Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 12 2021

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Statement Regarding Noble Passengers

Pitcairns Island
Sunday 21st April 1850

Mar 24, 1850
Mar 28, 1850

We the undersigned, native and European Settlers on Pitcairn’s Island hereby certify that the Barque "Noble" Captain Parker from Auckland, arrived here on the 24th of March. The Captain and five Cabin passengers landed accompanied by the Supercargo. Captain Parker gave the passengers permission to remain on shore for the night and went on board in the evening, promising to come on shore next morning. The same night it blew fresh and the "Noble" drifted to the Westward – she was seen above thirty miles off till Thursday the 28th when she neared the Island and was hourly expected to come near enough for a boat to go to her, but notwithstanding the Captain having ordered provisions he never made for the Island bore away to the Eastward, the wind being moderate at the time and blowing from the North which rendered it most easy for the vessel to communicate with the shore had the Captain desired to do so.

1. Arthur Quintal - Magistrate 5. Benjamin Christian
2. John Adams 6. Abraham Quintal
3. Edward Quintal 7. Mayhew Young
4. George H. Nobbs - Pastor 8. Philip McCoy

This is a copy of a copy "Transcribed from original holograph by Martin R. Collett, Manuscripts Librarian, Auckland Museum Library, in April, 2008. [Ref. Copy of statement by Pitcairn Island settlers regarding passengers of the barque 'Noble', 1850. Auckland War Memorial Museum Library. MS 621]"