs instead of One hundred. Sabina sailed for Manilla. Let Chronometers run down yesterday. Sunday 16 Fine morn. Afternoon rode to Wyteete to see white colt found him in fine condition. Several people from City riding in different routes — Monday 17th Fresh trades. Ship Paragon, Edwards, 2,100 bbls oil leaky — Mr Jones called on Capt. Barnet, & talked with him about sending Persia home, & spoke of Capt McNeill to take charge. Capt. Barnet refused said Mr Moore would go in — & would advise if it necessary, & did not wish to put any one over the mate. So says report: Engaged a house of Manuere for to put Sandlewood in. Tuesday 18 Moderate. Weighed a few piculs wood — poor — Tamaa’h arrived full of wood. Hannah Hooper & Capt McNeil passengers. Wednesday 19. Fine morn — Tamah. warped in, afternoon discharging wood putting in house below the Fort. Ship Persia Sailed under Command of the late Mate Mr Russel. Capt Barnet remained behind sick. Golden Farmer turned out — found a seam close aft next garboard — Seam five or six feet long without Oakum. Neo sailed for Hawaii Thursday 20 Moderate. Discharging wood. Hired women to work for a Horn comb each. had over fifty people employed. Friday 21 Fine morn. Paragon came in. Finished landing wood from Brig at 2. o'clock. Paid forty five dollars for labor landing Saturday 22 Ship Teignmouth arrived from Mauii. Keikuoeva & family, Tag-Rag &c — passengers. Brig Tamh. sailed for Wailua. Had an Auction of cheese & Dried Neat’s Tongues for Account of Jona — Temple Sunday 23. At daylight the report of Muskets awoke me, on turning out saw colors flying upon most of Flag Staffs in village — inquired the cause. "Mr Crown’s wife was |
bro’t to bed." Afternoon rode to Allen’s. Monday 24 Pleasant. Brig Kamolilani off. Boki, King & rabble came from Wailua. King going to Kauii in Teignmouth. Old Keikioeva Sent to buy all the large, & Jacknives, we had. and to have me buy Some — which I did — then he would not have them — Tuesday 25th Pleasant. Brig Kamolilani attempted to get in — wind strong, in making a tack touched on the Bank. Ships Japan Chase — 1,700 bbls oil, boiling: & Pacific Gardner 2100 bbls oil. Preparations making for King to go to Kauai Wednesday 26. Fine morn — Ship Com. Rodgers Nye 2,100 bbls oil. Kamolilani came in. Put wood in Marine’s house Keikiova buying Plates & dishes to carry to Kauai King has forbidden women to go with them. Thursday 27. Strong breeses. Ship Lady Hamilton Maughan 2,000 bbls oil. Ship Teignmouth Sailed for Kauai & Canton. King, Boki, & a host of Kanakas passengers to Kauai Friday 28 Fresh trades. Ship Martha Gardner 1,700 bbls oil Strong trades thro the day. at Sunset Capt Meek Brig Tamaahmaah arrived full of wood from Waimea Saturday 29 Moderate. Brig came in — after dinner discharged 8 boats Ship Oregon Bunker 1,300 bbls. Mr French arrived at sunset Sunday 30. Fine morn. afternoon Mr Jackson & I rode to Mannoa [Manoa]. Ship Com Rodgers Sailed. Rosalie Gardner 2,200 bbls. oil Monday October 1st Moderate. Discharging wood from Brig & Young Thads Ship Planter Beating up. Landing wood from Tamh Tuesday 2 Fine morn. Writing letters, Bills lading &c to go in Owyhee. Capt. Dominis Sailed in after for Canton Wednesday 3 Beautiful morn, Brig Active, Cotting & Ship Triton Bryant. Volunteer, Barker, Brig Griffin fifteen days from NWC Skins scarce on the coast. About 800 Sea Otters have been collected by the five vessels. Heard Capt Blanchard Brig Diana, was in Norfolk Sound in July. Ship Phebe, Swain 1300 bbls oil Thursday 4 Fine day weighing wood from Kaahumanu. Several whale ships came inside. Capt Barnet down to see us Friday 5 Went outside with the Pilot & Bro’t Ships Volunteer & Triton in. little trade to day |
Saturday 6 Fine morn. Bo’t Capt Bryants Rum at one dollar per gallon. Afternoon Brig Tamh Sailed for Kauai NW men selling their fire wood at 8.00 per cord Sunday 7th Very fine morn. Brig Kamolilane off the harbor came in with fair wind — 300 piculs Tax wood Wind Sd. warm warm day — afternoon — rode to Allens with several others Monday 8 Very fine morn. Weighing wood from Kamolilani Got Seventeen Hhds Rum ° from Capt Bryant — Sold one to Buckle. Did. 4 Boxes plates to Spaniard Tuesday 9 Cloudy & warm — weighed all the wood from Kamol’ani 365 piculs. An auction of Fish at 9 A.M. Squaging Sold from 6.50 a 7.50 Bo't some from Bryant for 8.00 per bbl. Rainy afternoon, wind Southward. Wednesday 10. Fine morn. Ship Tartar Bancroft of Boston forty days from Lima. Tried to engage freight — Said could give no encouragement. Wind fair to come in — but he anchored outside. Mr Dogget — 1st officer gave me some papers. Thursday 11. Fine morn. Tartar after anchoring with a fair wind yesterday — towed in this morning. Very warm wind Sd. Friday 12. Calm Ships Ann — Gray 1900 bbls — Charles Butchard bbls — Ranger May 1200 — Fawn Dale — Hector Norton 1500 bbls — afternoon trades. Saturday 13 Calm morn went out to bring in Ships; for want of sufficient boats — last ships had to warp against a strong trade. Brig Padang Hall from Lima forty five days. Brig Kamolilani Sailed for Kauai for tax wood. Sch. Wailele arrived from Pearl River where we had sent her to take wood on freight and goods to sell for wood. Mr Thompson being on the spot, prevailed on the Capt to take freight for him. Ship Harvest Macy 2,300 bbls oil. Capt Macy and many of the crew down with Scurvy. Sunday 14. Brig Tamh arrived from Kauai — and Mr French Bro’t 200 piculs Sandlewood — afternoon rode to Allen’s Ship Elizabeth London Steward 2,000 bbls — Ship Harvest arrived Macy — bad with Scurvy. last eveg Monday 15th Fresh trades. Tamaahmaah towed in. Capt Hall agreed with Mr French to take wood to Lintin at one dollar per picul. Adams high. Major Warren opened a boarding house — in opposition to George Marine. Tuesday 10. Fresh trades. Got Harvest in — by towing — ships Maria Theresa Wilcox arrived 1800 bbls oil ship Rambler Worth 2,200 bbls — Capt Bancroft agreeing with |
Mr French for freight Wednesday 17 Bro't Ships Elizabeth & Rambler in. Black Joe Brig Padang, & Ship Maria Theresa — Brig Neo arrived from Lahaina. Reported Brig Diana Blanchard, & Several Whale Ships. Bancroft agreed with French for freight in Tartar at one dollar per picul to Lintin — one & half if delivered in Whampoa — if difficulty arises by Chinese Govt — about unlading at Lintin & Ship obliged to go up, in consequence — one dollar picul Cumshaw — Measurement & pilotage to be paid. Fifteen working days allowed for discharging fifty dollars demurage, each following day — Thursday 18. Fresh trades. Ship Lyra Sailed. Capt. Barnet went with him, & I forget what was going on Friday 19 Pleasant. Ship Mary Lock arrived 1100 bbls oil. Men down with Scurvy. Brig Diana, Blanchard from Norfolk Sound — loaded with Salt at Lahina for Norfolk Sound — Saturday 20. Brot the Ship & Brig in. Weighing wood & loading Tartar & Brig Padang. King & Boki and Kaikuoeva arrived from Kauai Sunday 21. Pleasant. Ship Cyrus Harris 2200 bbls oil Sailed Ship Japan Chase for oil. Ship Planter Bunker for Nantucket. Black Joe from Pearl River arrd Sch. Amelia — Tax wood, 85 piculs Monday 22 Bro’t Cyrus in — Brig Kamolani from Kauai about 344 piculs. Putting wood on board Ship & Brig Evening George & Knight gave a Luow. Most every body present. Tuesday 23 Took Kamolilani in. Brig Becket arrived twenty horses on board. Ship Franklin Bradshaw had arrived on the coast with a valuable cargo — Wednesday 24. Fine morn. Ships Martha Gardner & Oregon sailed Ships Victory Cathcart 1,000 bbls & Spaniard from Brig Becket rode my colt — had a fine frolic. Putting wood on board ship & Brig. People paying in Taxes to Manuere Thursday 25 Fresh trades. Mr French bot Barrels Brandy of Capt Cotting at one dollar & fifty cents per gal. Very Strong trades dirt flew So you could not see Ship golden Farmer parted her Cable & sung to her stern anchor — prompt assistance was rendered cables and anchors carried to her which saved her from other damage. Ship John Palmer — Clark arrived from Mauii. While he was on Shore there on Tuesday afternoon he was siezed with his Boat’s crew — his boat hauled up in the field — they were put in the Fort as prisoners Capt Clark got word off to his Ship, by boat from Ship Hope NBd — to fire over the village after firing four guns, they were released and allowed to go on Shore. [In margin: |
???] A Race was Run between McNeills & King’s white horse Kings beat. Reynolds’ version of the 'riot’ in Lahaina differs from other accounts of the incident. The core of the conflict centered around Gov. Hoapili’s attempt to control or eliminate prostitution in the port of Lahaina. Ship captains and their crews blamed the Rev. William Richards and attacked him. Friday 26 Fine morn. Strong trades. Loading Tartar & Padang with wood. Mr French weighing from Natives — Kanaina &c. Saturday 27 Calm — went out & Bro’t John, Dogget in. Recd ninety nine & half piculs wood from Sch Amelia on ac/t old Debts. putting wood on board Tartar & Padang. Evening — Showers Sunday 28 Calm — Wind Sd. Ship Fortune Charles P. Swain 1650 bbls Sailed in — afternoon rode to Allens Evening took Tea at McNeills with Monday 29 Wind Sd — & Rainy — Very heavy Swell John Palmer & Hope Slipped & ran inside, pitched Bowsprit under — Ship Triton completed her keel & righted Afternoon moderate — Tuesday 30th Calm — Wind Sd Ship Independence Whippey 900 bbls oil — from Ahielo — where he left two English ships, Crews very bad with Scurvy. Several of the Nantucket Masters who boarded at the Major’s were at George’s trying to get the Boarders away — Putting wood on board Ship & Brig Wednesday 31st Cloudy — wind Sd. Putting wood on board Tartar & Padang. Black Joe preparing to go to windward — in Young Thaddeus — on a trading expedition for Boki Afternoon fine Shower. Thursday 1st November Pleasant morn. Ship Dauphin Huzzy arrived 1200 bbls Morning — wind off land — 11 S.E. many Ships waiting to get out. Nearly completed loading Padang — Brig Kamolani Sail’d Friday 2 Fine morn — wind Sd. many vessels waiting wind loading Ship & Brig — Brig nearly full. Saturday 3. Calm. Wind Sd. Ship Kent Acock London 300 bbls Completed loading Brig Padang 1860 piculs on board. evening a grand Luow given at the Majors by the whaler Boarders. Recd 112 piculs wood from Pearl River on ac/t Waverly put it on board Triton. Sunday 4th Calm — Wind Sd. Fine morning. At 9 in evening Capt T Meek in Chinchilla |
32 days from Norfolk Sound. 9,000 Seal Seal Skins for French; 1,000 for Jones, besides his own now unknown. Monday 5. Fine Calm morn. Chinchilla came in — 10,000 lbs old copper which he claims on his own account Some sheet copper & Nails & Bar Iron & Steel — wind Sd Tuesday 6. Wind Sd — Small Showers. Mr Hunnewell putting wood on board Triton on of our old Debts, whale ships waiting for wind. Report says, to day Mr Richards is sent for by the Chiefs, to come and be tried by his countrymen. Pray who gave us the power? This refers to the Buckle case. Wednesday 7. Wind Sd Fine day — discharged Sch Amelia into Triton 117 piculs — put Seal Skins from Chinchilla on board Tartar — got several Small lots wood Thursday 8th Calm. Brig Becket towd out. Last evening most of the masters were on a frolic, firing Crackers Squlbs &c to day, broken thumbs, torn jackets, etc etc. Southerly wind. Amelia went out Friday 9th Calm. Mr French went to Pearl River to weigh wood with Ikanaka (Maneater). Ship Congress Worth 1100 bbls. Missionary-Packet — with Mr Bishop on board Saturday 10 Fine morn. Brig Active Cotting towed out yesterday morning. Ships Warren & Kent off: Mr Goodrich & family came from Ahileo in Warren. at 9 most of Masters of English Ships went to Waikikii for a Luow party. At 10 a fine breeze off the land — 9 Vessels went out — among them — Golden Farmer — McNeill passenger. Brig Padang — for Canton, Brig Tamah for Kauai. MacNeill told me Jones had written to his Brother Chadwick to put in ten thousand Dollars to make a voyage for the Islands — as soon as possible after he (Mac) arrives in Boston. Sunday 11 Light wind S.E. Ships unable to get out — after noon rode up the valley Monday 12 Calm. At 10 Wind off land. Ships Victory — Charles & Lady Hamilton Sailed. Sch. Wailele sailed for Wainai with goods for Mr French, who was waiting for them Sch. New York arrived from Mauii with Naenaena Tuesday 13 Fresh trades. Brig Kamol’ani arrived from Mauii. Mr Bingham & Mr Richards came passengers — had 344 piculs tax wood. Ships Ranger, Maria'Theresa & John sailed: Sch Pakii arrived with Ulimaihe — Butler in Brig. Wednesday 14 Fresh trades. Ship Maraia Gardner arrived 2,300 bbls oil. Sch Amelia from Pearl |
River Tax wood. Got all wood out of Kaikoili’s house, Tartar nearly loaded. Thursday 15 Strong trades. Brig Cadet Lewis 35 days from Lima called for the purpose of flogging T. Meek — Mr French returned from Wainai. Friday 16 Strong trades. Sch Byng Capt Young Eighty days from Taheite to, English Consul, Weighed 105.66 piculs wood for Bryant. Saturday 17 Strong trades. Ship Tartar sailed — for Canton — Brig Cadet for Manilla Tamaahh in Sight from Kauai. Jones trying to get all the freight, by offering twenty five cents more than any one else. Sunday 18 Early in morning Saw Brig was far off. Soon Saw Ship Ann in Company. Got whale boat and went off — Mr Thompson immediately manned his Gig & followed Supposed by shore folks, that the Ann was a trader — and to monopolize the freight — by offering twenty five cents over others. Monday 19th Strong trades. Mr French bargained with Capt Blanchard for Brig Diana — appurtenances, Stores &c at twelve thousand dollars. Charlton & Buckle called on Mr Richards, about the Publication in the Public Newspapers relating to Capt Buckle’s purchasing a Slave — result I have not heard — Tuesday 20 Moderate trades. Hunnewell weighed 60 Sixty piculs of Taxwood & put on board Triton. out of village wood afternoon Kamolani warped in. Capt Clark got end of his Chain up which he slipped when he came in Wednesday 21 Moderate trades. Smart Shower in night Brig Tamh kedged in. Ship Congress went out. Diana discharging Salt. Marine weighing Tax wood, on ac/t Meek & Ebbets Thursday 22. Strong trades. John Palmer went out, and got his Chain on board. went on board Triton to see Tax wood. So bad stopped discharging from Kamolilani called on the genetlemen interested & waited on Boki, who said he would look at it. Diana discharging Salt — | Friday 23. Strong trades. Boki & Mr Jones went on board Kamolani to see the Sandlewood. Boki said it was bad, ordered it to be landed to be picked over; sent a sample to the King & chiefs requested Mr Jones to write an angry letter to the King He wrote, & the claimants signed it. Sch. arrived from pearl River with 114 piculs Sandlewood tax, put on board Triton Saturday 24. Strong trades. Sch New York arrived from Hawaii with John Adams and Mr Young on board. Dined on board Ship Cyrus — with — Masters Residents &c |
Delivered Bryant 70 piculs wood, from French’s wood in G. Marine’s house. Mr Jones — bo't the Byng Sunday 25th Moderate morn. Young Thaddeus arrived Naihe came down — afternoon rode to Allen’s evening down to Jackson’s. Monday 26 Moderate. Wind Southward. Capt Gardner got his ship in having laid twelve days — Mr French & Capt Ebbets went on board Diana & took an Inventory. Gave Capt Little Command at 11 Went with many others up to the Chiefs, to hear Mr Richards make his defence. He did not make his appearance till many of the Chiefs were gone. In Evening Capt Gardner & I went to see Mr Goodrich Tuesday 27. Wind Sd hot muggy weather. Winship went to Waititii to see her friends & old place, the first time for over two years. Capt Little shipped his crew for the Diana. Evening went up to Hunnewells to get my goods from Bryant. Wednesday 28. Calm. Wind Sd. Landing provisions from Diana, putting ballast on board. Stowing Capt. Blanchard’s skins Capt. Little opened four or five bundles to make Stowage Blanchard made a great noise about it. Buckle gave a great Dinner at the Major’s. Young Thaddeus went to Wainai & Pearl River with Kai, for Capt. Ebbets — Thursday 29 Fine morn, Southerly wind. at 10 a light trade Ship Dauphin Sailed. Mr French Drew Bills on the house in Canton for about 30,000 Dollars. Buckle wrote Mr Richards a letter, in answer to those received. Capt Bryant told me he had Sixteen hundred & five piculs of Tax wood on Triton — half of which on account of Waverly — 802 1/2 piculs. Friday 30. Wind Sd. no getting out with Vessels. Diana commenced loading with Sandlewood. French getting wood from Kanaina. Sch. Kaukioli discharging to Jones Saturday December 1st Fresh breese from Sd with Showers. Loadin : g wood on board Diana. Capt E had a very ill turn, last night better this morning. yh as Sunday 2. Pleasant morn Wind Sd. Kaukioli went to Pearl River for wood — Ebbets & Blanchard Dined with Jones Report said — when Ebbets & Buckle rode by the |
Monday 3rd Fine morn. Wind Sd — Kaukioli arrived from Pearl River with Tax wood. Began taking wood from house below Fort to go in Diana Heard Hoopili [Hoapili], wished to take all the white men’s girls from them. Boki, King, & John Adams against it. Adams said a counsel of the Chiefs would be held in a day or two. Further, he said the guards were out yesterday to protect Mr Richards from Capt Buckle!! A trick. Tuesday 4 Smoaky — Wind Sd. Sch. Eagle Sailed M Thompson sailed in her as passenger to California & Gulph Gov Adams Sch Sailed for Hawaii. Kai arrived from Pearl River, full of wood in Young Thaddeus. Wednesday 5 Fine morn. Wind Sd. Ships unable to get out discharging wood from Young Thaddeus, on board Diana Mr French said he was thinking I bo’t goods for him and paid for them with my own wood & let him have the profits — good indeed I must be — Thursday 6. Fine morn. Wind Sd. Rambler attempted to go out early in the morning. Ship took command of boats, & was under the necessity of coming in again. In afternoon there was an horse race between the King’s white horse and Capt John Meeks horse Kings horse beat by a head: second, by a length & half. John Adams, Kaikuoeva, Naenaena, Boki & many other chiefs were present. Friday 7. Fine Calm morn — Kaukioli (Sch) came in from Pearl River with Tax wood. Kaahumanu, Hoopili Piia, Kaneu, & a few of the distant Satellites — determined to have the Great Kanawai put in force on monday next. which probably will take effect The kanawai or laws agreed upon on December 7th were prohibitions against murder, theft, rum-selling, prostitution and gambling. Saturday 8. Fine morn. Brig Becket arrived from windd Wind Sd. Heard to day Kanawai, not to take effect A Dinner was got up for Monday at which all the Chiefs to be invited — all the Missionaries Protestant & Roman Catholics. Through the influence of Consul General Charlton and the merchant group in Honolulu, the chiefs changed their plan and on December 8th promulgated three laws against murder, theft and adultery to take effect in three months. The laws against rum Selling, prostitution and gambling were to be discussed and explained to the people before being adopted at a later date. |
Sunday 9th Fine morn, Fine day, Wind S.E. Several gentlemen crossed their Names off the Subscription paper for the Dinner, say Capt Capt Buckle, Capt Steward & Capt. William Worth Monday 10 Strong wind from S.E. & Smart Showers. Strong wind from SE. all day — At 3 p.m. Dinner was served up at Marines Hotel, at which the Residents & Masters - with the King, Princess, & Principal Chiefs — partook — some of the opposition party came in, in evening. The American Missionaries did not answer their Note of Invitation. Being Sick & unable to attend, I lost the pleasures of the day, except in anticipation — The party broke up at an early hour. Tuesday 11th Very Strong S.E. gale, with heavy thunder — Sharp lightning & hard Rain. Little Stirring or doing Save rehearsals of the Dinner party & making up the Bills 260.00 by 160 = 17.00 each afternoon wind more westward & more moderate — Evening Capt Buckle had a party on board his Ship. Crier going about telling Old & Young to go tomorrow & hear the great law, to assemble under the Coaco nut trees. The meeting to consider the laws adopted and those under discussion was to be on the 14th. Wednesday 12 Calm. Clouds heavy — wind Sd with rain in Showers. Mr French weighing wood on board Diana from Becket, 72 p Chinamen refused to board at George’s. Thursday 13 Fine morn. Light wind off land — warm day. Learned the King’s boy did not give the Billet to the missionaries till the hour of dinner — which prevented them from answering or attending — wind Sd Friday 14 Wind Sd. Mr French weighing wood from Boki on ac/t of Debt. A Great Concourse of People collected under the Cocoa Nut Trees, where King, Boki, & all the Chiefs were present. The following were made laws for the present Thou Shalt not Kill. Thou Shalt not commit Adultery — Thou Shalt not Steal. Thus ended the great Meeting of the Chiefs. And thus began formal legislation in the Hawatian Kingdom. Saturday 15 Wind S.E. to East. Mr French & Capt. Ebbets went to see the King after dinner & found him in bed with his Sister. Completed loading Diana 1799 piculs. Sunday 16 Cloudy, Gloomy day — Nearly Calm — airs baffling. Evening Smart Showers — wind Nd. |
Monday 17. Strong trades. Ships Rambler — & Cyrus Sailed for Nantucket, & Triton for Canton. Ship (Russian discovery) Moller arrived from Norfolk Sound. Came for refreshments. Brig Chinchilla Sailed for Hawaii with is French, John Adams (Gov.) & Naihe with their trains. Tuesday 18. Ship Moller came in. Brig Diana Sailed for Canton — Capt Blanchard passenger — Russians took up their quarters with Mr. Elliot. Capt. Stancovish has taken the Observatory to Elliots — Capt Ebbets — Capt Stewart, & Capt Gardner were at Geo Marine’s — when John Lawrer went in, & began abusing Capt Gardner, with the most abusive language — Capt Gardner walked down the wharf & left him. Soon returned when Lawrer Continued abusing him & Struck him. In the afternoon he came in to our yard and commenced his abuse Capt Ebbets ordered him out. Marine 86 pic Tax wood Wednesday 19. Cloudy — light trade. so much Swell on the Bar Pilot afraid to carry Buckle & Stewart out. Mr Hunnewell I got Ninety piculs Sandlewood. Capt Gardner made protest against the Govt — for not protecting him against John Lawrer — Capt. G. W. Gardner demanded that Boki as governor of O'ahu try bis case against John Lawler for assault and battery. Boki was not eager to mediate. When he did, however, the two parties accepted his decision. It is said to be the first time foreign residents sought out, and acquiesced in, justice meted out by Hawaiian al'i. Thursday 20 Wind SE at 9 o'clock a Court was assembled at Gov. Boki’s to try the cause between Capt Gardner & Lawrer. Boki fined Lawrer two hundred Dollars — Weighing Tax wood — Divided the Drafts, half to Jones & Meek, half to Hunnewell & myself. Sixty piculs each. — 120 pic Friday 21 Wind Sd. Ship Rambler returned leaky having experienced a very heavy gale off South part Hawaii. Sprang a leak making 1300 Strokes per hour — returned to repair — got 18 piculs Tax wood — Bott two piculs — Saturday 22. Wind Sd. At 3 P.M. the Residents & Masters — with the Capt & Officers of the Russian Ship — sat down — with the King — to a good Dinner at Knight & Marine’ Hotel. Salutes were fired from the ships in the Harbor. Capt. Buckle & Capt Stewart, commanders English Ships, were presents. English Consul Absent. Sunday 23 Light wind S.E. at 11 commenced raining wind SW to NW — after which it was very cool. Rode to Jackson’s Monday 24 Wind Nd. Cool — after Breakfast Calm. Vessels unable to get out. got Sixty piculs wood from Hoapili — ten for goods. Charlton giving invitations to Russian officers to Dine tomorrow, being Christmas. |
Tuesday 25 Christmas Day — Strong winds at N.E. — Mr Charlton had Russian officers & Mr Jones to Dine. Mr John Mitchener, had all the Nobility to Dine with him He & She — Male — with a band of Music. In forenoon Capt Ebbets had a Native Boy baptized by the Catholic Missionaries. My Boy was also Baptized by them. They were richly dress’d in their Robes. Beginning with William Pitt, Reynolds had all his children baptized by the Catholic priests. Wednesday 26. Cloudy. Wind N.E. Ships Daniel-the-fourth Buckle, Elizabeth, Stuart, & Maria Gardner Sailed Mr Jones Rec'd. hundred dollars from Boki, of the Tax Money — on ac/t Capt. Temptleton Quere. How Can Jones recive Money for an individual, which belongs to the Creditors? Weighed fifty piculs wood for goods. Thursday 27 Gentle Trades. Settled with Alex Adams for pilotage Capt Ebbets getting goods put up to go to Pearl River Weighing small lots wood for goods Friday 28 Fresh trades. Mr Marine & I weighing Taxwood 140 piculs — 70 for Hunnewell & myself. Small wood. Saturday 29 Cloudy. At 3 P.M. The Residents & Masters of Vessels went on board the Moller, Capt Stanucovitch to Dined — First Toast by Capt Stanucovitch — Kaukioli — 21 Guns; George 4th —; Presidents USA — 19 Guns — 2 less than crowned Sunday 30th Cloudy, light rain. Stormy day. Capt Ebbets went to Pearl River in Sch. Kaukioli. tried to buy 4 pipes Gin of Hunnewell but he would not sell for wood. Monday 31 Severe — Strong wind & rain — fences houses &c blown down. Strong wind & Rain thro the day. 1828. January Tuesday 1st Happy New Year to the World. Stormy. Wind & Rain from N.E. Continued. A very large Fish pond, at Kolau broke away, the fish were innumerable, orders were given to the by the King for every one who chose to go over to have as many as they could lug. The violence of the wind greatly abated Wednesday 2. Rain continued very heavy — wind East inclining to Sd. Bo't two pipes Gin of Hunnewell belonging to Brig Active, for 1.50 Sandlewood 7.00. Sold one to the King Thursday 3 Dark cloudy morn. Rain wind ESE, Moderate. Much damage been done by the rains |
Friday 4 Dark, weather, Wind light N.E. Chinchilla arrived from Hawaii 640 piculs Sandlewood. Mr French remained to collect. Wind light from S.E. Saturday 5. Cloudy & rainy, Wind Sd. Discharging S wood from Chinchilla Report said Mr Mitchener played Billiards with Boyd last night — at from three to five dollars per game & lost to the amount of over one hundred Dollars. Sunday 0. Sunshine. Calm. Light wind from Southd. Sch. Kaukioli arrived from Pearl River with 133 piculs Sandlewood. Cleared to be a fine day. Afternoon rode to Allen’s — Report said King was at his own Billiard Room, & had a great many of his Boys there with money to gamble with Billiards, Dice or Cards. — King had won a good deal himself. Monday 7. Beautiful morn. Light wind Sd — Discharging S, wood from Chinchilla & Sch Kaukioli — bought Some — wood from Hawaii Ordinary. Report — the King intended to go to Mauii in Tamaahmaah. Tuesday 8th Beautiful morn. Brig Neo went to Mauii, & Brig Becket. with Hoapili, NAEN’NE and others. Kaahumanu called on us for the first time finished discharging Brig & Sch. Kaukioli — filled the white house. Hunnewell weighed thirty two piculs Tax wood & Marine twenty two piculs — Wednesday 9 Pleasant morn. Bo’t a few piculs Sandlewood. Marine got eighteen piculs Tax wood. King told me he was going to look at Tamaahmaah as soon as she was painted : Thursday 10. Fine morn. at 9 commenced raining — at 12 cleared up a little. got a little wood. Conversation among Natives. The King’s Marriage with his Sister. Kautkeaouli wished to follow traditional Hawaiian practices which encouraged brother-sister marriages. Some chiefs such as Boki were in favor of such a union and, at first, other chiefs were not opposed to it, but the American missionaries were. Friday 11 Cloudy — afternoon M Jones gave a Dinner to the Russian Capt & Officers, Residents, King, Boki, Kaahumanu, Kaneu [Kaniu] &c Saturday 12 At Sunrise went to the Fort to weigh Sandlewood on ac/t Old Debts, two hundred piculs. Brig Bolina, Maidstone, Liverpool, 40 days from Lima, bound to Sineapore: Cargo — thirty five Boxes Cider to J.C. Jones Esq. Mr Charlton’s & ladies. Dined on board Russian Ship. Letters from Capt Grimes to Mr Jones Said The Sch Washington & Sloop Regent had collected 5,000 lbs Tortoise Shell at Gallipagos’ Islands. War between Columbia & Peru |
