Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 21 2021

⇐ Society's EffortsHomeTITPTPExertions of Adams ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. IV - Secretary's Letter


'To John Adams, and others on Pitcairns Island.

'It is with peculiar pleasure that I take an opportunity of sending to you by Captain Henderson, of the ship Hercules, a small stock of religious books, of which, probably, your society on Pitcairn's Island may stand much in need. They are a present from a Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, established in this country , and I am sure that the prayers of this Committee attend their present, that the books may lead to the advancement of you all in religious knowledge, and in Christian holiness of life. You will find books of instruction fitted for all ages; and may God Almighty prosper you in the use of them!

'At some future time, perhaps not very distant, you may find opportunities of imparting the knowledge which you acquire, to the natives of other islands, in which the name of Jesus Christ is not known; and may become blessed instruments in the hand of God for extending the kingdom of his Son our Lord. I trust that you will eagerly seize any such occasion; and that by the example of your own lives, and by bringing up your children in habits of piety and virtue, you will recommend the Christian religion to others, as the only means of attaining true happiness here and hereafter. The Committee would be very glad to hear of the welfare of your little society; and I am, with every good wish and prayer, your faithful Servant,

'J. HAWTAYNE, Joint Secretary.'

⇐ Society's EffortsHomeTITPTPExertions of Adams ⇒