Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Shipping List


Date. Name of Vessel. Where from. Name of Captain.
1808 Topaz, Boston, Folger.
1814 H.M. Ships Britain, Sir
Thomas Staines, and Tagus,
1823 Cyrus, London, J. Hall.
1824 Oneo, Nantucket, G. Worth.
 " Maryland, Ditto, O. Folger.
 " Waverly, Oahu, W. Dana.
1825 Waverly, Ditto, Ditto.
 " Melantho, London, N. Folger.
 " Luna, Nantucket, A. Swain.
 " H.M.S. Blossoms, W. F. Beechy.
1826 Roscoe, New Bedford, G. Worth.
 " Gov. McQuarrie, R. Brimmer.
 " Tahiti.
 " Lovely Ann, London, P. Blythe.
1827 Resident, Nantucket, Winslow.
 " Connecticut, Norwich, Chester.
 " Discoverer, Valparaiso, Lindsey.
1828 Weymouth, Nantucket, M. Harris.
 " Discoverer, Valparaiso, Grimwood.
1829 Ganges, Nantucket, J. Coffin.
 " Voladoe, Valparaiso, J. Clarke.
 " Independence, Nantucket, Whippy.
 " Orion, Ditto, Alley.
 " Connecticut, Norwich, P. Smith.
 " Rob Roy, Boston, T. Percival.
 " Unity, Madse.
1830 H.M.S. Seringapatam, Waldegrave.
 " Nelson, London, E. David.
 " Courier de Bordeaux, T. Maurac.
 " Eagle, London, J. Greave.
1831 Fabius, Nantucket, Coffin.
 " H.M.S. Comet, A.A., Sandilands.
 " Lucy Anne, New S. Wales, J. Curry.
 " Origon, Fairhaven, T. Delano.
 " T. Doggit, Salem, W. Driver.
 " Pomarre, Valparaiso, J. Clark.
1832 Carman, Ditto, A.Maurac.
 " Independence, Nantucket, Whippy.
 " Maria, Tahiti, T. Ebriel.
 " Alexander, Nantucket, S. Swain.
 " Eagle, London, Grave.
1833 H.M.S. Challenger, Fremantle.
 " Albion, Tahiti, Johnson.
 " Maria, Ditto, T. Ebriel.
 " Russian Sloop of War, America,
 " Ballance, Rhode Island, Dogget.
 " Ploughboy, Nantucket, W. Chase.
1834 Tuscan, London, T. Staves.
 " Olivia, Boston, C. Kendal.
 " Olive Branch, Tahiti, Cornish.
 " Olivia, Boston, C. Kendal.
1835 Phoenix, New Bedford, S. Sandford.
 " Enterprize, Ditto, Winslow.
1836 Ann, London, R. Howe.
 " Triton, New Bedford, Cavi.
 " Phoenix, Ditto, Sandford.
 " Colombo, Boston, Williams.
 " Peruvian, Ditto, Sweetland.
 " Fortune, Ditto, Upham.
 " Polynesiana, Valparaiso, Maurice.
1837 H.M.S. Acteon Lord E. Russell.
 " Colo Colo, Chili, Senorei.
 " Hobomok, Falmouth, H. C. Bunker.
 " H.M.S. Imogine, H. W. Bruce.
1838 Alexander Coffin, Nantucket, Congdon.
 " George, Ditto, Swain.
 " Sapphire, Salem, H. H. Smith.
 " Hobomok, Falmouth, Bunker.
 " Polynesiana, Valparaiso, Maurice.
 " Sapphire, Salem, H, H. Smith.
 " Lady Amherst, London, W. Bushel.
 " Kent, Boston, J. Steel.
 " H.M.S. Fly, R. Elliott.
 " Ferdinand, Havre.
1839 John Cockrel, Ditto, R. Walsh.
 " Thos. Williams, Storrington, P. Hall.
 " Audley Clarke, Bristol, R.I., Sherman.
 " Christopher Mitchell, Veeder.
 " Logan, Briggs.
 " Ceres, Wilmington.
 " Edward Agnes,
 " Cyrus, Hussey.