Sunday 13 Fine day, Mr Waddington, passenger in the Bolina, gave a large quantity of flower Seeds, and garden seeds to the Don & Capt. Ebbets. afternoon went to Native church. Monday 14. Fine weather. Boki making great preparing for great Dinner for the King, tomorrow. Mr Waddington rode to Maonoa. Evening Stopped at the Billiard room to play Pool — won a Dollar — Light Trades Tuesday 15. Fine Trades — Afternoon Went to Dine at a Grand Dinner at Boki’s. About One hundred person's mostly Natives. Sat down to an Elegant Dinner Most of the Dishes, Spoons &c. were Silver Wednesday 16. Fresh trades. Dined at Mr Jones’ with Mr Waddington, Capt Maidstone & Capt Ebbets. Terionui Married to Kauanohi [Kekauanohi] Jack-of-Clubs. Many Chiefs opposed to it, & many in favor of it — Thursday 17th Fine day. Boki went to Wainai to weigh Sandlewood Offered Capt. Pierce 35/100 per yard for cotton. Sold it to Hunnewell for 33 1/2 cts. Lost what I should have called a good bargain — at this time. Mr Waddington said Mr Bingham told him, that, he (B) had been trying to effect a Marriage between Terionui & Kauanoi for three years, & it was a great day with him — for he had effected it at last, in spite of all their opposition against it. Friday 18. Fine morn. Mr Charlton, with Russian Capt & officers went out in the Tahite Schooner to go to Wainai — becalm’d In evening Mr Waddington went with me to eat Luow at Hanamaitai’s — Smart Thunder Shower. Saturday 19 Fine morn — Several heavy thunder Showers in the night The Schooner came in, having been Set greatly to Eastward during night. Nothing done at horse race to day. King would not run less than two hundred dollars Sunday 20 Cloudy. Some Showers. Mr Waddington bade us good by, & went on board the Bolina to wait her sailing. Wind Southward Monday 21. Pleasant morn. Wind Sd. Brig Bolina unable to get away for want of wind. Tuesday 22. Fine morn. Southerly wind. Brig unable to get away Capt Worth finished Starbord Side his ship & found a Seam in bottom two or three feet long oakum out Wednesday 23. Beautiful morn. Capt Maidstone took his anchor in the Night & was out of Sight. Mr Jones boat was missing — Suppose some of his Brig’s people took her to go off. His board bills he left unpaid. Mr Charlton went to Pearl River on horse back. |
Thursday 24 Plt Morn. Chinchilla arrived from Hawaii having come away on account bad weather Monday afternoon while we had fine weather at Oahu. At 9 had fine trade. Afternoon Ship Young Phenix Price New Bedford 1,000 bbls oil arrived Friday 25 Light trades. Chinchilla came in Capt Meek Stood pilot. Brig’s commenced discharging put wood in the Boki house — hired Manuere’s Kanaka Saturday 26 Strong trades — Brig Becket came in from Mauii with Sandlewood. Butler came down in her. Last Evening was up at Capt Ebbets at a Whist party where I was affected by a paralytic fit — which lasted for a quarter of an hour. tolerably comfortable to day. Discharged chinchilla Sunday 27. Strong trades. Nothing Special to day — Monday 28 Calm. Ship Young Phenix came in. Light wind Sd. King went on board Tamaahh to view her. Mr Jones discharging Tax wood from his Schooner from Pearl River Hunnewell weighing Tax wood from Wainai — Tuesday 29. Moderate. Light wind from Sd. at Noon heavy rain which lasted all day. King anxious to buy the Kamaahmaah — report says to go to Mauii after his Sister. Wednesday 30. Gloomy morning. Some rain. King said would give three thousand piculs for Brig Tamaahmaah. Settled with Capt Pierce & Capt Barker. Thursday 31 Gloomy with Showers. Wind Sd fine day. Went on board Young Phoenix to buy cotton. King went on board Tamaahmaah to see her, & buy her. Said must wait till Boki came up. Friday February 1st Fine morn. Chinchilla towed out. Wind Eastward. Capt Ebbets getting things on board Ship Volunteer, for Kauai. Saturday 2. Beautiful morn. Wind Sd. Brig Griffin Sailed for N.W.C. Ship Volunteer went outside & anchored Waited to get more men. Sch. Missionary Packet arrived from Hawaii 124 piculs wood for Mr French Missionaries Dined on board Russian Ship. Sunday 3 Fine trades since yesterday at 11. o’clock. Stormy day. At sunset Ship Volunteer Sailed for Kauaii Capt Ebbets passenger. Ship will proceed to N.W.C. Monday 4. Strong trades & Stormy. Very Stormy day & Strong wind. Mr Charlton told me, Boki gave Mr Jones the use of Brig Kamol’ane to collect Tax wood. Now if Boki gave it to Mr Jones, it is well, but if he gave the use of her to collect Tax-wood. I think I have an interest in her. |
Tuesday 5th Storm over trades fresh landing wood from Misy Packet. In afternoon Ship Princess Louisa Harmssen thirty six days from Lima — bound to Canton. Prussian colors — The first flag ever here from that country. Went off — Mr Oswell, Supercargo came on shore with me. Gave the News of the death of Mr Canning. Wednesday 6. Strong trades. A Ship ran down under Dutch colors, Wilhelmina-Maria, Bolen Amsterdam days from Lima bound for chartered by Mr French to carry wood to Canton at two dollars per picul. Strong trades thro’ the day. Thursday 7 Strong trades. With Showers. Afternoon Mr French Mr Charlton rode up the valley. Mr Oswaltz said he could not take wood less than Mr French gave. Mr Jones & I told him we could give no more than one & half dollars the usual freight — Brig Becket sailed, via Kauaii for California — Kaikuoeva passenger to Kaikuoeva Friday 8th Heavy Rain from off the Mountain — clear outside Strong trades thro’ the day. Bo't Mr Charlton’s Share of Tortoise Shell in the cutter & Washington Mr French told me that Mr Thompson paid Naihe for the Neo’s Charter about seven hundred dollars, having carried in a bill for painting her in Canton. "Lot Cordage’ & taking two months from the time, Then said Go to Mr French for your pay for the amounts deducted Why not send him to the King of England? Saturday 9 Pleasant morn. Sch Medford arrived from Wainai quite moderate — wind light from Sd till 10 A.M. when trades set in very Strong. A fine chance missed of getting Ships in. Snuff arrived from Wainai. Said Boki would come in two days King sent an express for him to come immediately & settle about buying the Brig King went on board to view her again. Sunday 10th Strong trades. Ships unable to get in. Very, very Strong trades all day — with Showers of rain from the Mountains Monday 11 Trades more moderate. Ships unable to tow in. Fine day & moderate. Mr Oswaltz told me Mr French would give him 1.75 per picul for two thousand piculs. I told him 1.50 was limits for tax wood. Tuesday 12 Ships fired early for boats. None however went till after daylight. Princess Louisa towed in. Wilhelmina & Maria Spent the day in warping, & got in. Mr Oswaltz said he would take wood if I would fill the Ship in five days. Manuere said he would fire a salute in honor of the Prussian Flag but wish’d to wait till Boki arrived from Pearl River — Wednesday 13 Moderate & light Rain. King went on board Prussian ship to view her. A salute was fired, of seventeen guns & answered by the Fort previous to his going on |
on board. It being the first Prussian Ship ever in the port. Evening Mr French & all the Dutch and Prussians drank Tea at Mr Charltons — Thursday 14 Cloudy. Moderate trades. Dutch Ship fired a salute which was answered by Fort, after which King & Several of his Train, went on board to a lunch. Commenced loading Tax wood on board Ship Princess Louisa. from Manuere’s house. Mr Mitchener arrived last evening from Boki fish & a Turtle for the King. Went immediately after breakfast to Boki again. Said Boki was not coming up soon — Mr Charlton said Boki was unwilling for the King to buy the Brig — because he (King) had no Wood — & he (Boki) Should have to pay for her — Ships were a favorite possession of the ali'i. Often it was the purchase of ships which put them in debt for such large sums. Friday 15 Calm. Brigs Chinchilla, Meek, & Active Cotting from Mauaii — Cotting from Gulph. Said Brig, belonging to Ship Franklin was commanded by Capt Hersey — Brig Rogers from Salem Waverly gone to Columbia River. Ship Blossom Beechey had gone home. Shipped wood on board Princess Louisa. Chinchilla bro't 258 piculs Saturday 16 Cloudy — Brig Active came in — loading on board Louisa. Brig Chinchilla along side Dutch Ship discharging. Capt Boelen said Chinchilla wood not so good as Tax wood. Mr Jones left Hannah Holmes & took Lahilahi to the Wooden house. Mr French bo’t some cloths of Mr Oswald 2.50 — wood at 8 dollars — Sunday 17. Cloudy, with moderate trades. Afternoon Rode to Waititi first time for 16 months. Monday 18. Fine morn. Mr French commenced weighing wood to go on board Dutch Ship. Hunnewell loading Tax wood J Meek loading Tamaahmaah. At 9 Manuere & Kalawalu told Capt Meek, they came from the King to buy the Brig. He Sold her as She stood for 3,400 piculs. 3,400 Ship Young Phenix went out. Finished taking wood from Manuere’s house. Having had tax wood in it since Augt. 11th 1827 — at 20.00 per month. Commenced taking wood from Marine’s. Gov Boki returned from Wainai. Capt of Russian Ship gave a dinner to the King & Consuls invited the Prussians & Dutchman also. Tuesday 19 Fresh trades. Mr French put 400 piculs wood on board Dutch Ship yesterday. Capt Meek gave up the Tamaahmah Boki & the King were on board & both signed the agreement — taking tax wood from Don’s house. Mr French bo't several Bales of Cloths of Mr Oswalt. Common 2.25 a 2.50 per yard. Pay — Sandlewood at 8.00 per picul Dutch Ship took 405 piculs on board to day. Capt Meek, Chinchilla went to Wainai after tax wood. Wednesday 20 Light trades. Shipping tax wood from Don’s & Mr Jones’. Mr French took wood |
from Manuere’s house below Fort. Weighed also fifty piculs on board Sch. Medford on Account of Tuanoa. Mr Hunnewell sold Maborn 2 pipes Gin for 1.75 per gallon. So great is the Drought, in Oahu. Mr Bingham performed the English Matriage ceremony on fifteen or more couples of The Poor Heathen. Russian Ship Moller, Stanucovitch sailed. Thursday 21st Pleasant morn. Mr Marine came in very early — said Kaahumanu had a very sick night, last night — having sent for him at midnight. This morning — better finished loading tax wood from Marine’s, Jones’ houses. Friday 22 Wind Sd — Putting tax wood on board from Knight’s house. Mr French commenced taking wood from White house — George gave an extra dinner being anniversary of Washingtons birthday. Mr Jones, Mr Oswald, Capt Boelen & Mr French went to Pearl River. Mr French bo't horse of Capt Meek for 210 dollars — Saturday 23. Wind Sd. Finished putting Tax wood on board Princess Louisa. The lower hold full, having twenty three hundred & sixty three piculs. Mr Jones & Capt Boelen returned from Pearl River. Mr French & Mr Oswald went to Wailua. Very warm. Sunday 24. Beautiful morn. Wind Sd. cool. Wrote Bill Sale for Brig Tamaahmaah. very still to day. Monday 25 Cool. Very clear. Ship Young Phenix came off having taken three Small whales. His Steward and one of his men, took a boat & ran away at Kanaii. He left to have them come out & be taken — will return and get them. Mr French and Mr Oswald arrived from Wailua. Tuesday 26 Beautiful morn. Capt. Meek arrived from Wainai 508 piculs Tax wood. Mr Oswald weighing wood for goods. Dutch ship loading from white store Wednesday 27 Pleasant morn — at twelve Black & heavy in S.W. at one pm Smart Shower, thunder & lightning Mr French chartered Missionary Packet of Mr Chamberlain for 100 dollars per month Hired Capt Jack to sail her. Dispatched her to Hawaii. Afternoon Rain. Thursday 28. Fine day. Trade winds. Mr French bo't a lot of wine from Capt Boelen paid in wood, finished weighing for Mr Oswalt. Friday 29 Fine trades. Prussian Ship finished taking in Sandlewood. Horse races in afternoon. King’s & G Marine’s horses. Kings beat. Saturday 1st March Fine morn. Wind Sd. Ship Pindus Coffin arrived 700 barrels oil. Mr French weighed Sixty piculs refuse wood thrown of Tax wood. Capt Meek, & G. Marine |
chartering Kamolilani, to carry a cargo salt to Norfolk Sound, to pay for coppering her there, & Bring a load of timber. Sunday 2 Fine morn. Fine trades. A great hoax put in circulation a pig was found along side a Ship, & was said to be her progeny Walked out to Kumamakea’s old place — had not walked so far for 10 months before. Monday 3. Fine morn. Ship Sarah Arthur — 750 barrels oil Sch. Washington Combly arrived from Gallipagos Islands Tortoise shell & seal skins. Ship Phebe Swain 1300 bbls tried to get shell on board Dutch Ship — could not make terms. Tuesday 4. Calm. Cutter, Regent, arrived. Ships Orion Allen 1,700 — Susan, Swain 1750, Enterprise, Swain 1900. Had a Luow Dinner at George's. Agreed with Capt Boelen to carry shell for five dollars per hundred. Wednesday 5. Fine morn. Fine Trades. Ship Princess Louisa Sailed for Canton. Dutch Ship finished loading having 3,302 piculs on board. Mr Jones & I put 5,000 lbs. Tortoise Shell on board. Capt. Boelen Bo’t Capt Ellefson’s share ay 2.75 ct per lb. Went on board Sarah, bo’t a few fine small articles. Thursday 6 Fresh Trades. Ship Favorite Ford London 1,650 arrivd Finished weighing Tortoise Shell 7,036 lbs — People’s shares about one thousand lbs out. Filling bills lading for Dutch Ship’s cargo, &c Friday 7. Moderate trades. Brig Neo arrived. Ship Wilhelmina & Maria Sailed. Mr French went to Kauaii, in her, Saturday 8 Fine morn. Brig Daulle Ferguson fifty five days from Canton. Capt Cole Supercargo. Teignmouth expected in a month. Tartar & Padang had arrived. Brig Owyhee saild for Boston. Recd information Buckles Bills, for 36, 520.00, had been protested. also B B Green’s for 375.00 Sandlewood Teignmouth’s Cargo 14. dollars per pic Owyhee’s Cargo 13 ¥2 — Sealskins 1.75 — Canton goods about Same as usual Sunday 9th Calm Ships towed in. Misy-Packet arrived from Hawaii 129 piculs Sandlewood Hh’'d Rum &c. The Capt of the Daulle spent the day with me A ship ran down hoisted his Signal, white with blue ball & stood to sea. Monday 10 Fresh trades. Brig Daulle discharging. Settled with Regent’s and Washington’s people for their share of shell & skins. also those on wages. amt of 1,500 dollars nearly Hope to put Cash in circulation. Missionary Packet sailed for Kauaii. Mr Whitney & Family went in her. Heard Capt Obed Swain’s first officer went after Mr Bingham to preach on board the Ship Enterprise |
Tuesday 11. Fresh trades. Capt Meek arrived 380 piculs Taxwood — 105 French Weighing wood from O.0. & Pupuka — Making up Capt Meek’s & Worth’s Bills — Wednesday 12. Fresh trades. Chinchilla discharging wood 109 piculs Ship Superior Rice ard 750 bbls oil. Settled with Capt Worth & Mr Carter. Heard Boki was dissatisfied with his goods in the Daulle. Thursday 13. Fresh trades. Ship Wilmington & Liverpool Packet Briggs 6 1/2 months out. Ship Rambler Worth Sailed. Capt Grimes, Capt John Meek & Jas O. Carter Passengers — to touch at Kauai. Brig Daulle found on taking out Bowsprit, to be entirely rotten on Starboard bow. Friday 14. Strong trades. Ships Hector & Independence arrived from Mauii, 1,900 bbls & 1200. Capt Briggs Sold his lumber to Mr Hunnewell for one Hundred dollars per M!! conclude for Mission Saturday 15 Moderate trades. At 10 Had an Auction at Mr Jones’ of Boards, from Brig Daulle — also the effects of the late Capt King, deceased. Sunday 16 Light trades. Fine day. quite still Monday 17 Moderate. Fresh Trades. Brig Andes. Rogers 16 days from Monterrey. Cargo horses. No News Tuesday 18 Moderate morn. Brig Andes came in — landed horses, asking price 240 to 280 dollars. King preparing to go to Mauii. Ship Independence all day getting the Anchor in 50 faths Ship Ploughboy arrived — 700 bbls [In margin: A Kanaka Hung for Murder] Wednesday 19th Pleasant Morn. Missionary Packet in sight. Capt Adams towed two ships in — having thirty boats, & boat anchors Mr French returned in Packet. Ship Rambler arrivd just arrived, as he left Kauai. Discharging wood & goods from packet. Capt Rogers, Andes, Selling horses Thursday 20. Pleasant morn. Ship Hector towed in, got wood out of M. Packet 145 1/2 piculs & sent her to Kauai Ship Pacific, Baker, 1,400 bbls oil. Capt Cole returned from Pearl River, where he went to see Boki. Friday 21 Lively trades. Ship Phenix Gerald arrived, 1300 bbl, Brittania Lawton, London, 1,300 bbls oil. French Barque arrived. Brig Tamaahmaah with King & Suit went out for Mauii. Brig Chinchilla, also went out partly as a Transport. Having troops (his Majesty’s Guards) Ladies of the Suite &c. Mr French went up in Chinchilla. |
Saturday 22 Lively trades. Clarkson Allen arrived. French ship, a barque, from Lima. Ship Strong trades — French officers on shore — did not see them Sunday 23 Fresh trades. Sch. Washington arrived from Mauii Ship Abigail Potter from Mauii. Sick. 1,900 Reported Chinchilla had arrived Tamh not in sight Monday 24 Fresh trades — Liv] & Wm Packet got in. wind Strong all day. Weighed fifty seven piculs S, Wood from Hooi fifteen for Merchandise. Geo Marine went to Wailua in Washington for Wood to pay Jones. Mr Bingham preached on board Ship Enterprise last evening. Tuesday 25 Fresh trades. Dull day for Trade, little business doing No ships able to get in to day — posting books Wednesday 26 Lively Trades, went off in morning on board Pacific Strong breese, got on the Middle Ground — got off without damage. Warped in & anchored at 12. o'clock Ship Rambler (beat up) returned having been to Lat 16 N. commenced leaking 500 strokes an hour. Went off in evening, got on board about 8, left at 11, got on shore at 12. oclock. Capt Grimes & Capt Meek came on shore at 8. Capt Potter was bro’t ashore to live at Allen’s — while the Abigail goes a cruise under charge of Mr Clarke Thursday 27th Moderate — Ships towed in Capt Worth came for me, went of & bro’t him in. Strong trades. Capt. Rogers furnishing horses for whalers gratis Friday 28. Lively trades & cloudy morn. Trades very, very strong thro the day. Missionary Packet arrived from Kauai with Sandlewood from Hanalei. Ship Oregon, Bunker, arrived 1,500 bbls oil. Capt Rogers Sold his horses by Auction from 70.00 a 90.00 dollars. Saturday 29. Fresh trades. Ship Roscoe Worth 400 bbls oil. Barque Harriot London 2,600. Capt. Bunker gave information that Ship Paragon Edwards Sunk in Lat. 9°. N. ten days after leaving Oahu. Ship Rosalie Gardner in Company, took the people out, when they abandoned her, she had Seven feet water in her hold, they set fire to her & left her. Capt Said Mr Marshall told him the Parthian would be fitted out again immediately after her arrival. Jos Navarro had got Sch ready for launching five weeks ago & would be at Oahu in three months Sunday 30th Fresh trades. Missionary Packet went yesterday afternoon to Hanalei, Kauai, — at 2 P.M. Ship Parthian arriv’d with Six Married men & their Wives. FOUR SINGLE Ladies, & four Native boys. All as Missionaries to this Country. Single Women!! Decency art thou lost? Shame art thou fled the female breast? — A boisterous tedious passage of 147 days — Received a number of letters from |
acquaintance, none from my Relations — Received two Newspapers containing Mr Stewarts letters in reply to the Edinburgh Review. Different Opinions among the people at Oahu respecting the passengers. The third company of missionaries of the ABCFM arrived. Obviously by this time Reynolds thought sarcastic remarks about them were amusing. Monday 31 Moderate enough to get two Ships in, when the breeze set in strong. Missionary Ladies landed. Refused to land yesterday, for fear it might disturb the Devotions of the Family!! Nothing Strange to day. Brig Dhaulle Sailed for Canton Tuesday April 1st Calm Morn. Barque Harriet in Coming in got on the Point, owing to strong tide setting to wind. as I imagine, having been Set nearly on myself, in two ships. By getting Anchors out astern hove her off — Ship Ploughboy Sailed. Brig Andes Sailed. Divers went under the Ship’s Harriet’s bottom. Said a small piece copper was off the fore foot. put Tar on board Tamolilani. Wednesday 2. Calm morn. Ships Roscoe & Parthian came in. Wind Southd Ship Congress Worth 1,500 bbls Oil, Sailed in St. [Sir?] James Cockburn Meek London 400 bbls — Stonington — Gardner, 1,200 bbls oil by way of Mauii — Bro’t letters from Capt. Meek was on board Tamahh. Mr French wrote there was much opposition to Naenaena’s going to Hawaii with the King — it was settled on Monday she should go, & Hoapilii go with her — They were to sail yesterday — Nahi'ena'ena was torn among the several contending parties of ali'i and missionaries. One vital question was the status of any child she might bear. To Hawatians a child by her brother would be considered of the ultimate superior rank. Thursday 3. Calm morn Ship Pindus Sailed. Capt Baker wanted Manuere to build a Ranai (Shed) over his oil & he asked two hundred dollars. James Robinson went told him one hundred & twenty was enough & to watch it besides — with which he agreed. Missionaries landing from Parthian, their house frames lumber &c. Friday 4. Light trades. Ship Barclay Barret 140 bbls oil. Letters from Mr French, Mauii, saying King would Sail that afternoon (Tuesday) Ship Wm Rotch Tuckerman 550 bbls Oil — last from Ahilo. Learned Mr Green one of Missionaries, expected to go in Parthian to N.WC. to Select an eligible Station for a Mission establishment. Saturday 5. Lively trades Sch Washington returned from Pearl River. Missionary-Packet from Kauai Brig Dhalle arrived thursday afternoon. A Subscription raised for Capt Potter. He was removed from Allen’s, to Mr Spear’s. Evening went up to Capt Grimes’ after returning had an epileptic fit. Many people in, among others Marine & French Doctor. Ships Wilmington & Liverpool-Packet, Briggs, and Superior Rice, sailed |
Sunday April 6th Lively trades Ships Barclay, Barney 1,000 bbls. Almira Fisher 900 bbls. Connect Smith 550 bbls a night Lecture on board Ship Enterprize Monday 7 Light trades. Ship Mayflower Harris, 6 months, No Oil Ships Enterprize & Orion Sailed, finished landing wood from Missionary Packet 228 piculs. Mr Chamberlain took the Sch. to go to Windward with Missionaries &c Tuesday 8 Calm morn. Almira came in & Mayflower. Ships Spartan & Alexander arrived. Saw a letter written by Mr Bishop — Stating crews of Whale Ships had plundered Mr Richards under the direction of Mr Butler!!! Wednesday 9 Fine morn. Moderate trades. Ships Frances Alley 1050 bbls Reaper, Coffin 1,200 bbls. Constitution Coffin 450 bbls Report said Boki had had an attempt made on his life by Poison. Missionary Packet Sailed from Mauii & Hawaii. with lumber & other things for Mission families Thursday 10. Fine morn. Light wind. Ship Hope Smith 1,500 bbls Oil George & Susan, Gardner 700 bbls oil, arrived, Hope bo’t an Anchor of Capt. Whippy at 12 1/2 cts per lb. and advance 25/100 per cent. Mr Charlton & the Ladies — Gov. Boki & his Lady. Mr Jones & several others, Dined on board French Ship. Friday 11 Wind Southward. Warm. An English Whale Ship came down. Reported Capt & 3rd Mate ran away at the Marquesas Islands. Mate & Crew came here with Ship!! Saturday 12. Calm. English Ship came in. Various reports relative to the Crayton (English Ship) Some say the Capt & a boat's Crew went on shore & were Cut off by the Natives Some that Capt ordered his slops to be carried on shore; took all his Instruments, Nautical books, leaving only one Quadrant on board, to navigate the Ship with — Had a fine Lunch at 11. o'clock on board Kamolilani. Whale Ships unable to get a Supply of potatoes, even for daily use. Kaahumanu agreed to send Sch. N York to Mauii, for a load of potatoes, & Sell them here at two dollars per barrel — Sunday 13th Calm. Light trades. Mr Charles R. Smith was moved from Allen’s to Mr Spear’s. Atai’s Child died of dropsy Monday 14 Calm. Light trades. A Meeting last evening on board Almira. Four of Ring leaders flogged in the Fort, three sent on board, & one to be discharged. Ship Fredc Augustus Earl — 100 bbls Oil. New York Sailed for Mauii for potatoes Tuesday 15 Calm morn. Light Trades. Roscoe sailed. All the men in the Village were ordered |
to the Fort to find the persons who assaulted some officers & sailors on Sunday — when they got to the Fort, He was found as sentry with a Uniform on. After he was tied up — to be flogged Mr Jones said he would sooner give One hundred dollars than he should be flogged!! They gave him two lashes, & Mr Jones requested the man should be taken down — which was done!!! Several others were taken up, but not punished Wednesday 16 Light trades. Kamolilane Sailed for Mauii. George Marine Master. Spanish Privateer, Greek, or Grego arrived. from South America, where she had taken several prizes. Ships Hector & Independence sailed. Mr Charlton gave French Officers a dinner, invited Jones Thursday 17. Lively trades. Parthian Sailed for N.W.C. French Barque Sailed for Sd. in Search of Knowledge of La Parouse, Spanish Capt on Shore. Friday 18 Lively trades. Ship Phenix Sailed. Reported Mr Charlton gave George Minzie a Commission to go on board Brig Neo, & to remove Mr Strong. Strange things on Oahu!! Capt Worth concluded to buy boards & sheath the Rambler. Bo’t some at 120. Dollars per M. of Mr Jones. Missionaries lend theirs to him to make up the remainder. Saturday 19. Moderate. Ship Sultan arrived 32 days from Lima via Gibralter. Strong trades, went on board Ship Omega in afternoon. Ship Friends Chester arrived — from Kaalakakua — King in Brig Tamaahmaah Sailed for Ahedoos yesterday from Kilua. Sunday 20th Light trades. A Guard of Soldiers under Capt Woodland Stationed all thro’ the Village at the public houses &c. An uncommonly still day for Sunday. French Brig Arrived. Monday 21. Lively breese. Ships Logan Coffin 200 bbls — Pacific Potter 900 bbls oil. Ship Brittana Lawton from Atooi — 14 days Passage, becalmed, Afternoon went on board Ship Logan Coffin, and bo’t a pipe Holland Gin — 1.50 per gal, Strong trades Logan & Pacific Sailed. Tuesday 22 Fresh trades. Missionary Packet arrived — coming in got aground Ship Solitude, Anderson of Calcutta from Guyaquil with Cocoa for Manilla, Blowing Strong drifted off. Capt Chester left a Main Yard with me, to sell. Heard Gen. Sucre (Brig) Pitner went to California from Manilla — Wednesday 23 Moderate trades. Strong trades — Ship Fred’ Augustus Sailed Teignmouth arrived from Canton by way of Manilla 49 days from Manilla. Capt. Baker finished Starboard side his ship, garboard Seam much open, also about bow |
Thursday 24. Fine morn, light trades too much to get Ships in. Recd letters by Teignmouth early, by politeness of Mr Charlton Ship Frederic Augustus beat up and Anchored having injured his windlass also left a man in Fort. French Gentlemen went to Pearl River with Mr Mitchener to see Boki & to Charter Tamaahmaah to go to Manilla I have not heard of success. Mr Jones & Missionaries Mr Jones writing to Missionaries, about Mr Bishop’s letter. Mr Bingham & Mr Bishop writing to him Ships Clarkson; May-flower. Oregon, & Omega Sailed. Friday 25 Fresh trades. Ship Phenix Smith arrived — 400 bbls Capt Baker found some leak about his bow — Missiony Packet turned out, found her keel badly eaten — had to dub offtwo or three inches and put on a false keel Mr Jones moving his tax wood out of Hunnewells house (or barn). Saturday 26 Moderate with light Showers. Fresh trades. Almira Saild Capt Baker finished Ship Pacific. Mr Bishop Said there was no Christianity in dealing justly & paying debts honestly. I had no time to ask him if there way any sin, in the opposite Sunday 27 Strong trades. Ship Solitude & Brig Algiers sailed for Manilla Evening Several Spaniards — got in a fray with English & American, Sailors, the Spaniards used their Knives, Stabbed several, got wounded themselves. Several were taken to the Fort. Ship Congress Sailed Monday 28. Moderate trades. Mr Jones bo’t of Teignmouth Rice Molasses Cases of Gin, cider &c intending to send Washington with it to Norfolk Sound. Mr Carter to go as Supercargo. found there was an error in making up the Sch. & Cutters Voyages. Ship Friends Sailed. Brig Neo. Tuesday 29th Calm morn. Pleasant trades, Ship Harriet Sailed. Brig Neo becalmed of. Spanish Sailors taken out of Fort. Orders came out, if they were found on Shore after 8. oclock, would be put in Fort, if with Knives two hundred lashes. Capt Worth found leak in Rambler, in Scarf of Keel. Wednesday 30 Calm morn. Brig Neo taking in Salt off Pearl River Spanish Brig came in, unbent his Sails. Settling Cutter & Sch., Voyage — Horse racing in afternoon, with Meek & Sumner. Thursday May 1st Calm. Capt Worth turned his Ship out. Ship Hero Alley arrived & sailed. Phenix Sailed Sch Washington began to load for Norfolk Sound Bo’t Whale oil of Smith, in Phenix for 30 cts per gal Many of Whalers will not sell sperm oil less than 1.00 per gal, Sold Capt Cole quantity goods, of old stock — Some at 50, Some at 40, Some at 20 per ct [In margin: wind Sd] Friday 2. [In margin: wind Sd] afternoon NE Calm. Ships Fortune Swain 1700 bbs. Lima |
