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Revised Dec 10 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 53, Sep 15-Nov 17, 1851

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Sep 15, 1851

Sep 15th
Julia E. Daughter of Arthur & Martha Quintall born

Oct 17, 1851

Oct. 17th
Leonard Elliott Wood son of Isaac & Miriam Christian born

Oct 28, 1851

" 28th.
William Ward Dillon son of John & Caroline Adams born

Nov 5, 1851

Nov. 5th
Sarah Clara, daughter of John and Dinah Quintall born

Nov 9, 1851

" 9th.
Julia Anna Rose daughter of Thursday & Mary Christian born

Nov 11, 1851
Nov 14, 1851

" 11th.
Thirty eight of the inhabitants sailed in the ship Sharon of Fair Haven (U.S.A.) for the purpose of visiting Elizabeths or Hendersons Island. On Friday 14th. after a tedious passage of 3 days they landed upon the Island. When they immediately set about wooding the ship & exploring the Island, which is evidently of coral formation, The soil is very scanty and totally [useless?] for cultivation. Various specimens of marine shells are scattered all over the surface of the island, which in combination with the thick scattered pieces of coral renders travelling both difficult and dangerous.

Water is found on the North west part of the Island slowly dripping from the roof of a cave, which cannot be reached, without the use of ropes. The Island rises about sixty feet above the level of the sea. Eight human skeletons were also found upon the Island lying in caves. They were doubtless the remains of some unfortunate shipwrecked seamen as several pieces of a wreck were found upon the shore.

Nov 27, 1851

" 27th.
Sarah wife of George Adams died from Irritation of the spine Aged 55 years.

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