 " Pacific, Palmer.
 " Friends, Valparaiso, Rugg.
 " Phoenix, Nantucket, Hussey.
 " H.M.S. Sparrowhawk, J. Shepherd.
 " Alexander, New Bedford, C. Kelson.
 " William Thompson, Ditto, E. Doane.
1840 Swift, Ditto, T. Toby.
 " Cr. Rover Bride, New S. Wales, Biddulph.
 " Bq. Folura, Ditto, Norris.
 " Ann, Nantucket, P. C. Broach.
 " Almira, Edgartown, Toby.
 " S. Crusader, Chili, to N.S.W. P. Inglis.
 " Camden, Missry. Brig, Morgan.
 " Persia, New Bedford, Norton.
 " Mechanic, Newport, R.I.
1841 Christopher Mitchell, Veerdon.
 " Rose, Nantucket, B. A. Coleman.
 " S. Elizabeth, London, J. E. Bunker.
 " Alexander, New Bedford.
 " S. Atlantic, Nantucket.
 " Polynesiana.
 " Persia, New Bedford,Norton.
 " S. Milo, Ditto, Gardner.
 " S. Loan, Merchant.
 " Bq. Nelson, S. D. Norris.
 " "  Lady Raffles, London, H. Height.
 " S. Europa, Havre.
 " S. Navy, New Bedford, Brock.
 " S. General Williams, New London, E. G. Bailey.
 " H.M.S. Curaçoa, J. Jones.
 " S. Mechanic, New Bedford, S. Prout.
 " Sr. La Rita, Valparaiso, Maurice.
 " S. Erie, Fairhaven, P. Lucas.
 " S. Splendid, Edgartown, T. E. Coffin.
 " S. Cyrus, Nantucket.
 " S. America, Bristol, R.I. G. Richmond.
1842 S. Wm. Rotch, New Bedford, R. Toby.
 " S. Orbet, Nantucket, J. Gardner.
 " S. Barclay, Nantucket, P. Barney.
 " S. Chas. Curran, Ditto, T. S. Swain.
 " S. Mariner, Ditto, G. Palmer.
 " S. General Washington, Wareham, C. C. Russell.
 " S. General Williams, New London, E. G. Bailey.
 " S. Zone, Nantucket, W. Hiller.
 " S. Jefferson, E. Coffin.
 " S. Pacific, W. Taber.
 " S. London Packet, Fairhaven.
 " S. Nancy, T. Jay.
 " Bq. Franklin, New Bedford, W. Beetle.
 " S. Japan, Nantucket, B. Riddle.
 " S. Atlantic, Ditto, G. C. Hog.
 " Columbus Gardner, Ditto, W. B. Gardner.
 " Lydia Cathcart, Ditto.
 " S. Clematis, New London, G. G. Benjamin.
 " S. Chris. Mitchell, Keen.
 " S. General Washington.
 " Bq. George, Storrington, J. B. Forsett.
 " S. Metsoom, New Bedford, J. Reynolds.
 " Bq. Alto, Fairhaven, J. W. Coffin.
 " S. Nelson, New S. Wales, W. Roggers.
 " S. Ceres, Wilmington, Ayers.
 " Bq. Charles, London, R. Hammer.
 " S. Kingston, Nantucket, W. Pearson.
 " S. Samuel Robertson, New Bedford, Warren.
 " S. Nile, Ditto, Cook.
 " S. Chili, Ditto, D. B. Delane.
1843 S. Mariner, G. Palmer.
 " S. Charles, New Bedford, R. Gardner.
 " S. Friendship, S. Taber.
 " S. Rose, B. Swain.
 " S. Swift, New Bedford, Fisher.
 " S. Splendid.
 " S. South Carolina, Ede. town, E. Coffin.
 " H.M.S. Talbot, Sir F. Thompson.
 " S. Lioncourt, Havre, T. Howe.
 " Bq. Carnarvon, New S. Wales.
 " S. Marcia, Fairhaven, E. Washer.
 " S. Balance, Providence, D. H. Reed.
 " S. Eagle, New Bedford, E. H. Coffin.