Andrews. Pacific Cartwright 1,000 bbs oil, Last Ship from Halifax. Ship Alexander Sailed. Recd a letter from Fitz James Price. Ship Lima arrived Saturday 3 Light Trades. George Marine arrived from Mauii in Kamolilani. Pacific & Fortune sailed. Washington loading for Norfolk Sound. Sunday 4 Light trades. Sullivan, Mitchener, & Young beat Woodland, for trying to clear the road as he said — they say he stopped their horses. Ship Lydia Chase arrived, 150 bbls. Monday 5th Fine morn. Had my white colt. Cut. Capt Barney Ship Ann 150 bbls oil. Capt Stephen Reynolds Barque Emma — 150 bbls, came on shore seven months from London. Capt Barney is one of the Masters, who was at Lahina at the time Mr Bishop alludes in his letter to Rufus Anderson. New York & Missionary Packet Sailed with Mr Richards & Mr Ely for Lahina & Hawaii. Sultan Sailed Bishop told Capt Barney he wrote the letter every word was true & he could prove it. Tuesday 6 Fine Morn. Bark Zephyr Kell, Crew Mutinous refusing to take Whale &c. Ship Lydia sailed. Capt Barney signed a certificate saying the account given in Mr Bishop's letter to Rufus Anderson respecting English & American Whale ships plundering the Natives and Mr Richards are untrue and a most malicious libel on the Masters of Whale Ships to say they were hired by their crews to leave Lahaina for Honolulu Wednesday 7. Calm morn Rode onto the Mountain back of Punch Bowl hill, with Capt Grimes & others where we had a Luow, & spent the day very pleasantly. Capt Charlton took six or Seven men from the Zephyr flogged them put them in Irons, in the Fort. Thursday 8 Calm. Cutter Regent Sailed. Capt Elefsen carried away a receipt for deposit of 2625. dollars, and one in favor of Manuel Ovarry for 400. dollars, both of which have been paid. Capt Baker paid his Carpenter bill 160 dollars — Hulk & Store hire — 87.50 — Friday 9. Calm morn. Lima Sailed. George Marine told me Mr Charlton said if he, Geo, took any Salt on Kamolani he, Ch, would take the vessel & crew & send them to port Jackson. — Boki, he said, had not a kernel of Salt!!! Susan Jackson spent the day at the house — Saturday 10 Calm. Cool breese from Eastward, afternoon showers of Rain. A race between Jone’s old black horse and Hannah Hoopers white one, white beat. Sunday 11. Calm & pleasant after the Shower. Spanish Doctor of Brig Greek, Bled me — found blood very black & thick, got very little. Wind Sd. |
May 12th Calm. Forenoon wind Sd afternoon Trades. Business dull. Evening went over to Capt Meeks — Tuesday 13. Beautiful morn. little trade to day. Atai engaged in making a Rat trap, as we have some of the Gentlemen come among us Wednesday 14 Beautiful morn. Light trades — Ship Rodman Capt Joy arrived — 250 bbls oil — Bro’t News Capt. Percival had gained the cause with — or against A.P. Edwards — have not yet seen any papers. Mr Carter told me that Wm Hinkley told him, Mr Sturgis, of Boston said he would spent 50,000 dollars for Percival — if it should be necessary!! Charlton said he had seen part of a letter from Percival stating, the Capt Jones of Peacock, had published an account of the Consul’s paying off men with orders Thursday 15. Beautiful morn. Sch. Washington — Comery Sailed for Norfolk Sound Jos. O. Carter Supercargo. Read the concluding part of Mr Emmet’s Speech on Percival’s part and Judge Thompson’s charge to the Jury Friday 16 Beautiful morn. Brig Chinchilla returned. Bringing Mr French, Sandlewood, House frames — Canoes, &c &c &c Dined on board Kamolani. Mr Jones, Mr Charlton & many of Spanish Officers — at 5. o'clock Saw a Ship beating up, which I pronounced to the Tartar — Saturday 17 Breese of land at Daylight Saw Ship off — got a Canoe went off — on board Tartar — Bancroft Sixty days from Canton. Brig Tamaahmaah arrived. Sch Misy Packet from Hawaii — Also Sch. Boston. belonging to Gov. Adams. By Tartar we have letters to 15th March, Sandlwood Nominal at 10 Dols per picul. Skin 1.50 each. Blanchard going in Citizen, to America Discharging Misy Packet. Mr Ruggles, from Ahilo. Gov. Adams and many other chiefs came to Oahu to have great talk. Understood the Catholic Missionaries are to be one subject of Legislation. Because of tts precarious position as a minority sect in the Kingdom, the Catholic mission had not proselytized among Hawattans but served the Catholic resident foreign community. Hawaiians, however, had begun to seek out the priests. The ali'i and the American missionaries were disturbed by this evidence. Sunday 18 Light trades. Tartar unable to get in. Ship Pacific Baker, Sailed. Zeyphyr Kell Sailed. Nothing New. Monday 19. Light trades. Discharging Chinchilla and thirty five piculs from Tamaahh — putting into Boki’s house. Spanish Brig Sailed for Manilla Boki returned from Pearl River. Mr Charlton went to Kolau to weigh wood. Doct Sevier from Canton |
a passenger in the Tartar — came on shore He is a man of much information. Has travelled to most parts of the World. Tuesday 20 Too much wind for Tartar to come in. Making out Bills. Halilio told me the New Missionary Ladies were much mortified to see those of the Natives who were dressed, dressed much better & handsomer than they themselves were. Capt Meek took Chinchilla’s Foremast out. Capt Young Went to Pearl River in Sch. Boston, to get S. Wood for Mr Charlton. Sch Kaukioli to Kolau Wednesday 21. Trades fresh. Sch Kaukioli came in. Boki settled to go to Manilla in Brig Tamaahmaah. Capt Young. Talked of taking copper in the Brig to copper her in Manilla. Sold Mr Chamberlain 250 Reams Paper at 3.00. per Ream. Clearing up to make room for Tartars Cargo. Thursday 22. Light trades. Ships Mary Mitchell, Upham and Euphrates Gifford were off. filled away in evening. Capt of Euphrates told Mr Jones none of the Whale Ships would come to Oahu — all would go to Mauii — as there, they were all Good — Friday 23. [In margin: Wind Sd] Calm. Tartar came in. Saw one of Diana’s men on board Tartar. Heard Mr Sullivan expected to take command of Tamh!!! Sch Missionary Packet arrived from Kauai. Capt Ebbets came up in her. Capt. Young took charge of Tamahmaah Sch. bro’t no wood up. Jackson came to work making some shelves. KENOW Delivd of a Son at 8 eveg. Kina'u, daughter of Kamehameha I, and her husband Kekuanaoa had several children, two of whom became monarch. This son was named David Kamehameha. Saturday 24 Wind Sd. Brig Alabama Packet De Brot from Gallipagos Islands. Got ashore on the bank over by the Don’s. Landing one boat load goods from Tartar Jackson putting Shelves up in the House Kuanoa’s Wife Delivered of a Son last evening at 8 o'clock. May 25th Sunday Fine morning. Brig Inoa came. Capt Ebbets & Grimes went to Meeting! Afternoon Mr French went to Pearl River in a Canoe. Monday 26. Pleasant morn. Brig Tamaahh hauled along side hulk Boki dissatisfied about settling with De Brot & Lang in consequence of the Greatleman [sic] Capt. Young. Mr Robert Ayer — two very very great Men. Tuesday 27 Fresh trades. Mr Smith writing for Mr French yesterday & to day will probably remain with him for a spell Putting Rice, wine & Sugars on board Chinchilla from Tartar — also boxes paper. landed 100 Bags Rice. Misy packet came from P. River full of wood, Mr French remained. Boki Settled with De Brot & Lang for Inore — took his money, & the people who had been in her. |
Wednesday 28. Fresh trades. Discharging goods from Tartar. Sandlewood from Misy Packet. Strong trades operated against us Showers of rain &c &c. Thursday 29 Fresh trades. Misy Packet went to Pearl River. Dischar’g from Tartar — Discharg’d Benja. Pitman’s goods — which were consigned to Hunnewell. Sent Boxes Hats & Nests Trunks up to Capt Ebbets. Friday 30 Pleasant morning — discharging from Tartar. Chairs in demand to day. Capts Grimes & Meek went to Coco Head Tamaahmaah to remain at Islands. Inore to go to Manila under command of Capt Young — Mr French returned from Pearl River. Saturday 31 Lively Trades — weighing wood — Selling chairs. Calico &c Landed Wine, Trunks of clothing and other packages from Tartar. Discharging Sandlewood from Misy Packet. Sold Spectacles, & varieties of various Sorts, Colors & dimensions June Sunday 1st Lively Trades. Dined with Major Warren. Monday 2. Lively trades. Brig Lancaster of New York, Jennings 25 days from St Blas, Bro't News Mr Charlton was to be superceded. Commerce Shackled in all manner of ways on the Mexican Coast. landing from Tartar. Missionary Packet Sailed for Kauaii with Capt. Ebbets. Tuesday 3. Lively trades. Lancaster beat in. Putting goods on board Chinchilla for Norfolk Sound. Trade tolerable sold 120 yds Calico. Very Strong trades. Wednesday 4 Light trades. Strong trades. Loading Sandlewood on board Lancaster. Sending goods on board Chinchilla. Merchandise rather dull today. Thursday 5. Fresh trades. Loading Lancaster from white store and George Marine's. Sent a number Trunks, boxes &c on board Chinchilla. Gov Adams expected to Sail to day for Hawaii but the chiefs had a consultation, which lasted from 9 A.M. till 3. PM. after which the[y] concluded to sail after Sunday. Friday 6. Light trades. The Tamaahmaah fell over when heaving down; but righted easily. putting wood on board Lancaster & Goods on board Chinchilla. Saturday 7 Fine morn. Loading Lancaster. Nothing special Kakauanohi took away Mahi’s land and gave to her Husband Kelionui, being one of the best lands in the neighborhood. |
Sunday 8. Fine morn. wrote a letter to go in Rambler. Dined with Mr Jones. packed a box of 30 Dox Combs to go to Norfolk Sound. Monday 9 Beautiful morn, fine day completed loading Lancaster, seven hundred & eleven piculs. Governor Adams sailed for Hawaii. preparing to receive remainder of goods from Tartar. died in Childbed. Docts Seviere & Ford, were driven away last evening. Greater U,e U,e more than had been heard on any Death for Several years Reynolds was referring to the chanting style, uweuwe, which was used in chanting dirges. Wednesday 11th Beautiful morn. Wind Sd Commenced loading the Tartar. Afternoon Rain: J. Mitchener’s girl was buried the Residents attended. Mr Goodrich made a prayer The first instance, it is believed, of any other of the Missionaries — having made a Prayer — particularly one living after the manner of the Country, or with a Resident. Mr Goodrich is apparently a liberal and reflecting man. The Corpse was buried in a house with the Corpse of Poalinui Thursday 12 Calm heav morn. loading Wood in Tartar, afternoon light trade. Lancaster, Chinchilla & Kamolilani went out. Landing some goods from Tartar. Friday 13. Heavy air, loading Tartar. Ship Remit Sailed Mr Jones & Capt T. Meek Sent a letter to Kaahumanu concerning old Debts. The Chiefs had a long talk Boki had told them he wished they would write a letter as the other Chiefs were doing Nothing towards paying off the Old Debts. Saturday 14. Light breese. Loading wood into Tartar, landed the copper. Heard Kaahumanu had Signed a letter written by Mr Bingham relating to Percival if it be so — we must wait to know the truth — Sunday 15 Strong trades, Ship Leonidas Lawton 280 bbls oil arrived. Spoke Ship Cyrus, Harris off Cape Horn — Sch. Misy Packet arrived — 3 days from Kauai — full of Wood — Capt Ebbets & family came up. The Missionary Printer who went down in her came up — Monday 16 Plt. Morn & Strong trades. Sch. hauled along side ship & discharged, 186. 12/100 piculs — Boki gave Mr French ground & a house. He will build along side the old one. Kenow Sick. Mr attended as Physician. Tuesday 17 Fine morn, Loading wood on board Tartar, afternoon went on board Mission ary Packet for Makua, Wainai &c after doubling Barbers point Saw Brig Diana — anchored at Makua latter part of night |
Wednesday 18 At daylight landed at Makua, & commenced weighing wood — got 171 piculs on board soon after Sunset. The people had were afraid to sell it. At 8. o'clock evening got under weigh for Wainai where we anchored latter part of night Thursday 19 Went ashore at daylight. Tabuiki [Kapuiki], the Head man of Wainai was in the mountains & would not come down At 10 got under weigh. Wind at S.W. So that we had to beat all the way to Honolulu. Saw Ship Leonidas standing off Friday 20 Calm. Swept the Sch. in — where we found the Diana having arrived next morning after we saw her. Discharged Sch. got some small lots — 46 piculs of Geo. Chapman. Mr Adams 1st Officer of Tartar, left her, owing to difficulty with Capt Bancroft. Capt Little went to Capt T. Meek’s house to sleep — Wind Sd Saturday 21. Fine Calm morn. Wind Sd. Discharging Diana Ship Tartar discharging ballast, very warm day, putting up Stores for Alabama-Packet. Sunday 22 Beautiful morn. At 10 A.M. Strong trades Set in. The dust flew So thick it was difficult to pass the Streets. Afternoon went down as far as Jackson's. Heard Kaahumanu, Piia Mr Bingham — were going to move to Waimea, in the interior at Hawaii, for the Benefit of their Health’s. Monday 23. Fine morn. Light trades. Mr Adams Shipped on board Brig Inore to go to Manilla at forty dollars per month!! Discharging Diana. Much Custom — but more company to day. Mr French laid the corner stone of his new House Tuesday 24. Pleasant morn. Loading wood on board Tartar. Heard Boki, & King were gambling till three o clock this morning with Several of the Mechanics in the village lost Some thirty or forty dollars. Mr Goodrich and family went to Ahilo in Missionary Packet. Wednesday 25 Fine morn. Loading Tartar, Discharging Diana Carpenters finished coppering Tamaahmaah, commenced the Sixth 6th. Settled with many of the Mechanics &c for Alabama Packet — Jackson at work on New House. Thursday 26th [In margin: Extreme Warm day.] Beautiful morn. Crier round to order the people to carry stones for ballast for Tamaahmaah. finished putting Sandlewood on board Tartar. 2200 piculs. Mr Chamberlain putting House frames & Boards on board, to go to Mowee & Hawaii. Reports of King & Bokis gambling with the Black Legs, & losing Several hundred dollars. Friday 27 Fine morn. Sch. Emily Marshall Navarro thirty days from Tahaite. This vessel was bro’t in frame from Boston to Sandwich Island — thence Sent to Tahaite to be built under the Superintendance of Jos’ Navarro who has done himself |
credit as She is apparently a fine Vessel. Loading Missionary lumber on board Tartar Saturday 28. Fine morn. Brig Becket arrived with a cargo of horses. Report Waverly gone with Mr Thompson & John Reeves, up the Gulph. Commerce was in a Trammelled condition, & seemed to be levelled against the Americans AlabamaPacket Sailed. Capt John Meek in her, on a Sealing voyage. Sunday 29. Fine morn. Brig Becket came in. Discharged her horses — a fine lot. A very still Sunday. Monday 30 Pleasant morn — Packing goods for Hawaii. Very close warm day. evening a little rain Tuesday July 1st Fine morn after rain last evening. Packing goods for Hawaii. business dull. Turned Inore out Copper looked fair — patched it only. Wednesday 2 Fine morn, Pleasant day — Carpenters finished one side Inore. Mr Jones was offered Six thousand three hundred dollars for the Emily Marshall by Mabon & co: half down & half six months. Hannah Hooper & Susan Jackson paying Mr Jones a long visit this afternoon. Thursday 3. Pleasant morn. Fine trades. Landing ballast from Diana. Mr Knight laying floor in his Bar Room Spent a pleasant evening at Hahilio’s with his Wife — Recounting olden times Friday 4th Fine morn. This is the 52nd Anniversary of American Independence The day was ushered in by firing of Guns & Hoisting Colors — at 12 a Salute of twenty four Guns was fired from a battery of Guns got up for the occasion, & answered from the Fort, & His Majesty’s Brig — Tamaahmaah. At three The Residents, King, Gov. Boki, Gov. Hoapili, with several of the Female Chiefs, Sat down to a Sumptuous Dinner got at the Consuls. Also the American & French Catholic Missionaries. The English Consul with his wife went, yesterday, to Pearl River, & could not get up again in Season. Spent evening at Jackson's, in a very agreeable manner. The day passed in a very agreeable manner. Saturday 5 Fine morn. At 11. o'clock Mr French, Messrs Bishop Ruggles & Green, Mrs. Ruggles & Mrs Green went on board Tartar. At two she Cast off, went out bound for Laihaina. Seventy or more Native passengers on board each paying a dollar. People here, Settling the 4th day of July. Mr Charlton returned Sunday 6. Pleasant. Afternoon went to Docts & Jackson’s. Monday 7 Fine morn. At 10 a fire broke out in the West part of the village near Marine's, |
which consumed Several houses and some Calabashes — The fire caught by Carelessness. Looking after timber for a beam to New House Black Joe Died this afternoon with, or of a fever. Tuesday 8 Rode to Allen’s with Capt Little, on my Colt. Heard Brig Tamaahmaah was going to Manilla, or Canton with Inore. Afternoon Black Joe was buried near the grave of Mr Holmes. Wednesday 9th Fine morn. Sawyers asked four dollars to saw three short Logs two Scarfs each!!! — Mr Jones took his Child away from Hannah last night and carried it down to Wooden House. Hannah having given him great provocation by accusing him with having been astray. Missionary Packet arrive from Ahilo, via Lahaina, left Lahaina last evening Tartar just arrived. Thursday 10th Fine Morn. Bil Tupihea came from Ahilo in Misy Packet. Said trade was very dull, got Small quantity for Mr French — 19 1/2 pic S Mr Smith had indirect offers of Brig Inore to go to Manilla Carpenters Caulking Diana. Jackson commenced a frolic which probably will last a week. Friday 11. Fine morn. Yesterday Sumner took Doct Ford’s horse from Capt Ebbets yard for Debt. after Dinner most of the people collected at Knight & Marine's Hotel. to see & hear what defence Sumner would make for such conduct — He got in a rage with the English Consul words ensued first blows afterwards. Consul ordered him to the Fort, which was the last I heard of him The onset between the English Consul & Sumner upset the business of the moment, so that the horse question was not handled at all. Mr Smith Slept at my house, moved his things there Saturday 12th Fresh trades. Afternoon Very, Very heavy Squalls & whirling from every point of the Compass. Dirt flying so thick nothing could be seen ten rods distant. Weighed wood from Hoai Sunday 13. Strong trades. Sch N. York came from Kauai. Last evening the English Consul, in conversation with Boki, told him, He would cut Kaahumanu’s head off — & All the Residents were ready to join in it. Guards were ordered out in all parts the Village Mr Charlton may be ready to take up arms against the Chiefs, but few, if any, I believe would follow him, or join with him. Sch Washington arrived from N Sound. Ship Sultan left in Company, having sold her Cargo. Ship Parthian was there sold little or nothing — Brig Active had been there Sold but little. Charlton's language was often intemperate. He remained in his post, however, until the 1840s. Monday 14 Fresh trades. Washington came inside. Mr Jones received letters by New York |
(Sch) from Kauai from McKinzie. Missionary-Packet Sailed for Kauaii. Mr Gullick’s Family — Mr Chamberlain passenger. Tuesday 15th Strong trades. Dust flew so thick it confined people to their Houses. Some difficulty between Capt Young, and Officer & crew on board Kamehameha. the latter refusing to admit Capt Young on board as commander!!! Cooper at work on Cask to put rice in. Capt Little hauled along side the hulk just at Sunset. Mr Jones returned Hannah her child last evening, & I believe Slept there himself. Wednesday 16. Moderate trades. Raised the New house. Pleasant day. Mr Charlton Sailing (the) his, cutter. Mr Hunnewell refused to let King & Boki have money unless they gave interest. Mr Jones lent them 1,800 Thursday 17 Fine morn. Went down to Jackson's to see the Colt which has received a wound in his leg from a Stone. Brig Wellington, Dowsett, arrived 98 days from Sydney N.S. Wales, load lumber &c to Mr French. Ship Abigail Clark, for Potter, 2,500 bbls full, bound home. Friday 18 Fresh trades. Brig unable to get in. Capt Grimes concluded not to go home in the Abigail. A Native came into the house deliberately took up Several pieces calico cotton &c and marched deliberately off. One of the boys soon saw him selling the goods & informed me. I took to the fort & soon my goods came back. Saturday 19. Fresh trades. Capt Grimes concluded not to go in Abigail. Mr Nathan Spear concluded to go. Sunday 20. Pleasant morn. Writing lettters to home in Abigail Ship Sailed after dinner. Sent a Draft on W.B Swett & co to pay all my property which had been received to Saml S. Reynolds. Mr Spear left three hundred dollars with me to let to advantage, on his account. Capt Dowsett bro’t his lady ashore. Afternoon went up to Capt Ebbets Monday 21 Pleasant. Brig Wellington came in. Missionary Packet arrived from Kauaii. Reports said Inore going to Lahaina & Ahilo. Boki said should go himself to Lahaina & remain there till the Brig returned. Concluded to Packet to Mr French Tuesday 22 Fine morn. Very fresh trades — Gov. Boki went out in Inore for Lahaina. Sch Pakii went out — got as far as Diamond Hill — found mainmast gone above the deck — a great oversight — as she had gone thro a thorough repair — New copper &c. King bo’t some shirts of Capt Little for which he said Manuere would pay the money. When Capt Little asked for the money — Manuere asked, Who tell you trust That Boy? Capt. Little got the Diana turned part out. Sent Sch Missionary Packet up to Hawaii to inform Mr French about the Wellington. |
Wednesday 23. Fine morn. The Astor got ashore coming in yesterday received no damage. Diana parted her fall. Brig Tamaahh Sailed for Mauii, His Majesty went up for Boki to Doctor him — Discharged all goods from Wellington — Box Calico damaged, also Some of Cedar Boards. Capt Dowsett confined on board with a very bad leg. Sold Mr Jones a wherry boat. Thursday 24 Fine morn, Ship beating up without mainyard Landed three hundred pieces scantling from Wellington. Sold Box Calico by Auction from Wellington. Damaged. Friday 25 Fine morn. Japan Anchored — Lost mainyard off Barber’s point — 2370 bbls oil. Landing Scantling & timber from Wellington — commenced coppering — Diana moved Shingles from Marine, over to New House. Saturday 26 Fine morn. Discharging lumber from Wellington Finished coppering on one side of Diana. commenced Shingling New House. Mr Charlton returned. Saw a large Ship last Wednesday off Wymea — Capt. Dowsett moved ashore into Mahi’s house Sunday 27 Pleasant morn. Fresh trades. Ship Harriot Reed 2,900 bbls oil — Spoke Ship Oregon, Bunker 5th July — 1,900 bbls Monday 28. Fine morn. Blue monday with many of the Mechanics, to day. Landing lumber from Wellington. Found Diana’s Mainmast Sprung, tho not bad — in the partners. Tuesday 29th Fine morn. Sch Pakii went for Mauii, fine day. Mr Charlton’s cutter got in having been two days from Barbers point. Hove Diana part way out. Small trade to day — Landing from Wellington. Wednesday 30. Fine morn. Landing lumber from Wellington Sold Mr Jones 200 ft cedar boards. Evening — a small house burnt — between 9 & 10 0 clock — great alarm in the village — , Thursday 31. Fine morn. Sch. Washington came in from Wymea, full of wood. Saw, nor heard of any vessel off there for many days. Friday August 1st Fine morn. Went out and bro’t Ship Japan in went & got 25 lbs Shingle nails of Mr Bingham. Finished discharging Brig Wellington. At times Reynolds acted as pilot in Honolulu harbor. |
Saturday 2. Showers. Mr Thompson arrived in a small Sch. which he bo’t at Mazartland. Brot Some Newspapers late as May. Nothing very interesting. Diana righted and hauled off from Hulk — having laid eighteen days Sunday 3. At 2 Guns were heard in offing, went out found it was tamaahmaah & Inore from Morokoi — got inside by warping. King, Boki & his wife took breakfast with us. Went down to Mr Jackson’s. Susan taking a Native Emetic. Monday 4 Fine morn. Got cooper to trim wine, Boki landing hogs, fish, tapas, Sandlewood &c from Inore Getting ballast on board Diana. Mr Carter Stole the Bell and carried on board Diana Tuesday 5. Lively trades. Cooper at work on wine. Diana got ballast on board. Boki’s expedition working hard to get away soon. Got six bunches Shingles of Mr Jones to Shingle House, Harriet Sailed Boki was considering a sandalwood venture in the South Pacific. Wednesday 6. Fine morn. Finished Shingling New house Got one bunch Shingles from Mr Jones to complete Put one hundred Casks Red wine on board the Diana. Overhauled accounts with Navarro found him inclined to buy his place back. Thursday 7th Showery morn Sch Medford arrived from Ahilo with wood for Boki went to see Boki about balance Waverly Debt. Said his wife would pay his private Debt, and balance Riho Riho King & Kaahumanu must pay the rest. There was a great Dinner at Mr Mitcheners for the King & chiefs. His Majesty, Gov Boki, Piia, & the Big Mouth Queen, a few of the distant dependants, Comodore Young, Capt Rowe, Mr Mitchener — Mr Ayer, Mr Chapman, Some others of like — Made the party — The Native officers of his Majesty Service had a Dinner prepared at the Blonde — When firing for the Toasts a Native on board the Tamaahmaah, got his arm mangled so much & wounded so badly, they amputated his arm — Docts Serierc, Ford, & Navarro. A Survey went on board Brig Wellington, to examine her. Adjourned to some other day. The Blonde Hotel was one of Boki’s enterprises. Friday 8 Fine morn. Capt Ebbets wanting to buy Mr Jones Small Spanish Schooner. Got five piculs S wood from Bil Tupihea. Seven for trade. Saturday 9. Very pleasant. Sch Washington came in from Waimea Survey went on board Wellington according to adjournment — report to be made next week. Capt Dowsett discharged a man from Wellington after having had him in the Fort |
for three Weeks, for which a bill & jail fees was bro’t to amount of 10.50 — Kaahumanu told Boki She wished him to remain with her, & for him to pay off all the Debts — Sunday 10 Fine morn. Had it confirmed Boki would not go to Manilla, but Manuere. Kaahumanu would go to Kauai, Piia, to Wailua, Boki, to Kolau to Superintend collecting Sandlewood to pay Debts Monday 11 Fine morn — Coopering wine — Diana’s Steward shipped on the Brig Tamchamcha’s articles — Capt Little sent soldiers, had him bro’t on board again Emily Marshall went out — Capt Young Shipped his Crew in Inore for Manilla. Tuesday 12th Fine morn. Emily Marshall sailed. Mr Jones Went to Pearl River in Washington Report said Mr Boyd was going to Manilla as Supercargo Loading Diana — Tried to buy some Rum of Mr Hunnewell. He asked one dollar & fifty cents per gal wood at Eight dollars per picul — Wednesday 13. Pit. Morn. Bokine left Kamehameha. Col Manuere took command. Much difficulty arose about getting Papers. The Secretaries of the different departments — expecting the English Consul to give them all the papers — which English and American ships have. Mr Thompson gave Col Manuere a letter of introduction to Messrs Russell & Sturgis. Piia declined sending her wood unless she sent her own Supercargo with it. Thursday 14. Very fine morn, at 12. The Brig Kamehameha and Brig Inore went — to go the other Side of Island and get cargoes of Sandlewood, for Manilla. Ship Eliza Cap. Growse, 31. day from Lima bound to Manilla. Offered him 12. dols for his Beef 14 for Pork — 22.00 Canvass. 12.00 cwt White Lead — Sold Capt Chase of Japan — 10 Bbls Beef — a 15.00 His Majesty went round in the Brig — had horses sent to come by land — Mr Jones returned fr P. River Friday 15 Fine morn Sch Washington came in from P. River full of Tax wood — 230 piculs. Del Carmen hove out pronounced a fine bottom. Saturday 16 Fine morn. Weighed 39 piculs S Wood from Capt Kaupene on Col. Manueres ac/t — went on board Brig Kamehameha — Learned Kaahumanu — 7,000; Learned Boki — 5,000; Learned Kauluohi — 2,000 — besides Small Sum Mr Thompson went over to Wailua. Sch Wash Sailed for Waimea. At 8 a gun was fired. Went out in Diana’s boat found Brig Banian, Hersey & Ship Franklin Bradshaw 14 days from California. Sunday 17th Fine morn. Capt Bradshaw anchored. Too much wind for Brig to get in. Gentlemen came ashore from Ship & Brig — Dined with us — Ship Fortune arrived 2050 bbls oil. |
