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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 37, Jan 3-Feb 7, 1848

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 3, 1848

Jany. 3rd.
George Adams elected Magistrate. William Quintall & John Adams councillors

Feb 7, 1848

Feb. 7th
Helen Amelia daughter of William & Maria Quintall, born

Feb 4, 1848

A brief recital of a sad accident & its melancholy termination.
On the fourth day of February as William McCoy was assisting to carry a heavy piece of timber his foot struck against a small pointed stick which entered among the sinews of the third and fourth toes and broke off considerably below the surface, attempts were made to extract it but without success. Laudanum was injected into the wound and a bread poultice applied. The next morning the teacher dilated the wound as much as the patient would permit him. The teacher also being fearful of cutting deep on account of the proximity of the tendons. For three days Laudanum was injected & meal poultices applied three times a day to the wound. Each morning an attempt was made to extract the piece of wood, but the patient was so suceptible of pain that he could hardly permit the probing of the wound. The teacher being anxious that suppuration should take place; and knowing that laudanum would retard it, changed his practice and substituted Spirits of Turpentine for laudanum and Basilieon for poultice. Things went on in this train several days, the patient suffering severe pain in his foot, his groin and the lower part of his belly, and all attempts to extract the wood

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