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Revised Dec 10 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 50, Jan 1-23, 1850

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 1, 1850

Jany. 1st.
Arthur Quintall jun elected Magistrate Thursday O. Christian and Edward Quintall councillors

Jan 6, 1850

" 6th.
Robert son of Simon and Mary Young born

Jan 23, 1850

" 23rd.
This day was observed as the anniversary of the settlement of the colony, sixty years since; the survivor of that strange event, and its sanguinary results witnessed the celebration

At daylight one of the Bounty's guns was discharged and awakened the sleeping echoes, and the more drowsy of the inhabitants. At ten Divine service was performed. After the sermon the various letters received from the British Government and private friends were read from the pulpit and commented upon. At twelve a number of musketteers assembled under the flag staff and fired a volley in honor of the day. After dinner the community Male & female assembled under [sic] in front of the Church, where the British flag was flying and gave three cheers for Queen Victoria three for the Government at home, three for the Magistrates here, three for absent friends, three for the ladies, and three for the community in general: amid the firing of muskets, and ringing of the bell. At sunset the Bounty's gun was fired, and the day closed in harmony and peace, much, very much have we to be grateful for both to God and man. It is voted that an annual celebration be observed.

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