Monday 18 Fine morn. Brig & Ship towed in. Warm day. Moved Rope & Canvass out of Mr Charlton’s house Floor boards went to New House. Callted on Capt Dowsett in evening. requested an Inventory of all the Wellington’s tackle &c — make up the people's accounts & discharge them — Tueday 19 Calm. Fortune towed in. Went on board Franklin & Banian. Winship was delivered of a Daughter about 10. o'clock in forenoon. By this Birth there a male & female child, claiming my protection. a very warm day — Col. Manuere’s wife went over to Wailua. Communications were received by the different houses in the Govt Concern. The child was named Maria Harriet Reynolds. Wednesday 20. Calm. Bo’t lumber of Mr Perkins at 70.00 per M. Mr Thompson arrived from Wailua — Said they were filling the Brigs Kamehameha & Inore with most Superior Wood. Boki would not pay any wood for ac/t of Old Debts, of his Own contracting discharged & paid off the Wellington’s crew Thursday 21. Pleasant. Sch. Misy Packet arrived from Kailua Tartar went in to Lahaina yesterday — full of Sandlewood — finished landing lumber from Banian, 13,000. M. or thereabouts. Recd Sandlewood, fire wood, goats, Lime, Tobacco &c Friday 22. Showery. Discharged Sandlewood from Misy Packet Ship Parthian arrived from NWC — twenty days Took Account of Boards again — a difference in ac/ts having arisen of nearly 700 feet — Saturday 23. Fresh trades. Ship Parthian could not get in. Ship Tartar arrived from Mauii. Went to see Kaahumanu with Mr Perkins She was up at Maonoa — Got lot nails of Mr Perkins at 18cts — Sunday 24 Fresh trades. Fine day. Sch. New York came from Kauai. Mr Thompson bro't in a letter from Capt. Gillespie to Mr French relating to some money Gillespie had remitted to french, to pay a Sum to Mr Thompson. The money was in the hands of Mr Perkins. We were at a loss to know what the money was for — till we got the letter. Monday 25 Fine morn. Breese too strong to get Ship in. Went down to Kaahumanu’s with Mr Perkins, found her in very good humor. Mr Perkins sent a Trunk goods to look at. afternoon went to see her again She bo't a few trifling things — Mr Jessup Shipped as 2nd Officer in Tartar. Advertised Brig Wellington for sale — 28th inst. Tuesday 26th Fine morn. Parthian towed in. Discharging her spars. Capt Little got leave |
of Mr French to look for a Mainmast for Diana. Price 300 Dollars. Filling up Bills Lading for Tartars Cargo. Invoices &c. Mr Smith copying Letters. Wednesday 27. Fine morn. Mr French offered Mr Chapman 1. 40/100 for his Seal Skins. Capt Little Bo’t a New Main Mast. for 250 Dollars of Mr Jones. Writing letters to go to Canton in Tartar. Copying Invoice per Chinchilla to N. Sound. The Parthian landing wood timber &c Mr Charlton returned from Wailua — Said Tamehaa — was not going to Manilla. Inore only. Thursday 28. Fine morn. At 9. Sold Brig Wellington by Auction to Don P.F. Marine for 3,000 Dollars. Ship Tartar Sailed for Canton. His Majesty Kaukioli arrived from Wailua with his mob Mr Jones on board Franklin — Mr Perkins keeps himself to himself at at Mr Jones. Saturday 30 Fine morn. Gov Boki arrived last evening. Inore Sailed for Canton Capt Young — Master — Manuere Supercargo — Mr Jones Selling eighty fish for eight dollars. Mrs. Manuere [Manuia] paid Capt Little on King’s Score — Sunday 31. Fine morn — Brig Kamehameha, & Sch Misy Packet ard. Ship Jasper, Capt Blackler 34 days from Guyaquil said Was was talked of between, Columbians — Gen Bolivar & Peruvians — No doubt of the success of the Columbns Trade very dull. Money is very Very, Scarce. Mr French trying to fill him with Sandlewood. September Monday 1st Fine morn, Strong trades. Capt Blackler concluded to come in & take freight. Discharging wood from Misy-Packet. Missionary Doctor said could go to Hawaii under another week — Tuesday 2 Trades prevented Jasper from getting in. at 4 p.m. Went in Missionary Packet to Wymea Heva Heva & Wife passengers. Mr French bo't a lot of Russian Cordage of Capt Blackler at 12 cts per lb. Sold him wood to pay for the Same at 8.00 dollars & Sufficient to fill his Ship afterwards — at 7.50 per pic Cash. Wednesday 3. Arrived at Wymea at 2 p.m. got 40 piculs wood on board. Polly Holmes was married to one of the Missionary Kanakas, who came out in Parthian by name of Saml F Mills. Great entertainment in the evening, after the ceremony. Thursday 4. Commenced weighing early. Sch Washington & Cutter in sight. Washington anchored at dusk. Misy Packet sailed with 217 piculs on board. Friday 5. Weighed wood & put on board Washington. Capt of her bo’t some. Saturday 6. Paid off Kanakas. Washington Sailed full of wood |
Sunday 7. Fine day. Very Still at Wymea — Monday 8 Weighed a number Small lots wood & Paid Kanakas Very extremely warm — wind from Sea. Tuesday 9. Weighed a few piculs wood in forenoon. Settled with Heva Heva took account goods left. Heva Heva took me in Canoe & carried me to Prick foot Joes. Just as ready to Start, a horse arrived for me which ordered to Jos — Where we all arrived at sunset. Wednesday 10 Started from Jo’s at Sunrise — arrived at Honolulu at Sunset. Ship Fortune Sailed E. Grimes passenger after relating & hearing events retired to sleep Thursday 11 Fresh trades. Loading Sandlewood from White Store Parthian commenced taking in Sandlewood. Mr Hunnewell went on board Franklin to See what he could buy. Mr Jones purchasing goods from Franklin to Send on main in Washington Friday 12. Fine morn. French Ship De Chille arrived from St Diego, 17 Days. Mr Dana was married August 23. Capt. Cole, Capt Warden with the Teignmouth’s Ships Company passengers. The Teignmouth was lost at St Joseph’s in a heavy Surf-wind. Three men drowned, one got his leg broke. Saved ten thousand dollars Cash, but very little else. Mr Rice also passenger — bro’t letters from Temple. Bad accounts as to trade. Mr Charlton gave a dinner — to Mr Jones, French & Perkins Saturday 13. Fine morn. French Ship came in — landed their horses. At 12 fired a Salute of 13 Guns, which was answered by the Fort — Alexr Adams was married to Mary Green. Mr Bingham refused to marry them because they had not been published!!! Mr Adams requested a positive answer whether he would not marry him. Mr B. Refused Mr Adams then requested him to leave the house as quick as possible. Gov. Boki then married them A splendid entertainment was prepared at which most of the Residents were invited & partook. Mr French bo't a quantity of goods of Mr Perkins, out of Franklins Sunday 14th Fine morn. Evening Mr jones child & mine were Baptized by the Catholic Missionary — at Mr Jones’ House. Several Residents & many Natives present Monday 15. Cool morn, Weighing wood from Marine's for Capt Ebbets Tax wood. Mr Knight opened his house for accomodation of Such as would give him their custom. Invited the Residents and Masters of vessels to partake of a very good Terapin Soup — & eatables. Thos Low a Native of Boston was buried. Tuesday 16 Pleasant. Strong trades. Ship Decatur, Wood 1,700 bbls oil. Capt Blackler get- |
ting wood from Mr Jones’ on Mr French’s Account. Tending Shop and posting books myself. Wednesday 17. Fresh trades. Posting books, tending Store &c, finished weighing wood, at Mr Jones, for Capt Blackler. 400 piculs in all. Mr Jones sold Capt Blackler his shell at three (3) dollars per lb. Thursday 18. Moderate morn. Mr Perkins landing goods from Franklin for Mr French. Weighing Tax wood from Capt. Ebbets, for Capt. Blackler, from dift houses. Mr Charlton Advertised French Ship’s horses. Timothy Pease, a Citizen of USA died after an illness of two days — Friday 19 Rainy morn. Strong Trades — Cutter beating up. King & Boki went board French Ship — Mr Mitchener was married. Gov. Boki performed the Ceremony — Report said the French Capt (De haut cille), Capt Cole & others from California, had told Boki, Dana was spending his property & worn the Waverly out. Saturday 20. Pleasant morn. Pleasant day — Sch New York & Misy Packet. Mr Chamberlain came in the Packet & bro’t his Wife, late Miss Patten with him. No Ships at Mauii. Packet pro’t 180 piculs S. wood from Mauii, and put on board Jasper. Mr French measured some pieces of goods, bo’t of Perkins for ten yards — held out 8 3/4 & 9 yards. Mr Perkins chose to take back the goods Sunday 21st Fine morn — Ship Com — Decatur came in Ship Dauphin Huzzy 1,700 bbls oil — arrived. Brig Diana 1,200 piculs Sandlewood from Kauai. Heva Heva sent a boy over from Waimea to have me go over & weigh some wood Monday 22. Lively breeze. Ships unable to tow in. Diana got in, put 120 piculs wood on board Jasper. Mr Charlton Sold Seventeen Horses — bro't in French Ship — from 85.00 to 110.00 — averaging 98.37 1/2 Boki sent to Mr French to get the Missionary Packet to go to Kauai, as quick as possible. Mr French had given her up to Mr Chamberlain so that he could not let him have her. Tuesday 23. Fine morn. Dauphin came in. Discharged five hundred piculs wood from Diana on board Jasper Sold personal effects & Premises of the late Timothy Pease by Auction. Two thirds of Premises Sold for 480.00 Dollars. Boki gave up going to Kauai. Mr Davis, the purchaser. Misy Packet sailed for Hawaii Wednesday 24 Calm. Brig Kamehameha arrived from Mauii, bro’t no wood. Left Ship Oregon, Bunker at Lahaina — bad luck taken only one hundred barrels oil the Season. Sold my tortoise shell to Capt. Blackler for three dollars per lb. Capt Cole bo't the French mans copper — and many other of his goods — Thursday 25 Calm. Ship Jasper completed loading having some 3362 piculs. Sold by Mr |
French for $7.50 per picul Goods belonging to French Ship put up by auction mostly bid in. Sour claret sold for 2,50 & bid in Musket bid in at 1,60 — & other articles were all bid in — Friday 20. Calm. Wind Sd. Ship Oregon Bunker 1,900 bbls oil — via Mauii — Put wood on board French Ship Mr Jones put some on board for Capt Meek — Sold the two thirds of Pease premises again for 440.00. Bo’t by Boki Saturday 27th Calm. Afternoon rode over to Wailua to get wood in Diana. Wind Sd — She could not get out. Sunday 28 Started from Butlers, where I slept, arrived at Prickft Joe’s & got some breakfast about 10 — Mr Charlton’s man arrived at 10 in evening. Monday 29. Wind Sd — Spent day at Joe’s reading — aftern brig got out Tuesday 30 Light breeses Nd. Brig arrived at Wailua at 2 PM. got 28 picl wood off. Wednesday Oct. 1st Commenced getting wood off early & completed weigg Tried to get about 160 pics carried 1/4 of mile for which they asked 40. dollars — tho't it too high & left it Thursday 2 Atrived at Waimea at 8 — went on shore & commenced getting wood off — people all in mountains cutting wood. Mr Charlton’s man getting his wood on the. beach — Friday 3. Finished getting my wood off & began Mr Charltons Afternoon Surf broke So as to make it difficult getting wood off — got all on the beach off — 370 picls nearly Saturday 4 Surf not so high this morning — succeeded in getting off wood — could not get the people to bring it to the beach — so that at four P.M. Started for Honolulu 294 picls for Mr Charlton on board Sunday 5 Wind east. Beating round Barber’s Point Monday 6. Fresh trades. Anchored off the Bar at 8. AM Found Several Whale Ships had arrived in my absence. Ship Hector, Norton arrived 2 ,600 bbls oil Recd a letter from Sistare, by Ship Isabella Sayer from Capt Norton. Being a broken day did little Tuesday 7. Moderate trades. Diana warped in — went along side French ship. mr Jones |
me charge of the Consul business during his absence to Kauai. Wednesday 8. Fine morn. Mr French went to see Boki about his timber bro’t in Wellington. Boki bo’t it all. Ship Parthian sailed for Kauai. Mr Jones went in her. Left his Consul business with me In afternoon had one of my fits. Sch Washington sailed for California. Ch R. Smith went in her, assistant to Mr Thompson Thursday 9th Pleasant morn. Brig Banian Sailed for Lima with Hides & Tallow intending to sell there & buy Cargo for Sandwich Island Diana hauled along side Franklin to discharge S. Wood. Friday 10. Fine morn. Making ac/t Sales at Waimea. Sch Kaukiolo arrived from Mauii, reported Capt Barker at Lahaina Saturday 11 Fine morn. Went off on board Barque Mary Lock to get her in. Brigs Chinchilla & Kamomilani arrived 28 days from Sitka. Ship Ploughboy, Chase 1,300 bbls oil. Boki taking away the timber he bo’t which came in Wellington. Capt Meek Sold to amt of 5,000 Seal Skins. 2,000 for other concerns — Sent a Black man to Allen’s to board from ship Euphrates — Sunday 12 Beautiful morn. Vessels towed in. Ship Luisa Martin via. Mauii arrived. Wind Sd, Sailed in, expected Cotting here every hour, in Active Monday 13 Fine morn. Wind Sd. Landing goods from Chinchilla & Kamol’ani returned from Norfolk Sound. Diana Sailed for Kauai. Afternoon wind off land Tuesday 14 Fine morn. Ship Oregon sailed, also Pacific and Enterprize. Mr Ely & family went in Enterprize Capt Cole Sailed Kauai in Sch. Truro — Joncy Mr Mitchener gave a great Luow this evening Wednesday 15 Lively breese, making entries of Sandlewood &c — French ship & Franklin taking wood from Mr Jones. Capt Gifford wanting to discharge a Sick man — which I declined believing the ship bound to see him supported. Thursday 16 Pleasant morn. Ship Elizabeth Matison, London arrived fia Mauii. Capt Cewet gave Ship Cretan up & Samuel Reynolds 1st Officer of Elizabeth took command of her. Hope Smith N. Bedford, Dauphin Sailed. Friday 17 Fine Shower. Young Phenix Price N B’df'd 2,100 Martin flogged is runaway; put him in Irons, let him out to Dinner, & he ran away again. Went on board John Palmer with King & others to dine. Fawn Sailed. Capt Gifford taken unwell, French went to Pearl River |
Saturday 18th {In Margin: Partridge] Fine morn. Fresh trades Ship Rochester Folger 1,800 bbls oil. Capt Gifford getting better Capt Meek trying to make trade with Capt. Martin. Sunday 19 Fresh trades. Brig Active Cotting arrived from N.W.C. Via Mauii. Volunteers Barker 33 days from Norfolk Sound Report, many Ships at Mauii. Very Strong trades. Monday 20 Strong trades. Ships Victory 1,900 bbls & Oldham Perkyns 1,150 bbls Oil. Misy Packet Sailed for Pearl River — John Palmer Sailed. Brig Active parted chain Evening went up to see the Baby. Dot Seviere — the girls & I went to see Mrs Haalilio. Tuesday 21. Strong trades. Ships — Ann Mooers 1,100 bbls Perseverance Mayle 1,900 lbs. oil. Mr French returned from Pearl River. Boki weighed no wood for Meek or me — No trade allowed — at Pearl River. Boki is going to supply the people and buy their wood. The girl who had been so long in Irons, at Mauii, made her escape & came down here in whale ship — Wednesday 22. Fresh trades. A grand Feast was given by Mrs Manuere, to all the Females in the village, to which the young men were invited by providing the liquors, or, in other words paying for it. Euphrates Sailed Thursday 23. Fresh breese. Ship Hope came in with lines. Mr Charltons Sch. arrived at Wainai — from Kauai in 40 hours. Misy Packet putting wood on board Franklin. Posting Books. went to see Mr Perkins’ Elegant, Saddle — Behold a Spanish Saddie with all its incumbrances!!! What Elegance! Friday 24 Moderate — Sch Truro arrived — Diana off. Several vessels warped & towed in, Young Phenix, Active, Diana & Volunteer. Mr Jones came up in Brig — Parthian sailed monday last for Canton. Saturday 25 Lively breese, went out & Bro’t Victory in Ship Sarah — Arthur 2,00 bbls oil, had an Auction sale of Muskets for Martin, from 7 a 9 reals each 44 gals Gin Sold for 2.62 1/2 per gals. Mr Jones put third mate of Franklin in Fort. Mr French bo’t Volunteer of Capt Barker, Boards & firewood included for 6,500 Dollars — Sunday 26th Showery morn. Fresh trades No arrivals to day. Mr French, Capt Little & Capt Martin Dined with, Mr Jones. Monday 27. Fresh trades Ship Spartan arrived — 2,000 bbls. Phebe Swain 2,100 bls. Phebe Ann Barnard 1,300 — full — Barclay 1,600. Brig Neo, Minzie from Tubuaii & Tahaite full of Timber. King, Boki & others went round to Cocoa Head — Fishing — Louisa taking off S. wood |
Tuesday 28 Light breese. Barclay sailed. Mr French bo’t of Capt Martin Molases at 35 cts and Rice at 4 1/2 cts to be paid in wood at 8 dollars per picul. Two Ships arrived from Mauti — Wenesday 29 Showery morn. Strong trades. Diana finished putting wood on board Franklin. Shipping a crew to go to California &c An Order was given out by the Mistress of the Fort to take up every person found in the streets. No matter who. at 10 two first Officers were going off & were put in, agreeably to order — but were shortly released. Thursday 30 Dark morning. Looking very like Southerly wind & rain. Ship Sarah drifted of last night. Ships Congress 2200 bbls oil — Alexander — Bunker 900 bbls, Alexander in bringing up — Drifted foul of Brig Neo, carried away main Rigging, main topmast, & other damage. Moving goods out of the Old House into the New House. Mrs. Capt Manuea said she would not look after runaways after this — because her Soldiers were called up to answer for beating, Striping & robbing 1st Officer of Ship Victory last evening. Manuia was in charge of the Fort where prisoners were kept. Apparently his wife helped run the Fort. Friday 31. Pleasant morn. Ship Hector Norton Sailed Ship Elizabeth Mattinson — & Ship Cretan, Reynolds Sailed. Ship Sarah beating up. Brig Kamolianui hove out. Mr Charlton & Capt Dhaut cilly went to Pearl River. Mr French moved his writing Desk, & many of his small traps over to his New House — Mr Jones got the Engine of Boki November Saturday 1st Fine morn. Strong Trades. Ships, Friends Chester 1,200 bbls Stonington Gardner 2,100 bbls of oil — Ship Sarah got in up to Anchor. Brig Diana Smoaking — Mr French moving goods to New House. Mr French writing them — Brig Active commenced putting things in Wellington Several persons went off to Neo to view the damages done by Ship Alexander. Sunday 2 Strong Trades. Ships Rodman Joy 1400 bbls oil, George & Susan 2,000 bbls — Pindiy 1200 bbls — Ship Edward Hicks, Providence, 32 days from Lima, Bro’t News Capt Allen had been very sick in Hospital, was recovering. Bolivar with a Columbian army was daily expected in Lima. Flour dull — Domestic goods & many English goods will be prohibited in a few months Went off on board — got wet from Spray & Rain. Monday 3. Strong trades. Very heavy Showers of Rain, moving goods out of old leaky houses — putting some on board Diana. Brig Griffin arrived from St. Francisco — 16 days. Ship Edward Sailed for Ship Canton Ship Congress parted her Cable. Very Strong breeses & rain |
Tuesday 4. Fresh breeses. Sending goods on board Diana. Strong breeses & Showers. Ship Partridge broke her Anchor & drifted off. Anchored again. Wednesday 5 Moderate morn. Went off & got Brig Griffin in. Ship Tuscan arrived. Ship Superior Rice, 2,100 — Ship Many of Superior’s men down with Scurvy. Mr French bo't all Brig Griffin’s lumber. Advertised tea, cheese & Coffee for sale by Auction for Mr Jones — Thursday 6. Light squalls — Got Ship Partridge in & Brig Neo — Misy Packet arrived from Hawaii — 200 piculs S wood Ship Princess — Mary — Moultrie arrived. Gray — Not Moultrie Kent Sailed — Had an Auction of Tea Souchang 28cts 4 Boxes — Skin 32 cts 2 boxes — Y H — 60 cts cheese 2 dollars each — Active hove out — Chinchilla sailed for Hawaii. Friday 7 Light squalls — Got Ship Partridge in & Brig Neo — Misy Packet arr7 Calm. Got three ships in. Two men got into a dispute on board Ship Stonington, one a mulatto — one an Indian The former a lad of 18. Stuck his knife in the former let his bowels out — of the wound he died instantly. Saturday 8th Went off with Pilot — got five Ships in. Ship Sultan arrived 32 days from Lima No News. Markets Dull. Man who committed murder on board Ship Stonington, yesterday, was lodged in Fort. Corpse was buried on Shore. A Jury of Inquest was held over it on board. Sunday 9 Beautiful morn. Four Ships came in, Ship Reaper arrived & came in bbis oil — via Ahilo. Clarkson Allen 2,000 bbls. Doct Seviere went to Pearl-River to view the Ground — & see if Indigo could be raised to advantage — reported favorably. Monday 10. Fine morn. At 10 had an Auction at Mr Jones of a lot of trash of remnants Franklin’s Cargo — which Sold very well. Afternoon Mr French went to Wainai in Missionary Packet. Evening was very much alarmed, Winship was very much pressed on the Stomach, & with great difficulty got her breath. Tuesday 11 Pleasant. Ship Augusta Stanwood days from Payta at 10 commenced selling by Auction the remainder of Franklin’s Cargo. No News by Augusta. Wednesday 12 Pleasant morn. Last evening between 9 & 10 o'clock Guns were heard in offing four or five times. Ship Clarkson was not in sight this morning — a false report Ships Corsair & Saringapatum arrived, via Mauii. Clarkson sailed & Augusta. Making out ac/t Sales by Auction, Amt 1674.75. All the best goods retained. Capt Allen Sold his gin @ 2.00 Brandy 1.50 part of his wine 1.50. Cash — to Mr Hunnewell — Asked fifty cents for his Copper — Cash — |
Thursday 13 Fine morn. Misy Packet beating in — got 100 piculs wood — Ship Constitution arrived & Sailed — 1100 bbls Active finished coppering. Had to allow 3 dollars on four ps Flannels Sold by Auction on ac/t of inferiority. Friday 14. Cloudy. Discharging from Packet into Franklin A man from Ship Superior writing for Mr French Making out accounts Brig Wellington to forward to China. Mr French Bott Barker’s & Peirce’s Molasses at thirty five cents per gal. Ship Victory Sailed — Saturday 15th Fine morn. Ship Recovery Brookes 8 months from London — 350 bbls oil Nothing New. Ship Heros Sailed Capt Lock preparing for sailing — Sunday 16 Calm — Recovery came in. Wind Sd — Saringapatum & Corsair Sailed. Capt Meek arrived from Hawaii 300 piculs S$. Wood — Lock waiting wind Sd. Took Capt Lock’s triplicate set of Exchange in favor of Nathan Spear Monday 17. Calm — Wind Sd. warm. Children and Grown persons having the Whooping Cough. Mr French took possession of Volunteer — Capt Martin disappointed in Selling Active to Boki — Distil going on. Tuesday 18. Wind Sd. — forty six years to day since I inhaled vital air. At 11 Maria-Harriet Died of Influenza aged three months. She was baptized by the French Missionaries September 14th. Ships Mary Mitchell Upham 800 bbls oil & May Flower Harris 1,000 bbls oil Gov. Boki offered 2,400 piculs Sandlewood for Brig Active, pay down. Capt Arthur bro’t ashore a stone, three feet & two inches long — (18) eighteen inches broad, & (5) five inches thick which he picked up at Sea. When it was put into the water to satisfy the Doubting, it floated very light, its weight was 124 lbs. Cubical Dimensions 1 ft-1134 Cubical inches — or 1 ft 11 in 9" — Wednesday 19 Fine morn, wind Sd. Settled with Mr Perkins owed him eighty three piculs Sandlewood — Mr French Settled with him — owed him fifty-one piculs & fourteen — on an order. At 7 in evening the Funeral. of Maria Harriet took place — attended by the Catholic Missionaries Several residents & masters attended. Thursday 20. Wind Sd. light — Ships Warren, 1,600 bbls oil — Fox-Hound 1,900 bbls — James Cockburn 1,900 bbls oil Mary, Lock sailed. Franklin Bradshaw sailed Friday 21. Fine trades. Ship Franklin returned to Bring a pair Can Hooks!! Several Masters & Residents had a Honolulu Scrape! Boki weighing wood for Mr French. Sultan hauled along side Wellington to heave out. Saturday 22nd Fine trades. Brig Active loading for China with S. wood, took on board their |
N.W. Cargo — Had an Auction of Crockery — Spars &c. for Capt Martin Capt. Brooks let his money to the English Whale Ships for five Shillings to the dollar — landed 1611 lb copper from Volunteer. found Capt Barker had taken many things from Volunteer, that were sold with her. Sunday 23. Fine morn. Fine day Missionary Packet arrived Capt Ebbets came up in her from Kauaii — Said had bo’t 900 piculs wood since Parthian Sailed Monday 24 Fine morn. Mr French went up to Manaoa to see field sugar cane. Friends sailed, English Ships sailed. Sultan hove out; Discharging Volunteer Putting wood into Active from board M. Packet Boki’s sugar cane plantation and mill were for lease. French, Reynolds, John C. Jones and John Ebbets took on the enterprise. Tuesday 25. Fine morn. finished discharging Misy-Packet into Active, 139 piculs — Mr French packing Silks to go in Diana. Chinchilla Sailed for Hawaii Kaahumanu, Kauluohi, & Kenow — passengers The old Lady went to see the Tax wood paid to pay off the Old Debts. Wednesday 26. Pleasant morn. Gauged Molasses from Volunteer 1131 Gals. Carried Griffin outside to Anchorage carried Louisa out, for Canton. Capt Martin gave me a musket as a present!! Thursday 27. Fine morn. Capt Ebbets sailed to Kauaii in Packet. Atai’s Girl died of the dropsy. Capt Adams overhauling Brig Neo — found her tender about the bows — Friday 28 Pleasant. Mr French bo't a lot of Shirts & stuff of Capt. Brooks. A trotting match between Mr Charlton’s horse & Capt Peirce’s, the latter winner Saturday 29 Fresh trades. Kaukioli unwell. Orders given for Tamaahmaah to be ready to Sail on monday Evening had a Luow at Major Warren’s Sunday 30 Strong trades. Ship Oldham went out. wrote letter to go in Congress — to S.S. Reynolds inclosing draft on Wm B. Swett & Co. & one of 14.00 on Ancil Gibbs Fair Haven December Monday 1st Strong trades. Sold Mr Rice, 6 ps Gras cloth @ 12.00 Ship Phenix Smith 1700 bbls oil. Brig Gen. Sucre Pitner arrived from Gulph. No News — Mr Bera Blake Supercargo. Boki driving hard for money to pay for Flemming’s Houses. Tuesday 2nd Strong trades. Mr Charlton found the people who broke into his house, one white, the other black. Capt Peirce & Capt Barker concluded to take passage |
in Stonington, with Capt. Gardner. Wednesday 3 Strong trades — Doct. Set the large Distil. Capt Little Sick. Nothing going forward to day — Thursday 4 Strong trades and heavy Showers. Thunder & Lightning. Wrote letter to S.S. Reynolds to go to Charlestown by Capt Barker. Some difficulty arose last evening between Some American Masters & Capt Brooks To day Brooks Sent them each a challenge — it was however made up without Bloodshed. Friday 5 Strong trades. Brig Gen. Sucre went to Sea last night Stood off and on all day. Ship Pindus went on the Bank. Heavy Squalls wind & rain. Saturday 6 Fresh trades. Kamehameha returned. Hoapili Waihine & Naenena came in her. Kaahumanu sailed for Hawaii monday. His Majesty getting better. Capt Pitner’s Brig parted her chain — lost anchor & thirty fathoms cable, Anchored to leeward of passage & dragged off — Commenced with large distil Sunday 7 Strong Stormy weather continues. Gen. Sucre drag’d below Kalihi entrance. had to cut his chain & make sail, so that he had neither anchor. Monday 8 Moderate breese. Weather assuming more favorable aspect. Ships went out. Brookes Ship got foul of Partridge and carried away jib-boom — Doct. Seviere driving the large Distil. Tuesday 9. Fine morn. Swift Russel Sailed. Superior — Rice Stonington — Gardner, Capt. Barker, & Capt Peirce went home in her. Capt. Brooks getting Spars for Capt. Folger, to replace those carried away yesterday Capt Little got out. Gen. Sucre came in Wednesday 10 Fine morn. Phenix came in. Capt Brooks went out. Fine day A number of Soldiers were floggd in Fort, for neglect of Duty. Thursday 11 Cloudy & rainy. Wind Northd & Westwd. Misy Packet arrived from Kauai, made three attempts had to put back each time fourth succeeded. A Ship Standing up along the reef with wind NW. just at sunset. Stormy day. Friday 12 Wind NW. & rainy. Cool, wet, & uncomfortable Strong gales & rain. Vessels dragging against the bank, & each other. Wind West a NW. Mr Mulligan copying for Mr French — not a page of his invoice right. Capt Brooks came ashore experienced very heavy gales between Kauaii & Oahu Split his topsails, wind Westd he put back — Mr Hawes shipped a man (with) whom he knew deserted from Capt. Brooks, to go with Capt Cotting Brooks went to Gov. Boki — who |
