Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 4 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Letter: Rear Admiral Michael Seymour, Sep 3, 1833

I shall make no comments upon the following correspondence between Joshua Hill, George Nobbs, John Buffett, and John Evans, and the British Admiral of the South West American station; but allow my readers to judge for themselves the awkward position in which these islanders were placed for many months by the said Joshua Hill.

“H. M. S. Spartiate, Rio de Janeiro,
“Sept. 3rd, 1833.

“Sir,—I herewith transmit, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, copies of letters addressed to me by the Right Honourable Lord James Townshend, the senior officer in the Pacific, with copies of letters from Mr. White, H. M. Consul General for Chili, and from a Mr. Joshua Hill, a resident on Pitcairn’s Island In submitting these documents for the consideration of their Lordships, I beg leave to state, that it is my intention, whenever a ship can possibly be spared from the more urgent duties of the station, to cause the several islands in the Pacific to be visited. But with regard to the removal from Pitcairn’s Island of the individuals of whom Mr. Joshua Hill complains, I have to request their Lordships will be pleased to acquaint me how far such an act may be justifiable; provided the majority of the inhabitants should express their wishes to that effect, and the Captain of the ship visiting the island considers such a measure would be beneficial to the harmony and prosperity of the community in general.

“I am, Sir,
 “&c., &c., &c.,
   “Rear Admiral.

“To Capt. the Hon. George Elliott, C.B.,

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