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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 21, Jan 8-Sep 9, 1844

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 8, 1844

Jany 8th.
Thursday O. Christian elected Magistrate.
John Quintall & William Quintall councillors.

May 16, 1844

May 16
Polly daughter of John & Caroline Adams born

Jun 2, 1844

June 2
Edward son of William & Maria Quintall born
Several cases of fever and cough, and oppression of the stomach, chiefly among young children.

Jul 31, 1844

July 31st.
Isaac Christian and Miriam Young married

Jul 28, 1844

" 28th.
Arrived HM Schooner Basilisk H. S. Hunt Esq. commander, bringing presents to the inhabitants from the British Government from Adml. Thomas, and from the Rev. Mr. Armstrong and other friends in Valparaiso.

Jul 29, 1844

" 29th.
Captain Hunt assembled the inhabitants and disposed of such cases as were presented to him for adjudication

Jul 30, 1844

" 30th.
The presents above mentioned were landed. The surgeon of the Basilisk (Dr. Johnston) vaccinated upwards of sixty persons and prescribed for several cases of sickness

Jul 31, 1844

" 31st.
Captain Hunt assembled the people, made some alterations, and suggested others for the improvement of the moral and religious observance of the community: Appointed a commercial agent and in the afternoon went on board and made sail for the Sandwich Islands.

Jul 18, 1844

" 18th.
Edward son of Arthur and Martha Quintall born

Aug 1, 1844
Jul 8, 1844

Aug. 1st
Reopened the public school.
Edward Quintal baptized. This child was born on July 8th.

Aug 12, 1844

" 12th.
All our hopes concerning the late vaccination are at an end. It has turned out a complete failure.

Sep 9, 1844

Sept. 9th.
Gilbert son of Charles and Charlotte Christian born

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