Sentenced Mr Hawes to a fine of thirty Dollars — & lay in the Fort till the man was sent on board the Recovery. the last we heard he was in Irons — Saturday 13 Moderate. Wind West. Copying Invoice Brig Diana’s Cargo. Mr Mulligan having made some gross errors Missionaries went on board Capt Arthurs ship. Stormy, wet, uncomfortable weather. Wind SW a West a NW Sunday 14 Wind SW a West. Ships unable to get out. Copying Invoice Afternoon pleasant. Folks out riding. Several Sailors carried to the Fort. Kanakas Stripping them & beating them. Boki Sent his men out to disperse all gatherings among the Natives Monday 15 Wind Sd. Day pleasant, making out Bills lading Diana’s Cargo. Doctr Seviere Sending lot medicines. George Marine cut up his Bowling Alley to make a Stage. Tuesday 16. Wind Sd Fine weather. Pakii & New York came in. Hopili was unwell & sent after his wife & all the Chiefs. Bro’t News of bad weather to windward a Whale Ship cut her chain & put to sea. Meek off & on at Hawaii Wednesday 17th Wind Sd Mr Charltons Sch. Truro — New York, Byng & Kaukioli, Sailed for Lahaina — with King, Boki & Wife, Hopili’s wife & Princess Naenaena, as many of the mob as could get passage, to see Hoapili, Gov. of Mauii, who had a cough!! Fine pleasant day wind Sd Kuanoa left Commander in chief by Boki Thursday 18 Pleasant morn. Wind Sd Kamolilani towed out last night. Mr Hunnewell bro’t me an Account of our wood. bro’t the same weight it was weighed in. Said he did not keep the wood Separate, but Sent it off promiscuously with his other wood. Very good Mr Hunnewell — Mr French closed up his Invoices & gave his Instructions to Capt Little. [illegible] since arrived Friday 19 Light air off land. Calm outside. Wind from Sd. Found had omitted Beds & Bedsteads on Bill lading of Diana — wrote Mr Hunnewell a note last evening requesting to be informed whether our Sandlewood in his house fell Short — that I might bear my proportion & gain the same. Brig Kamaholilane Sailed for Mauii Saturday 20. Fine morn. Wind Sd Very light — Chinchilla arrivd from Hawaii, having experienced very heavy weather Sch. Truro returned from Mauii. Reported Ship Omega had to cut her chain & go to sea last Saturday; Capt Meek had about 120 piculs wood on board. Brig Gen Sucre towed out and anchored Sunday 21. Calm — Cloudy — Gloomy — looking like bad weather wind Sd. pleasant day. got hold of a Missionary Herald for 1826. full of Missionary Bombastic accounts, with many tough Stories, such as being under the necessity of a guard about their houses to protect them!! I wonder when. |
Monday 22. Fine morn. Wind S’d. Sch Truro went to Wailua Mr French & Mr Charlton went in her. Diana towed out, into the passage. Tuesday 23. Fine morn. Air off land. Brigs Active & Diana Ship Sarah Went out. Sucre got under weigh Misy Packet went out for Wailua. Ship Omega came down — having lost her anchor & 30 fathoms chain. Light airs from Sd — vessels small way off Wednesday 24. Wind Sd, thick & rainy. Went off to carry Arabella out — but wind in, or air, tho’t better to lay over. Moderate, foggy, rainy, discovered the cooking Utensils were gone out of Volunteer. Don’t Know who took 'em Thursday 25. Christmas morn. Wind Sd. Beautiful day. Great dinners were prepared by almost every one in place, — For myself I Dined with Mr Jones. Ship Omega came in. Friday 26. Fine morn. Fine day. Wind Sd. Mr Charlton & Mr French returned, had fine weather. Alexr Adams put his Wife in the Fort for sleeping with her Native Husband — her feet in Irons; Not her hands — Mr Jones Son, by Lahilahi Died. Saturday 27. Calm. Reaper towed out. Arabella had to anchor. Sch. Truro arrived. Ship Dawn Gardner off — 4 days from Ahilo 600 bbls oil. Capt came ashore & bro’t his wife ashore. Reaper towed out. Mr Jones little boy was buried in afternoon by the Catholic Missionaries. Masters & Residents attended. Sunday 28 Fine morn. Arabella towed out & Jas Cockburn. Writing letters to Mr O. H. Gordon Canton & S.S. Reynolds Wind Sd. Capt Sayer came ashore to Meeting. Monday 29. Fine morn. Wind Sd. Misy-Packet came in from Wailua, full of wood. Mr French’s wood fell short eight piculs Sandlewood. either Scales too light or Hunnewells too heavy. Tuesday 30 Fine morn. Calm. Wind Sd. Dawn off — Putting up goods to go to Hawaii in Volunteer. Evening went up to see Hunnewell about Sandlewood got no information he weighed my wood without taking any distinct account Wednesday 31 Pleasant morn. Wind Sd. Packing goods to go in Misy Packet to Wailua. Putting goods on board Volunteer for Hawaii. Doct Seviere very much put out at opposing his Stirring about his getting a man out of Sultan for a Bill of Six dollars — 1829 January 1st Thursday Morn Happy New Year to all the World. Ship Sultan towed out — Shipped 124 piculs of wood in her received from Waverly concern & eight recd from Wm French. |
132 piculs — Shipped on my own account — as I concluded to take the Small lots wood due Waverly concern & Settle with owners. Wind Sd. Sultan Anchored in outer harbour. Closed my letters to go to Canton Friday 2 Calm, Cloudy — Gloomy morning rain in plenty Wind Sd. making up ac/ts & Posting books. Rats made holes under the Wall of the House let water in five or Six inches deep in cellar Saturday 3 Light wind off land — at a fine breese. Ships Partridge Princess Mary, Omega & Sultan went out. Chinchilla went to Hawaii. One of the Natives was detected Stealing Files. Mr French put him in Fort, he was immediately released by paying a small sum of money. Sunday 4. Fine morn, wind Sd. Had a splendid Turkey to Dine upon. Reading Pickering’s Review of the Adams & Cunningham Correspondence in my view Excellent. Capt. Folger & Capt Gray made sail from Oahu. Monday 5 Beautiful morn, wind Sd. Nothing going on to day in Village. Posting books by jobs. Sold Brig Wellington’s sails to Brig Neo for 670 dollars. Tuesday 6 Beautiful morn. Beautiful day; wind Sd. Wedneday 7 Beautiful morn. Beautiful day Wind Sd Posting Books. Mrs Capt Kaupena [Kalapena], having a jollification Thursday 8 Beautiful morn, rain last night, wind Southd. Capt. Smith commenced coppering his Ship. Tailor’s Girl was delivered of a Daughter, about 8 in evening Hana & Susan came in from Mr Jones’ with Bokine’s wife & a long train, richly Drunk, having drank plentifully of wine, gin, & Cordial — Friday 9th Wind Sd. fine day — Making out bills, Settling Doctors, "little book.’ — Wind Sd Sd Sd Sd. Saturday 10. Light air off the land. Wind Southd Making out bills Capt Smith got nearly thro one side of his ship Dull times in Oahu Sunday 11 Very beautiful morn — Wind Sd Capt Smith, Capt Taylor, Geo. Wood rode to the parry — Brush having been cut away. No difficulty in riding over. Monday 12. Light air off land got Volunteer out to outer harbor — Calm, let go Anchor. Sch Truro came in from Wailua, Surf high there. Wind Sd. trade not very brisk. afternoon a horse race Mr Mitchener’s & Mr Crown’s. Mr Mitchener’s horse beat. |
Tuesday 13. Calm. Packet returned from Wailua full of Wood part old & part new Debts, — overhauling Mr Charlton’s accounts of about 19,000. Since July 1826. balanc'd the first time. Wind Sd. Wednesday 14 Calm. 10 Light air off land, afternoon fine breeze Volunteer went out with a fine breeze. Sch Kaukioli came from Mauii. Mr Sullivan came down after Kamehameha, Neo, Young Thaddeus to go to Maui to take in Boki King & all their tribe to go to Hawaii Thursday 15 Light trades. Pleasant day. Tried to beat out the copper bro’t from Norfolk Sound by heating it, without Success. Orders came down for all Boki’s men & King’s to go to windward to cut sandlewood on Hawaii. Capt. Mitchener takes charge of Neo. Manuia Waihine Died yesterday. Friday 16 Pleasant trades. Chinchilla arrived from Hawaii by way of Maui, Kekauliohi & Kenow with many more came down in her. 400 piculs Tax wood for himself & Mr Jones — Hunnewell & I Shared out — put lot boards, paints & goods on board Misy Packet to go to Mauti & Hawati Saturday 17 Pleasant morn. Wind Sd Misy Packet beat out for Mauii & Hawaii. Mr Chamberlain & Mr Clark passengers. Capt Smith Slacked his tackles — nearly finished his bottom or ship’s bottom Brig Neo unable to get out. Doct Judd Sold — Gov. Adams Set Surgical Instruments for 110. dollars Sunday 18. Pleasant morn. Sch. in sight with wind East. calm & strong current Setting West. Brig Neo, Sch. Kaukioli & M-Packet all in sight at Sunset. Monday 19 Beautiful morn. Wind Sd calm as a clock. 10 light air off land. 12 fine breeze. Brig Neo in sight at 9. o'clock Mr Mitchener — dismissed Mr Boyd from his service offering him the liberty of getting his Victuals!!! Mr Charlton came from Waimea — full of wood. Tuesday 20 Cloudy. Fine trades. Moored Wellington with Mr Jones large chain — let Sch. Young Thaddeus have the Small chain moved wine out of Mr Jones Shed, into my house Mr Charlton very kindly postponed weighing wood till tomorrow — Showery — Wednesday 21 Strong trades. Sch Cadboro Simpson 35 days from Columbia-River. Also Ship Herald, William Hammatt 160 days from Boston. Recd letters from many of my Sisters & Brothers. Owyhee Dominis on her way to Coast. Brig Convoy Thompson had Sailed for the Society Islands; thence to N.W.C. not to touch at the Islands — Capt Taylor received no letters — |
Thursday 22 Strong trades. Ship Herald drifted off. Capt Smith & I went off — found Anchor Stock broken. Made Sail & beat up to Anchorage. After Ship was anchored, the people began grumbling. Capt Hammatt in correcting one of them was struck at by another — they rushed aft — from forward but soon learnt they were engaged in a bad cause. The man who struck at Capt Hammatt was seized up & received two Dozen with the send of a Small rope, then asked if he would behave himself, persisted in his obstinacy — calling to the crew to know if they were going to see or allow him flogged. after the last Dozen, he became more willing to be let down. He was then put in Irons to reflect upon his behavior. Got ashore a little before Sunset. Friday 23 Trades more moderate. Cadboro landing lumber for sale by Auction. No arrivals — No departures. Saturday 24 Got Ship Herald in. Capt Hammatt put some Rum, Brandy, Calico on board Chinchilla to carry to windward. Wind Sd Sunday 25th Fine morn. Fine day. Wind Sd Monday 26. Fine morn. Wind Sd. Capt Simpson Sold his lumber by Auction. from Sixty five to eighty five dollars per thousand feet. Capt Hammatt Sold Boston Boards for one hundred dollars per M. had a bill presented for mending a boat, nine dollars for one day’s labor — three & half dollars for less than one foot of boards, & one hundred nails!!! Tuesday 27. Fine morn. Capt Meek went out in Chinchilla for Hawaii. Wind Sd. Sch Kaukioli arrived from Mauii Boki & King had gone to Hawaii. Capt Hammiatt landing Goods to leave the whole of them with Mr Hunnewell. Dined on ColumbiaRiver Salmon. Excellent Wednesday 28 Fine morn, wind Sd. Volunteer arrived — Mr Jones and Mr French, with 110 piculs S wood, and a quantity fine wood. Bring news of Ship Bencoolen, Wallace, having touched at Kaavaloa [Ka'awaloa] last Wednesday — appeared in a great hurry — took off a few barrels brackish water, & started, said were bound round the world. Bo't three pipes or rather four pipes Gin, of Capt Hammatt at 1.75 per Gal. to pay S wood 7.50 per picul. Mr Hunnewell immediately Said he wished to take a part at the same price — so I gave up. Capt Smith got thro with Carpenters Thursday 29. Fine morn. Wind Nd Sch Truro Sailed for Mauii & Hawaii, with a few boards as muster of the Cadboro’s Cargo to Sell to Opili, or Boki, if they find him, or gone in chase of Boki with a muster of Boards. Mr French bo't some calicoes of Capt Hammatt, &c at 7.75 per piece cash Saw a letter ina Newspaper to Hon. Dan. Webster relative to Christianizing & Civilizing Indians. which was excellent. |
Friday 30 Fine morn, Fine trades. Got some axes, plane Irons & chissels of Capt Hammatt, axes 18.00 per doz, chissels & Irons 3.75. per doz. Sch Kaukioli sailed with stores for Boki &c Saturday 31. Cool morn. Wind off land, at 11 AM. from Sd afternoon rode to Allens in Waggon, with tandem team. Saw a Bug larger than a large bedbug, which came out of a Woman’s Ear. Mr French bo’t Capt Hammatt’s Brandy at 1.75 per gallon Capt Taylor shew me his instructions, which give liberty to charter a vessel at a reasonable Rate. February Sunday 1st Fine morn. Wind Sd. Variable incline to Raining. Reading Newspapers. Saw an Account of Dinner given last Year to King. His Sister, & many of the Chiefs in Evening Bulletin — Monday 2. Fine morn. Wind Sd. Capt Simpson wanted to buy the Volunteer — Capt Taylor wanted to Charter her to go to N.W. Coast. Posting books. Finding Distil made bad, bad, bad Business. Rats making great havoc about hour house. Two or three traps, but no game Tuesday 3 Pleasant morn. Wind Sd. Capt Taylor Chartered the Volunteer to go to Coast. Business Small in village Wednesday 4 Fine morn — wind Sd. Mr French bo’t twenty Hh'ds Molasses of Capt Hammatt at 50 cents per gallon. Report said a sail behind Diamond Hill becalmed. Thursday 5 Fine morn, wind Sd. Capt Taylor commenced loading. Sold Capt Simpson a few Woollen jackets & trowsers & Blankets — Blk Hdfs — Crape Dresses — Crape Hdfs, &c Mr Jones, Mr French, & Capt Hammatt dined at Mr Charlton’s, on Turkey. Friday 6 Cloudy morn — wind Sd. Village Still. Capt Taylor loading Volunteer. Saturday 7 Fine morn. Herald went out — wind Sd. 'Ship set in to quarter less three in wearing round near the entrance of Kalihi. Evening went up to see Mr Elliot and get Chamber’s Dictionary of Arts & Sciences but he refused saying Mr Green owed him, & he meant to keep them to pay for the interest as money was worth one hundred per cent!! Sunday 8 Fine morn. Brig Becket arrived twenty nine days — ten days in sight of Owyhee. Recd. letters from Dana, saying Waverly would be here in a month or two, with funds to me, and a horse. Sch. Truro arrived from hawaii Chiefs at Toaihai [Kawaihae], bound to Ahilo, bro’t Report Mr Mornus was married to Miss LahiLahi Young — to the great mortification of Mr Sullivan — Hoax China |
men had a great feast at the New House Evening went down to Mr Jackson’s. Monday 9th Fine morn. Calm light trades Capt Taylor Shipping Crew. Mr Lawrer landing Seal Skins. Recd a Cask containing thirty Sea Otter Skins belonging to W.G. Dana, & twenty five belonging to J. Temple. Mr French apparently in Volunteer’s Voyage. Tuesday 10 Rainy morn Wind S.E. Cleared up a pleasant day — Mr Bingham & Mr Green went on board Sch. Cadboro to see Capt. Simpson & try for a passage to Columbia River in her. Mr Bingham Said they would pay the five hundred dollars to Capt Taylor very freely if they could get a passage any where else to the River!!! Plenty Cash. Public pays for it. Capt. Simpson trying to contract with some one for, a cargo of lumber at 60.00 per thousand. Wednesday 11. Fine morn. Fine trade Set in with a Smart Shower at 11. o'clock. Copying Invoice of goods in Volunteer & making bills lading. Capt Smith went to pearl River 'with Mr Sullivan to See Mr Butler’s Tarrow — Thursday 12. Strong trades. Brig William & Ann, Swan 15 days from London, for Columbia River. Brig Sabin Henry, 40 Days from Lima for Calcutta. Columbians and Peruvians at war. Admiral Guyes had been killed. Friday 13 Fine morn. Brig Waverly arrived — thirty three horses Afternoon Pilot beat her in. Brig Becket Sailed for Ahilo to see Boki. Volunteer Sailed — Rev. Jona Green passenger. He has gone on to the N.W.C. “to find an opening,’ for Missionary labors. Much talk & Speculation about Waverly &c. Saturday 14 Fine morn — landing horses from Waverly. Kuano said take the horses out & he would lock the hatches but he did not put his threat in execution. Mr French bo’t a lot of Spanish Iron of Mr Hooper at picul S. Wood per 100 lbs. Nails assorted Sizes at 114 piculs 100 lbs, Russian Canvass No 2 — 21 dollars S. wood at 8 dollars. Sicily wine offered at Seventy five cents per gallon. &c &c — Sunday 15th Fine morn. Wind Sd fresh Several Gentlemen Dined with Mr French at Knights Hotel — Mr Bingham told Doct. Burrows — not more than one in twenty of the Residents attended public Worship. I believe he was right; but why not give a Reason? Monday 16. Cloudy. Sch Cadboro, & Brig William & Ann Sailed for N.W.C. Brig Smyrna for Calcutta. Fine Trades. Mr French sold Mr Hooper old copper for 11.17 cts Wood. 8. Tuesday 17 Fine morn. Sch Truro arrived from Mauii. No News Capt Smith god his oil all on board. Trades in forenoon Southerly wind afternoon. Went on board Waverly with Kuanoa & took an Inventory of Sails & apparatus & gave her up to him. |
Let Dutch Harry & Mr Jones take theirs out from the horses, & let Kuanoa take charge of the rest — till Boki came. Wednesday 18. Fine morn. Kuanoa fitting Waverly to go to windward Capt Smith drop'd Phenix from Hulk having along side Sixty one days. Wind Sd. Thursday 19 Cloudy. Waverly went out to go to windward. Snuff returned from Molokai Sick — Said the Evil Spirits had got in his belly. Wind Sd. Frank went to Pearl River in Truro Friday 20 Fine morn. Chinchilla arrived from Hawaii via Mauii — two hundred piculs S. wood, part tax, & part bo’t. Wind Sd. Afternoon Doct. Seviere attempted to cut a load of Cane at Manoa, in order to make Sugar. Hope he will succeed better than he has with Rum. Saturday 21 Fine morn. Fine Trades. Doctor began grinding cane soon broke his mill. He got a small quantity cane juice whether he succeeded in getting Sugar have not heard Kenow called the French Mission. Carpenter & told him the French Missionaries were Thieves, Liars — Worshippers of Images. Said Mr Bingham told her so with much other abuse — If Mr Bingham encourages such conduct, he is no better than he should be The American Protestant missionaries were accused of encouraging the Hawatian leaders to restrict the activities of the Catholic mission, indeed, even to persecute Hawaiians who attended services at the Catholic church and to expel the priests. Bingham and his colleagues denied that they influenced the ali' in this manner. Sunday 22. Fine morn. Brig Becket arrived from Ahilo. Left King, Boki & all the Mob there. Mr Mitchener came in Brig to take charge of her, having, it is said persuaded Boki to take from Lawler. Wind Sd. Monday 23. Strong trades. Sch Truro went to Pearl River, Mr French went down in her. The Deputy Gov. Kuanoa — told Mr French he must not let China Carpenters work on Sunday. Accused Capt Jauncey of breaking the church fence, yesterday, to beat his horse, but when asked to point out the place, or damages done refused and went away. Had much to say about firing yesterday. A Adams Girl was buried. Mr F. took Kahioli’s house Tuesday 24 Strong trades & Showers. Boys went with horses to Pearl River. Doct Seviere grinding Cane. Mr Jones of Opinion with me, that Doct. S. knows nothing of Distilling or Sugar making. Atai moving goods into Kahioli’s house at the market. Offered Mr Hunnewell fifty piculs S wood — declined Wednesday 25. Strong trades. Mr French returned from Pearl River. Mr Hunnewell went down |
to see Heva Heva. Mr Jones & I went up to see Sugar Mill, got the Mules in to grind after little coaxing they went very well. afterwards it was found the mill was going wrong side foremost — Shifted & found great difference. at 8. o'clock had no Sugar. Thursday 26 Lively trades. Chinchilla went round to Waimea for wood. Mr French went in her. Receiving wood from Pearl River — from Truro. Offered Capt Camerford to go and try the Sugar establishment, & if he succeeded to employ him as long as he tho’t fit, or it was profitable but he declined. Friday 27. Squally. Fresh trades. Ship Leonidas — Lawton — 1,300 bbls. vis Hawaii. Mr Chamberlain & Mr Clark came in her from there. Brig Ocean Searle had been there & sailed for Calcutta. Left Ship Fame — Ramsdell Saturday 28 Squally Rainy, Strong trades. Ship Phenix Coffin 1,300 bbls oil, arrived. Doctor unable to get Sugar or Rum. James Robinson presented his bill for Carpenter work on Phenix — 452.12. March Sunday 1st Squally trades, with Showers. Phenix parted her chain & lost her Anchor. Capt Smith with me sent the Missionaries a piece of Beef. They sent their “unfeigned Acknowledgments" for our “unanticipated Kindness" — Monday 2. Lively trades. Chip Phenix Coffin — getting her anchor Piia had all the people of the place assembled at her house to tell them they must not Get Drunk, lie Fornicate, nor Steal, but all must go to School. Trade uncommonly dull, to day. Tuesday 3. Fresh trades — all conversation is about the Fort. Kaupena to be turned out, & who is to take her place. All talk & no cider. Wednesday 4. Fresh trades, & fine morn. Fine day; making up with Capt Smith for Settlement. Mr Jones unwell. Doct Seviere making Rum & Sugar with some prospect of success — Thursday 5. Moderate. Ship Phenix Coffin came in. Capt Lawton gave up to Capt Coffin to come in first. Ships Zone Oil 1700 Euphrates — 1600 bbls — Waverly returned not being able to get to Ahilo. Blowing hard off eastend Mauii — they ran into Toeaihai, thence to Kailua, thence to Mauii, thence Honolulu. Kaahumanu unwell. Piia ordered Col. Kuanoa to take command of the Fort. Mrs Capt Kaupena refused to give up, so both remained in Command Friday 6 Fresh trades Ships unable to get in. Mr Hunnewell Returned from Wailua. Strong trades over there. Capt Robins agreed to go to Ahilo in Waverly, for 40.00 |
Saturday 7 Lively trades. Ship Frederic Augustus Earl 1,400 bbl oil Sch. Truro arrived from Kolau side. Clarkson, Allen 2,100 bbls oil. Rodman Joy 1,700 bbls oil — via Hawaii Settled Ship Phenix, Smiths accounts 6,484.16/100 took a triplicate Set of Exchange on N. & W.W. Billings New London at Sixty days — for 7,418. dollars — amt with advance of 20/100 per cent. Sunday 8 Fresh trades. Ship Phoenix Capt Smith Sailed for Kauaii Sent a few goods to Capt Ebbets by him. Several of Whalers went to Church — were not pleased — with the Sermon by Mr Clark. Monday 9th Fine morn. Leonidas came in — Chinchilla from Waimea. Sch Misy-Packet arrived from Ahilo via Kailua. Ship Lima Andrews 950 bbls oil Mr Jones called on me to know how much the Carpenters charged a day on Capt Smith’s Ship. I told him the head Carpenter three & half — others three & their Grog. He said it was too much, and something ought to be done to lower them in their prices. I say Amen. Tuesday 10. Lively breezes — Ships unable to tow in. Strong breeses and showers. Discharged Misy Packet 133 1/2 piculs from Ahilo Wednesday 11 Fresh breese & Smart Showers. Very Stormy day. Rain and wind. Sch. Truro, came from Waimea. Mr French expecting Misy-Packet over. or Capt Meek, he will be disappointed Neither will go. Mr Chamberlain took charge of Packet. Thursday 12 Lively breese. Unable to get Ships in. Fresh trades. Little business besides discharging Chinchilla Friday 13. Calm So Ships were got in. at 1 Wind S.-W. So that Ships Rodman & Lima Sailed in. Sch. Byng Sailed for Kauaii as full of Kanakas as she could Stow. Saturday 14 Beautiful morn. Wind Sd. finished discharging the Chinchillas 474 piculs Wood — from Wailua & Waimea. Mr French returned from there sold huhu — mad Colt Heard Capt Earl went ashore at Kaalakakua, on his arrivel there & begged a pig, as it was Sunday. a hue & cry soon ran thro’ the place — the giver was threatened with thirty days Solitary confinement in Irons, and his wife to hard labor on the road. This from Capt Earl personally. Sail in offing Sunday 15. Calm. Wind Sd. Ship Phenix Capt Smith returned from Kauaii — bro’t letters from Capt Ebbets — also a house frame. Mr Whitney passenger. Mr Peck returned the passengers were landed at Diamond Hill — the wind being at the westward. Brig Active took 800 piculs wood from Kauaii & Sailed 1st of January for Canton Diana Sailed 27th Decr |
Monday 16 Wind N.W. Ship Fame, Ramsdel via Mauii 120 bbls oil. Capt Smith Anchored. Sent out & got House frame Sent by Capt Ebbets to Mr French. Late in Afternoon a fire broke out in Gov. Boki’s yard — three houses were burned. Mr Jones went with Engine Tuesday 17th Fine morn. Moderate Trades. Capt Smith and Capt Ramsdell Sailed. Ships Hero, Alley, & President [In margin: Franklin] Chase arrived. Mr Chamberlain concluded to send Misy Packet to Kauaii, with Mr Whitney’s boards, &c — Mr Whitney bo't boards of Mr French, part of the pay to be twenty Goats to be picked out of one hundred & fifty — at Kauaii Wednesday 18. Light breese. Two Ships towed in. packed a few things to go to Kauaii in packet. Mr French Settled with Kuanoa for wood weighed at Waimea. He wanted to divide the Short weight; half & half. Thursday 19 Calm. Fine day. Wind Sd. Sch. Truro came in from Wailua. Wood for Charlton, French, & Hunnewell. Mr Kimball & Mr Bacle getting old rigging & spars ashore from Wellington. Friday 20 Calm. Capt Meek on an excursion to pearl River Moderate trades. Sugar Mill broke again. Dull times Saturday 21 Calm. Ships Offley, Stavers — 1,100 bbls oil — Alexander, Bunker 1,100 bbls — Mercury Albert — 800 — Friends Chester 1300 bbls. Ship Phenix Smith returned. A number of his water cask had leaked entirely out — So that he was under necessity of returning to fill up again — Mr Lawler — Mr Boyd & Gov. Mitchener passengers in Offley — Left King at Lahaina. Boki expected hourly from Ahilo. Sunday 22 Fine morn. Ships — Alexander & Mercury towed in Went with Winship up to Capt Ebbets place, where she took a bath, which made her appear more lovely Southerly wind. Superior, Rice, 2,150 bbls oil Merchant 400 bbls. Monday 23 Fine morn. Sch Truro, Sch Pakii, Sch Misy Packet from Kauai. Ships Constitution Coffin 1250 bbls oil Staunton Dagget 1,500 bbls took four whales off Ranai not yet boiled out. Misy Packet arrived from Kauaii Tuesday 24 Fine morn. Making up Mr Chamberlain’s account's for last two years. Mr French Chartered Sch Paakii to go to Waimea. Packing goods for the trip under Mr Bacle & George Peck. Mr Charlton’s Sch. went to Waititii after Sand Wednesday 25th Light shower & calm. Staunton towed in. Had a conversation with Capt Gifford for having reported that I was Slandering Doct Judd. but it is like casting pearl |
before Swine to talk to or with a whaler. Ship Wilmington & Liverpool Packet arrived 1550 bbls Fell in with Boki yesterday at Wailuk, Mauii. Thursday 26 Calm. W & L Packet towed in. Brig Terrier McCondry ard from Lima, forty days. Peruvians & Columbians had had some skirmishing — but nothing decisive. Brigs Becket & Neo arrived from Mauii full of people Gov. Boki & wife were the only chiefs — who came down. Friday 27. Calm. Calm & light airs from Sd. Ship Saringapatum Richards arrived — 1,550 bbls oil Capt had his arm broke by a Whale. Sch. Truro arrived from P. River 70 1/2 piculs for Mr French. Copying invoice of goods shipped by Volunteer to NWC & a market. Boki had a long talk with Kuanoa, Kaupena, & others, relative to their quarrelling in his absence. inquired if they intended to kill the white people? & Said if the whites had been killed, he never would have come to the Island of Oahu again — would have killed himself. Saturday 28. Calm. Moderate trades. Ship Rose, Russel via Mauii. Recd a letter by her from Capt Edwards & a Newspaper containing trial of Percival for extortion. Mr French receiving wood from Boki. Sunday 29. Trades. Ship Almira Fisher arrived 2,000 bbls oil Several masters of Whale Ships Staid on board their Ships & let Mates & Sailors come on shore. Not an unusual thing among them, whereby an immense number of people come ashore, to make noise. Monday 30 Moderate breese. Ship Phenix Sailed. Copying Invoice of cargo in Volunteer by which I found Mr French had purchased the Cargo of Mr Taylor. Missionary Packet Sailed for Mauii. Doct Judd Mrs Green Mr Shepherd passengers. Tuesday 31 Calm. Brig Becket Sailed for Mauii for hogs, goats &c Making up Distil Accounts so far as they came to me A Very bad concern. Delivered Sixty eight piculs S wood to Terrier. Capt Meek rode up from P. River. April Wednesday 1st April Fool Day Calm. at 10 very strong trades or rather North trades. Afternoon Divided Dana’s horses with Boki. 19 in number Sold most of my lot. Sold Mr French a lot of Sea-otter skins belonging to Dana & Temple — primes at 35.00 Small at 12.00 — Reds at 5.00, pieces of tails 1.00 each. Boki told Mr Jones & Mr French, Mr Marine interpreter, that there was a powerful party wanting to put Kenow on the Throne, and her Son by Kuanoa to be Her Heir Apparent. Said King would not come to Oahu until he heard from him. Advised them to keep a good look out, for he could not tell the moment that every white man’s house would be surrounded by soldiers — and they might kill every one before any assistance could be given. Said he had invariable found white men his friends & should do all he could to protect them!! |
