Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 21 2021

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The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. VI Evenings


When the shades of evening draw on, the islanders, one and all, again remember Him, who is about their path and about their bed, and spieth out all their ways. Nor are they slow to acknowledge His claims, who expects the grateful homage of His intelligent creatures, and whose protection and blessing they beg in family worship, before they lie down to sleep. And then, without any thought of locks, bolts, or bars, for they have no such defences, nor any need of them, each may feel at night a happy confidence in the protection and blessing of that gracious Lord, who has guided and preserved them through the day.

"Guarded by Thee, I lay me down,
My sweet repose to take;
For I through Thee securely sleep,
Through Thee in safety wake."

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