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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 96, Apr 21-22, 1856

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1856 continued

having been on board some time and no signal appearing, some of the most positive began to waver in their opinion. At last one of the men who went in the canoe appeared on the Ships taffrail & waved his cap seaward, which was interpreted by the most sanguine to signify that it was indeed the Norfolk Island ship. Now there was a great revulsion of feeling many who had been impatient for the means of removal began to feel their attachment for their native place stronger than they imagined, & I believe there was scarcely one among us who would not have consented to put off the long desired day a little longer.

Just before sunset the ship's boats landed and then all doubts, hopes, & fears were condensed into one positive reality. The "Morayshire" a splendid Ship of 830 tons had been chartered by the governor of N.S.W. to remove us, and her Captain & Lieut. Gregorie of HM Ship "Juno" appointed as superintendent came on shore to inform us of the fact. viz. That all those Pitcairn Islanders who were disposed to accept of Her Majesty's most gracious offer of Norfolk Island & all that appertains thereto, for the sole use of themselves & their families, were to embark forthwith. Time being allowed to embark such articles of property as we were disposed to take with us. Such an unqualified offer of so beautiful a spot, is easier to imagine than to realize, but it is a bona fide reality to us and yet there is more than one family among us who demur at going.

Apr 22, 1856

April 22nd.
Moderate weather the Ship worked up to Bounty Bay

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