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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 94, Jan 5-Apr 9, 1856

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 5, 1856

Jany 5th
Edward Quintal departed this life aged 32 years. For fifteen years has he been sorely afflicted with scrofula but he was rarely heard to complain & never to murmur at the dispensation of his Heavenly Father. God knows what is best for me, he would frequently say & he will either ease my pain or give me the strength to bear them. He died much regretted by all.

Jan 7, 1856

" 7th
Frederic Young & Isaac Christian reelected to the office of Magistrate & Councillor. John Adams to be the other councillor vice. Edward Quintal deceased.

Jan 8, 1856

" 8th.
Most of the community suffering from a severe attack of Influenza.

Jan 25, 1856

" 25th
Phebe C. daughter of Jonathan & Phebe Adams born

Feb 4, 1856

Feby 4th
Marianne S. daughter of Thomas & Louisa Buffett born

Feb 9, 1856

" 9th.
Sarah Grace daughter of Moses & Albina Young born

Apr 9, 1856

April 9th
Fair weather wind East. At 10 A.M. a sail reported in the S.W. quarter. At 12 she was ascertained to be an English ship of war. Working up for the Island. Our boat started but did not get on board till 4 P.M. At 7 her cutter left with our whaleboat and arrived off the harbour a little after night. She proved to be HMS "Dido" from Tahiti where she had been lying more than two months repairing damages, having lost foremast, bowsprit, main top mast & most of her yards & sails in a gale on her passage from the Navigator Islands to Tahiti. Consequently she brought no late news, but most welcome letters from Adml. Sir Fairfax Moresby, Rev. Mr. Murray & other valuable friends

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