 " Bq. Mercury, New Bedford, Haskell.
 " S. Content.
 " S. Gen. Washington, Nantucket, C. C. Russell.
 " Bq. Drimo, Siican, C. Hammond.
 " S. Kingston, W. Rawson.
 " S. Metrion, New Bedford, Reynolds.
 " S. Eliza Adams, Fairhaven, W. Holly.
 " S. Mariner, Nantucket.
 " S. General Washington, Wareham, C. C. Russell.
 " S. Clarkson, Nantucket.
 " Sr. Sagaz, R. Griggs.
 " S. Kutusoff, New Bedford, H. Cox.
 " S. Rose, W. B. Swain.
 " Bq. America.
1844 S. Thames, Sagharbour, J. R. Bishop.
 " Metacom, J. Reynolds.
 " S. Nancy, Havre, T. Jay.
 " S. George, Fairhaven, J. H. Swift.
 " Bq. Sir J. Byng, M. Megget.
 " S. Eleanor, London, W. Barnett.
 " S. Mercury, New Bedford.
 " S. Clarkson, Nantucket, J. C. Chase.
 " Bq. Jules, Rosville.
 " S. Altreoida.
 " S. Isaac Howland, New Bedford, L. Fisher.
 " Bq. Cherokee, Ditto, W. Devoe.
 " S. Lowell, New London, G. G. Benjamin.
 " S. John Adams, Thompson.
 " H.M.S. Basilisk, H. Hunt.
 " S. Clarkson.
 " S. Almica.
 " S. Rose, W. B. Swain.
1845 S. William Baker, Warren, Bowden.
 " S. Franklin, Sagharbour.
 " S. Splendid, Cold Springs.
 " S. John Mills, Sagharbour, J. M. Hedges.
 " S. Mary Anne, New London, G. Destin.
 " S. Phoenix, New Bedford, P. Butler.
 " S. Argo, Nantes, Grandaing.
 " S. Huntress, New Bedford, E. Sherman.
 " S. Hudson, Sagharbour, Henry.
 " S. Albion.
 " Brunswick, New Bedford, King.
 " Philip West, Green Pt. I. S. Case.
 " S. Henry Luke, Warren, H. Champion.
 " S. Joseph Heydon, Bremen, Parker.
 " S. Champion, J. S. Sandford.
 " S. Julian, New Bedford, Blackneer.
 " S. Messenger, Ditto.
 " Ontario, Nantucket, Gibbs.
 " S. Fabius, Nickerson.
 " S. Lexington, Nantucket, Weeks.
 " S. Thomas Dickason, Lowen.
 " S. Sarah Francis, Gardner.
 " S. Alexander, J. R. Darrin.
 " Bg. Eliza, French Gvrnt.
 " S. Planter, B. J. Folger.
 " S. Rose, W. B. Swain.
1846 S. Minerva, Smalley.
 " Bq. Pacific, Fairhaven, Alder.
 " S. Eliza, L. B. Jemmy, J. Church.
 " S. Levi Starback, Nantucket, Moses.
 " S. Marcus, S. H. Faber.
 " S. Carolina, French Govrnt.
 " S. John Adams, New Bedford, Wilcox.
 " Huntsville, Howe.
 " Bq. Pacific, Fairhaven, Alder.
 " Nantathel, New London, Smith.
 " Kutusoff, New Bedford, Shokley.
 " S. Rowan, Ditto.
 " S. Henry Lee, Sagharbour.
 " S. Eleanor.
 " S. Friend, Green Pt.
 " S. Enterprize, New Bedford, S. Braytore.
 " S. Clementine, Ditto.
 " S. Comet, Storrington, J. Bolter.
 " S. General Williams, New London, J. Ward.
 " S. Governor Troop.
 " S. Hannibal, New London, J. C. Brooks.
 " S. Archer, New Bedford, M. Suell.
 " S. Isaac Howland, Covry.
 " S. Pioneer.
 " S. Ontario.
 " S. Champion.
 " S. William Hamilton, New Bedford, I. Fisher.
