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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 23 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jun. 11, 1789

Wednesday, Jun. 10, 1789

1:00 pm Strong Trade and fair Weather much Sea constantly bailing.

3:00 pm Many Gannets and Boobies.

6:00 pm Served 1/24 pound Bread and a Jill of water for Supper.

Thursday, Jun. 11, 1789

4:00 am Miserably wet and cold.

7:00 am Saw peices of Rock Weed and Gannets.

8:00 am Served 1/24 pound Bread and a Jill of water for Breakfast and wrung and dryed our wet cloaths. Served the Surgeon and Lawrence Lebogue a little wine.

12:00 pm Moderate and fine Weather but remarkably hazy. Served 1/24 pound Bread and a Jill of water or two for dinner.
People begin to appear very much on the decline Lawrence Lebogue and the Surgeon cannot live a week longer if I do not get releif.


Birds and Rock Weed show us we are not far from Land, but I know such signs must be here, as a long String of Islands stretch to the Eastward from Timor towards New Guinea, I however hope to fall in with Timor every hour, or else I have scarce a hope but I shall lose some of my People. An extreme weakness, Swelled Legs, hollow and Ghastly countenances, great propensity to sleep and an apparent debility of understanding, give me melancholy proofs of an approaching disolution. The Surgeon and an old hardy Seaman Lawrence Lebogue are indeed miserable objects, I issue to them a few teaspoonfulls of wine out of the little I have preserved for this dreadfull Stage, and it seems to help and may secure their existence a little longer. For my own part a great share of spirits and no doubt of being [able] to accomplish the Voyage seems to be my principal support; but the Boatswain when I was rallying him to day, very innocently told me that he realy thought I looked worse than any one in the Boat. The simplicity however with which he uttered such an opinion diverted me, and I had good humour enough to return him a better compliment.

Every one received his 1/24 pound of Bread and a Jill of water. At Evening Morning and Noon and those who wish for an extra allowance of water get it.

At Noon allowing the East End of Timor to be 128°00′ East my distance from it is only 33 leagues. This diffused a Universal joy and satisfaction.

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