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Revised Dec 10 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 60, Summary 1852

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1852 continued

of Mr. Nobbs on his way to England.
Nov 25, 1852 Mr. Dillon remained with us a week and left on the 25th of the month, both young and old are delighted with his visit and his departure was deeply regretted by all.


Number of births this year 6, Deaths 5 (one a native of Otaheite) Number of Inhabitants 168, 84 Males and 84 Females. Number of Ships touching here 14
American 9 English 5 three of which are ships of war.

This year is remarkable in the annals of the Island as being the first in which the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper was administered to the Inhabitants by a Clergyman of the Church of England. Only thirty four received it, at the time, but at the second, all, who capable of receiving it did so. That the endeavours of the Rev. W. H. Holman for the spiritual welfare of the Islanders may have the blessing of Almighty God is the prayer of every adult member of the community.

I must also remark that too much cannot be said or done in return for the interest which the Rev. W. H. Holman have evinced both for the spiritual and temporal welfare of the community.

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