Thursday 2. Fine morn, with fine Showers. Ship Mercury Sailed Ship Willm Rotch sailed from Lahaina Tuesday arrived left thirteen Whale Ships there. Discharging Pakii — putting wood on board Terrier. Friday 3 Fresh breeses. Discharging wood from Pakii on board Terrier 104 piculs. Capt Macondray & Mr Bradford rode to Manoa to eat Luow with Mr Charlton. Saturday 4 Lively breese. Weighed (71) Seventy one piculs very poor wood, on ac/t of his Dept of 94 piculs to Brig Waverly, & 6 on an assumed debt of a Native. Sold fifty three piculs to Mr Bradford, Supercargo of Terrier. Paid to Hunnewell on account of Capt Hammatt — twenty piculs. Sunday 5. Fresh trades. Ship Jas Colvin Maughan, 70 bbls oil Seven months from London. Capt Macondray had a party on board his Brig. Mr Jones had them afterward down at his house to eat Luow. Heard Capt Buckle was in King’s Bench at Mr Bennet’s Suit. Monday 6. Fine morn. Ships Brittania Lawton 1,900 bbls oil Cortes Colman — 900 — Sarah Arthur 2,600 — 2nd mate Sarah had been killed by a Whale. Sch. Pakii Sailed for Waimea. Evening Whale Capts took tea at Missionaries. Tuesday 7th Fresh trades. Brig Terrier completed loading — 1039 piculs. Ship Ann Barney — Capt Robbins passenger from Mauii. Ships Baltic, Chadwick. Swift, Coffin [In margin: Rosalie Brown Persia Luce.] Caledonia, Young, (late Smith) Mr Jones went on board Cortes & took out two men who had denied Duty, & put them in the Fort. Mr French sold 339 piculs Sandlewood at 7 dollars per pic Wednesday 8th Fresh trades. Brig Kamehameha, Waverly, Sch N York arrived. Kaahumanu came in N. York. Boki met the King on board Kamehameha. I presume it was the first time, any chief ever visited him on board, before he landed. Brig Terrier Sailed 1039 piculs Sandlewood Thursday 9 Moderate. Ship Trident Stetson 750 bbls — recd two letters from Capt Edwards of old Date. Afternoon Mr French went to Pearl River in Truro to get wood from Boki. Friday 10 Strong trades. Went out & warped Becket in. Ship Balaena Russel — ar’d 900 bbls oil. Very Strong trades Ships Brittania sailed. Strong trades prevented Ships from getting out Sch. Truro came up from Pearl River & anchored outside Saturday 11 Strong trades. Caledonia drifted. Ships Swift, Ann Baltic, & Constitution Sailed. Kuanoa going out to repair Brig Waverly. Capt A Bunker sold Navarro two Bottles of Swains Panacea at NINE dollars each!! Mr Hunnewell said he did not |
think I could decide on an award to Antony Mornus for getting an Anchor, lost by Capt. Tilton. Sunday 12 Very Strong trades. Ship Loan Sailed; Ship Sarah, do Trdes too Strong to move ships that were inside. Monday 13 Moderate. Moderate. Read North American Review for January 1828 — relating to Sandwich Islands — think some of it is far from the truth. Sch Truro Sailed for P. River. Ships Clarkson & Leonidas Sailed. Tuesday 14 Calm, wind Sd. Mr Hunnewell went to P. River for wood in Sch. Medford. Capt. Meek returned to P. River. Sent a horse down to Heva Heva, discharged Pakii, 211 1/2 piculs Wednesday 15 Fine morn. Wind Sd. Sch Truro arrived. Mr French came in her. Some trade to day in calico. Thurday 16th Light air off land. Wind Sd Several Ships sailed from outside. Sold a quantity clothing to Boki to pay off the crew of Waverly — also to pay balance of crew with Dana. Mrs Charlton & Mrs. Taylor went to Pearl River Evening met at Mr Jones’ to examine into State of Distil Establishment — found it a very bad business Friday 17 Fine morn. Ships Sailed yesterday — off Diamond Hill Ships Pochahontas, Swift 1100. Maria, Ray 200 bbls oil Wind Sd. Capt Ray was in at Talcuanha about 20th January, where it was Reported War between England & Russia. Not correct. Kuanoa weighed wood for canvass for Waverly Sails Saturday 18. Fine morn. Zone towed out, light baffling winds Sch. Young Thaddeus Sailed for Lahaina George Peck Supercargo. Put a few goods on board Rodman for Kauaii. Mrs. Capt. Manuere bo’t 45 Cartridge boxes this evening, & had been making cartridges most of the day — Sunday 19. Calm, at 11 breese off land. Ships Rodman & Euphrates Sailed. at four wind baffling. Monday 20. Fine morn, wind Sd. Mr French went to P. River & Waimea. The people were assembled from all parts the Island, to be Examined before Mr Bingham in Such exercises as they had learned. By whose Order they came I do not know — but as the Missionaries were the persons who Examined them, it is fair to say they had knowledge of, & did encourage the assemblage. Many of the people had to travel fifty miles, bring their Mats to Sleep on & under. Besides nearly all their food. Two days are necessary in coming — the third Examination of an hour; two days to return What people would say in America, to be obliged |
to suffer such arbitrary measures of a teacher to require the assembling of everybody for fifty miles for Examinations Tuesday 21 Calm morn. Afternoon wind off land. Ships Hero & Constitution Sailed. King Slept & breakfasted with Kaahumanu. A few days Since he was afraid to go near her, or eat food from her. Report Examination of Schools went on briskly. Mr Hunnewell Rec' a Billet inviting him to attend, & invite his friends. I believe he invited one or two Masters of Whale Ships. Wednesday 22. Fine trades. Sch. Medford with Hunnewell on board went to Wailua. Great Examination ended. Haalilio told me every three months, that one or more of the Native Teachers said that they had been from the most distant parts of the Island, two days on the road, that they had been obliged to eat the provisions on the Road, which they bro’t along, before they got to Honolulu — that they had no house to Sleep in, no relations to feed them that they were very hunery & faint, for want of food — that they tho’t the next Examination out to be held at the other Side of Island that the reply was — there is too much to do here for the Missionaries to leave home — you must come here Thursday 23. Fresh trades. Ship ploughboy arrived by way of Mauii & sailed. Ship Wilmington & Liverpool Packet Sailed Winship went up to Capt Ebbets’ to try change of air. Delivered Copper for Waverly. Went to See Sugar Mill with Mr Jones & Capt. Camerford, he wanted alter’tions Capt Chase informed that Capt Stetsons Boat & men Stopped at Kaulauii. Stood off to Westward — Friday 24 Fine morn. Ships Chelsea Davis — 200 bbls, Zenas Coffin Joy 370 bbls. Lydia — Chase, Emma Reynolds Capt Camerford got a cask of molasses into fermentation. Mr Giraud finished the Doctor’s fermentations Saturday 25 Fresh trades. Ship American Paddock via. Maui fixing Sugar Mill for Mr Camerford. Sch Young Thaddeus arrived from Maui 20 piculs Sandlewood for French Report Heva Heva was dead. Sunday 26 Pleasant. Ship Logan Coffin from Ahilo 600 bbls Mr French sent letters from Waimea. Monday 27th Fine morn. Ship Harvest, Edwards, arrived five months — No News — Mr Charlton & wife with Mrs Taylor went round to Waimea. Mr Jones & Capt Meek came from Pearl River. Tuesday 28th Fresh trades. Capt Edwards landed & Sold 2,000 ft boards at 80.00 dollars per thousand. Sch Young Thaddeus sailed for Kauaii — & Sch. N. York — Missionary Packet arrived from Hawaii. Chinamen there wrote for Poi & Sweet potatoes as they were very hungry & could not buy anything at Kailua. |
Wednesday 29 Showery morn. Fine day. Ship Alexander Sailed Measured 2,000 feet boards to James Robinson from Capt Edwards. Mr Hunnewell’s boys went over to Wailua with Stores & an horse for him. Thursday 30 Fresh trades. Ship Cyrus Clasby, arrived 20 bbls late Capt Huzzy who was left Sick at Rio, Janeiro. Reports Capt Rutter coming out in a large Ship Several Ships coming out whaling. Capt Earl lost his kedge & a piece of new Rope off the flats. Capt. Adams said should be paid for. Friday 1st May Fresh trades. Ship Canton Gardner — 700 bbl oil. Reports another “Reinforcement" of Missionaries are on their way to Sandwich Islands. That a petition had been sent from Nantucket & New-Bedford to Heads of Government, to send a Man-of-War twice a year to Sandwich Islands. Saturday 2 Fine morn, Fine trades. Sch Truro came in. No News. Sch. Medford came from Wailua. Mr Hunnewell’s wood. Bo’t a ps Blue cloth and ps Red cloth & ten ps calico — Sunday 3 Fresh trades. No arrivals except Deacon Hunnewell on horse back from Wailua Monday 4 Light trades. Brig Edward Calder 34 days from Lima. Report Commerce as very dull at Lima. Ship Meridian Osgood coming this way J. Meek Passenger, with Sundry goods & merchandise. Several Ships coming this way. Tuesday 5th Calm morn. Sch. Y. Thads arrived from Kauaii. Sent a boat to bring Capt Ebbets ashore. Ships Almira & Harvest Sailed. Mr Bacle went to Pearl River to weigh Wood Wednesday 6. wind Sd Calm. At 11 A.M. Winship — the Female who had lived with me since September 1825 Departed this life — after Four months painful & lingering illness. Her Native Simplicity and Kindness had drawn from all — with whom she was acquainted their friendship & esteem. How much more then from me who had every opportunity of knowing and experiencing her attentions & Disposition. Her Behavior since my acquaintance has gained my esteem, which will ever be Remembered with feelings of the tenderness & Respect. Thursday 7 Calm. at 10 Trades Set in. at 4 PM. Brig Dhaulle Warden arrived 65 days from Manilla. Manuia passenger Brig Inore was lost by being Capsized off the Bashee Islands — lost her Foremast, had her decks Swept Stanchions broke, every thing Swept from Deck. At 5 PM. Interred the remains of Winship. At a particular request from her Sister — a Native made the prayer. Most of the Residents & Ship Masters attended & particularly Capt Dowset with his wife. (Her friends went to Kaahumanu to see if a Native should go to make the Prayer. She sent the Messenger to Mr Bingham — who said He had so much to do he could not |
attend but would send a Native!) Sch Truro went to Pearl River for Mr French. By Capt. Cole learned the Tortoise Shell Speculation had been a dead loss. (Above 5,000), 6800 Brig Active chartered by Pitman French & Co Friday 8 | Calm. Dhaulle towed in. Ships Ganges — Gardner 120 bbls — Meridian — Fisher 300 bbls, Howard Brock 200 bbls, John Ebbets passenger — son of Capt Ebbets. Brig Dhaulle discharging cargo. Truro returned from Pearl River — 117 pic’s wood. Bacle had done nothing when Frank arrived — Mr Charlton sent to Mrs C. & Mr French, at Waimea Saturday 9th Fine Morn. Ship Meridian came in — part way. Averick Lawrence — 250 bbls oil Sir James Cockburn — Meek 2,000, Tuscan — Stavers Sch. Truro discharged & sailed for Waimea — Let Capt Reynolds Ship Emma have 400 Dollars to recruit his ship. Sunday 10 Moderate breese. Mr Charlton went over to Waimea horse back. Mr Jones bro’t Capt Lawrence's boards at 60.00, dollars, per M. Monday 11. Fresh breeze. Schs Kaukioli & New York arrived Sch. Truro arrived. Mrs Charlton & Mrs Taylor — Ship Emma Sailed. Sch. YT. Sailed for Waimea after wood for Mr French. Tuesday 12 Calm. Fine Trades. Sch. Medford sailed for Maui. Ship Frederic Augustus Sailed. Afternoon went to the Falls with J. Ebbets Jr to Wash. Very dry no water running. A place I formerly frequented very early in morning, or in the course of the day, but which I had not seen for more than twelve months. Wednesday 13th Fine morn. Capt Ebbets went to Kauai, in Ship Tuscan. Went to the Still, found them in want of cane not being able to supply with one team. The sugar enterprise that Boki started with Wilkinson and that French and his partners continued was to produce rum in sufficient quantities to make a profit. Thursday 14 Calm. Ship Mandarin, Osgood arrived yesterday 38 days from Lima. John Meek passenger. Bolivar was within a Short Distance of Lima. Every body was throwing off their Peruvian Uniforms, & putting on the Bolivar dress. Settled with Mr Navarro about the premises and things which he left when he went away Bo't 1,200 ft Boards of Capt Fisher at 60.00 per M Friday 15 Calm. J. Meek landing his goods from Mandarin. Took a warm Bath at Doct. Seviere’s Ship Maria Joy arrived. 150 bbls. Saturday 16 Fine morn. Ships Ontario & Ocean arrivd five months out. Jackson Electors chosen for Election of President. Nothing New. Capt Cole Sailed for Kauaii in Sch Truro |
Sunday 17th Fine Showers — Ships Independence Ray 300 bbls. oil — Triton Chase 700. bbls oil — Peruvian Macy 350 bbls oil from Mauii. Sch. Pakii arrived from Hawaii — bro’t goods & little wood, (100) piculs. Mr. French returned from Waimea. He told me in evening, he Should go to Canton this fall. & Should like to give me goods to Sell on commission. Spent evening at Jackson's. Monday 18. Fine morn. Schrs Kaukioli & Y. Thaddeus arrivd from Waimea. Mr Charlton’s Cutter Regent arrived from Gallipagos Islands, 10,000 lbs Shells & 500 Seal Skins. Mr Mabon — late of Emily Marshall passenger. Emily Marshall collecting Shell & Skins. Brig Dhaulle Sailed for Waimea — Tuesday 19 Dull morning. Fine day. Discharging Y. Thaddeus into Wellington. Sent a few goods on board Chinchilla to go to Hawaii. Weighed copper that came off Waverly — 2250 lbs. Mr Charlton sold cutter’s things by Auction. Terrapin Sold from 2.00 a 6.00 each Fish — 6.00 per quintal. Heard Mabon was turned out of the Emily-Marshall at Gallipagos Islands Wednesday 20 Fine morn. Fine day. Afternoon rode to Allen’s with Capt Meek. Mr French & others — King and his Mob on the plains running horses. Discharged Young Thaddeus — found from ten to fifteen piculs Short in Weight. Spent evening © with John Ebbets. Meridian & Maria sailed Thursday 21 Fine morn. Mr French had difficulty with Kahioli about carrying Goods in Sch. when going for Wood unless he paid for them. Mr French went to pearl River. Bot lot boards at 62 dollars per M. Friday 22 Laid in bed late, Several Ladies having Staid very late with us. Several Gallants, waiting to go with them, had their patience exhausted & left them for me to see home. Afternoon Rode to Waikiki, thence into Valley at Manoa, there I got wet as it rained hard. Mr Charlton asked me to go & take tea with them — declined Saturday 23rd Fine trades. Sch. New York came from Waimea wood for Mr Hunnewell. Sch. Paakii went to P. River Mr French returned from P.R. Afternoon went up to Falls to Swim. Sunday 24th Pleasant morn. Rained hard in mountains went with Capt. J. Meek — Capt Osgood — Mr Fay to Manoa to eat Luow. Mr Ebbets, Mr Robbins Mr Wood & Major also were there. Returned at five. Capt Osgood enjoyed it very much — Monday 25. Fine morn. Ships Ocean & Ontario sailed. at 10 an Auction of goods belonging to Capt Osgood — Goods Sold dull, yard wide Brown cotton sold for 22 a 242 cts per yd per Bale. Muscatel wine 4 dolls per Doz. Afternoon Capt Meek & Geo. Wood made a Race. |
Tuesday 26 Fine morn. J Ebbets making up Ac/t Sales at Norfolk Sound by Capt Meek last fall. Making up Sales by Auction Afternoon went to falls to have a swim. Doct Seviere went to Boki with Don Marine to get a piece of land, which Boki wanted time to think about Evening went to Mr Jackson’s. Spent evening with Susan. Wednesday 27 Cloudy. Gen. Election in Massachusetts. Spent a very pleasant night with Susan Jackson Very early in morning News came from Waikiikii of death of Some of Winship’s Relations. A very dark day for Honolulu. John Ebbets and Mr French making up Accounts Sales & Remittances Evening were disappointments many Thursday 28 Very dark morning. Rather indisposed from pain in Shoulder & Side, took a warm Bath in evening, & felt better. Misy Packet arrived from windward, Mr Richards & wife came in her Friday 29 Fine morn. Capt Osgood Settled with Mr French took all the money away. At 9 in evening a gun was heard which we pronounced to be Brig Active — went to See Piia who is said to be Dropsical. Saturday 30 At daylight went off on board Active — 70 days from Lintin. with a cargo of 25,000. Owend [sic] by I. P. Sturgis & Pitman French & co. & Consigned to James Hunnewell!! An express was sent to him he being at Wailua. Received an Invoice of about 600.00 by Brig from Mr Gordon on my own Account. Afternoon Rode to Diamond Hill with Hannah & Susan — Evening went into a warm Bath. went to Jacksons & Slept with Susan in all Senses of the word. Sunday 31. Fine morn. Ship Mandarin Sailed for Manilla. Chinchilla arrived from Windward. Newspapers which he had to carry up for Missionaries — had a paragraph saying no Smaller person than the English Consul Sent to France for the French Missionaries to come out, in opposition to the “Jesuits" could not Mr Charlton find Catholics in Great Britain? June Monday 1st Fine morn. Mr. Chamberlain came in. Mr Charlton Mr French, Self & others had much conversation with him about Missionaries; their publications &c. Mr C. Said they came to preach the Gospel to the heathen, & instruct the Natives in morality and good & wholesome laws, — that if any one opposed them they would publish it, & consider it their duty to do so. The conversation commenced on account of the charge against Residents for sending for the Roman catholic Missionaries to “distract the minds of the Natives." False. False. False! Brig Active landing Cargo. Mr French examined Invoice with a view of purchasing — found they had not sent any thing suitable for Speculation — Tuesday 2 Fine morn. Recd 41 Boxes Nankeens & 1 case Silks from Brig Active. Active nearly thro’ discharing Kahioli refused to take packages to Kauaii unless Mr French would pay for them, which he would not. Spent evening up at John |
Ebbets playing cards. Susan came up & Selected two ps Silks & small things &c &c Wednesday 3rd Fine morn, Kahiole took everything out of Pakii & refused to go for wood. Mr Jones bo't all Dhaulle’s Sugar — Mr French bo’t all the Brandy, Manilla Hats French & Jones trying to get Chinchilla to go to Kamschatka Mr Hunnewell offered me invoice of H. O. Young, which I very soon declined. Thursday 4. Fine morn. Capt Cotting went to see Boki about buying Brig Active. Said he would buy her, if Cotting would wait till his money came from Manilla. MrHunnewell opened his goods. Sold Some Silks Trade rather dull. Went with Mr Jones & John Ebbets to see Mr Marine’s Vineyard. Friday 5th Pleasant morn. Ship Jane, Clark, of Baltimore 35 days from Lima, for Manilla. Mr Lowrie Supercargo,, had a disposition to purchase cargo of Sandlewood. Afternoon had an Auction of some Cutlery & hard ware, damaged in Active Saturday 6. Fine morn. Chinchilla Sailed yesterday for Waimea Dhaulle for Kauai. Mr French Sold Mr Lowrie two thousand piculs S. Wood for (6.50) Six dollars & fifty cents per picul. Offered Capt. Cotting 8,000.00 for the Active, & twenty five per cent on Cargo. Afternoon Mr French and John Ebbets rode to Waimea Sunday 7 Fresh trades. Ship unable to get in, went up to See the little Tomb Doct. Seviere had build over Winship’s grave. Afternoon went to Native Church with Mr Lowrie. Mr Bingham asked him to go to his house but not me. Monday 8 Fresh breeses, Little doing in way of trade. Posting Distil Accounts. Doct Seviere brought large amts against Establishment. Capt Clark anxious & uneasy at lying outside. Tuesday 9 Fine morn, Jane came in. Schrs. Pakii, N. York & Y. Thaddeus — came from Mauaii — with all the Chiefs — Naenaena & Suite. Hoapili remained at Lahaina Ship Jane warped in. The chiefs all talking about King & Naenaena’s living together — all are inclined towards them. The bitter conflict over the relationship between Kauikeaouli and Nahiena ena continued until the young woman's death. Wednesday 10th Fine morn. Jame commenced taking S. Wood from Wellington. Mr Knight & Mr Chapman came from Wailua. Mr Giraud sent in his bill for the month of May, forty dollars. Establishment takes away money, but brings nothing in. Sch Truro arrid. Brig Active Sailed |
Thursday 11 Beautiful morn. Mr French & John Ebbets returned from Waimea. Doct Seviere was very anxious to settle up the Mill Establishment — & close off everything. to which I Said Amen. Report said, King and Naenaena were enjoying themselves, in good glee, & believe no secret made of their sleeping together Friday 12 Fine morn. Sch. Young Thaddeus arrived from Hawaii — Chinchilla from Wailua. Young Thaddeus bro’t Sixty two piculs S. Wood — loading Jane from Wellington & Schr — Mr French went to Pearl River in Truro with Frank Very Strong wind. Saturday 13. Strong trades. Mr French returned from P. River. afternoon rode with Mr Jones, in his Gig, to Allen’s where they were killing Beef. Susan, Peggy & Pehu rode to Waialai. King fitting out his Mob, with clothing — to the Number of (400) four hundred — Sunday 14 Fine morn. Fresh trades. went to church in forenoon had honor (if any) to walk with Princess from church. afternoon rode to Manoa with Mr French & Capt. Clark Mr Charlton found, for first, time, Susan was engaged to me Susan was the daughter of Edward Jackson and his Caucasian-Hawatian wife Sally. Jackson was an American and a master carpenter. Monday 15 Fresh trades. went to see New-Church — a very fine Building, Built after Native fashion, 180. feet long & 60 feet broad, with an Elegant Pulpit built of Bastard Mahogany. King & his Sister with the mob all went to Waikiki for a Debauch — Tuesday 16 Fine morn. Brig Dhaulle off. Sch. Truro went to Pearl River. Mr French & Mr Loirry rode to P. River. All hands ordered out to carry sand to fill in Meeting house. Capt Ebbets arrived in Dhaulle, Kai — Ulani, Kaiili &c &c — Dhaulle in beating in at low water Struck her Bows in the mud, in heaving her off — She went astern So quick She struck her Rudder against the bottom & broke it in two, also broke the Spindles Wednesday 17th Fine morn. The Village all alive every body out carrying Sand for church — Sch Truro came in from P. River. Mr Loirry came up. Mr French Staid. Capt. Ebbets Sending his Trunks down with the Remnants of goods. Thursday 18. Fine morn. Capt Ebbets Sending goods down — he bro’t from Kauai. Mr French returned from P. River Mr Loirry bo’t Mr Lawler’s Sandlewood at 6.75. Friday 19 Fine morn. wrote letters to Dana & Capt Little to go in Cutter Regent. The Small boat under G.W. Minzie, which started Wednesday for California returned this |
morning, as unable to perform the Voyage. Capt Cole offered Mr French Brig Dhaulle for Charter at (700) Dollars per month. Saturday 20 Fine morn. Jane finished loading, having recd from Mr French 2085 piculs. Boki, reluctantly gave Doct. Seviere permission to build in Kakai’s outside yard. afternoon rode to Allen’s on new Calico, King, Boki and mob all out. Mr Lawler engaged passage in Jane to manilla, in afternoon he made an arrangement with King and Boki for a vessel and gave up the passage to Manilla Sunday 21. Fine morn. Attended church in forenoon! Ship Jane Sailed for Manilla. Cutter | Regent for California & elsewhere. Sent letters in Regent to Dana, Capt Little Miss Ward inquiring about my having Susan — Monday 22 Fresh trades. Doct. Seviere making arrangements to build in his yard which he got from Kai, as he had incurred the displeasure of Capt Ebbets — Kaikueva, Namahana, Gulick, wife & aunt Ogden came from Kauai in N. York Tuesday 23. Fine morn. Strong trades. Capt Robbins told me Dhaulle was going on to California in six days, & he take passage in her. Mr French, Mr Jones — Capt Ebbets & his son, Dined at Mr Charlton’s. Report said Kaikuoeva & Boki were going to buy Chinchilla, & Kake to pay the wood. All hands, also, were going to Kauai after Dedication to get Sandlewood. Wednesday 24th Fresh trades. Mr French went to Pearl River to weigh some S. Wood from Kevioharro. Mr Hunnewell also went down. Mr Mabon & Dutch Harry in their boat doing business for him. making off Dana’s Accounts to send to California by Brig Dhaulle. Thursday 25 Fine morn. Strong trades — with rain in hills. Capt T. Meek sold chinchilla to Boki for 1600 piculs S. Wood to be paid before delivery. Asked Capt. Cole to let Dhaulle bring me an horse from California, which he refused. Friday 26 Fresh trades. Very strong wind & plenty of dirt. Mr French returned from P. River, Truro from Wailua — 92 piculs wood for Mr French. Saturday 27 Fine morn. Making arrangements for 4th July Dinner, to be got up by Major Warren & Mr Knight at Mr Knights. John Ebbets riding in Kings Gig with Naenaena below Allens & broke it. Stripped old house in order to build anew, along side Mr Knight’s Sunday 28 Fine morn. Writing letters to Dana, Temple — Little, Cooper & Smith. J. Ebbets went to P. River in Truro — |
Monday 29 Very fine morn. Sch Truro returned from P. River Left Mr Ebbets to weigh wood — but unfortunately he was like Capt Meek, could find none to weigh. Pulled old hallau down & Set up new house. called on Mr Shepard, Missionary Printer, to see if he would Print billets of invitation to 4th July Dinner could not get an answer, as he acted under the special direction of a committee chosen for that purpose only — of Say what should not be printed — [In Margin: My heifer had a calf.] Tuesday 30 Fine morn. Very hot day. Sch. Misy Packet Mr Bacle Sailed for Hilo with goods for Sale — Mr French freighted her from Keliahonui [Keli'iahonui] — Wednesday July 1st Fine morn. hot weather. Very hot day. Dedication & 4th July employs most of the time of Natives & Foreigners. each to their favorite day — Thursday 2 Fine morn. Very hot day. Brig Dhaulle Sailed for California Capt Warden — Capt Robbins passengers Capt Meek & John Ebbets came from Pearl River No Sandlewood there to pay for Chinchilla Friday 3rd Fine morn. Great Preparations for Dedication of the New Large Church, built of wood & Straw. Kaukiole — (King) made a Short Speech before the Services commenced — Mr Bingham delived a discourse upon the occasion — after which the Young Princess made a Short address, after which the King made the concluding Prayer. It was concluded nearly three thousand people — present. Saturday 4 Fine morning. Cloudy with fine breese which made it cool. The Day was ushered in by firing of Guns. Colors were displayed from all the Vessels, Native, American, & English — the Forts — flag staves, in the place. At 3. PM. King Boki & wife, Kaahumanu, Hoapili and wife, Keikioeva, Kauluohe, Kauanohe, Kenow, & many others assembled at Mr Jones, with the American, & other Residents, from whence they all proceeded to the Oahu Hotel. where a Dinner had been got up by Messrs Knight & Warren in a splendid Style. The Company consisted of about fifty — The American & Catholic Missionaries English Consul & Residents, Dutch & Spanish Residents &c &c The Company were in excellent Spirits. Many toasts were drank with cheers, three times three. Many Dinner parties were got up. Many Luows among the Natives were got up. In fact it would be difficult to say, who appeared to take most interest on the occasion — Americans or Natives — When Kaahumanu was about to retire, she got up & made a speech — the amt of which was — that every body must take care of the King — & what the King Said in the Church. Boki Sat next me (being Vice P.) as soon as he heard a few words he kept cutting his melon — when it was proposed to drink to her on leaving, Boki & wife Manuia, Haalilio, Bokine took their glass into their hands to hide, that they had nothing in them. Every thing appeared to carry the impression that there was a variance in the Cabinet. |
