Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ Letters to MoresbyHomeTITPTPMoreshead Letter ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. IX Aid to the Islanders


Sep 30, 1853

In a letter from Valparaiso, dated 30th September, 1853, the Admiral said:—

"You will be pleased to know that I despatched the Dido yesterday, laden with all the supplies that have been sent from England. Private contributions have also been liberally forwarded of things that the late scarcity and subsequent epidemic made it necessary to think of. The two afflictions made me anxious as to their present state; for the failure of their crops would deprive them of their usual means of barter.

"We have sent them a milch cow and calf, and two fine heifers of a small breed; and I have placed a quantity of provisions to be disposed of or retained, as Captain Morshead may find occasion.

"The special donation for Pitcairn Island, of 22l. 19s. 7d., I have laid out in the purchase of a whale-boat, and completed her with sails, oars, &c. from private aid. The boat is to them of the first consequence; they having only one serviceable, that was given by the officers and crew of the Portland.

"I sincerely hope it will please God to bless your endeavours to retain this community a peculiar people, planted for His wise purpose on that ocean rock."