Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

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The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. VIII Ordination


Oct 24, 1852

On Sunday morning, October 24th, 1852, an ordination took place in the parish church of St. Mary, Islington, by the Bishop of Sierra Leone, under a special commission from the Bishop of London, when Mr. Nobbs was admitted to deacon's orders. Mr. Richard C. Paley, B.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, a grandson of the eminent Archdeacon Paley, was ordained at the same time; both candidates having been presented by the Rev. Henry Venn, Secretary of the Church Missionary Society. Several of the clergy of the neighbourhood, and about twenty students of the Church Missionary College, were present. Mr. Paley, who was a very young man, entered at once upon his arduous and interesting Mission at Abbeokuta, Western Africa, but was stopped by the hand of death almost at the commencement of his missionary career. The other candidate, who was more than twice his age, yet lives on, by God's good providence, for the benefit of his little flock in the Southern Pacific.

Nov 30, 1852

On the 30th November, St. Andrews-day, 1852, the Rev. G. H. Nobbs was ordained priest in Fulham Church, by the Bishop of London. His description in the letters of orders was, "Chaplain of Pitcairn's Island." He was presented for priest's orders to the Bishop by the author of this work.