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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 121 Ship List

Jan 31, 1856

January 31st 1856 Ship Romulus of Mystic
16 months out 180 bbls Sperm 1000 whale
Sandwich Isles Lorenzo D Baker

Jan 23, 1856

February 23rd. 1856
Ship Jefferson of
Sag harbor 29 month out
for Hermosilla 2200 Whale

Apr 10, 1856

10th. April, H.M. Ship Dido 19 days from Riatea,
called at Pitcairns (on her way to Valparaiso) to visit the Islanders as this may probably be the last Ship of War that will visit this Island before their departure for their new home at Norfolk. I wish to record the sincere interest which I must feel for their welfare and to add my testimony to the well merited admiration and respect which they have so long held in the estimation of all their Christian friends.
W.H. Morshee[?]

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