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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 11, Nov 5, 1838-Nov 9, 1839

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1838 continued.

Nov 5, 1838

Nov. 5th.
John Quintall received a dangerous wound in heel while catching wild goats.

Nov 14, 1838

Nov. 14th.
Maria Elizabeth daughter of John & Maria Quintall born

Nov 24, 1838

" 24th..
John Quintall died of lock jaw in consequence of the wound in his heel. Aet. 27 years. The deceased has left a wife and four children (one of whom is the infant born on the 14) with a large circle of friends to mourn their loss.

Nov 29, 1838

" 29th
Arrived HMS. Fly Russel Elliott, Esq. Com. with valuable & acceptable presents from Rev. Mr. Rolandson & congregation at Valparaiso. Capt. Elliot proposed to the inhabitants to elect a chief Magistrate from one of their number. The proposal was unanimously agreed to and Edward Quintall chosen, and sworn in.

Nov 29, 1838

This island was taken possession of by Capt. Elliott, on behalf of the Crown of Great Britain, on the 29th of November.

Dec 23, 1838

Dec 23rd
John son of John & Dinah Quintall born


Jan 2, 1839

Jany 2d.
Edward Quintall reelected Chief Magistrate.
Fletcher Christian & William Quintal councillors.

Feb 6, 1839

Feby 6th.
William Young died aet 40 years

Mar 24, 1839

March 24th.
Thursday O. Christian married to Polly Young

Jul 5, 1839

July 5th.
Joseph son of Arthur & Mary Quintall born

July 12, 1839

" 12th.
Martha daughter of John & Rachel Evans born

Sep 1, 1839

Sept. 1st.
Edmund Johnston Quintal died aet. 13 months
Edward J. Quintal died of croup.

Sep 22, 1839

" 22nd
James Wingate Johnstone son of George & Sarah Nobbs born

Nov 3, 1839

Nov. 3rd.
Catharine daughter of Charles & Charlotte Christian born

Nov 9, 1839

" 9th.
Arrived HMS. Sparrowhawk, Jno. Shepherd, Esq. commander. At 11 AM. the boats landed the captain with several of his officers with General Freire ex-president of Chile. In the afternoon the children of the school were examined and received the appro[bation]

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