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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 114, Jul 28-Aug 3, 1857

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1857 continued

Jul 28, 1857

July 28th
At nine A.M. a vessel was reported. She was soon made out to be the "Southern Cross." At 12 a boat went off and shortly after returned with the Rev Mr Pattison. The Bishop and Mrs Selwyn will land as soon as practic[a]ble. Messrs. Buffett & Evans have returned and appears to have enjoyed the trip. The Bishop Mrs. Selwyn & Mr. Pattison treated them with unvarying kindness, and many other persons evinced great interest in their welfare, and in that of the Community generally.

Jul 29, 1857

" 29th.
The good Bishop & Mrs. Selwyn landed, and the whale boat was busily employed during the day landing various articles purchased for the Community at Auckland. The Bishop accepted a draft of ours for 117 upon the Pitcairn Fund and worthy Mr. Pattison obtained for us a variety of necessary and much needed articles. In the evening most of the community assembled at the government house and enjoyed a pleasant conversation which concluded with singing.

Aug 3, 1857

August 3rd
Fresh breezes from the westward. The Bishop's yacht handy in the offing, towards midday the Bishop embarked taking with him five of our people viz. John Quintall sen. Joseph Quintall John Evans Jr. Johnstone Nobbs & Andrew Christian; the good Bishop's reason in taking these persons is to aid him on his Christian mission to the islands involved in darkness. May Almighty God watch over them and preserve them from harm amid the dangers to which they may be exposed in visiting the isles still in the shadow of Death.

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