Sunday 5th Fine morn. Found I drank just enough last evening not to be drug this morning. — Warm day. Afternoon went to Native church. About fifteen were baptized. The Sacrament was administered afterwards. Monday 6. Warm weather & very dry. The Gentlemen Cooks & Stewards kept their 4th of July at Allens. Had a Dinner & Ball in afternoon. Had considerable conversation with Susan — Settled with Kuanoa for Waverly. Amt 6,000 Dollars Tuesay 7. Strong trades, & showery. Very strong trades. Brig Plant Capt Rutter — (Mr Steel Supercargo) 169 days from Boston — got a few papers. Capt Rutter had letters from some of my Sisters &c Mr French bo’t lumber, carts, wheel barrows — Waggon &c, &c. Jackson President, by a great majority — Wednesday 8 Very Strong trades — with Smart Showers, more rain than had been seen for six months previous, Rain, Rain, Rain Got letters from My Father, Sisters Harriet, Eveline and Isabella. & Saml S. Reynolds. Saml. S. informed me the agents of Waverly refused to pay my Draft on them for my part of interest & Commissions realized. Something rotten in Denmark. Thursday 9. Showery. Fresh trades. Afternoon more moderate. Evening went up to Doct Seviere’s with Hannah to go in warm bath. Evening fine. Sch Medford Sailed last evening for Kolau — this morning was off Diamond Hill. Friday 10. Went off with lot Kanakas, on board Plant, and assisted in warping her in — very warm — Capt Meek & Mr Charlton went to Wailua. Mr French going Monday Miss Ward a daily visitor (and sometimes three or four times in a day) at Mr Jackson's. She said to Susan, to day, if Mr French wanted any nice shirts made she would make them. Saturday 11. Beautiful morn. Carts, boards, waggons &c lending from Plant. Mr French bo’t many Small things from Mr Steel. Nothing Strange to day. Sunday 12. Fine morn. Close air. Brig Melville — Baker ard 36 days from Lima. Reported Sloop-of-War Vincennes was to come here as soon as a Vessel Should arrive to releive on S. America. at longest not over Six weeks. Had an overturn with Susan this eveng. Monday 13th Beautiful morn, warm day. Plant discharging boards, Crates &c. Mr French went to Pearl River last evening, intending to go to Waimea this day. Mr Navarro introducing the Capt. of Brig & passenger to Capt Cole & others, to buy S;wood Tuesday 14th Fine morn. Plant discharging. Mr Steel delivered letters to Persons, which he had kept till this!!! afternoon rode to Allen’s with John Meek. Sch Truro arrived |
from Hauula. Capt Cole bo't 200 Gals paint oil, ret 1.00 dollar. Boxes Soap 1.75 — Chewing Tobacco 14 cts lb. Lard 10 cts Ib; pay wood at 6.50 — Susan and I had long talks this evening to settle some little jarrings — Wednesday 15 Fine morn, went out to ride in Waggon with Meek Truro went out to put wood on board Melville 83 piculs warm day. Mr Jones told me that the Missionaries had made very Serious complaints against Capt Blinn. Thursday 16 Fine morn. Warm, an house belonging to King took fire and burned down about 9-o'clock this morning. It was quite calm & misty, or probably we should have had a large fire, from the locality of the building. Brig Mellville sailed. went & had a Swim at Marines Friday 17 Rain in Mountains — very warm. Sch Keaukiole arrived from Hauula with wood for Mr French. No News by her. This evening Susan ran from me from Hannah’s, which caused me to have an explanation & conversation with her Father — Mr Chamberlain’s wife was Bro’t to bed of a Fine Son Yesterday. Saturday 18. Fresh trades. Miss Ward made application to Susan to exchange a pair Shoes. Susan made the thing known to me, & I tho’t it best to make short work, by giving a pair. Sch. Truro arrived from Howoola. a letter from Mr French — No News. Sch. Pakii arrived from Kauai John Gowen passenger. Sunday 19 Fresh trades. Hot Sun — went to Meeting with Mr Steel, J. Meek & Capt Yauncey — Pakii arrived from Kauai. J. Gowen passenger. afternoon went to Jacksons took Supper with the “Family’’ — Mr Jackson and self spent evening very pleasantly to gether. Monday 20 Fresh trades. Sch Truro sailed for Waimea. Sent a few things to Mr French. Making up accounts with Mr French. Kenow was bro't to bed of a fine boy. Keikueeva has adopted it — A great examination to day of Schools. This son of Kina'u and Kekuanaoa was named Moses Kekuaiwa. Tuesday 21 Fine morn. Strong trades. Settled up with Mr Camerford at the distil Establishment. Mr Vigne took charge. Settled with Mr Steel for goods bo’t by Mr French — 5,200 Evening Capt — Rutter went with me to Mr Jackson’s & Spent the evening there. In morning went to Court End to See the young Prince. Piia & Kaahumanu, passed some little time with King & his Sister — Wednesday 22. Fresh trades. Brig Plant Sailed for Norfolk Sound went outside with them. Spent Evening at Mr Bingham’s. Most of Mission Ladies Sick & indisposed — Did not see Miss Ward. |
Thursday 23. Fine morn. Strong trades. Sch Truro arrived from and Sailed to Waimea. Sch. Missionary Packet arrived from Hawaii — 64 piculs S. Wood. Sch Kaukiole arrived with picul S wood. Capt Meek came up after Chinchilla to go for S. Wood at Wailua. Sent Mrs Green a little wine. Lahilahi Delivered of a Daughter by Mr Jones’ Friday 24 Fresh trades. Brig Chinchilla Sailed for Wailua, to get freight, as Native Vessels would not take wood from the beach — but must have it put in to their boats — Sch Missionary Packet, Kaukiole, Cutter Sailed — for Wailua & Waimea. Saturday 25 Pleasant morn. Sch Truro arrived from Wailua. Mr Jones went to P. River in Dutch Harrys boat, on his way to Wailua. John Ebbets to go to Wailua. Mr Navarro to come back in boat. A Race was Run between Haalilio’s white horse & George Woods — Woods beat, forty dollars the bet — Haalilio moved into his new House. Sunday 26. Fresh trades. Navarro returned from P. River in the boat. Evening took tea at Haalilio’s: Spent most of Night in talking with Susan, being very social. Monday 27th Fine shower which made very cool Sch. Truro sailed for Waimea. Went up to Sugar Mill found Mr Vigne was getting on with his work, as tho’ he might do something shortly. Took Tea at Haalilio’s with the girls — The proposition was made to me to be married in Church next Monday!! Tuesday 28. Fine morn. Strong trades. Boke came up in N. York to see Kenow, who could eat more than two people without having the belly ache. King — Naenaena, & all the chiefs, except Boke, went round to Koko head to see the place — as the Princess had never been there Wednesday 29. Strong trades. Mr Jones & J. Ebbets returned from Wailua after breakfast went & put my Pew in Meeting House afternoon a Lecture, Kaahumanu made many remarks on it, which will destroy the use of it — as no one will dare like what she dislikes — King & all hands returned from Koko head. Slept all the afternoon, first time I have slept in an afternoon for many months. Susan told me Some of her acquaintance with his Mxxxxxy — I like her candour, but not her prudence. } Thursday 30. Fine morn. Mr French returned from Wailua — Very strong trades, which caused so much dirt I could not write — very dull. Friday 31 Fresh trades. Ship Phebe Swain arrived 2,800 bbls oil. Afternoon went & put the Pew in Meeting House called on Mr & Mrs B. & conversed about Susan In evening she told me her acquaintance with his xxxxxxy made her feel very |
unpleasant, to think she was about — bidding him farewell — that She had seen him almost every day since she had been sleeping with me, she said She saw him yesterday in the Long house which is the building right back of Jacksons. that they both cried — Her Heart she said was with him. Nui Nui loa Much she told me, that I dare not write. Her frank open conduct I cannot but be pleased with. but her clandestine conduct must forever separate us from every thing more than common friendship. I pray to God this book may never be seen by any one, who use it to her injury — Saturday morn Aug. 1st Saturday August 1st Fine morn — too much wind to get ship in. Strong trades & very dirty. So much dirt could not do any thing — So went to Capt. Ebbets & had a bath. Evening at dusk S--- rode to have a wash, but it was an assignation with His M--; which she very kindly told me how it was contrived. Sunday 2 Fine morn. Truro arrived. Capt Ebbets, Mr French and Gov. Adams went with me to church & set in my pew. Capt Ebbets, Mr French & Mr Ebbets went down to Mr Jones’ place to dine with him, & I to see Sue — Monday 3 Moderate breese. Capt — Charlton came from Wailua. Mrs Green’s child was buried, also Mr Jones & Lahilahi’s was buried. French Missionaries attended — most of the residents present. Tuesday 4. Showery, too much breeze to get ship in. Making up my accounts with Mr. French. He cut me Short very much Rode to Mr Jones place with Meek in the waggon Mr French recd. a letter from J. Meek saying Mauuia owned all the wood at P. River!!! Wednesday 5. Fresh trades. Last evening had a long talk with Sally & Susan got my Hat to leave. but was very angry. This morning she left me very abrupt. During the day she made a visit to Mr Bingham & wife — to talk with them — In evening both of us went over — after returning, She refused to Sleep with her. to let me talk with her for a few minutes only. at half past eleven I took my Hat & left. Ship Y. Phenix Price arrived full — John Young was married to Alapai [Alapa'i] — Friday 7 Fine morn. Taking Calomel to see if I could relieve the Heat in my back & shoulders. Haalilio slept with the King. Mr French up at Capt Ebbets, talking with him — about their business. August 8th Saturday Moderate trades. Very unwell Afternoon rode to Allen’s in waggon with Meek — & felt much better for it. Evening Susan went to lecture, by which I had no chance to speak to her — & I suppose our acquaintance is at an end. Sunday 9. Fine morn. Fine day. All the boarders dined at the Major’s — Gov. Adams present. afternoon went to Native Church. Had conversation with Susan — told her if whe was unwilling — to say so Said at first did not wish — that She was only |
trying me — It was her wish. If I had any objections to say so. that She was ready & expected Tuesday would be the day. [In Margin: Kaahumanu ordered guards to be placed at Marines & the catholics, to prevent Kanakas going to church!!!] As Ka'ahumanu became more powerful, she became more vigorous in her opposition to the Catholic mission. Monday 10th Fresh trades, Mr French — Capt Meek & Mr Hunnewell went to Pearl River to weigh wood from Boke — if they could get it. Mr French told me, he should not want me to live with him. So I conclude to try & do for myself — Tuesday 11 Misty morn, Strong trades — George Wood went to P. River & back after weighing about fifty piculs S wood by 2 p.m. At Six P.M. I was Married by H. Bingham to Susan Jackson — His Majesty Kaukiole Kauliohe & Kanaina — (her husband) — Kauanohe & Kelionui — (her husband), Commodore Bokine and John Young — Mrs Bingham & Miss ward — with many of the family connexions were present [In Margin: Marriage Ceremony at 6.p.M.]} At this time Reynolds was forty-six years old and Susan was sixteen. Wednesday 12 Fresh trades. footing books Ac/ts &c Nothing New — Being the day after marrying — prepared to treat my friends — after going to bed, Susan was rather unsociable — which made me Reflect too much on my imprudent conduct in getting married — Thursday 13. Fresh trades — Slept nothing all night walked the House all night. at daylight awoke Susan & told her I had not slept, which apparently affected her — as her behavior was highly Satisfactory Friday 14 Fresh trades. Highly pleased last evening with Susan’s behavior. God Grant I ever may be, Ship Phenix sailed. afternoon went down to see Allen’s new road & to see a race between an horse of Jones & Meeks colt. Mr Jones did not go — two or three short races. Saturday 15th Fresh trades. A Race was run between Sch. Boston & Sch Truro — the latter beat considerably Mr French came from P. River. Sunday 16 Fresh trades & squally — writing letters to go to my friends to america — found Haalilio better this evening. Monday 17 Fine morn, Ship might have got in this morning. afternoon an horse race. Several horses were tried over the ground. Had Some conversation with Mr Jones about |
doing business for him & being concerned with him to which he spoke favorably Tuesday 18. Fine cool morn. Fine day. Nothing Stirring. Capt Swain was disappointed by Kuanoa about potatoes &c. Wednesday 19 Fine morn. Fine day. Sent letters by Phebe to America. Mr Jones told me the Missionaries were up yesterday to swear to a large parcel of Documents of Private Nature Thursday 20 Fine morn. Last evening went down to Sleep with Susan. She was very unsociable and uncivil — after turning in she gave me a severe bite in my arm — for which I gave a slap on the back side. after growling for sometime to me I got up — left her, and came home at just half past nine — So much for the HoneyMoon, in 8 days!!!! Took a dose of Calomel last evening — & Salts this morning which operated very well. Making out Bills &c afternoon did but little. Evening not being very well, I took more Calomel, & concluded to sleep at home. Mr Jackson called in, about nine, at which time I was in a great perspiration He was not a little Astonished to find me at home Friday 21 Fine morn. Fine day — took calomel last evening which kept on the move to day. Susan was coming to see me but was sick. Doct Judd gave her some physic & Camphor to rub on her neck as the cords were Swollen & stiff. Evening went down to see her, found better than I expected. & very Sociable. Slept very well!! For a long time Susan lived at her parents’ home since Reynolds did not yet have adequate lodgings. Saturday 22. Beautiful morn. after a good nights rest found myself better this morning. very hot sun. Waverly returned yesterday fr Lahaina. Capt Ebbets came down to dinner. Mr Jones took Tea with us. Susan sent horse for me to ride down. Sunday 23. Fine morn. Mr French — Capt Ebbets, Capt Meek went to Mr Jones place to dine. Dined myself at Major’s afternoon went down & spent afternoon with Susan Monday 24th Beautiful morn. Very hot sun Brig Waverly Sailed for Kauai. Kaikuoeva & family on board. Kuanoa’s Young Son, under the protection of Kaikuoeva also on board — Mr French very angry with me to day. Said if I had had “one Spark of feeling for his interest,’ I Should have done very different from what I have. Why Should he Say So? Moving all his things to his new house. Tuesday 25. Fine morn. very warm sun. Capt Ebbets getting ready to go to Kauai. Sailed at 2. p.m. In Truro with Capt Cole Doct. Seviere sent me his bill in. also Haali- |
lio’s wishing me to collect it. returned it with my thanks for his politeness Wednesday 26 Fine morn — very warm Sun. Kanakas stript one side of the house & covered it again. posting books. Atai moving things to New-House. Thursday 27 Fresh trades. Ship Staunton Dagget arrived, 2,200 bbls Posting & making out bills. Settled Mr Jones — ac/t — calculated to close the month of August with to day — Friday 28 Fine morn. Bot Drawers, large lamp, writing Desk of Mr French. got most of his goods out. King came down to see me — Said he was willing to have me stay & trade here. would have me Stay as long as I pleased — sould seee about having the houses removed back of my house, the ground &c. Said I might see Boke — Saturday 29 Fine morn. Chinchilla off the harbor from Kauai load fire wood posting & entering the last of my works in Mr French’s books. Afternoon went to see a race between John Meeks & John Mitcheners — they did not run Sold Shirt & pantaloons for cash — Sunday 30 Fine morn. Slept uncommonly well last. Susan resumed her former Sociability — which gave us a very pleasant evening. Mr French gave me a gold watch to day!!! I believe the first present he ever made me — moved all the things out & left me bare — French Ship Magellan Reneau 39 days from Chile — bound to Calcutta. Slab Copper Co. Monday Aug 31 Fine morn. Stripped off all the old Tappas from the house & Swept out about 7 carts of dirt — Bo't, partially, 3 casks claret & 12 Doz Champagne of Capt Renau September Tuesday 1st Fine morn. Mr Jackson & Mr Vandin putting Tapas up in the house — Bo’s Cask claret of 50 or 60 gals of Cap Renau, 4 Doz Champagne at 12. Dols per Doz Mr French & Mr Jones bought the Same quantity. Claret 45. dollars per cask. Wednesday 2 Fine day. Mr Vandine at work on the House — finished putting up Tapas — altered my Bedroom. Mr Jones Rode out in his carriage. Kaahumanu rode in it & was much pleased Staunton Sailed. Thursday 3 Fine morn. Mr Vandine finishing bedroom. Ship Magellan Sailed. Nothing Stirring. Capt Meek went to Maonalua in his boats & got 60 piculs S. wood. Friday 4 Moderate. Mr Vandine finished work at dinner time afternoon clearing out the house — and getting ready to govd — up Capt Meek sold Mr French 105 piculs |
S. Wood at 7 dollars per picul — Goods at retail, Cash, prices. Wanted me to Sell them out for him. Saturday 5 Fine morn. Waverly, from Kauai arrived. Load Goats & Hogs for Kuanoa. Capt Ebbets wrote to no one. Hannah and Susan went up in Woods to get a Species of moss from the trees. Susan was very tired. She wore Skin off her toes. At 8 she walked up from her Father’s to sleep with me, a condescension few would have made. This was the first Night or first time she had ever been up at the house since I first slept with her, Saturday Night fourteen weeks ago. Mr Jones let me have a lot of calicoes — cottons, shoes Guyaquil Hats & many other Small articles — to Sell on Commission. Sunday 6 Fine day. Susan returned early to her Fathers this morning rather tired from yesterdays walk. Ship Zone, Alex Bunker arrived — full of oil. Ship Eagle Coleman, via, Lahaina 11 months out — 700 bbls oil — did not anchor Susan came up again this evening — said she should remain with me, altho’ I had no house. Monday 7 Fine morn. Susan spent day with me. Sold a little for cash & some for credit. Tuesday 8 Fine morn — trade dull — Sold some on credit — to King for wood. Jackson took windows &c out of house so I could pull it down. Susan home sick, went to see her friend Wednesday 9th Fine morn. Brig Two Friends, Dagget — 47 days from Valparaiso — 10 months from Boston. 300 Bales Domestics. 300 ps. Rus. Sheetings 100 ps Duck — 125 bbls Naval Stores, Nail — cordage &c Newspapers to March 25 — by which we learn’d who are the cabinet of President Jackson — found him moving all old officers & appointing new. Brig Kamehameha sailed for Kauai — Mr Goodwin consigned his cargo to me for Sale Thursday 10. Pleasant morn. Mr French & Mr Hunnewell consulting together about purchasing goods. Waverly sailed for Mauii — Horses on board for Naenaena — wrote a few lines to J. Ebbets Jr. Susan went out to Sea — xxxxx under cover of going to prayer meeting — at 5 o'clock PM. Friday 11 Beautiful morn. Susan & I talked after turning in last eveg till 2-A.M. this morning — by the watch. She told me — She had been with the King almost every day — Since I slept with her, & since we were married — every day since She had been here — but one — told me many secrets of the Village Mr French — made the following offers to Mr Goodwin viz Domestic cotton 15/100 — Russian Sheeting 10.00 ps Duck 6 Several other articles — low offers — payable in wood at 8 dols to Amt 15000, 16,000 dollars. Saturday 12. Fine morn. Susan & J talked all night till daylight — She is a very Strange girl. Said she had — must & should go to King’s house any time he chose to send |
for her — that a Small boy was the pimp. that she got up from along side her mother & went with him. At 5 A.M. Piia Departed this life — She had been very gross in her life time & a few months since was taken with the Dropsy — of which she died — She was on of Tamaah’s wives. An Auction of Sundry articles made at 9 A.M. amounting to several hundred dollars — gave me about 30 Dollars Commission — turned in at 1/2 past 8. From Reynolds’ journals it is apparent Pi'ta was one of the most active of the chiefs in the sandalwood trade. Sunday 13. Fine morn. after breakfast went down to Mr Jackson’s with Susan & went to meeting with her. afternoon went to the Funeral of Piia. The corpse was carried into the Meeting House. Mr Bingham made the Prayer, & preached a Short Sermon. Susan’s behavior pleased me to day. & I hope it ever may. We talked till near daylight. She was telling me how she has conducted — Since she was married — O God Monday 14th Beautiful morn. Susan & I talked till daylight this morning. She told me she had slept with xxxxx every day, or was with him every day or evening — many of her ways to meet him were of the boldest kind. Mr Goodwin sold his crates to Mr French for forty dollars all around. Made up my Auction bills & ac/ts. Also offered him 12 1/2 cents per yd for all his cottons. Mr Jones took a part. Mr Goodwin declined the offer. Tuesday 15. Fine morn. Two Friends hauled along side the wellington. Sch Truro sailed for Kauaii. made off Invoice of crockery for, French, Jones, Hunnewell. Sold little today. Mr French sold me a Set of books Made my first Entries. Brig landing Crates. Wednesday 16 Fine morn. Ship running down. J Meek & I went off — the Houqua of Boston Wm Blanchard 179 days — to Kauaii where he Stopt 4 days. Mr Nathan Spear passenger — by whom I got letters from my friends — a large Wedding cake. Newspapers &c — . Thursday 17 Fine day. Writing letters to go home by Capt Bunker Ship Zone Afternoon King & Mob came in. King was shuleing — at length he shuled off. Sue immediately went to pule po aha — in evening had a long Cuss — told her to take her choice — stay or go. She took it very coolly. Friday 18 Rainy. More rain last evening & this morning than for many months. Two Friends taking in wood — &c — making up accounts of cotton &c sold to Mr French. very warm day — Houqua landing Spars water cask — lumber &c Saturday 19 Fine morn. Brig Kamehameha arrived from Kauai. Received a letter from Capt Ebbets. Capt Cole came up — Brig bro’t up a lot of cattle. Doct Seviere’s Lot- |
tery was drawn — John Meek the writing Desk Very windy & Dusty — Capt Blanchard landed his Handcarts. Sunday 20 Strong Trades Ship in offing beating up Minerva Smythe MacKinzie Asail. Strong trades. Monday 21 Pleasant morn. English Barke Ganymede Hayne from Columbia River. Bro’t the melancholly news of the loss of the Brig William & Ann at the mouth of the River all hands massacred by the Indians — property all plundered — afterwards — the people at the Settlement with Some of the vessels — went & killed many of the Indians — Brgs Owyhee & Convoy were at the River Owyhee had done very well — Neither coming to Islands Bo’t Capt Blanchard’s lumber at 60 Dollars per M. Ganymede 70 M. on board. Tuesday 22nd Fresh Trades. Making out bill for Mr French, of goods he bo’t of Mr Goodwin. 17,900 Dollars payable in Sandlewood at 8.00 dollars. Mr Jones told me Mr Hunnewell had sent for his wife to come to Oahu. Wednesday 23. Fresh trades. Went out at 4 PRM. and assisted in warping Minerva Smythe in. Waverly arrived — Gov. Adams’ on board. Bark Ganymede — came in. Ship Herald arrived from NWC Business very Dull there. Ships altogether will not collect 250 Black Skins. The vessels have divided — they estimate 9,000 each vessel’s share. Thursday 24 Went off at 4 with Capt Hammatt & helped to get his ship in at 9 — had an Auction of Damaged Cottons from Houqua, 10 ps at 2.12 1/2 ea, 20 ps at 2.75. 1 Bale 15 ps 4.00 ea — discovered I had made an egregious blunder in Mr French’s Bill — Ship Ontario Coffin, arrived 600 Bbls oil — King Receiving his money for his New-House — Once in a while a Residents called in and gave him some five some ten dollars Friday 25. Fresh trades. All hands carrying in their tribute to the King on account of his New-House. Some few Residents among the most conspicuous were the Missionaries. Mr French went to Wailua. Saturday 26 Fine morn, Boke gathering taxes for the King at the Fort. Gave the people in my yard Seven dollars to pay. Sunday 27. Cloudy — Fresh trades. An Eclipse of the Sun in afternoon So cloudy could not observe it. Brig Neo arrived from Tahaite — cargo timber & cocoa nut oil Monday 28 Fresh trades. Brig Plant arrived from N,folk Sound Saw there Bark Volunteer — Alabama Packet — Packet saw Brig Diana on the Coast of Central America, doing well |
Tuesday 29 Fine morn — went out and assisted in getting Ship Ontario Boke Shew a sample of S. wood from Tahaite — not very good Bo't a Native house frame of Capt Hammatt. Wednesday 30 Fine morn. Haalilio very Sick — finished loading Two Friends 2,161 96/100 piculs. Capt Steel landed many things — among others stinking fish. |
Aborn, 179 Acock, 202 Adams, Governor John see Kuakini Adams, Alexander, 7, 11, 27, 51, 56, 76, 94, 118, 152, 180181, 191, 209, 219, 237, 248, 262 Allen, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 21, 22, 26, 29, 30, 31, 33, 40, 45, 57, 59, 61, 62, 64, 69, 77, 78, 106, 119, 129, 152, 173, 196, 199, 200, 202, 205, 210, 218, 220, 252, 264, 267, 270 Allen, Capt. Joseph, 21, 163, 164, 168, 180, 242, 243 Anderson, Capt., 221 Anderson, Rufus, 223 Annianni, see Keaniani Arthur, Capt., 23, 54, 56, 58, 68, 70, 99, 216, 244, 247, 259 Ata or Atai, 113, 140, 184, 185, 220, 224, 245, 254 Auai or Owi, 6 Babcock, Capt. William, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14 Baker, Capt., 57, 217, 221, 222 Bancroft, Capt., 200, 224, 228 Barker, Capt., 23, 24, 199, 212, 219, 223, 240, 241, 245, 246, 270 Barney, Capt., 56, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81, 82, 94, 101, 102, 220, 259 Barret, Capt., 219 Bates, Capt., 23, 24, 2555, 130, 134, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141 Bates, John A., 139 Beals, William, 18 Beckley, Capt. George, 7, 47, 57, 63, 67, 69, 111, 117, 131, 132 Beckly, see Capt. George Beckley Beechey, Capt. Frederick, 136, 137, 173, 174, 175, 176, 214 Best, Capt., 24, 25, 27, 57, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 66 Bingham, Rev. Hiram, ix, xii, xiii, xiv, 14, 19, 28, 31, 51, 57, 63, 66, 67, 74, 76, 77, 79, 80, 82, 83, 94, 95, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 110, 111, 112, 115, 120, 123, 124, 128, 129, 131, 133, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 178, 188, 190, 203, 211, 215, 216, 218, 222, 227, 228, 237, 253, 254, 260, 262, 266, 269, 271, 278 Bingham, Mrs. Hiram, 18 Bishop, Rev. Artemas, 80, 82, 95, 203, 220, 222, 223, 229 Blanchard, Capt. William, 3, 5, 8, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 42, 45, 47, 53, 99, 100, 103, 105, 107, 108, 111, 120, 131, 196, 199, 201, 204, 205, 208, 224, 278 Bland, Capt.17 Blatchly, Dr. Abraham, 10, 45, 58, 61, 95, 113, 114, 142 Boki or Boka or Poki, xii, xiii, xiv, 3, 70, 79, 80, 82, 83, 99, 100, 101, 104, 106, 107, 110, 113, 115, 117, 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 136, 139, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 178, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 199, 201, 202, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 217, 220, 222, 223, 225, 229, 233, 237, 240, 243, 244, 247, 250, 253, 254, 257, 258, 259, 260, 268, 269, 280 Boelen or Bolen, 213, 214, 215, 216 Bowen, Capt., 116 Bowman, Capt., 3, 7, 8, 11, 16 Brackett, 11, 14, 15, 28, 29, 32, 33, 42, 43, 45, 51 Bradford, 259 Bradner, Dr., 169 Bradshaw, Capt., 201, 234, 244 Brewster, Capt., 13 Briggs, Capt., 17, 18, 59, 74, 103, 128, 150, 217 Brookes or Brooks, Capt., 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 123, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 153, 155, 156, 243, 245, 246 Brown, Capt., 259 Bryant, Capt.172, 173, 199, 204, 205 Buckle, Capt. John, xiv, 70, 108, 110, 141, 142, 144, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 166, 179, 180, 181, 182, 193, 200, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 216, 259 Bunker, Capt., 40, 149, 166, 179, 201, 218, 238, 257 Bunker, Capt. James, 181 Bunker, Capt. Alexander D., 128, 151, 152 , 199, 259, 277 Bunkers, Capt., 3 Burrows, Dr., 253 Butchard, Capt., 200 Byron, (George Anson) Lord, xiii, 71, 73, 75, 79, 80, 82, 94, 97, 98, 99 Calder, Capt., 262 Captain Jack, see Nathe Kukui Carter, James O., 217, 222, 224 Cartwright, Capt., 223 Cary, Capt., 52 Cathcart, Capt., 201 Chadwick, Capt., 75, 148, 152, 259 Chamberlain, Levi, 12, 18, 79, 97, 101, 108, 140, 148, 156, 175, 188, 189, 192, 215, 220, 238, 250, 255, 256, 257, 271 Charlton, Richard, xiii, xiv, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 95, 114, 134, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 166, 172, 175, 176, 182, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 204, 206, 208, 209, 213, 220, 221, 223, 226, 230, 237, 239, 245, 247, 248, 250, 259, 263, 265, 270 Charlton, Mrs. Richard, 76, 81, 82, 145, 197 Chase, Capt., 21, 24, 53, 54, 56, 156, 199, 223, 261, 264 Chester, Capt., 129, 221, 242, 257 Clark, Capt., 10, 18, 24, 43, 53, 54, 61, 111, 112, 184, 185, 201, 204, 265 Clarke, Capt., 218 Coffin, Capt. B. E, 4, 22, 23, 47, 55, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 80, 82, 94, 95, 109, 110, 111, 122, 144, 153, 215, 220, 221, 255, 257, 259 Cole, Capt., 3, 4, 189, 190, 192, 216, 263, 268 Colly, Dr., 176 Cooper, Capt., 14, 22, 57, 62, 76, 80, 81, 173 Cotting, Capt., 15, 16, 60, 61, 167, 199, 201, 203, 214, 241, 265 Cox, Governor George, see Ke'eaumoku Creesey, Capt., 179 Crocker, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 33, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 60, 61, 62, 64 Dale, Capt., 62, 73, 107, 109, 200 Dana, William Goodwin, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28 $2, 76, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 124, 127, 128, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 148, 173, 175, 177, 178, 182, 183, 185, 188, 191, 197, 237, 252, 253, 258, 260, 267 |
