Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

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The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. XIV Address to Queen


The Pitcairn Fund Committee, sensible of the condescension and generosity shown by the Queen in favour of her loyal subjects, late of Pitcairn's Island, resolved, humbly to lay before Her Majesty the following dutiful address:—



"We, your Majesty's faithful subjects, in the name of the Subscribers to the Fund, and for ourselves, humbly desire to express our most devoted loyalty and dutiful attachment to your Majesty; and to offer our hearty thanks for the benevolent provision which your Majesty has been pleased to make in behalf of your good and most loving subjects, the late Community of Pitcairn Island, now transferred by the kindness of your Majesty, and, with singular success, by your Majesty's Government, to their new abode on Norfolk Island.

"Leaving with feelings of regret their former habitation in the Southern Pacific, which was no longer capable of sustaining their, increasing numbers, one hundred and ninety-four persons have been safely removed, and located on Norfolk Island, a home the most suitable for them in your Majesty's dominions, luxuriant in its natural productions, and sufficiently remote from the commerce of the world. There the simplicity of their manners may, under God's blessing, long continue.

"Furnished, by your Majesty's fostering care, with the present necessaries of life, with implements of agriculture, with horses, oxen, and sheep, and seeds to sow in their due season, the new inhabitants of Norfolk Island have already shown a surprising aptitude for the performance of the several duties arising from their altered position.

"They have expressed their heart-felt gratitude for the advantages conferred upon them by your Majesty. And we, in unison with them, do gratefully acknowledge your Royal beneficence; and look to the influence of their unaffected piety, and pure Christian practice, for the most happy results to the future welfare of the islanders of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

"That this glorious anticipation may be realized, we humbly pray your Majesty graciously to continue to the Community your benign care, and powerful protection. And we most humbly beseech Almighty God to prosper this your Majesty's excellent work."

The Committee were apprised, soon after the presentation of the Address, that it had been very graciously received by Her Majesty. It was added, that both Her Majesty and the Prince Consort had read with much interest the Report of the Committee, as to the safe transfer of the Pitcairn Community to Norfolk Island.

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