Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 1 2021

HomeYoungFirst Party Returns

Rosalind A. Young

Pitcairn Islanders 1859-1880


—The following narrative is written by Rosalind Young, one of the descendants of the mutineer of that name, and a native of Pitcairn Island. She is a young woman of twenty-four years of age, has never worn a shoe in her life, swims like a fish,—four miles at a stretch,—and is an excellent performer on the organ. The simple, direct English which she writes will tell the rest, some of the homely character of her style being retained as of interest to the reader. Ed. S. M.—

Jun 8, 1856
Dec 2, 1858

After the removal of the former inhabitants of this island to Norfolk Island, which was successfully accomplished June 8, 1856, some of the people were strongly possessed with a desire to return to Pitcairn Island, which had for them greater attractions, although isolated, than the superior advantages that Norfolk Island had; they therefore left the latter place on December 2, 1858,—the love of the home of their childhood overcoming every other feeling.