Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 3, 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
George Hunn Nobbs

The arrival, in 1828, of George Nobbs, their present teacher and lay minister, I consider to have been one of the providential occurrences in the History of Pitcairn’s Island He was originally in the British Navy, which he quitted for the Chilian service under Lord Cochrane, by whom he was made Lieutenant. On leaving that service, in common with many others he was unable to recover his pay, a considerable sum of which is owing to the present day. He came to Pitcairn’s Island, where he has resided, with the exception of a short interval, ever since; combining the duties of a schoolmaster, pastor, and doctor, in the fulfilment of which I must says he is most efficient and indefatigable.