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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 30, May 13-Nov 28, 1845

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1845 continued

the children of men.

May 13, 1845

May 13th.
Jemima Sarah daughter of George & Sarah Nobbs born

Jun 26, 1845

June 26th
Nathan son of Fletcher and Peggy Christian born

Sep 4, 1845

Sept. 4th
James Russell son of Matthew & Margaret McCoy born

Oct 12,1845

Oct. 12th
John Buffett and Betsy Young Married
Henry Christian born.

Oct 28, 1845

" 28th
Henry Samuel Hunt son of Isaac and Miriam Christian born

Nov 28, 1845

Nov. 28th
Gilbert Warren Fysh son of John & Caroline Adams born


Number of births this year, seven. Marriages two, Deaths none. Number of inhabitants 127. Males 65. Females 62. There have been much sickness during the past year. At present the Island is in a healthy, state. Twenty five ships have touched here.
Twenty-two American, two French, and one Dutch vessel, have visited us this year.

We are most anxious to see a ship; a rumour of war reached us some two months since and we want to ascertain the truth of it. Hoping it may be an unfounded report: we humbly beseech Almighty God to watch over our "Fatherland" and whether enjoying peace or engaged in war, it may never succumb to insult nor advocate oppression.

Number of children attending the public school 51.

The community are buisily employed preparing wood for enlarging the church.

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