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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 90, Apr 14, 1855

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1855 continued

Apr 14, 1855

April 14
About 10 P.M. Caroline Augusta the infant daughter of John & Caroline Adams was taken suddenly ill. The parents immediately took it to Mr. Nobbs house to obtain medical assistance. After making some enquiries as to the probable causes of the attack the Rev. Mr. Nobbs gave it a teaspoonful of castor oil & ordered a warm bath; the parents returned home with the child & before a warm bath could be got ready the infant was seized with a violent spasm which induced a purging of blood. the Parents again returned to Mr. Nobb's house much alarmed. The child was comatose & its pulse scarcely perceptible. It was put into a warm bath & after some time it rallied a little but it was too weak to take the breast. The stools were frequent & entirely florid blood. Mr. & Mrs. Nobbs returned with the parents to their home & passed the remainder of the night in attendance on the little sufferer. At daylight it seemed a little stronger & the opportunity of administering the following prescription was taken by Mr. Nobbs one drop of Laudanum, one drop of Ipecacuan, Wine & three grs. of Cretaceous powder, shortly after, the child passed a considerable quantity of blood & became again comatose. About 12 it revived considerably & took the breast weakly. The child passed the following night quietly although it would not rest if laid on the bed, it was necessary for some one to keep moving about with it which was done throughout the night.

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