 " S. St. George, Ditto, G. W. Sloman.
 " Bq. Phleretus.
 " S. Montpelier, Taber.
 " S. Harvest, Nantucket, Coffin.
 " S. Roscoe, B. M. Cleave.
 " S. Mary, Nantucket, C. Pitman.
 " S. Henry Clay, Auster.
 " S. Messenger, New Bedford.
 " Morris, Falmouth.
 " S. Charles Carroll.
 " S. General Scott, New London, W. Bushell.
 " S. Washington, Nantucket, G. Palmer.
 " S. Lion of Bordeaux, Rio Janeiro, F. Howland.
 " S. Java, Fairhaven, D. Lucas.
 " S. Balam, New Bedford, C. Dater.
 " S. General Washington, Wareham, C. Russell.
 " S. Arnolda, New Bedford, Coffin.
 " Alexander Barclay, Bremen, Fish.
 " S. Enterprise, Nantucket, S. C. Wyer.
 " S. Harvest.
 " S. Henry Clay, Nantucket, E. C. Austin.
1847 S. Nantucket, Nantucket, C. Gardner.
 " H.M.S. Spy, Woodbridge.
 " S. Richard Mitchell, Nantucket, C. Long.
 " S. Martha, Ditto, H. R. Folger.
 " S. William Hamilton, New Bedford, L. Fisher.
 " S. Francis, Ditto, S. Pennington.
 " Bq. Bayard, Green Pt., Fordham.
 " Solomon Salters, Fallriver.
 " S. Hope, Providence.
 " S. Pacific, New Bedford.
 " S. Three Brothers, Nantucket, J. Mitchell.
 " S. Navigator, Ditto.
 " S. Isaac Howland
 " Bq. Sarah.
 " Bq. Iris, New London, W. C. Haynes.
 " Bq. Antenon.
1848 S. Harvest, G. C. Coffin.
 " Falcon, Kirby.
 " Mancke, A. Gibbs.
 " H.M.S. Calypso, Worth.
 " Sr. Caupolicon.
 " S. Martha, Newport, Gifford.
 " S. Margaret Scott, New Bedford, Lucas.
 " William Nicoll, London, W. Bushell.
 " S. Washington, Nantucket, S. Bailey.
1849 S. Herald, New Bedford, A. Malcomb.
 " Dover, New London, C. Jeffrey.
 " S. General Scott, Ditto, G. C. Harris.
 " S. Tuscanora, Cold Spring, S. Leek.
 " S. Ontario, Sagharbour, W. Payne.
 " Bg. Kirkwood, Nantucket, C. C. Jolly.
 " Bg. Fanny, Auckland, Leathart.
 " H.M.S. Pandora, Wood.
 " Sr. Bandicoot, V. Diemen's L. Carraway.
 " H.M.S. Daphne, Fanshawe.
 " Sr. Union, New S. Wales, Milne.
 " Bq. Elizabeth Archer, Ditto, Cobb.
 " Bq. Dunbarton, New Bedford, Mayhew.
 " Sr. Vansittart, V. Diemen's L., J. Gill.
 " S. William Nicol, London, Wm. Bushell.
 " Sr. Frederick, Auckland, H. Joseph.
 " Sr. Argenoria, V. Diemen's L. Martin.
 " Bq. David Malcolm, Ditto, Smith.
 " Bg. Georgiana, San Francisco, F. Page.
 " Bq. Pilgrim, Auckland, Frances.
1850 S. Meteor, Turner.
 " S. Phoenix, New Bedford, J. M. Cleave.
 " Bq. Dryad, Ditto, S. C. Fisher.
 " S. Henry Clay, J. Skinner.
 " Bq. Margaret Brock, V. Diemen's L. M'Mechan.
 " Sr. Rose, New S. Wales, Patterson.
 " Bq. Noble, Auckland, H. Parker.
 " S. George and Susan, New Bedford, White.
 " Bq. Colonist, Adelaide, J. Marshall.


S. for Ship.  |  Bq. for Barque.  |  Bg. for Brig.
Sr. for Schooner.  | Cr. for Cutter.

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