Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ MagistrateHomeTITPTPLandmarks ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. X School


There must be a school kept, to which all parents shall be obliged to send their children, who must previously be able to repeat the alphabet, and be of the age of from six to sixteen. Mr. Nobbs shall be placed at the head of the school, assisted by such persons as shall be named by the chief magistrate. The school-hours shall be from seven o'clock in the morning until noon, on all days excepting Saturdays and Sundays; casualties and sickness excepted. One shilling, or an equivalent, as marked below, shall be paid for each child per month, by the parents, whether the child attend school or not. In case Mr. Nobbs does not attend, the assistant appointed by the chief magistrate shall receive the salary in proportion to the time Mr. Nobbs is absent.

Equivalent for money:—

s. d.
One barrel of yams, valued at ....   80
One barrel of sweet potatoes ....   80
One barrel of Irish potatoes . . .12 0
Three good bunches of plantains ...   40
One day's labour ........   20

The chief magistrate is to see the labour well performed: and goods which may be given for money, shall be delivered either at the market-place or at the house of Mr. Nobbs, as he may direct.

It may here be remarked that the worthy schoolmaster having become godfather to many of the children, charges nothing for the instruction of his godchildren.

⇐ MagistrateHomeTITPTPLandmarks ⇒