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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 88, Apr 7, 1855

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1855 continued

To reach this place, they must either swim across a narrow inlet, or ascend the precipice above the inlet & descend by a very precipitious path on the opposite side. Daniel concluded on taking the latter course desiring Lydia to wait untill he should get over & then swim across, when he would help her out of the surf. He accordingly ascended the precipice & was in the act of ascending on the other side when his foot slipped & he was precipitated to the rocks below. Lydia, who was anxiously watching him saw him fall. Without hesitating an instant she went to call one of the boys who accompanyed her (crossing a very dangerous path on the face of the precipice to do so) & sent him to alarm the village. Hastening back she all alone swam the inlet scrambled up on the other side as best she might & found her beloved husband a corpse, his back broken & the scull fractured. Over an hour did she sit there with his head in her lap all alone in her agony before any one could possibly arrive. The lad came to the village in breathless haste & O what a scene when he told his tale. But he did not know what injury Daniel had received neither did Lydia, before she swam the inlet.

There were four men only at the village, when the sad intelligence arrived, three of whom immediately hastened to the place, while the other went to call the fishermen for more assistance. Mayhew Lydia's brother was the first who reached the place, learning from Lydia that Daniel was dead, he called to those that followed him, who immediately returned to the village to get a crew for the whaleboat, to bring the body round. The roads

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