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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 116 Inserts

[The following is a typewritten insert.]

                    Norfolk Island.

  The dates January I6 and March 24 are shown, but no entry made on either
date.  The corresponding page is missing from the printed "Pitcairn Island
Register Book".
  In the list of inhabitants of Norfolk Island on 30/9/I857, in the House of
Commons Paper, I863, it gives :-
     Mary Elizabeth Young, born I6th January I849
     Rachael Hope Quintal, born 24th.March I849.
  In the list of families, page IV, Mary Elizabeth Young is shown in the
family of "Moses Young" as Elizabeth; and Rachael Hope Quintal is shown in
the family of Arthur Quintal, Jr. as Rachael.

                     Summary for I854.
  This shows births - 9; 2 males, 7 females. The individual entries show
only 8 births - 2 males, 6 females.

                      Summary for I855
  This shows 9 births, but only records 7 individual births. The 2 omitted
were Mary Louisa and Amelia Rose, twin daughters of William and Maria
Quintal, born March 29th. I855.

[The following is a handwritten insert.]

Mr. Ray Nobbs, of Norfolk Island (great grandson) has the 
following parchments in his possession:
    1  Ordination of GHN as Deacon  Islington  Oct. 24th, 1862.
    2      "       "  "  as Priest  Fulham     Nov  30th, 1852.
    3  Authority  to GHN "  to perform the office of 
        chaplain to the inhabitants of Pitcairn's Island......
          to receive & enjoy all & singular stipends, profits &
          advantages whatsoever belonging to the said office.
          Dated Nov. 30th, 1852. The appointment was by the Bishop
          of London.
                                   (signed) J.D.McCornish

[The following is covered up by the above insert, and completes the incomplete entry on the previous page.]

Sir Wm. Denison, Governor of New 
South Wales, on his first visit to 
Norfolk Island, arrived there 
on Sept. 23rd 1857.

            [signed] J.D.McCornish

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