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The Earl Stanhope arrives Sydney with
one of the three Ploughboy mutineers.

August 20, 1837.

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      From the Sperm Fishery, same evening, having left Sydney September, 1835, the ship Earl Stanhope, Captain Salmon, with 1,400 barrels of oil.

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      The Earl Stanhope, Salmon, master, returned to port from the whaling grounds on Sunday, having been out 23 months, and in that period procured 1,400 barrels of sperm oil. She left New Zealand 9 months since . . . .

      The Earl Stanhope will go alongside the wharf of Messrs. W. Walker & Co. to discharge, who are her agents. One of the three New Zealanders picked up at sea in a whale boat by the whaler Achilles, has returned in the Earl Stanhope, he was sent from on board the Achilles to the latter vessel, she being short of hands. He has been handed over to the Police for examination in the case of murder now pending, being one of the parties concerned.

The Sydney Gazette (August 22, 1837), p. 2.     

Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, Jun 8, 2023