Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Letter Fremantle/Hill, Jan 12, 1833

Copy of a Note from Capt. C. H. Freemantle, R.N., dated,Challenger, off Pitcairn's Island , Jan. 12th, 1833, to Joshua Hill, Pitcairn's Island.

"MY DEAR SIR,—I have the pleasure to return the papers you were good enough to allow me to have to copy." [These papers were merely in regard to the island; next, Capt. F. speaks of some articles which he was so kind as to send me, and finishes by observing that] "I shall always be glad to hear of the welfare of the inhabitants of Pitcairn's Island, and I most sincerely trust that they will continue to go on and prosper, be happy, and contented. I shall exert myself on my arrival in England in furthering your views with respect to a clergyman being sent to them, which, I think, may be accomplished.* A letter addressed to, &c.

"Wishing you every happiness I am, my dear Sir, yours faithfully,


∗ "The clergyman to succeed in my duties, &c."