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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 112, Mar 1-[?], 1857

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1857 continued

Mar 1, 1857

March 1st.
Hugo B. Burnaby son of Arthur & Martha Quintall born. This is the two hundredth person.

Mar 12, 1857

" 12th.
Allice H. Florence daughter of George & Sarah Nobbs born.

[?] [?]5th.
The magistrate's wife (Mary Young) was attacked with a severe bleeding from the bursting of a vein at the extreme point of her nose, no doubt it is a critical effusion. In the evening the doctor was sent for again to attend her; she was spitting blood very profusely and complained of intense pain at the pit of her stomach; he administered such remedies as seemed appropriate. He remained in attendance during the night; the profuse bleeding has weakened her greatly, and it was long before she experienced relief, but it pleased the Almighty strengthen her again.

[?] [?]6th.
Early this morning a vessel was seen off the S.W. part of the Island bearing towards us. In a few hours she was near enough for a boat to go off to her, she was soon known by her telegraph number to be the "Moray Shire", 14 days from Sydney bound to Manilla. Our pleasure of seeing Captain Mathers cannot be expressed.

[?] [?]8th.
Arrived Bishop Selwyn's vessel (the Southern Cross) on her way from the Solomon Islands to New Zealand; the good Bishop is not on board, which is a great disappointment. The Rev. Mr. Pattison came on shore bringing us a quantity of yams and cocanuts.

[?] [?]9th
Mr. Pattison kindly supplied us with several bags of irish potatoes, three bags of bread, some flour and rice. Messrs. Buffett and Evans embarked for New Zealand with the purpose of purchaseing articles for the Community.

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