De Brot, Capt. Henry, 137, 141, 225 Dix, Capt., 15 Dixon, Capt., 153 Dogget or Dagget, Capt., 123, 125, 202, 275 Dominis, Capt. John, 8, 12, 131, 133, 155, 169, 172, 192, 198, 199, 250 Dowsett, Capt. Samuel J., 230, 262 Duncan, Capt., 102 Earle, Capt., 79, 128, 129, 145, 256, 262 Ebbetts, Capt. John, 25, 26, 42, 43, 44, 48, 51, 55, 63, 67, 69, 71, 77, 80, 81, 94, 95, 100, 103, 106, 107, 109, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 119, 121, 126, 127, 133, 135, 138, 145, 146, 148, 150, 152, 164, 167, 168, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 181, 185, 191, 192, 193, 194, 204, 205, 207, 209, 211, 225, 233, 245, 256, 257, 262, 264, 268, 272, 275 Edwards, Capt. Alfred P., 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 137, 145, 155, 174, 180, 198, 218, 224, 258, 259, 261, 262 Eldridge, Capt., 109 Ellis, Rev. William, 5, 18, 22, 31, 50, 51, 52, 76 Ellis, Mrs., 30 Ely, James, 11, 14, 50, 51, 52, 76 Elson, Capt., 173 Elver, Capt., 109 Elwell, Robert J., 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 24, 27, 31, 44, 45, 57, 64, 105, 108, 117, 141, 171, 175, 177 Ferguson, Capt., 216 Finch, Capt. William, 180, 184 Fitzgerald, Capt., 53, 130, 179 Forbes, Robert B., 96, 102, 103, 155, 156, 163 Ford, Dr., 227 French, William, ix, xii, 96, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 119, 128, 137, 139, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 156, 163, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 186, 192, 193, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 204, 205, 207, 210, 213, 214, 215, 219, 224, 237, 242, 243, 245, 248, 250, 252, 253, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 268, 269 Gale, Capt., 179 Gardner, Capt. G.W., 5, 6, 23, 54, 75, 130, 131, 132, 178, 180, 199, 201, 203, 205, 208, 209, 218, 220, 242, 246, 248, 262 Gerry, Capt., 74, 81, 82, 83, 95 Gibbs, Sam, 9, 21, 22, 23, 120, 121, 133, 139, 152 Goodrich, Joseph, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 81, 94, 138, 142, 143, 150, 151, 164, 203, 205, 227 Gowen, John, 43, 44, 50, 54, 61, 78, 79, 81, 94, 99, 105, 127, 136, 140, 141, 142, 148, 155, 192, 271 Gray, Capt., 181, 182, 200, 249 Green, Rev. Jonathan, 253 Grimes or Grymes, Capt. Eliab, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 23, 24, 31, 32, 40, 55, 57, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 77, 79, 80, 82, 94, 96, 100, 103, 104, 105, 112, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 137, 151, 153, 156, 166, 170, 176, 177, 185, 190, 210, 217, 218, 223, 226 Growse, Capt., 234 Ha'alilio or Halilio, 123, 139, 174, 225, 229, 241, 261, 269, 272, 280 Haig, Capt., 67 Hakulo, 114 Halikii or Haliki or Hariki, 98, 109 Hall, Capt., 21, 61, 62, 67, 71, 73, 200 Hammat, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 42, 44, 57, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 94, 98, 100, 101, 103, 105, 108, 111, 113, 115, 124, 143, 163, 167, 171 Hammat, Jr., 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 28, 30, 33, 41, 43, 45, 46, 56, 57, 60 Hammatt, C.H., 27 Hammatt, Capt. William, 23, 24, 47, 53, 57, 250, 251, 259 279 Hanamaika'i or Hanamaitai, 211 Harbottle, Winshipa, ix, 105, 177, 235, 243, 262, 266 Harmssen, Capt., 213 Harris, Capt., 14, 15, 21, 28, 32, 33, 43, 44, 59, 60, 82, 96, 133, 154, 179, 180, 201, 220, 244 Harris, David, 130 Heathorn, Capt., 75 Henow, see Hinau Hersey, Capt., 24, 28, 30, 32, 33, 40, 42, 45, 49, 51, 60, 96 Hevaheva, 150, 237, 238, 255, 260, 261 Hinau, 7, 12, 14, 19, 27, 43, 56, 59, 60, 66, 75, 76, 81, 94, 121, 134 Hinkley, William, 224 Hoai, 193 Hoapili or Hoopili, xiv, 108, 202, 206, 208, 210, 219, 229, 247, 267, 269 Holmes, Oliver, 101 Hoomea, 188 Hooper, Hannah, 4, 12, 13, 18, 22, 23, 30, 64, 94, 123, 139, 198 Hunnewell, James, 15, 17, 23, 30, 31, 43, 44, 45, 48, 61, 65, 78, 81, 131, 153, 175, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196, 203, 204, 205, 208, 208, 210, 214, 217, 222, 226, 247, 254, 255, 259, 260, 262, 265 Hunt, 14 Hurd, Capt., 55 Hussey, Capt., 178 Huzzy, Capt., 262 Ikanaka, 203 Jack, Captain, see Naihe Kukui Jackson, Edward, ix, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 28, 29, 31, 32, 42, 45, 46, 49, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 65, 73, 98, 104, 105, 109, 111, 113, 136, 167, 183, 184, 186, 190, 199, 205, 208, 225, 253, 264 Jackson, Susan, see also Reynolds, Susan Jackson, 4, 8, 13, 23, 194, 223, 265 Jackson, Capt. William B., 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 143, 173 Jones, John Coffin, Jr., xii, xiii, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 57, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 155, 156, 166, 167, 168, 170, 173, 176, 180, 181, 183, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 194, 197, 203, 205, 208, 209, 210, 213, 215, 237, 243, 248, 252, 255, 259, 260, 269 Jones, Capt. Thomas ap Catesby, xiii, xiv, 154, 155, 156, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 176, 180, 184, 224 Joy, Capt., 5, 6, 8, 24, 53, 59, 70, 111, 129, 130, 156, 196, 224, 242, 261, 263 |
Ka'ahumanu or Kahumanah or Kahoomanoo or Kuoomano, xiii, xiv, 49, 15, 18, 22, 26, 27, 40, 47, 49, 51, 52, 67, 68, 70, 79, 80, 94, 98, 99, 102, 104, 105, 106, 109, 113, 114, 115, 123, 124, 145, 147, 153, 166, 169, 170, 173, 175, 183, 187, 191, 192, 195, 196, 197, 199, 206, 210, 215, 220, 227, 228, 230, 233, 235, 245, 259, 262, 269, 271, 274 Ka'amokuali'i or Taamotu-ari'ari, 20 Kahananui, xi Kaheiheimalie, see also Kaniu, xiii Kahioli, 254 Kahumanah, see Ka'ahumanu Kaiiuli, 178 Kaikio'ewa or Kakeiaua or Keikiava, 5, 9, 48-9, 69, 98, 122, 126, 140, 167, 168, 194, 195, 198, 199, 201, 206, 213, 268, 269, 275 Kakai, 268 Kalaia, 46, 47, 49, 71, 98, 101, 128, 133, 134, 136, 171 Kalaia, Mrs., 142 Kakeiaua, see Kaikio'ewa Kalanimoku or Kalaimoku or Krymakoo or William Pitt or Pitt, xii, xiii, 4, 79, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 129, 131, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 145, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 163, 165, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 178 Kamamalu or Tamamarro or Tumamara, xiii, 5, 43, 70, 76, 80, 103, 106, 165, 171 Kamehameha II (Liholiho), xiii, 3, 4, 5, 6, 44, 70, 73, 74, 76, 80, 103, 106, 165, 171 Kamehameha III or Kauikeaouli or Prince Kaukauri, xiii, 26, 29, 31, 51, 80, 83, 94, 99, 103, 110, 115, 116, 122, 130, 135, 137, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 166, 167, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 213, 214, 219, 229, 233, 234, 245, 246, 247, 250, 254, 257, 258, 259, 260, 264, 267, 269 Kaneeu, see Kaniu Kaoimi, 174 Kapuiki or Tabuiki, 228 Kauanoa, see Kekuanao'a Kauikeaouli, see Kamehameha III Kaukioli, see Kamehameha III Kaumamakea or Kaumamakeah, 121 Kaumuali'i or Tameree or Tameoree or Tomeoree, 17, 18, 30, 31, 32 Kaumuali'i, George, or Tameorei or George Tamuere, 10, 15, 32, 41, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 66, 98, 103, 134 Keali'iahonui or Terehanu, 142, 186, 187, 211, 226 Keaniani or Annianni, 28, 48, 75, 121, 186 Ke'eaumoku or Governor George Cox, xii, 10, 13, 22, 23, 27, 28, 68, 155 Kekauluohi or Kauluohi, xiii, 151, 154, 191, 245, 250, 269 Kekauonohi or Kauanohi or Kakauanohi or Jack of Clubs, 94, 110, 211, 224, 269 Kekuanao'a, 5, 142, 148, 150, 187, 198, 215, 247, 253, 254, 255, 258, 259, 260, 270, 271, 275 Kelly, Capt.3, 7, 23, 110, 115, 178 Kemist, Capt., 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59 62'63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 72, 75 Kenow, see Kina'u Keoli'iolanai, 141 Kiakiava, see Kaikio ewa Kina'u or Tenow or Kenow, 128, 133, 142, 148, 174, 187, 198, 225, 227, 245, 250, 254, 258, 269, 271, 272 King, Capt., 3, 5, 7, 13, 14, 30, 81, 150, 217 Konia or Konea, 139 Kotzebue, Capt. Otto von, 62, 63, 107 Kriamakoo, see Kalanimoku Kuakini or Governor John Adams, xii, 4, 8, 23, 40, 42, 49, 51, 80, 114, 152, 166, 167, 169, 175, 188, 195, 204, 206, 208, 224, 226, 250, 279 Kumamakea, 216 Lawler, John, 208, 253, 257, 268 Lawson, Capt., 113, 114, 115, 118, 120 Lawton, Capt., 106, 109, 110, 217, 221, 227, 255 Lessley, 45 Little, Capt., 136, 138, 142, 143, 179, 181, 182, 184, 185, 190, 191, 194, 195, 205, 234, 246, 247 Lock, Capt., 66, 67, 69, 201, 240, 243, 244 Loomis, Elisha, 18, 30, 79, 81, 97, 98, 100, 108, 156, 170 Loomis, Mrs. Elisha, 13, 30, 43 Luce, Capt., 259 Luilea, 30 MacNeil, Capt., 7, 112, 115, 203 Macy, Capt., 51, 53, 133, 189, 200, 264 Magee, Sally, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 54, 63 Manuerte, see Manuia Manuia, 179, 182, 185, 190, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197, 198, 201, 212, 213, 214, 215, 219, 231, 234, 262, 269 Manuia, Mrs. or Mrs. Manuere, 241, 250, 260 Marin, Don Francisco de Paula, 56, 58, 79, 82, 95, 104, 109, 111, 119, 140, 142, 145, 151, 153, 166, 190, 191, 198, 199, 204, 209, 210, 215, 258, 265 Marin, George, 112, 123, 125, 127, 134, 140, 141, 146, 148, 152, 154, 163, 187, 194, 197, 200, 205, 215, 218, 220, 223, 247 Marin, Mary, 195 Marini, see Marin Maughan, Capt., 182, 183, 199, 259 May, Capt., 200 Mayle, Capt., 241 McCondry, Capt., 258 McKinzie, Capt., 149, 152, 153 McNeil, Capt., 71, 76, 117, 118, 122, 127, 131, 133, 135, 163, 169, 170, 196, 198, 202, 203 Meek, Capt., 7, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47, 69, 70, 77, 109, 111, 114, 115, 117, 118, 131, 145, 146, 150, 152, 153, 155, 156, 170, 172, 173, 174, 196, 199, 208, 212, 214, 215, 217, 218, 219, 226, 247, 256, 258, 260, 263, 270, 274 Meek, Capt. John, 23, 52, 54, 71, 112, 151, 163, 171, 176, 206, 214, 217, 229, 262, 263 Meek, Capt. Thomas, 7, 10, 11, 14, 28, 31, 50, 52, 138, 139, 141, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 163, 164, 170, 177, 191, 194, 202, 204, 227, 268 Mills, Samuel F., 235 |
Minsie, George or Minzie, 15, 60, 112, 221, 267 Mirick, Capt., or Myrick, 144, 145, 146, 197 Mitchener, John, 140, 210, 214, 222, 249, 250, 254 Mooers, Capt., 241 Moone, Capt., 180 Moultrie, Capt., 243 Naeenmawna, see Nahi'ena'ena Nahi'ena'ena or Princess, 80, 97, 101, 149, 150, 152, 166, 203, 206, 210, 219, 246, 247, 266, 267, 268 Naihe, 7, 79, 95, 101, 103, 104, 137, 138, 193, 205, 208, 213 Naihe Kukui or Captain Jack, 4, 41, 75 Naihe Tutui, see Naihe Kukui Namahana or Numahana, see also Pi'ia, xiii, 18, 268 Navarro, Joseph, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 42, 43, 47, 48, 51, 54, 56, 59, 61, 63, 66, 68, 72, 77, 80, 81, 96, 97, 102, 103, 104, 110, 136, 144, 145, 147, 149, 150, 181, 218, 228, 259, 263, 272 Newell, Capt., 14, 15, 16, 57, 60, 96, 102, 103, 122, 153 Newton, Capt., 58 Newton, Thomas, 135 North, Charles, 71 Osborn, Capt., 70, 110, 113, 145 Oswell or Oswaltz or Oswald, 213, 215 Owai, 48 Paki or Patee, 139 Parkins, Capt., 53, 106, 144, 145, 147, 148 Pauahi or Pauwahi, 140 Pearce, Capt. Thomas, 7 Pease, Capt., 180 Peck, George, 260 Pelham, Dr., 188 Percival, Lieut. John, xiii, xiv, 108, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 139, 140, 143, 151, 152, 165, 224 Pi'ia or Peea, see also Namahana, 80, 97, 99, 105, 107, 113, 114, 115, 117, 127, 128, 141, 148, 150, 155, 170, 176, 183, 206, 228, 234, 255, 265, 271, 278 Pi'ilani of Maui, xii Pitman, Benjamin, x, xi, 139, 145, 151, 176, 226, 263 Pitner, Capt., 148, 150, 197, 221, 245 Pitt, see Kalanimoku Poalinui or Pualinui, 6, 31, 42, 54, 65, 78, 83, 95, 96, 97, 110, 122, 149, 193, 194, 227 Potter, Capt., 62, 78, 177, 178, 179, 218, 221 Preble, Capt., 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 Prescott, 41 Pualinui, see Poalinui Ramsdell, Capt., 56, 70, 73, 110, 124, 156, 255, 257 Reed, Capt., 19, 20, 21, 59, 114, 181 Reeves, see John Rives Reynolds, Edward Jackson, ix, x, xi Reynolds, Harriet, ix, x, , xi Reynolds, Maria Harriet, ix, x, 235, 244 Reynolds, Matilda Euela, ix, x Reynolds, Samuel S., 71, 240, 245, 246, 248, 270 Reynolds, Stephen, ix, x, 120, 223 Reynolds, Susan Jackson, ix, x, xi, 4, 8, 274 Reynolds, William Pitt, ix, x, 175, 209 Rice, Capt., 217, 243, 245, 246, 257 Richards, Rev. William, xiv, 18, 108, 141, 144, 150, 166, 181, 193, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 220, 223, 264 Riggs, Capt., 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 32 Rives, John (Jean), 5, 6, 70, 144, 173, 190, 229 Robbins, Capt., 81, 137, 255, 259, 268 Robinson, James, 67, 156, 219, 255, 262 Rogers, Capt. J.L., 21, 22, 25, 29, 32, 45, 52, 53, 61, 62, 63, 96, 97, 99, 110, 142, 143, 145, 148, 154, 166, 168, 169, 176, 217 Ruggles, Samuel, 11, 14, 98, 108, 156, 170, 173, 178, 224, 229 Russel, Capt., 25, 27, 136, 153, 178, 191, 198, 246, 258, 259 Rutter, Capt., 6, 7, 21, 70, 99, 100, 104, 262, 270 Searle, Capt., 255 Sevier or Seviere, Dr., 224, 227, 241, 243, 248, 254, 263, 266, 268 Simpson, Capt., 250, 251, 252, 253 Sistaire, Capt. Leonard, 76, 77, 81, 82, 83, 96, 97, 102, 103, 104, 110, 111, 118, 119, 122, 123, 128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 139, 142, 146, 151 Smith, Capt., 132, 133, 156, 220, 222, 249, 253, 256, 257 Smith, Charles R., 220 Snuff, 47, 172, 185, 187, 196, 213, 254 Spear, Nathan, 153, 220, 230, 244, 278 Spurr, John W., 45, 46, 51, 60, 71, 76, 77, 101, 103, 109, 112, 120, 125, 133, 138, 141, 155 Stancovish or Stanucovitch, Capt., 208, 209, 215 Starbuck, Capt. Valentine, 3, 4, 5 Stavers, Capt. Thomas, 75, 134, 152, 153, 255, 263 Steel, Capt., 121, 173, 174, 175, 176 Stetson, Capt. John, 41, 47, 48, 52, 98, 124, 127, 163, 166, 259 Stevens, Charles, 11, 17, 19, 44, 145, 165 Stewart, Rev. Charles, 28, 41, 48, 67, 68, 70, 72, 78, 79, 80, 98, 101, 102, 105, 108, 109, 146, 219 Stewart, Mrs. Charles, 43, 48, 67, 98 Stuart, see Rev. Charles Stewart or Mrs. Stewart Sturgis, Capt., 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 140, 224Sumner, Capt. William, 47, 124, 173, 175, 185, 230 Swain, Capt., 23, 72, 103, 129, 130, 178, 179, 180, 181, 197, 199, 216, 272 Swain, Capt. Charles P., 182, 202 Swain, Jonathan, 196 Swain, Capt. Obed, 216 Tai, 127 Tamaah, Young, 27 Tamamakea, see Kamamakea Taumamekea, see Kamamakea Taylor, Mrs., 145 |
Temple, John, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 31, 40, 51, 56, 59, 60, 64, 66, 68, 73, 83, 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 109, 112, 114, 117, 124, 128, 134, 173, 177, 178, 184, 198, 253 Tenow, see Kina'u Tereohanui, see Keali'itahonui Terionui, see Keali'iahonui Thompson, Alpheus B., 21, 120, 125, 129, 132, 134, 136, 138, 142, 179, 184, 185, 186, 188, 190, 191, 192, 200, 204, 206, 213, 229, 233, 235 Thurston, Rev. Asa, 166 Tomi, 174 Tuanoo or Tuanoa or Tuanore, see Kekuanaoa Ulumaihe, 203 Upton, Capt., 73 Wahine Pio, 128, 134, 135, 137 Warren, Major William K., 78, 107, 109, 119, 129, 147, 153, 154, 169, 179, 200, 226, 245, 268 Whippey or Whippy, Capt., 27, 73, 80, 202, 220 Whitney, Samuel, 110, 140, 155, 192, 216, 256, 257 Wildes, Capt. Dixey, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 40, 52, 55, 57, 61, 62, 63, 77, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 118, 119, 142, 143, 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156, 165, 166, 169, 176 Wilkinson, John, 83, 95, 98, 100, 105, 106, 108, 117, 121, 122, 125, 128, 129 138, 151, 177 Wilkinson, John, 83, 95, 98, 100, 105, 106, 108, 117, 121, 122, 125, 128, 129 138, 151, 177 Williams, Capt., 7 Worth, Capt. William, 63, 70, 71, 72, 151, 180, 200, 203, 207, 211, 217, 218, 219, 221 Young, Capt., 57, 204, 225, 259 Young, Mr. [John?], 204 SHIPS
Acapulco, 196 Active, 75, 76, 77, 78, 95, 114, 144, 145, 149, 150, 167, 168, 169, 199, 203, 209, 214, 241, 244, 248, 263, 265 Adonis, 76, 77, 81, 83, 94, 144 Alexander, 3, 220, 223, 242, 257, 262 Alliance, 130, 132, 179, 180, 181, 183 Almira, 70, 72, 110, 113, 145, 220, 222, 258, 262 Algiers, 222 American, 261 Ann, 14, 15, 23, 25, 156, 181, 182, 200, 204, 223, 241, 259 Arab, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 17, 74 Arabella, 248 Arethusa, 165 Astor, 23, 31, 47, 48, 50, 52, 55, 78, 120, 175, 194, 195, 232 Athens, 147 August, 243 Aurora, 23, 24, 58, 74, 109, 113 Averick, 263 Balina or Balaena, 136, 153, 178, 191, 192, 259 Baltic, 259 Barclay, 74, 111, 122, 123, 128, 219, 220, 242 Barge, 3, 4, 5, 10, 19, 20, 22 Becket, 22, 47, 48, 55, 58, 59, 66, 69, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117, 119, 123, 124, 125, 127, 155, 174, 176, 201, 203, 206, 207, 210, 212, 213, 229, 252, 254, 258, 259 Blonde, 71, 73, 77, 78, 83, 95, 98, 100, 117 Blossom, 134, 136, 137, 138, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 214 Bordeaux Packet, 65 Boston, 50, 58, 59, 95, 224, 274 Brandywine, 180 Bridges, 114 Britania, 106, 110, 217, 221, 259 Burgess, 58 Cadberry, 182 Cadet, 204 Caledonia, 259 Canton, 262 Caroline, 108 Chelsea, 261 Chinchilla, 138, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 163, 164, 167, 169, 170, 171, 174, 176, 177, 179, 193, 194, 202, 203, 208, 210, 212, 214, 217, 218, 224, 226, 240, 243, 247, 249, 250, 254, 255, 256, 264 Citizen, 224 Clarkson, 180, 182, 218, 222, 243, 255, 260 Com. Rogers, 132, 156, 169, 199 Congress, 180, 182, 203, 204, 219, 222, 245 Constitution, 220, 243, 257, 260 Convoy, 71, 72, 73, 76, 111, 112, 114, 118, 119, 121, 122, 127, 133, 155, 156, 163, 170, 189, 250 Corinne, 64 Corsair, 243 Corte, 259 Cossack, 15 Countess-of-Morley, 22, 24, 27, 57, 59, 62, 64, 66 Cretan, 242 Cyrus, 103, 132, 180, 182, 201, 204, 208, 262 Daniel the 4th, 108, 110, 141, 146, 148, 165, 166, 180, 181, 182, 193, 209 Daulle, see Dhaulle Dauphin, 27, 70, 72, 73, 74, 103, 104, 178, 202, 205, 238 Dawn, 248 Deliverance, 18, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 40, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 71, 72, 76, 77, 81, 82, 94, 96, 97, 98, 101, 103, 112 |
Dhaulle, 216, 217, 219, 262, 263, 264, 267 Diana, 199, 201, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 228, 229, 230, 238, 247, 248, 256 Dolphin, 108, 109, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 126, 130, 132, 133, 134, 139, 147, 165 Dowley, 29 Eagle, 5, 134, 139, 141, 178, 182, 206 Eclipse, 15, 20, 51, 62, 65, 68, 70, 82, 95, 98, 102, 104, 105, 107, 112, 131 Eliza, 234 Eliza Ann, 52, 53, 54, 55, 62, 67, 82, 83, 116, 117, 118, 119, 138, 141, 149, 156 Elizabeth, 52, 136, 200, 201, 209 Emily Marshall, 228, 229, 234, 264 Enterprise, 3, 25, 30 42-3, 44, 46, 47, 51, 58, 62, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 178, 216, 220, 241 Eos, 15, 17, 20, 32, 40, 43, 55, 65, 66, 69, 70, 72, 78, 101, 106, 107, 115, 121, 123, 140, 173 Equator, 28, 56, 74, 76, 101, 102, 103 Factor, 74 Falcon, 50 Fortune, 24, 181, 182, 202, 235 Fox-Hound, 244 Francis-Charlotte, 43 Franklin, 201, 235, 241, 243, 244 Frederic, 41 Frederic-Augustus, 79, 80, 81, 125, 134, 135, 145, 221, 256, 263 Friends, 221, 222, 242, 245, 257 Ganymede, 279 Gen. Hamilton, 7 Gen. Sucre, 147, 148, 150, 197, 198, 221, 245, 246 Gen. Young, 62 Globe, 118 Glove, 70 Golden Farmer, 130, 156, 167, 196, 198, 201, 203 Gov. Adams, 21 Griffin, 72, 199, 212, 243, 245 Haheo, 20 Harbinger, 117, 118, 119, 121, 127, 142, 173, 174, 176, 177 Hector, 180, 200, 217, 221, 242 Hermaphrodite Brig, 27 Heros, 243 Houqua, 278 Howard, 263 Independence, 6, 59, 73, 153, 202, 217, 221, 264 Inore, 9, 20, 55, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 75, 77, 96, 97, 100, 101, 106, 137, 141, 226, 230, 234, 235, 262 Isabella Robinson, 62 Jas. Colvin, 259 Jasper, 238 Jobn Adams, 24, 75, 79, 95, 132, 206 Jobn Palmer, 24, 54, 56, 57, 112, 184, 185, 201, 202, 204, 241 Jupiter, 45 Kamehameha, 259 Kamolilani, 200, 201, 203, 204, 215, 220, 223, 224, 240 Kaukioli, 193, 194, 205, 206, 209, 210, 247, 250, 252, 263 Kent, 53, 54, 56, 106, 202, 203 Lady Hamilton, 180, 182, 183, 199, 203 Lancaster, 226 Lascar, 6, 16, 19, 20, 29, 30, 43, 44, 60, 96 Lincoln, 105 Loan, 260 London, 120, 122, 123, 125, 128 Louis Augustus, 189 Lyra, 3, 8, 53, 129, 156, 169, 201 Magdalena, 134 Magellan, 275 Marcus, 154 Maria, 3, 22, 23, 54, 56, 58, 169, 178, 203, 209, 268 Maria Theresa, 129, 179, 200, 201, 203 Market, 62 Marquis of Lansdown, 75 Mary, 19, 20, 21, 57, 114, 201, 240, 244, 260 Mayflower, 82, 125, 154, 220, 222, 244 Medford, 113, 136, 138, 139, 140, 171, 172, 213, 215, 260, 262 Melville, 270 Mentor, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 57, 60, 61, 96 Mercy, 70 Minerva Smith, 149, 152 279 Missionary Packet, 155, 167, 174, 175, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184, 189, 193, 194, 195, 203, 212, 215, 216, 217, 218 220223, 234, 238, 243, 245, 248, 256, 257, 261, 264, 272 Monitor, 47 |
Neo, 45, 48, 50, 53, 61, 67, 110, 115, 133, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 187, 193, 196, 198, 201, 210, 213, 216, 221, 222, 243, 248, 258, 261 Newport, 183 New York, 10, 19, 26, 27, 31, 40, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 57, 78, 105, 106, 113, 121, 136, 137 139. 150.151, 177, 183, 203, 204, 220, 235, 238, 247, 259, 263, 264 Nile, 102, 103, 112, 136, 147, 155, 156, 163, 166 North America, 74, 110, 124, 156, 169 Ocean, 23, 53, 55, 131, 179, 181, 255, 263 Octavia, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 43, 53, 54, 131 Omega, 183, 221, 222, 247, 248, 249 Ontario, 74, 131, 149, 152, 263, 279 Oregon, 181, 199, 201, 218, 222, 239, 241 Owyhee, 5, 23, 45, 47, 57, 110, 116, 117, 118, 120, 153, 163, 165, 169, 172, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 216, 250, 252 Pacific, 74, 78, 111, 113 199.217, 218, 221, 222, 223, 241 Padang, 200, 201, 202, 203, 216 Pakii, 203, 231, 232, 247, 257, 259, 260, 264 Paragon, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 57, 137, 180, 182, 198, 218 Parthian, 21, 23, 25, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 64, 96, 97, 98, 100, 107, 108, 111, 118, 119, 142, 143, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 170, 219 Partridge, 56, 110, 111, 243, 246, 249 Patriot Brig, 29, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 132 Peacock, 47, 130, 133, 147, 154, 155, 156, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 176, 224 Pearl, 81 Perseverance, 78, 106, 111, 136, 241 Persia, 130, 156, 168, 195, 198, 259 Phebe, 180, 199, 216, 241, 272, 275 Phebe Ann, 241 Phenix, 98, 124, 128, 163, 166, 179, 182, 217, 221, 222, 246, 255, 256, 257, 258 Plant, 270 Ploughboy, 75, 125, 147, 152, 219, 240, 261 Prince Regent, 24, 31, 40, 44, 47, 53, 67, 111, 112, 133, 139, 154, 175, 178 Princess Louisa, 213, 215, 216 Providence, 115 Rambler, 200, 201, 206, 208, 217, 221 Ranger, 200, 203Reaper, 27, 56, 57, 70, 74, 220, 243 Rebecca, 21 Rob Roy, 57, 62, 66, 107, 112, 113, 114, 115, 172 Rosco, 128 |
Russell, 3, 21, 27, 51, 52, l55 Sachem, 14 Sarah, 215, 216, 242, 248, 259, 260 Sir James Cockburn, 219, 248, 263 Smyrna, 253 Snipe, 67 Spy, 179 Stauton, 71, 113, 114, 257, 275 Stonington, 75, 219, 242, 243, 245, 246 Sturgis, 14 Sultan, 16, 17, 42, 43, 44, 46, 52, 53, 125, 126, 163, 165, 166, 167, 169, 221, 223, 243, 245, 248, 249 Superb, 31, 47, 54, 69, 72, 75, 95, 108, 133, 146, 183, 193 Swift, 22, 23, 54, 58, 68, 69, 70, 99, 151, 179, 180, 196, 197, 246, 259, 260 Tallyho, 131, 132, 134, 155, 163, 166, 168, 170, 172, 192, 193 Tamaahmaahb, 47, 48, 51, 54, 56, 58, 69, 73, 109, 112, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 140, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 163, 167, 172, 175, 177, 180, 190, 192, 196, 197, 198, 200, 203, 204, 210, 212, 214, 215, 218, 222, 225, 226, 230, 235, 245 Tamaliolani, 21, 31, 40, 43, 50, 52, 110, 116, 124, 179, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 197, 198, 199 Tameroinere, 3 Tartar, 21, 74, 80, 95, 96, 97, 101, 102, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 216, 224, 225 Teignmouth, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 198, 199, 216, 221 Terrible, 4 Thomas, 22, 55, 61, 62, 72, 73, 74, 80, 81, 82 Trident, 259 Triton, 73, 172, 177, 199, 202, 203, 204, 208, 264 Truro, 241, 247, 249, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259, 260, 262, 263, 267, 272 Two Friends, 277 Vigilant, 46 Volunteer, 21, 23, 24, 199, 212, 244, 245, 248, 249, 251, 252, 258 Wailele, 108, 150, 187, 198, 200, 203 Washington, 11, 23, 25, 32, 44, 55, 57, 61, 64, 65, 96, 99, 102, 105, 108, 110, 113, 116, 131, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 145, 150, 153, 178, 181, 210, 213, 216, 218, 222, 234 |
Water-Witch, 3, 59, 10, 12, 14, 29, 30, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 75, Waverly, 35, 7, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 52, 101, 111, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 128, 133, 134, 136, 137, 148, 154, 136, 136, 172, 173, 175, 177, 180, 185, 191, 202, 229, 249, 252, 253, 259, 260, 270, 275 Wellington, 230, 232, 240, 243, 249, 250 Wm. & Eliza, 30, 31, 40, 182, 183 Wil’n & Liverpool Packet, 130, 150, 153, 217, 218, 258, 261 Winslow, 156 Young Phenix, 211, 214, 240, 241 |
Stephen Reynolds, 18 Nov 1782 - 16 Jul 1857, was born at Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died at age 74 in Boxford, Essex County, Massachusetts. Stephen was a sailor, ship owner, harbor pilot, journalist and businessman. He is well known to Hawaiian historians for his "Journal of Stephen Reynolds: 1823-1829" which documented life in Hawaii during that time span. He was also the author of "The Voyage of the New Hazard to the Northwest coast, Hawaii and China, 1810-1813," published by the Peabody Museum (Massachusetts) in 1938. Stephen was also the subject of an article by David A. Ward in the 1973 Hawaiin Journal of History, volume 7, in 1973. The article was titled, "The Old Complaint of Stephen Reynolds." This article speculates on how Stephen my have acquired his dementia late in life. His condition required Stephen leaving Hawaii and returning to Massachusetts were he died. It also describes his children and their mothers. Stephen fathered two children with Winship Harbottle. She was part Hawaiian and the mother of William P. Reynolds and Maria Harriet Reynolds (1/19/1826 to Sept. 1828). Winship died on 5/5/1829 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The burial sites of Winship and daughter Maria have yet to be found. Susan Kukunaneki Jackson was the mother of the rest of Stephen's children. She too was part Hawaiian. They married on 8/11/1829 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Stephen would send all of his children, except Maria, back to Massachusetts at very young ages to acquire an education. Extracted from biography at findagrave.com.
Stephen Reynolds.
This transcription was made from the volume at Internet Archive.
Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, Mar 16, 2023