Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

← Diary Apr 1, 1850HomeBRODIEDiary Apr 9-10, 1850 →

Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Diary, April 2-8, 1850

Apr 2, 1850

April 2nd. At two o’clock in the morning we sent the whole island home—certainly not to sleep. Fine clear weather, with moderate south-east wind. During the morning I employed myself in making some walking canes from the cocoa-nut and palm trees; in the after noon I went down to the rocks, and helped the men and women to carry up some planks, which were being landed in their boat from another part of the island. Dined with Arthur Quintal, senior; attended the school and. received a copy-book containing the writing of many of the scholars, which I had specially requested.

Apr 3, 1850

April 3rd. Fine weather, with light north-east wind. I collected much information from A. Quintal, senior, which will appear verbatim in my description of the island.

Apr 4, 1850

April 4th. Fine, north-east wind. Employed all day collecting shells, but not with much success.

Apr 5, 1850

April 5th. Wind south-east, and fine. Employed myself in collecting shells; took a good look out from the highest part of the island, thinking to see a vessel.

Apr 6, 1850

April 6th. North-west wind, and fine. Made some walking canes, and attended. the musical class.

Apr 7, 1850

April 7th. North-west wind, and fine. Went twice to church.

Apr 8, 1850

April 8th. North-east wind, and. fine. Finding so much to do in collecting information regarding the island, I was compelled to leave off attending the musical class. Cleaned up all my shells excepting a duplicate set.

← Diary Apr 1, 1850HomeBRODIEDiary Apr 9-10, 1850 →