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Revised Dec 10 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 41, Mar 11-Apr 9, 1848

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1848 continued

being the first European that ever went down the face of the cliff (which is very precipitous), without the assistance of a rope. At noon Capt. Worth assembled the inhabitants and expressed to them his entire satisfaction with the state of things on shore, and exhorted them to continue in the way they were in. After making them presents of various articles from his own stores, he returned on board. The cutter soon returned with another party, and Lieut. M'Leod and Mr. Lock (midshipman) succeeded in descending the "Ridge of the Rope." At sunset the cutter went on board, and the "Calypso" sailed, carrying with her our grateful aspirations that she may successfully accomplish the objects of her cruise and return unscathed to Valparaiso. To Capt. Worth and his officers we are under weighty obligations, particularly to Lieut. M'Leod and Dr. Donnet, though in fact every officer that came on shore seemed anxious to confer favours upon us. May God have them in his holy keeping, and may they long hold a place in our grateful recollections.

Mar 15, 1848

March 15th.
Employed in dividing the several things brought hither in H.M.S. "Calypso" the majority of which are such as we are greatly in need of. Surely no community of people were ever so kindly cared for as we are.

Mar 30, 1848

" 30th.
Cordelia Ruth, daughter of Charles & Charlotte Christian born

Apr 9, 1848

April 9th.
Jonathan Adams & Phebe Quintall married.

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