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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 119 Ship List

Mar 5, 1855

March 5th 1855
Ship Illinois [Covell?]
of New Bedford 170 bbls sperm oil.
Bound to sandwich Island

Mar 29, 1855

March 29 Bark Hercules N.B. Potter.
16 mo 650 bbls sperm

Sep 13, 1855

Sept 13 Bark Matthew Luce N.B. [J.?] Coon
14 mo 400 W.

Sep 17, 1855

Sept. 17.
Her Majesty's Ship Juno 43 days from Sydney, bringing a proposal from the Colonial Office to remove the whole Colony to Norfolk Island. The offer was gratefully received and accepted by Three Fourths of the people. I earnestly recommend to those, who now intend to remain at Pitcairn to consider again before the Transport arrives, and when the time comes, to join the rest in adopting Norfolk Ild. as their future home. I cannot undertake to assure them that they will receive attention or protection from the Government, if they adhere to their determination of separating from the principal body of the Islanders.

I have had great pleasure in becoming personally acquainted with the good people here of whom so much has bee said & written and to have witnessed that they fully merit the character which all previous visitors have given them. I heartily pray, that they will continue in their new abode to practice the same conduct, both morally & religiously

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